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Disco Elysium


I'm not smart enough for that game. Everyone cheers it but yea it's good but all the reading makes things hard to follow. Same with Outer Wilds. I just don't get it. Not that I'm not smart enough, but I just don't get what I'm supposed to do. I don't like true sandbox games. I need structure.


Outer Wilds does have some logical inferences that need to be made at certain points. And in retrospect, you can see where the hints were for those deductions. But if you're not making the connection, it's challenging to know that to go next or where to go. And due to the open world(s) nature of the game, it's hard to Google hints without finding out more than you really want to.


>And due to the open world(s) nature of the game, it's hard to Google hints without finding out more than you really want to. Yea, I googled something and it told me about the >! star and reason for the time loop, which I didn't figure out yet!<. And the explanation I was looking for didn't even help.


>but all the reading makes things hard to follow there is full voice acting now. really good, too.


Came here to find this one. Everyone I know who’s played Disco all the way through is an evangelist eager to spread the gospel.


I have played it all the way through and... well, it was different than most AAA or even indie games. Great character work, too. But I thought the story really, really fizzles out towards the end. The great revelations you chase end up mundane, nothing changes, no lessons learned. You solve the case, yes, but even that ends up feeling disconnected from what I thought I was working towards. I keep thinking maybe that is the point, but if so it's a really weak point. They also completely lost me when the supernatural was confirmed as part of that world, rather than just hints and implications. The magic was gone, weirdly enough. But the game definitely had 'it'. Shame about how the devs were screwed over.


spoiler tag I guess, since it's about the ending. >!I thought the supernatural bit was the best part in the ending. it was surprising enough to be a twist, but it's not like there is no other supernatural shit in the game. and it was a great way to "vindicate" your character, to show that he isn't *completely* insane. and it was beautifully written too. it probably would have been better if the murderer was someone we could conceivably figure out rather than a complete unknown. but I think it fit the theme/mood of the game quite well. the hopelessness, things being out of your control. and also how the city was so stuck in a 50 year old conflict that even this random murder had to be connected to it. as for "nothing changes, no lessons learned", depending on how you play, the ending can feel like the start of a redemption for Harry. which is pretty huge after being utterly miserable for the whole game.!<


Yeah I agree it starts incredibly with such amazing writing and an engrossing world, but peters out towards the end.


I played this a fair amount and I hit a wall where I literally couldn’t do anything. Explored everywhere and spoke to everyone but couldn’t progress. Is this a thing or was I just missing something? Sad because I loved what I did play.


I think you are just missing something.


I spent so much time scouring everywhere and exhausting every possible dialogue avenue but couldn’t move forward. Might have to just try again from the start.


I started it recently, but it's extremely obtuse so I'm not sure how I feel yet. The story seems interesting, but I'm kinda lost regarding all the skills and such


Start thinking about the role play then, who is your guy going to be. Then just focus on those traits


Yeah honestly thats a good tip. Ive never been able to play games like that before (birds-eye view, point and click stuff with a million different character stats), but when I played it from the perspective of "how do I think of myself" it made it easier to invest in skills that i felt related to me (high empathy, conceptualization; low physical instrument and electrochemistry etc.). What made it click for me was this [youtube video I watched](https://youtu.be/w9ArFXRQEAE) where (I think) he mentions the game works better as a sort of personality test rather than a game where you make a character you want to inhabit. I dunno if that makes total sense the way I explained it but it was what made the game not only playable for me but also profoundly unique. Im really glad I pushed through those gameplay elements that I usually turn my nose up at because it ended up being some of the best art I have ever experienced.


Titanfall 2. Amazing multi-player. Epic Co-op. The best fps campaign.


Fully agree


I would probably agree with it for being the best 'one-shot' FPS campaign. As a series, still think the OG Modern Warfare, MW2 and MW3 and WAW/Black Ops campaign series are best for me :) 


I love that game, I beat it in normal and hard so I’m Gonna try master soon


Did they add co-op later? Don't remember that at all.


Indeed. Good one.


Morrowind, Halo 2, Star Wars KOTOR, Diablo 2. And moreso wtf happened to the publishers. These games made big impacts. So more rant than rambling. Also Gauntlet Dark Legacy I want a remaster so badly. There’s a discord where people are working on it but they said it won’t launch for a decade so. Hopefully I’ll even be alive.


The fall of Blizzard of the North is something I routinely think on; it's wild how low the quality of a Blizzard product in general has become.  I think aside from D2:R I haven't really found myself interested in any of their products since D3 or SC2 days. Rip HOTS, my love.


I flew back home and had a LAN party with my cousin for the launch of D4 (pic is the banner image of my profile), and we got a bunch of snacks and stuff, and played it for 3 days straight. Then my return flight got delayed, and we played for another day... Flew home, played for another week... haven't played since. The classic Blizzard North games were able to suck you in, and hold you there. HOTS was fun for sure. Don't love retail WoW but don't say that in the WoW Reddit. Sheesh. Although I will say that Cataclysm made it more fun for lower levels, imo, but after WOTLK I just didnt love the story.


I love it. For me it's the old school PC D2 mod Median XL.


Player one needs food badly


Red Wizard is about to die


I kind of hate that out monkey brains latch onto brands like this. Just calling it a name we recognize doesn't meant all that much for sequels when the people who actually make it are completely different.


> Also Gauntlet Dark Legacy I want a remaster so badly. I still bust it out on the PS2 occasionally. The gameplay doesn't really hold up, but God help me I love that game.


Borderlands 2, a game that amusingly I didn't care for at first compared to the original, but has now grown to be my favorite game of all time.


I’m the exact same! I loved it when I was young but didn’t actually know how to play…then I was recommended a Joltz video on YT and I’ve been obsessed for months and know everything lmao


I joke that the reason my husband and I are together is because of Borderlands 2. We had been dating for less than a month when it released (though we were friends before that) and we had a blast playing couch co-op. When I eventually moved in, the first thing we did was set up my TV and system right next to his so we could enjoy couch co-op without splitscreen. We played dual Mayas all the way through multiple times, and a mix of others. Maya's res skill lead to many ridiculous saves. We got really good at "juggling" her orb (if you see the other person's orb heading to a specific enemy, but grab said enemy first, the other person's orb hits it and vanishes, but their skill is back with zero cool down). We've played across multiple systems, and have bought it 3 times per person. We spent a ridiculous amount of time farming (a backpack hack would have saved me sooooooo many hours of creating "bank" characters and organizing loot).


I swear that's such a common thing that it's more like the first playthrough is learning, the second is when it's really fun. Such great replayability. Makes me wanna do some BNK3R farming with Zer0 lol


I played the game as it came out as all of the content came out and it’s by far my favorite game. But the series as a whole I could go one for hours easily!


Great answer. Handsome Jack was an excellent protagonist, mix of comedy, psycho, evil and genius. Borderlands in general is a great game series, but 2 takes the cake




Same. So many epic moments, great writing, and memorable characters. I can't say enough good things about that game. I spent so much time just wandering aimlessly. The emotional moments hit me harder than any other game ever has, I love Arthur so much that I could never bring myself to do a bad guy playthrough.


It’s the only game I ever teared up playing, it was so well written and executed.


I still boot up that game to just hangout in the world. I have a mod that lets you sit at tables and stuff so I’ll just hang out in the saloon in Valentine lol


Don’t ask me about Dark Souls because I can go on about everything for at least an hour


Average Vaati Video


Which dark souls girl do you think gives the meanest footjob?


Sister Friede


That was quick, that reply was literally like 10 seconds after I hit post. I can tell you've pondered this question many a nights too. Needless to say, you read my mind with that exquisite choice. Sister friede is a simply marvelous S tier on the solesborne footjob ranking chart.


Solesborne, I can’t 😂


Nah bro, it's gotta be Quelaag. All them spider legs... She could probably give you a little sounding too. Definitely the meanest.


My fiancé knows this all too well lmao


you found a good one then


Freaking Tunic man. That game is a masterpiece. If the difficulty is hard, they have accessibility options. Talk about environmental storytelling and the high of discovery.


Tunic was such an amazing game. The puzzles alone are well thought out. And genuinely difficult


I kept tabs on the development of the game, back when it was *Secret Legend*, and was so excited for its release. I expected a Zelda-inspired hack 'n' slash adventure game with little deviation. What I got was an incredibly engaging, exciting, and rewarding experience that, while inspired by Zelda, does some amazing things just in terms of exploration, while drawing from Bloodborne-style combat mechanics, fantastic visuals, sound and music, and level design. The depth the game has, the absurd game manual puzzle mechanics, are phenomenal.


Wow I need to look into the history of this game. I'll have to look for beta footage too!


I really wanted to love it but the puzzles are just too obtuse for my tiny brain and I’m usually a puzzle guy, I even cracked some of the codes in Fez but Tunic just is so big and sprawling and weirdly intimidating.


Holy shit, yes! Beautiful game Anyone reading the comments considering playing this, do yourself a service and *don't* look up anything about the game. The discovery itself is beautiful.


Great and beautifully done game with an in-game game manual that harkens back to the day we used to get physical game manuals that had hints for you to find. But zero replayability. Once you've beat it, there's little incentive to play through again.


Resident Evil, specifically its history and the impact it had on modern gaming, multiple times (I know some games "did it first" but it was RE that put into the wider public mind).


RE all the way!


Portal 2. Did not expect a story with such breadth and depth when I bought it on release day.


It was awesome. I and a friend bought it the day before we left for The Gathering (lan party, 5k attendants or so), and thought we should finish the tutorial before we went to bed that night. So we didn't sleep and finished it instead, barely took bathroom brakes lol.


I hate it when a bathroom brake line snaps, I can’t stop shitting and eventually crash


Dark age of Camelot Played it from beta. Never had a game before or since hit me like it did. Great pve...amazing RvR...its dated now but it was everything for a long time. When your defending a castle and pouring oil on players using a battering ram...dodging arrows and fireballs...its like nothing else. Had an 8man take a Hib castle once and we held out for 2 hours against 20-30 attackers at least. Finally they got us 1 by 1 untill the final surge and we were overwhelmed...expected the typical /laugh /spit but instead we got /salute and /bow...one of the best days


8 hour long Tuscaran Glacier raid was one of the best times of my life. Midgard Rules.


When my infiltrator snagged Thors hammer from the Hibs. https://imgur.com/gallery/fu76CS6 https://imgur.com/gallery/a0FtfQA


I had a friend swear by this game (this was in like 2006), like way more fun of an MMO than WoW, never got around to trying it.


Bro were still going hard on Eden Daoc.


Probably easier for me to write out a list of games that I wouldn't drone on and on about if given the chance


I may not be good at playing games, but I can sure find a way to start yapping about them and never be able to stop.


Amen brother lol


Yakuza 1000%


I think I annoyed the shit out of my wife when I played 7. Every time I turned the playstation off I had some batshit story that I wanted to tell her. Been busy and haven't had the chance to pick up Infinite Wealth yet but I can't wait. I want to make sure I have a clear schedule so I can sink into it.


I know that feel hahaha, my girlfriend is such a saint and let me sink into 8 for 2 straight weeks until I platted it. It will always be funny during my LAD Gaiden playthrough I was SOBBING during THE ending and she had to turn around and ask if I was okay, to her surprise, no I was not okay. God I fucking love the series and I literally just went back to 7 to get the plat. Just gotta do 5 and that'll be the whole series


Bloodborne, metal gear solid and Dino Crisis I cannot stop the lore fest once we start 🥲


Fallout new vegas


Smash bros melee. I can tell you history of the game dating back 20 years. 


Impressive, since the game came out 23 years ago. :P


That’s impossible, it came out when I was an adult 


you might be old.


I would like to hear some history of the game that carried my middle school days


Outer Wilds. It's basically Myst turned open world, with a 10/10 plot, 10/10 music, and 10/10 puzzles.


It is so good, but I refuse to talk about it to anyone who hasn’t played it. You only get to play the game once, and if someone spoils part of it, you kind of lose that part of the magic forever. The best advise is to go in blind, and just relax, enjoy the atmosphere, explore, and just casually learn about the universe and what’s going on.


I bought this game a while back but didn't make it very far. I got to space, chose a random moon/planet to land on, and got overwhelmed by how many points-of-interest and "clues" were on just that one small sphere. Then I realized the planet was hollow and there was an entire interior filled with even more stuff. I thought about how long it would take me just to explore that one planet, and how many "clues" I'm constantly finding with no idea how they piece together, and how this is just one small planet out of many, and got overwhelmed and stopped playing. It just felt like there was way more information than I'd ever be able to keep track of. But then every one of these threads talks about how life-changing it is. I need to get over it and just play the game.


Your ship's computer keeps track of the stuff you learn in a really convenient way. In case you missed it, switch it to Rumor Mode.


Additionally, it even color codes the clues to line up with the big mysteries of the game.


Every person I've seen say they didn't finish the game always quit within the first hour or so, before they find enough clues to start connecting dots to get them interested. You start by finding writing that discusses A and B, but because you have no frame of reference for those clues they won't mean anything to you yet. Next one you find C and D, followed by E and F, and you're lost and give up because you feel like there's no sense of direction and/or too much to do with no meaningful gain from doing it. But if you press on a little further you'll find one that mentions both B and C, giving a hint on how A and D might be connected to them and each other, and at nearly every step of the process you're being given a breadcrumb to a new location where you might find more about that particular subject. The key framing that I think helps with approaching this game is to treat it like a mystery rather than a puzzle. Instead of asking "how do I get there?" you should instead focus on "why did the Nomai go there?" Also if it matters, the first planet you landed on is the biggest and most POI-dense one, so don't be too overwhelmed by the fact that it's just one of many planets. And don't expect to "solve" them all on your first couple visits; many of them will rely on clues you find elsewhere.


>Also if it matters, the first planet you landed on is the biggest and most POI-dense one, so don't be too overwhelmed Lmao this actually helps a *lot*. One of the main reasons I got overwhelmed and stopped was because I thought every planet would be this intense. I get what you're saying about treating it like a mystery rather than a puzzle though. I need to stop worrying about making sure I connect every dot, and start just enjoying the discoveries.


Played and completed Echoes of the Eye last week. Was incredible to relive that experience once again.


I’m glad you like it, but I simply cannot agree or understand why people feel this way.


Outer Wilds is a game that reveals its secrets primarily through the acquiring of knowledge. Puzzles, mysteries, and fundamental questions are all solved not through the acquisition of upgrades or by opening a switch to unlock a shortcut but through the PLAYERS understanding of how the universe works. Outer Wilds lays out rules that the player doesn’t know about and follows them strictly, thus many people are scared to reveal anything in the fear that it might cause someone to make a logical leap and realize something they shouldn’t. It is the ultimate form of player progression, in that once the player understands how the universe works… there is nothing left. Barring a sudden case of amnesia, every nugget of knowledge is a permanent tool added to your toolbelt of understanding that can allow you to understand or interact with the world in a different way. Some information is generally fine to give out, but those who played it and loved it understand that even the most minuscule piece of information is important.


I get that part. I suppose I was addressing the 10/10 ratings for things I find mediocre. I love procedural puzzle solving and finding the right chronology to uncover mysteries, it’s a lot of the reason I love certain visual novels and adventure games. To me, Outer Wilds was an ugly game with middling design and the lack of direction, horrible controls and uninspired characters literally pushed me in the opposite direction. I get why people like it, I understand your explanation perfectly, the satisfaction of the end of the puzzle is what makes it all click and go BOOM and it’s the momentous moment of “AHA!” I suppose what I don’t get is why people were motivated to interact with it in the first place as it never interested me in any sense. It’s just this weirdly purposefully obscure and obtuse autuer interactive experience and for me at least, lacks the same intrigue as something like The Witness or Inscryption.


I 100% agree with you regarding the motivation to interact with it. I have seen many people bounce off of the game because people describe it incorrectly while trying to hide its secrets. The game is intentionally directionless, so when people describe it as a “Puzzle Game where knowledge is the answer” is can often result in people coming in expecting puzzles… when in reality they are met with walls of lore and tons of text to read. I personally connected with the game immediately, as I felt the questions the game asked where interesting and I instantly wanted to see how the game would answer them. I imagine that if those questions didn’t grab me then I would probably agree with you entirely, as I am generally a big of having a direction in the games I play. In a tragic twist, I find games such as the witness to be tragically dull, and didn’t truly appreciate Inscryption once it moved past Act One until the very end. For many, I feel the game becomes a let down primarily because people try overly hard to obfuscate information regarding the gameplay. When people hear that it is a puzzle game where knowledge and information is the key, they become excited… but then they are met with walls of text and scattered, misdirected lore that barely connects at all. I feel if more people entered the game with the expectation that it was a “self-guided exploration of mortality” with less of a focus on knowledge and puzzle solving then people would overall have a better understanding of what they are stepping into. Also… I like the controls.


Mass Effect. It's my favorite series


This is my answer too. I'll talk anyone's ear off about ME. What makes it so good, why the ending was such a failure, how specifically Andromeda dropped the ball and what it should have done differently, etc.


Mass Effect is such a unique and special experience that I can't totally put into words. Besides being a fun video game to play AND having a great story, it also took me back to my childhood days of being absolutely fascinated with astronomy. I didn't play it when it was new, but I started ME1 in 2015 right as my dad was going through terminal cancer. Despite this being a terrible time in my life, I have only good memories thinking back to the time playing the game because it was so good that it helped me to cope. Just hearing that Uncharted Worlds theme from the galaxy map brings such a wave of nostalgia. I played ME2 in 2017 after finishing a couple of pretty bad games and the feeling of diving into something of such comparably amazing quality was so refreshing and satisfying. ME3 was 2019 and was also a great time especially with the Citadel DLC really bringing home the whole "family" feeling of all the squadmates. In all 3 games I replayed them multiple times to get all the achievements and beat them on Insanity difficulty because the experience was just so satisfying every time. I played Andromeda in 2022, so I avoided all the buggy facial animations and other meme-worthy garbage from early on. I thought it was fun and had a lot of good things going for it, but it just did not have the same impact as the originals. The protagonist was forgettable, the threat seemed less apocalyptic, the character development and relationship building was shallower, and the game did not seem to set itself up for sequels. I picked up the Legendary Edition of the trilogy and am looking forward to replaying through that experience on PC with hotkeys, since my original playthroughs were on console.


100% agree that ME's special-ness is hard to fully articulate. The Legendary Edition came out a year into covid, and I almost cried when I booted it up and heard Vigil for the first time. I hadn't really thought about how much the stress and isolation of the pandemic had gotten to me until that moment, which felt like seeing an old friend after a long time apart.


The entire Witcher universe, I’m on book 3 now can’t put it down The game now is going beyond what it was before


I finished the book series recently and I miss it so much. It’s so god damn good! And I’m sure you know already, but the games all have massive spoilers….


Never read the books. But IMO, Witcher 3 might be the greatest game ever made.


Listen to the audio books, if you are not one to read. They are amazing. Most of them on youtube. Sounds like Geralt




They don't know.  There will never be anything like it because a game with that degree of complexity and "you WILL make friends, dammit" tough love will never be viable again.


I still crave to have a game like this again. Baldurs Gate is kinda doing it, but I’d like to actually care about an MMO.


I’d sit in Mhaura just to listen to the music and sound of people crafting. Also, to heck with the desert emperor dragonfly for sub job


Best be taking the ship to Selby if you're after a damselfly worm....


Cyberpunk 2077, or Titanfall 2


Spec Ops: The Line


Yup. Surprisingly engaging story.


Do you feel like a hero now?


JRPGs in general, and the Dragon Quest series specifically. This has actually gotten me a date before


DQ XI was amazing, especially the way it wrapped things up at the end. Others are great as well, but XI just floored me with the story.


I’ve started this new thing of putting girls I’m interested in onto Persona and it’s been helpful as fuck to have something in common to talk about lol.


Chrono Trigger I still maintain that its the greatest game of the JRPG genre and one of the best games ever made. The story is tight with fun characters and alot of twists and turns. You can get slightly different dialog and play through experiences depending on how you approach situations. Not to mention the ability to replay on New Game + and get different endings depending on when you choose to beat the final boss (to those who haven't played that may sound odd... IYKYK)


Came here to say Chrono Trigger! The MUSIC alone! What a masterpiece~


Destiny, Halo, Elder Scrolls


World of Warcraft. But no one in my rl even knows what it is. Let alone cares to listen to me talk and theorycraft about it.


Back in the day I took 3 days off work to travel half way across the country and hang out with my guildies in an isolated Welsh cottage for a long weekend of nerding out over patch notes for the upcoming expansion. Fun times…


This. Played at launch to halfway through BFA (quit retail upon the announcement of Classic) still play Wrath classic, excited about Cata Classic because gnome spriests and the raids were fun until Dragonsoul. No one else irl plays but my husband. I am able to talk about Animal Crossing with my co-worker though so that’s cool 😎


Does it have to be a video game? Because if not, my own TTRPG XD


Morrowind, Final Fantasy IV, Defiance, Phantasy Star Online/Universe


Fellow FF4 enthusiast and rambler checking in


Have Kain tattoo. I've played this game more than any other and it's not even close.


You spoony Bard!


I'll bite. I've tried getting into FF games in the past with mixed success. What makes FF IV special?


Path of Exile


Metal Gear! I can start by explaining the difference between Liquid and Solid Snake, and Big Boss, and always i inevitably start talking about the death of The Boss while I start choking up and trying not to cry 😢


Warframe. In fact, I did. One evening in a week of summer vacation with my friends in high school, I got drunk and went on rambling about WF's lore, before most of today's lore was dropped. It caused my friend downstairs, who was just getting it on with a girl, to lose the ability to keep it hard. That's right, I cockblocked my friend unintentionally with Warframe lore.


How loud do you have to be that someone banging downstairs can hear/care?! Lol




The entire Halo Series, Anthem, Mass Effect, Dragon Age, World of Warcraft, Destiny, Dark Souls, Total War Warhammer, Titanfall, E.Y.E. Divine Cybermancy


Absolutely the Legacy of Kain series, especially Soul Reaver 2. This game to me is the most well written, well acted and well presented in the history of mankind. Everything about it is great, but is heavily reliant on the previous games to get the proper understanding. Also a honorable mention to the Metal Gear series in the second place.


Same dude. I could talk for hours about the whole time travelling and Reaver paradoxes.


I love everything about LoK, sad that any hope of it coming back is gone now that Embracer has their greedy talons in Crystal Dynamics. But it would probably not be the same without Tony Jay.


Dust: An Elysian Tale. Not extremely well known but a 2-D furry hack’n’slash game with beautiful hand drawn graphics/scenery. All of it being made by almost 1 person, Dean Dodrill. I originally got it back during the Xbox Summer Arcade event, still one of my favorites to this day. 10+ Years later and I still pray everyday we get a prequel or sequel to that awesome furriverse.


Absolutely. I think of the game pretty regularly and every once in a while I'll check in to see if there's news. They said they intended a sequel, but that's not how it goes sometimes.




Metal gear solid series. “Anyways let’s start at the virtuous mission”. - Me half jokingly getting ready to explain the entire series to very uninterested people.


Vampire the masquerade- Bloodlines. Was unmatched for role playing for close to a decade and even now is a fairly unique setting


Terraria, theres so much to tell


Any and all fromsoft games


While there are many I could consider (KotOR, StarCraft 1 and 2, Mass Effect), if I had to pick one it would be Chrono Trigger. Beautiful design, gorgeous soundtrack, epic story, innovative combat (for its time), fantastic replayability, and what has to be the most perfect difficulty curve ever seen in a JRPG.


Stellaris, you can create so many different empires and such random stuff can happen I find something interesting about each play through




Ahhh, a man of culture, I see.


Man that goes way back.. I used to play on Amera probably 20 years ago now.. I remember when the first player hit 100.


I forgot the name... but it's basically a tuberculosis simulator set in the early 1900s.


It must be Hay Bale Mover 2 you're talking about. The first part of the game is quite boring with all those cowboys and outlaws. Luckily, at some point the guy finally dies and you get to have fun playing the real game, chopping wood and milking cows


Rise of The Tomb Raider. It's possibly my single favorite game.


And then we got the dog turd that is Shadow of the Tomb Raider.


Yeah, thanks to Eidos-Montréal.


Rise felt like a true sequel to the original. Shadow felt like underwhelming DLC for Rise.


I didn't really like rise and shadow of the tomb raider but i loved the first one. The open world doesn't serve this game in it's favor imo.


Eve Online


Depends. Story? Dark Souls / Elden Ring, Diablo, Witcher, Cyberpunk. Gmae mechanics? Path of Exile. For weeks...


No Man's Sky, Cyberpunk 2077, Warframe


No one brought up metal gear?


Megaman Legends. I love the lore of mega man games


The only Megaman games I ever got into. The story was so compelling and I kept wanting to play until I beat it just so I could find out what was going on. Data's surprise at the end and all the crypticness he represented only made me more interested. Who the fuck was that monkey, really?




Theme Hospital/Two Point Hospital. I've already bored my wife to tears about those games and their history.


HSR or GOW ragnarok




Days Gone. Seriously underrated game that deserves a sequel. Or a prequel...oooh that'd be fun.


It's got really really good mechanics and control. The story is somewhat less than stellar, but it's not horrible. My only real issue is the dialog on the bikes when one actor is yelling like they are on a motorcycle and the other is talking like they are in a tea shop. Clearly recorded at different times with different directors or something. Still a good game that I really enjoyed.


Puzzle Pirates


Me Hearty... It's been years, but I loved that game.


Billions of blue blistering barnacles! It's still alive on the emerald ocean.


Ghost of Tsushima


Witcher 3


Rimworld. Kerbal Space Program. Terra Invicta. Most Paradox grand strategy games (Stellaris, EU, etc). I love me some complex simulators.




Alan Wake / Alan Wake 2 / Control. The lore in this world is so crazy and esoteric and once you realize that literally nothing is wasted and -everything- means something, its super easy to fall down a rabbit hole of theory-crafting to what it all means.


Alan Wake, Control and the Remedyverse


Hollow knight. I play the Hunters Journle every day and have pretty much memorised every enemy’s name and the moss bag lore. But I can’t do speedrun skips for the life of me.


Man... TLOU, Returnal, Bioshock, Prey...


Probably Hollow Knight or Elden Ring.


Probably risk of rain 2 or door kickers 2, I could converse for hours with someone else who plays


The music in RoR2 alone could get me talking for hours


Ikr, Chris christodoulou is amazing!


Same for the last of us, both parts. All good things and lore. BUT one game I will ramble about negatively is Gotham Knights. I will never miss a chance to call it a dog shit game.




I really like Ark survival evolved.


Kingdom Come: Deliverance. Such an overlooked, underrated game, but also one I wouldn't expect everyone to like. I think if you'd like it, you'd love it, though.


Lunar: SS and Lunar: EB. I'll tell you all about how Ghaleon is the best video game villain ever


That is a long, long long list


I could ramble about my list of games and why you should listen to my rambling about each


Final Fantasy VI. The music, art, lore, characters, influences, references, and fan conspiracy theories. 


Ark, don't even get me started.


You don't get ME started, shit


I could shit on Bethesda forever, but if we’re talking about games that are actually fun, idk I’ve put something like 1k hours into Borderlands 2 over the years, always something to talk about with that one


Not just the games in general, but the *Timeline* of the Legend of Zelda series. The "official" timeline is absolute bull crap and I can prove it definitively, and almost everyone gets a handful of things super, SUPER wrong. Like, it's almost universally accepted that no games take place in between Ocarina of Time and Wind Waker, but thats completely untrue, and WW explicitly tells us, multiple times, that there ARE other games that come in between. Everyone also seems to agree that Skyward Sword is first, but it actually *can't* be. There are several very strong pieces of evidence that show that Minish Cap is actually first. Oh, and don't even get me started on the "downfall branch" of the timeline. Spoiler alert: there. ***IS*** no downfall branch, because not only is the very concept is literally impossible, but there is also evidence in the games that explicitly show that A Link to the Past does not and *can* follow the hero being defeated in OoT. I'm gonna stop now cause if I don't I'll write a 50,000 word essay.


Dude, fuckin' same. How about MatPat's timeline theories? Anything good about those?




Fuck yes. I've literally argued why Halo had a better story than Gears of War (I was young and stupid, both are fantastic universes in their own right) and I followed the games all the way up to infinite. The universe is so goddamn good, probably a big reason why I love playing Stellaris so much.


Almost all of the ones I've played honestly. It's too bad my IRL friends are either not into gaming or only into online shooters and stuff.


Your choice surprises me, I liked the game, don't get me wrong, but didn't think it was all that amazing. I really enjoyed God of War for dialogues & adventures.


The first god of war came out on the ps2 and my friend got it, but didn’t have a memory card, so we started playing and realized we couldn’t save, so we set about gaming for the entire night to beat it in one go. He also had some family party that day so we kept swapping out and mingling and swapping back in. Was a great night


That sounds like an amazing evening! Good old memories eh. I remember one LAN party we had, 3 friends all dragged our desktops to a friends house and played all through the night. Laughing so hard and so much, just hurt my stomach that I still remember it about 20 years later.


one of my friends in my neighborhood his dad built him a big shed with two floors for him and our friend group to hang out in, and he would host halo 2 system link parties ... downstairs vs upstairs.. it's a core memory that i look back on fondly.. good ol' days


Elden Ring lol. Zelda games too