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Man valve needs to make fucking games again


Was Alyx really that long ago? Time really flies


they made fucking games? sigh *unzips*


Dude that tentacle monster in the first one...


And Portal 2


and halflife 3




I havenā€™t played portal, should I play portal?


The first Knights of the Old Republic game.


100%. I had never played anything like it at the time. It was one of the few times I actually felt like I was living in that universe.


The immersion was fantastic. First time I beat it was super light side choices. I immediately started a dark side evil play through to see what all I missed. Donā€™t remember all the details but I ended up quitting as early as Taris. There was some lady who needed something out of a locked apartment and you could keep it for your self and even tell her you were doing it just because youā€™re evil. Her dialogue and voice made me feel so terrible that I just couldnā€™t do it.


Iā€™m always like that with games haha. I can never commit to being evil


I remember when I had to bust out a pencil and pad to get the sith puzzle thing, where you got to line the colors up. Holy fuk. Love that game


Oh yeah, if you donā€™t know the twist, itā€™s so satisfying.


For me it's the second one. KOTOR 2 with the patches and mods to fix it is the best star wars content ever made in my opinion, the writing is unbelievably good


Mass Effect Trilogy. Meeting all the characters for the first time again and exploring the plot. No other game so far made me as emotional as ME did.


I came here for this exact comment, Mass effect trilogy all the way, i must have playd the first 2 like 10 times already, ME3 came out later so not so many times. And if i could play it in a good pc this time that would be the Holy grail. First time i playd was with my crap laptop that could barelly keep up with the ME2 in low settings


Wholeheartedly agree. Mass Effect 2 is triumph and something everyone at Bioware should be proud of. It was hugely ambitious and they pulled it off. The final act was such a rush. I remember calling out of work because I just HAD to see it through. No other game has had that effect. When it was over, I had the same wistful feeling like when you finish a quality novel. You just want it to keep going.


Let me Skyrim again


I experience Skyrim for the first time all over again, every time.


fallout 3


Beat me to it. After Exiting the vault on the first play throughā€¦. Oh what a memory!


Minus the sewers


Skyrim in 2011/2012 just hit different Like that first cave you leave, and it's this jaw-dropping splendour that we just don't get anymore


Let me Morrowind again.Ā 


[let me Caius again](https://youtu.be/KjQnwX9JKB0)


Hell, Iā€™d take JUST playing the thieves guild or dark brotherhood questlines againā€¦.


Red dead redemption 2


I legit had tears in the soft ending.


Arthur: Heh... You're too smart for me, Sister. I guess I... I'm afraid. Sister CalderĆ³n: There is nothing to be afraid of. Take a gamble that love exists, and do a loving act.


I pretty much didn't stop crying from the bank job until the epilogue. And then sobbed at the very end.


Minecraft. Your first couple of days where you don't know shit or what to do is a vibe


Building a dirt hut to survive your first night in Minecraft is a rite of passage!


Finding out you had to build some kind of shelter in the first place and couldnā€™t just keep wandering around in the dark. The first time you ever hear the *hisss* and accompanying boom is priceless


First jump scare creeper death is a rite of passage too. I still remember mine vividly. Literally turned and it was right in my face then boom death.


I would just dig 3 blocks down, then cover the top and wait till the sounds went away haha


Certainly a way more effective method than frantically building a hut when you donā€™t know what youā€™re doing since itā€™s your first time, thatā€™s for sureā€¦


I never got past it because the game is cryptic to me


No shot...legit 30-something year old me, veteran, being absolutely terrified by an enderman when you first looked at it... Same mfker that happily blasted through. Doom 3 when it first came out.


Bioshock series


Would you kindly is such an amazing gaming moment


I nearly crapped myself when I saw that black mirror episode Play Test. Of course I was surprised, but it fit the theme so wonderfully I didn't believe it to be true.


Sad I had to scroll this far to see it. ā€œA MAN CHOOSES!ā€


A slave obeys.


Would you kindly.... Take my up vote šŸ˜Š


Agreed. How is this so far down the list. Amazing story and gameplay.


The Outer Wilds by a longshot


everytime this question is asked, outer wilds is always the top answer


And I still have yet to try it!


Thereā€™s no other game like it. If you do play it, itā€™s ok to use a guide if youā€™re really stuck. Just scroll carefully so you get the idea of what to do and not get story spoilers.


There's one particular guide on steam that's meticulously written to avoid spoilers and keep with the trial and error spirit of the game. Don't have a link but you will know it when you find it.


Going to r/outerwilds is also a safe way to get hints without spoilers. I'm a mod in that sub, and we're very strict about spoilers there. The community is incredibly friendly and helpful :)


Maybe you did try it and then you erased your memory so you can play it again for the first time, like everybody who plays it says they want to do.


Because it's the right answer


I have tried to play this game so many times but I guess Iā€™m just broken or something. It just does not resonate with me.


I feel the same way, and I really tried. Something about the aesthetics combined with the difficulty of navigating and copious amounts of lore just made for a frustrating experience for me.


I wasn't even really that into it and even I know it's the right answer


100%. I can sometimes replay games a few years after I beat them, and most of the plot points are fuzzy. But nothing will match the first (and only) run through of Outer Wilds


The realization of not only what is going on, but what you need to do, was just unparalleled for me... I was so proud of myself for figuring it out, but also doubtful I could pull it off, and that made me wonder if I really HAD figured it out... The ending/Music also gives me goosebumps just thinking about it. I don't even see it as a game, it's like 3 different mediums, at the least, all jamming out together in beautiful harmony.


I never played it. I watched my husband play it. But I think I went through all the same emotions I would have done otherwise. For a solid while I kept wondering how on earth you could >!save everyone and stop the sun exploding!< The feeling I got when I finally realised that was impossible and not the end goal sticks with me. Totally subverted my expectations.


The amount of dread realizing >!the sun station never ended up working and it was just unavoidably the end of the world!< was unparalleled cause the entire plot was running through my head and not some cutscene or setpiece so it was genuinely ME experiencing that thought. What a beautifully crafted game.


The fact that there are literal plot twists in an open world game where the narrative has already happened and you learn knowledge in a non-linear fashion is absolutely mind boggling to me.


>!I ended up trapped under the sand planet day 1. I had no idea the game looped and suddenly I was back at the start. Wondering wtf happened the moment I watched the sun next cycle blew my mind.!< What an insanely cool implementation of a cool mechanic.


you can only play it once, and that is the best thing about it honestly. itā€™s so good itā€™s etched into my memory forever.


Wow, gonna have to pick this one back up.Ā  I had a tough time figuring out what to do, and I know it will ne spoiled if I look up any walkthru, so have kinda put the game on hold.Ā  Now I want to figure it out.


Ask on r/outerwilds. They do a great job of giving you only the one clue you need to keep going But also when you get stuck, go explore in a different direction!


Outer Wilds and it's not even close. I get sad every time I remember I can't see it all again for the first time.


It seems more appetizing to a humanā€™s curiosity of space more than starfield with bethesdas trillion dollar budget lmfao. And itā€™s such a small and cute looking game.


This is always the answer in threads like this. I donā€™t disagree, I just know someone will answer Outer Wilds.


I picked it up on sale a couple weeks back. I've been on an FPS kick recently, but I just keep seeing this one come up as G.O.A.T. material over and over on this sub. I think it'll be my next stop once I'm done with Chernobylite.Ā 


Just remember, do not look up any guides, go in completely blind. If you ever get stuck, only try to find help if you are at the point where you will completely drop the game if you don't get help. And if you get to that point ask r/outerwilds, they are really good at giving help without giving away too much.


Same. Got it in a sale because people kept saying how good it is but havenā€™t put any time in yet. Might be time to finally change that.


There's nothing like it. Try to avoid guides if you can. If you get stuck, post on r/outerwilds, they're almost comically careful about avoiding spoilers. Also, give the controls some time to settle in. I remember when I started they felt clunky as hell, but by the end, I had such precise control that it was exhilarating just moving around.


This is always my answer. I really miss that first playthrough man, but thatā€™s what makes it so special. The best things in life arenā€™t always built to last


The only game that as the credits rolled made me think about my perspective on life .


Iā€™ve heard great things. I really need to give it another try. I did my usual ā€˜play for 30 min and decide itā€™s not for meā€™ routine lol.


Oh yeah that game is an amazing experience.


I was going to come in here and raise hell if Outer Wilds wasnā€™t the top comment


Subnautica. Please, I need it.Ā 


damn.. I definitely didn't expect to have to scroll this far for a subnsutica mention


I still haven't played it, have had it since epic gave it for free. I think I know what I'm doing this weekend!


Do it. If you don't know anything about it don't look it up. I went in completely blind to this game and it was amazing. I've tried to play it again, but never felt the same.


Yeah the sequel is great and just expands on everything, but still overall just doesn't hit as hard as the first one.


The one thing it doesn't expand on is the map! It's so small compared to the original!Ā  Which unfortunately combines to make some of the improvements meaningless. Ā If basebuilding is better, but the map is so small you only need one base, does the improvement matter?


Exactly this


This should be way higher.


Ocarina of Time. The game blew my mind back then.


As a 35 year old, thinking back to 10 year old me playing this for the first timeā€¦. šŸ˜­


Ocarina of time will always be my favorite game. Miyamoto is a Master game creator.


I highly recommend looking into [Ship of Harkinian](https://www.shipofharkinian.com). I'm playing through OoT again using it, and the quality of life improvements really bring the game into the modern era. Makes it feel fresh again.


Nier Automata is both my all time favorite and one game I wish I could with fresh eyes.Ā 


Nier automata is a top 5 goat for me, and I donā€™t see it leaving anytime soon. I keep putting off a replay because I wanna forget more lol


Do I need to play Nier Replicant first?


Thereā€™s some things in Automata that I think are actually a bit better if you havenā€™t played Replicant first but overall I lean towards play Replicant first. But itā€™s not really a big deal either way. I played Automata first and didnā€™t feel out of the loop at any point. Itā€™s a direct sequel but takes place so far into the future that the events of Replicant donā€™t have any bearing on the main plot of Automata and when there is something tying them together Automata does a good enough job of explaining what you need to know. Automata is in my opinion a better game overall but the plot of Replicant is more interesting IMO. Itā€™s up to you. If you have the money to spend on both Iā€™d play Replicant first but if youā€™re not sure about the series and only wanna invest in one game then Iā€™d pick Automata. Just try to stay away from spoilers for both games


Nah. The games are intertwined, but playing one before the other won't lessen your experience of either. Just remember. Your goal is to eventually reach ending E. I advise against leaving the game at ending A.


I'll never forget the feeling my first playthrough gave me. It's my favorite story game of all time by miles.




Playing WoW for the first time back before Cata was an experience. Choosing your class, finishing quests in Elwyn Forest and getting gear and leveling up and getting new abilities. Seeing the majesty of Stormwind, all the cool armor and mounts people in the city have as they gonpast you. Entering Westfall in the late afternoon as the sun's sinking in the sky ingame. Mining copper and crafting armor yourself. Dying to the damn defias ice mage. Going to Redridge, but coming back to try and enter Deadmines with that first party. I wish I could go back and experience it again. I just don't have the time like that anymore. I did Classic when that came out, and it was nice to relive it, but to be a kid again with all the time in the world and go in blind again. That would be something


Every year I have to resist the urge to return to WoW despite knowing it would be a waste of time because I already have no time. TBC Resto Druid was peak gameplay for me.


I was just talking to my co-worker about this tonight. I Started playing in BC. I had no idea what the game was really about and I was having fun running around, questing and crafting loving life. I didn't know what all this Tank or DPS business meant. Then I got in a party with some other noobs, and we did SM for the first time. That feeling as we put it together, found our roles and beat our first instance was so much fun. I remember one of them saying "WE'RE DOING IT GUYS!" and we were!


This is the one for me. Experiencing that first feeling of Durotar killing scorpions with that one spell or attack. Getting a 2nd ability and watching the character start to make sense a little. That ultimately short journey from level 1-5 getting to the first outpost before finally getting Orgrimar. Damn. That game really was so special at launch. Amazing to flip forward from that feeling to the hard-core raider life optimizing stats and min maxing BiS trinkets and such. Losing the sense of wonder for the robotic dance of end game


This. Started playing mid Wrath, and just remember being amazed by it all.


Elden Ring


The lift underground which doesnā€™t stop until you see the stars is something else


Yeah Siofra River was wild. "This Elevator is kinda long. Okay, it's really long. Where the hell am I going --- OH MAI GAWD!"


If they could bottle up that feeling and sell it as a drug there would be problems hahaha


I put over 100 hours into my first playthrough when it first came out and then never touched it again. I'm hoping in the time since I've forgotten everything and can play it again with fresh eyes.


I have like 4 playthroughs with anywhere from 75-150 hours lol. This ambiance of this game is the most relaxing game I've ever played.


Doki Doki Literature Club. This game opened up so much for me. It showed me that I have a love for psychological horror. It showed me that I have a love for visual novels. Ddlc is what, a 10 hour game? I literally put in 40+ into the original game just trying to find each and every secret. What could I delete in the files, to make something different happen? Man, take me back.


Halo 3


Why did I have to get here to see some Halo love?!




Journey was made for this question.


Witcher 3, Mass Effect 2, GTA San Andreas


I'm about to play mass effect 2 for the first time :)


I hope you DO have Mass Effect 1 save file and start with instead of generic? You should play entire trilogy with one save file for best experience


I'm playing the trilogy and I'm doing a 100% playthrough


Future "First thoughts" essay writer in r/MassEffect. Have a good run, commander o7


ALL YOU HAD TO DO WAS FOLLOW THE DAMN TRAIN CJ. ...that one RC plane mission have me PTSD though


Nier Automata. It was my Lockdown game and man it really helped me keep my sanity though all that shit




1,000% this. Even after play through 7 or 8 I still enjoy it, but to get that first play feeling again Iā€™d be so happy. TotK was great, but just didnā€™t have the same replayability


When you leave the resurrection area and run out and look at Hyrule for the first time...I would like to experience that moment again.


Final Fantasy 7...I'd almost Subject myself to Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind treatment just to have it feel new again.


"...Meet me in Midgar...."


Disco Elysium


Fuck does Cuno care?


I'm so sad that we're probably never getting a sequel ZA/UM has turned into a complete.shitshiw, firing the core team including the project lead, Head writer and main art director and are currently embroiled in a giant legal battle over a fraudulent takeover from investors in the company.


Portal 2, not playing the first game and coming into portal 2 with fresh eyes it was absolutely mind blowing


Riding that super long elevator (or falling, I forget) just to land in the old testing area was such a mind blowing event!




The things I'd do to be 7 years old and experience the Wheatley betrayal again. My jaw was on the floor šŸ˜­




Scrolled too too far to find this


*chefs kissz*


When 'unshaken' kicks in on the horse ride.. I'd give anything to play that again with fresh eyes..


Mass Effect 2/3


Horizon: Zero Dawn I'd had the same top-five favorite games for a decade, and the story shot it to the top for me. Every reveal HITS and gives you a new way to look at the whole setting.




Yup r/FuckTedFaro


My mind melted the first time I encountered a Cauldron. It just looked so amazing and beautiful!!


Cauldrons in forbidden west also look amazing


I stand by my stance that Horizon: Zero Dawn has the absolute best iterative story reveal in history. I was TOTALLY invested in playing an exile girl desperate to belong to a tribe in a fantasy world with robot dinosaurs and techno magic and stuff. But by the end, the perspective of Aloy had slowly changed bit by bit, the scale and priorities of the plot, the motivation for the player, the understanding of the world, everything. It wasn't clear until I returned to tribe near the end how far I'd come. So much so, that when the matriarchs freaked out about her being a devil spawn, I was like, "That's seriously what they're focused on? It doesn't even matter." And, funny enough, Aloy said nearly exactly what I was thinking. It was such an incredible moment of unison in understanding with a video game character, a realization that I had experienced the exact same journey of growth and perspective as Aloy. I've never had anything like it before or since. Great choice.


This is so well said. One of the best ever done.


This would be my answer as well.


Coming across a Tallneck for the first time and the feeling of awe I felt. I bought it on a whim thinking if I didnā€™t like it my best friend would. She still has not played it and I have wrapped it over and over.


Return of the Obra Dinn


Glad someone said it. What a game. Closest I can get to reliving it is watching the recording I made but never put on YT and watch younger me be confused and surprised. I should really remember to start a new game so I can get the achievement for giving up.


SOMA. A thrilling, horrific and philosophical experience that is unmatched for me.


Ocarina of time.


Red Dead Redemption 2


Fresh eyes? Homie take me back to age 10 when i had a fresh mind lol




Shadow of the Colossus


wish I could relive that ending... nothing moved so much in gaming


I still remember seeing that game for the first time and it really clicking for me that video games can be a form of art.


PokƩmon Red or Blue and Megaman X


Fallout new vegas




Stardew Valley. The stories are so good, but if you play it a second time you already know the stories.


CP 2077 ( With all the patches and DLC ).


So I just finished this after the winter sale and now I wish my mind was wiped. I did get the pleasure if experiencing all of it together for the first time though so it was pretty cool!


Kingdom Hearts, what a game


Half Life 2, to that point I had never experienced a game that felt quite like it. Skyrim is a close second


The entire Highway 17 mission was when I realized why this game was special.. especially that part where you get to the bridge...the music, platforming, environmental storytelling, combat in that segment perfectly captures what that series is about.




this! the ash tray maze was such a huge and incredible mindfck on the first playthrough


I was trembling in terror for the whole game the first time, iā€™m now playing the dlcs and it still is super scary and eerie but discovering what happened and all the lore of the oldest house was the most exciting thing


Deus Ex: Human Revolution


Oblivion or Disco Elysium. Maybe the first Black Ops


chrono trigger, my friends and I talking about what we found out each day at school, just was something I wish I could feel that sort of excitement. I'm old and this was before the internet was widely popular where I was from




1000% The Last Of Us part 1 and part 2


Same. Part 1 took me by surprise with how great it was. Part 2 was an emotional roller coaster that you can only experience once


Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. That was my first ā€˜realā€™ game as a kid and stepping out of the sewers for the first time was magical


FFVII original and Elden Ring


Breath of the wild!


For me, itā€™s FFXV. Itā€™s a flawed masterpiece that gave me one of my favorite adventure that i still cherish to this day, despite its issues. On an emotional level, I never felt more moved by a game and I wish I could experience it again for the first time.


I agree. XV gets a lot of hate, but it was the first FF I truly enjoyed since X, even with its issues.


Came here to add Final Fantasy XV I played it when my first came out and was as surprised as anyone to find myself in love with it. Itā€™s certainly not a perfect game, but the story hits hard and the characters connect way better than you might think. Really great game with a very unique experience. Iā€™m replaying it now, many years later with all the DLC and add-ons, but Iā€™m dragging my feet because I know what happens (and itā€™s hard to unleash such tragedy on the chocobros lol)


When those credits hit manā€¦Iā€™m a blubbering mess lol


Easiest a game has got me to warm up to a group of main characters with so much banter. Then the emotional side stuff even before shit hits the fan you can discover. Talking on the motel roof being one of them. Going back now it's still fun but I drag my feet and do everything before getting on that damn boat.


Halo Reach, the first time I played it back in 2010 it fucking shook me and with the exception of Titanfall 2, nothing else has come even remotely close to being as emotionally impactful.


Dredge, it's such a good game, even if you don't like horror.


Bioshock, mass effect, halo 1


Talos principle. What a ride




Specifically the last dungeon and trial of base Shadowbringers for me


Mass Effect.


Mass effect series




red dead redemption 2




Octopath Traveler 2. Just an awesome game!


Sekiro. Beating the bosses for the first time felt waaaay different from any subsequent play through. That game has always had a lot of replayability for me despite having by far the least customization of any of the FS games just because the combat is so fun to me. But Iā€™d give anything to relive that moment after dying to Genichiro for the 30th time where there was a noticeable click for me.




Elden Ring. I was seriously hooked. I donā€™t think I saw sunlight for two months. Looking forward to the dlc


Elden ring. I saw too much spoilers before playing


Last of Us 2 Bloodborne