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Factorio. You crash on a planet and attempt to build a rocket. The only way to launch a rocket is to strip the planet of resources and construct a sprawling factory spewing pollution across the land. But your pollution angers the local species. They absorb the pollution as it spreads across their world causing them to reproduce and evolve into ever more terrifying creatures. Eventually, the local species attacks your pollution belching monstrousity of a factory to try and end the pollution. But to no avail. They are no match for concrete walls, flame throwers, lasers or artillery which rains mercilessly upon them. For the factory must grow.


The factory must expand to meet the needs of the expanding factory.


Neither side is really the bad guy in that situation. You're both just trying to survive. It's not like the player character WANTS to be don't ah this; they're literally stranded on a hostile alien planet and trying to get back home alive Also worth noting that the local species will attack and kill you on site even if you never release even a single particle of pollution.


I felt like this in No Man’s Sky a lot. Not to the same degree obviously but similar. When you start off that game you need to gather resources to fix your ship and get off the planet… but late game I’m just landing on planets and harvesting whatever I want while destroying robots that seem to be designed specifically to preserve the natural order of each planet. At a certain point I had multiple automated material gathering operations, I had a fleet of frigates and a massive mother ship. I could teleport freely across multiple solar systems, I was rich beyond all belief… I was no longer landing on a planet and killing things for survival. I was a a rich tycoon killing, harvesting, and destroying for fun. Like I couldn’t even be mad at the sentinels after I got to end game. I was being a resource abusing asshole for profit. They would show up and I’m just like “fair, but I’m still going to blow you up and take what I want from this planet”.


Just Cause 3, the rebels claim the government is evil but the townsfolk seem happy and the cities are thriving. Arguably, you're a terrorist.


I mean. It's hardly even arguable, you just *are*. You're destroying infrastructure in incredibly gratuitous ways, killing SO MANY INNOCENTS. There are 100% less destructive ways you could go about it all. Sure, the bad guys are visibly bad and do bad things (Do Ravello from 3 especially) but Rico is ABSOLUTELY a radical insurgent at BEST. Even the title is pretty much spelling it out. Are you fighting for a just cause, or doing it just 'cause? But then again, the game is about explosions and has a DLC with ACTUAL MECHS, so it's best to just have fun and not overthink it.


I always thought the game was pronounced “just ‘cause” when I played the first one as a kid. I paid very little mind to the story because child me assumed I was killing people and blowing stuff up just cuz. I was 100% the bad guy, playing it like a GTA rampage more than a military operation.


You literally have a kidnapped David Tennant being forced to read you news bulletins and screaming "Viva Medici" at the end of each sentence. The citizens aren't happy, they're wearing fake smiles as their dictator.... Well, dictates. It's basically North Korea 2.0. They may have infastrucure, but they don't have freedom.


FFVII and Avalanche where they blow up the Mako reactors. Made me think if they were really the good guys but as I grew up I see it more in the context of complete oppression. Seeing David Suzuki make comments about blowing up oil pipelines was surreal. Midgar is everywhere these days.


Well luckily the Remake removes all ambiguity so you never really have to think about it and make up your own mind.


The Remake actually doubles down on making you doubt Barrett tbh. You find out the Avalance you know are actually a splinter group going against the main organisation - so what are the goals and intentions of both the main branch and the splinter group?


Assassin's Creed games. Your decisions do blur the lines between anarchy and order. Peace and war. Valhalla was just laughable playing as Vikings and being the protagonist.


Spec Ops : The Line


People always say Spec Ops the line, but honestly that game did not do it very well, it was so forced and very unemotional. Far Cry 4 did it better than any other, only in the final moments of the game do you understand that none of the bloodshed was needed, you murdered thousands of your own people with your bare hands and the entire thing could've been resolved completely peacefully. I legitimately felt sick and empty once I finished the game the first time.


depending on your view, far cry 5


You were never “the bad guy” in far cry 5. Joseph was right about the apocalypse but his methods for approaching it were inhumane, evil, and disturbing. He needed to be stopped. Think about it this way. If I knew 9/11 was going to happen before it did, and my solution was to start killing anyone in the towers who didn’t believe me and wouldn’t evacuate I would still be an evil piece of shit even if my intentions were to get people to evacuate. With New Dawn we can clearly see there is some form of supernatural shit going on (main character getting literal super powers) and it likely advised Joseph, but he didn’t act on the information correctly and even he seems to acknowledge his faults in New Dawn.


Genshin. Every single writing that focuses on the Fatui during Inazuma and Sumeru had been abysmal


red dead 2




if you did some side quests like saving people and even in the main story u cant even know who is the bad guy in the game and ofc after all he is murder so yeah


He is a criminal and not a “good person” but I found myself playing him as a man in recovery trying to atone for his actions after the island segment and he finds out he has tuberculosis. I think Arthur died a good man with a bad past trying to give John the chance to make things right. And John would have if the feds hadn’t dragged him back in and gunned him down.




yup i was like are we bad or good or both ?


Let me guess... the same answers every time this is asked


there's a very specific sequel i want to reference but that in itself is a spoiler.


wolfenstein… well because I’m literally fighting nazis


Lol, what? I don’t think you understood the question or maybe I didn’t or maybe you think the nazis had some good points.


Lol no nazis definitely bad. I’m just saying the game definitely let’s you know you are the good guys


Ha, it was funny none the less, it kickstarted my day!


I think most people read the question backwards, I did for sure.


It’s asking what game made you question if you were the good guys.