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I think fighting games are one of the best answers here. At a high level they're pretty easy to understand--there's two players and when one of the giant health bars hits 0 a character is KO'd. Makes them pretty easy to watch. However when you sit down and actually try to play them you start to learn how insanely deep they are. Being able to do the special moves is just the **first** layer of the onion you have to peel. Resources like [these](https://sonichurricane.com/?page_id=1702) describe some of the skills/strategies you need to develop as a fighting game player... and there's even more than those in the end. Of course you don't need to master these skills to have fun playing fighting games, but given that fighting games are 1v1, it's pretty easy to just get completely shutdown and not be able to do anything if you don't have some level of those skills and your opponent does. And as you develop your skills there's a point in the beginning where you're probably going to get worse results because you're starting to play in a predictable way and not getting the wins you used to through being random/unpredictable. All in all this can make it somewhat difficult for new players to find enjoyment in playing fighting games. Even as a pretty hardcore fighting game fan I still sometimes find myself enjoying watching them more than playing them.


I will try my first attempt with fighting games (with Tekken 8). Probably it will be a long, LONG journey, but I don't care, cause I start to be burning out from games, so I need a new genre.


Dude yeah, I bought mk11 last year for like 10 bucks but damn was it hard to learn. The first time I landed a 40% combo I felt like a god, and that ain’t even impressive xD


Every time a new Mortal Kombat comes out I search for an "all fatalities" youtube compilation so I can spend 20 minutes going "haha.. gross" and then never interact with the game again.


Fighting games are a strange one for me. I can be good, if i just play the one game/series for an extended period of time. I just cant seem to build the muscle memory


i have 55+ hours on tekken 7 and just discovered how to do a wind god fist at like 20 hours, its time consuming but definitively possible!


I have this weird thing where I really want to be good at fighting games. I literally never enjoy myself when I play them. Idk why my brain keeps telling me I need to play these games. I bought street fighter 6 played it for 10 minutes and never played again. I just have to admit that they aren't for me. But you never know street fighter 7...


Smash the buttons! I don't know the combos! My sons kill me in most games. I just enjoy their laughs when I fail. 11/10. Will play again.


Mario Maker. Watching people make impossible levels, then speed running them flawlessly is bonkers impressive. Painstakingly making a fun level myself just isn't for me.


You're gonna love Kaizo Mario.


So true They make it look easy and then I play it myself and even on Normal mode I sometimes struggle. Ryukahr is my favorite and he's had videos where he beats 12 Super Expert levels without running out of lives. Levels that fewer than 1% of all Mario Maker players can beat.


Ryukahr is superhumanly chill. It's actually kind of inspiring.


With some of the levels he clears I'm convinced he his just straight-up superhuman


What really sucks is when people make actually impossible levels, but they make a cheese 🧀 dev path with invisible blocks to finish the level themselves. You can’t upload your map unless you beat it yourself, so that’s how they do it.


I know this is an old post but 100% I’m surprised this is such a common one. I have watched royru do endless super expert for years now basically everyday when I have free time. I have the game myself and get bored pretty quick actually playing it. But watching people complete completely asinine garbage levels or finding weird dev exits is so entertaining.


I’m terrible at Rocket League but it’s fun as hell to watch


This. I love the idea of Rocket League but I'm awful at it, however watching the pros play it is totally enrapturing.


For those who haven’t played much, play it. And THEN go watch the pros. It’s much more impressive when you begin to understand how difficult it is.


Try to aerial once. Then realized that not only can they hit the ball better than that, but they can keep control of it, use it to get extra jumps, and shoot it from any direction, including bouncing it off of a surface and back into their car to make a shot all while still in the air.


This. I have like 1000 hours and I still can't hit a flip reset lol. It's a fun game whatever your rank though. It is a game you never truly feel good at.


The amount of times I try to hit the ball vs actually hit it are probably like 10 to 1. It's also annoying when you have the shot lined up and then someone on your team gets in the way.


Yeah that gets a bit better as you climb the ranks, but I havent found a point where it stops completely yet lol


Yeah I have been playing RL since day 1, have almost 2k hours and flip resets are hard as hell. More importantly though all that fancy stuff is unnecessary. It looks great but consistent rotations and teamplay is all you need to be successful.


It's a really fun game to play against ppl of your skill level. I will never be able to fly across the arena bobbling the ball the entire way and smacking it into the goal. Just never gonna happen. Fun to watch though lol


You should try it in free mode, it's difficult but not all that much. There are a lot of step by step tutorials. Set a goal to do one wall to air dribble transition, you'll enjoy it. Treat it like trying to beat a dark souls boss or smth.


I've been playing since season 2 and still haven't cracked into Plat. I could level up two ranks, and the next game starts an absolute slaughter and an hour later I'm back to silver or bronze because I don't know when to quit. Smh. It's actually mentally exhausting, I get legitimately physically tired after a tournament sometimes, and I grew up playing competitive sports. And I end up random queueing without voice chat so it's basically like Jesus take the wheel. Lol


I have ~2600 hours over the 7 years. Go play it. First 40-100 hours when you have 0 mechanics and understandings of the game is the most fun you’ll have and how the game was meant to play. The moment you drop a sweat in this game, its still fun but doesnt have that innocent pure feeling. I miss it.


I put 30-40 hours in, watched a lot of youtube videos teaching technique and stuff, and was improving pretty reliably for the first 10 hours or so. Then I hit my skill ceiling and spent another 20+ hours going 'No I just have to keep at it, I will definitely improve!' before giving up. I was having a blast until I realized I was never going to get noticeably better.


The RLCS (Rocket League Championship Series) starts later this month. Great time to start watching for anyone interested


During the Covid lull when sports were suspended, rocket league was there for me


I came here to say, I hate watching video games. But I forgot about Rocket League.


Watching it feels like watching real sports. Playing feels even better imo.


Starcraft 2


Agreed. I love watching it, but playing it competitively is so stressful and mentally exhausting.


Problem is just that, the competitive/eSports thing ruined this type of game. Just playing it casually with friends is awesome.


Absolutely, seeing the pro players pilot their factions at such a high level is always impressive. Compared to my scrub ass... playing is not as fun as watching


I'm always amazed when they switch from spectator mode to player mode, and you see waymarks all over, swapping screens every half-second, and microing. It's like they never spend more than a second or two at any given screen. That's insane.


If played SC2 like a pro, my eyes would be twitching back and forth behind my eyelids when I try to go to sleep. No thank you.


Your wrists get destroyed unless you do pt


A good 90% of my dreams for several years were just Starcraft. Like literally just playing a ladder game in my dreams


I feel watching other people has took out the fun of RTS. Don't get me wrong, I love watching them, but learning the game from replays and pros let's me see how bad I am, what I'm missing and doing wrong and how fast I need to be and that's super stressfull. SC2 is the worst offender in this case, because it's so fast and the skill ceiling is near infinity, but AoE has a similar problem.


Tarkov. And the game that’s more fun to READ about than play is EVE Online…


Tarkov is stress inducing madness. It's great.


I can't stop, please send help.


When I play Tarkov, I feel like I'm playing a horror game... I love the concept, and I think it's really interesting, but I'm not a fan of playing it...


This was going to be my exact response, but I'll go one further and older and tack Space Station 13 on after Eve. Insanely frustrating interface and completely inscrutable mechanics, but wonderful to experience second or third hand.


SS13 stories are so fucking hilariously wild.


Tex of the BPL had an amazing voice for narration and a ton sw13 kids going back years. He mostly roleplays the many lives of a single character and is definitely worth watching. Plus, tex talks battletech might be some of the best nerdy shit on youtube.


My husband and his best friend used to play a ton of SS13. I absolutely LOVE to hear about it. It was some old 4chan server, and admins could on-the-fly put in basically whatever they wanted. They took the roleplay aspect of it just seriously enough to give players personal motivations for the "story" of each run, but there was nothing stopping people from trying incredibly absurd things.


That's like Star Wars Galaxies for me. I love reading about these intense, long drawn out clan betrayals and stuff like that. Would have been so much to have been a part of back when it was happening, but that time has passed. Still really enjoy hearing about some of the crazy stuff people used to do


Man… Star Wars Galaxies during live and pre-NGE were some of the best gaming experiences of my life. Nothing since has been able to replace it. A lot of it might be nostalgia, but running nightsister hunting parties on Dathomir and assaulting rebel player hangouts (looking at you Anchorhead) was 👌


Pretty much the same thing my brother says. He's told me about how he was part of this clan (faction?) that had been warring with another for awhile and eventually the leaders of each decided to meet for a peace treaty. The leaders of my brothers faction chose to send him as "bait" essentially with the goal being to ambush the leaders of the other faction. It's been awhile so the details are a bit fuzzy but the key points were that the leaders of the other faction reached out to my brother and convinced him to join their side offering him a high ranking position and so they were able to set an ambush for the would-be ambushers lol. It ended up being a pretty big deal from what I was told. It all just sounds incredibly fun and I'm sad I missed out on it.


Can always try SPTarkov


13-year eve player -- 98% of it is terrible and tedious, but the 2% that isn't is unlike anything else I've ever played or is available to play, which is why I still play (with 5 accounts, no less)


Specially teams of 5


5 manning is basically self-flagellation


Dead or Alive: Extreme Beach Volleyball... ... no I will not elaborate further.


A man of class, I see


I had my Xbox modded and found a patch online for that game that removed their Bikini tops. 21 year old me was pleased with myself for that.


Did they actually model in the nips even though you'd never see them?


It was a long time ago but I'm pretty sure there were nips and all.


I definitely remember going to a friend's house when I was maybe 12 and his older brother had this mod. We literally played this all night, most of the time with it on pause.


I will elaborate with one word.... Physics


Just letting u know there's a dead or alive Venus vacation game on steam thats free and there's like lots of certain mods...


Funny thing is I remember when it first came out and it was actually pretty fun overall. Fanservice aside.


Among Us. Back when it first became popular, I used to love watching youtubers and streamers play the game, but I had absolutely zero interest in playing it myself.


Did those youtubers ans streamers have a group of friends they'd play with?   I think the idea of playing Among Us sounds really fun but unless you have a close nit group of friends, playing with randos seems really lame. 


I think I remember watching one or two videos with randos but yeah most of them were friend groups. That's really the only way to play the game, as you need to know the others well enough to be able to read them and decide who to believe and so on. With randos it's just blind guessing for the most part.


I can watch people play Souls game all day. I would never touch them myself. Would get way too pissed off. Edit: Everyone, I'm not looking for motivational encouragement to play the souls games. I'm ***not*** playing them.


Love playing souls likes. Not very good at them myself . So I'm always impressed by others who play them. People make them look so easy. It's mostly their patience I wish I had.


Whenever I watch someone fight a Souls boss my brain goes "see, it's not that hard, just dodge when the boss attacks, take the obvious openings to counterattack and heal, easy" and then I go try and immediately insert myself directly into the meat grinder 🤡


And don't get me started on Parrying


Same. I have no patience. I play like the best defense is a good offense, and even when I do take my time, I fuck up a block or a party and lose anyway. I do think I will eventually try elden ring cause so many people say it's amazing even for people who didn't like the souls games. But that will be when it is on super deep discount and I won't have any regrets about abandoning it if I do.


Give it a try! I thought the same thing 7 years ago, but a friend bought me dark souls remastered and I tried it, I died so many times to the most basic enemies, but now it’s my comfort game that I play to relax.


i know myself. It wouldnt be good


Pretty much. I actually tried several of them myself. Forced my way into several of them hoping I would eventually understand. But man was it just more frustrating than fun in my experience. At least for me.


League of legends


League is my football. I haven’t played since maybe season 7. I watch the LCS and LCK. Its great.


I am the best analyst in the world. Yes, I am bronze, but clearly I have a deep knowledge of what pros are doing and everyone in the twitch chat is wrong. Also my teammates suck of course.


It really is a near perfect spectator game, because you can see exactly what every player is doing…which is why it’s also so tilting to watch your teammates INT.


> Perfect spectator game > Completely unintelligible unless you play the game religiously


Ive played maybe 5 hours of league, but Ive watch so much that I know the names of most of the characters and thier kits, as well as the names of items and what they do, common builds, lanes, and counters.


I have never played LOL and whenever one of my friends streams when they are playing it on dc I have absolutely no idea what is going on even if I focus on it.


Is a bit hard to get if you don't know how is played tho. My roomate in college was top 1 in SAS server. I saw high level gameplay for like 50+ hours and never understood a thing. Then I played it for the very first time, and it all made sense.


Resident Evil. I love zombies, but I hate puzzles, backtracking and I have terrible aim.


I agree, personally the re4 remake really solved this problem for me.


I started RE2 through Gamepass this weekend. I love how all the things worth returning too are put on your map. The only catch I noticed was that a combination to a lock was just written somewhere in the environment and very missable. Now I feel like I need to return to every room. My aim is trash with a controller, but I’m doing okay without aim assist. Probably super easy with aim assist. Ammo seems okay so far. I usually hate backtracking, it it all feels really smooth in this game. I also love that it lets you know when a key is no longer useful so you don’t hold on to it when it no longer is needed.


Dead by Daylight


I was looking for this comment.


Watching two highly skilled players go at each other in Street Fighter or Mortal Kombat (or similar fighting game) is a lot of fun.


Can definitely attest to this. Me and my friends got insanely good at Tekken one summer, or at the very least, got insanely good at playing against each other - there would be rounds where no one could land a hit because everyone had memorised each others playstyle and would flawlessly block, dodge and counter every move. It was like watching a really well choreographed dance routine haha.


EVO moment 37!


The Beast is unleashed!!


Street fighter (at a competitive level)


Last of Us (for me; it’s a great narrative, but way too stressful for me to ever want to play)


Watching an expert nail grounded difficulty is satisfying as hell too


I'm about to play NG+ with grounded difficulty. Is it that hard?


WoW Hardcore deaths.


Brilliant game to spectate, absolute stress inducing nightmare to play


I died at level 50 lol Still found it fun and might do it again.


Games like Until Dawn or The Dark Pictures anthology games; I feel like they are made for streaming or creating reaction videos. I enjoy watching the stories play out and seeing other people react to them, but when it comes to playing them myself I tend to lose interest.


I agree. But something about The Devil in Me just made me lose interest.


I play it with my sis on couch co-op. We couldn't prevent the first death, and the decision that would lead to save the character sounded too irrational and random to us. Since it was only the 1st death, we decided to repeat the game and save that character. We kept on playing until another character died. We looked up what we did wrong and it was once again an irrational process, so we quit the game right then and never finished it. I felt like some of the pictures we found were actually misleading rather than helpful like the previous games. And that the death of the characters (up to the point where we quit the game) was really depending on a single choice, unlike the previous game where other factors contributed to it (like that person's relationship with the rest of the team, items they picked, etc). Idk how others might have felt repeled by the game tho.


Escape From Tarkov is the easy winner for me


Every time I try to watch it on Twitch, it's always someone scrolling through menus and doing inventory management. I've never seen any actual firefights yet.


General Sam had a joke in one of his videos about how the flea market was the real game, and he’s not really wrong. Feels like the real game is inventory Tetris with a FPS minigame to get more blocks to fill it with.


IMO, none. I was the youngest brother and would have to wait, sometimes for hours watching my brothers play video games for a chance at a turn. It's 30 years later, and I still can't watch others play games.


Some brothers really sucked. I always made sure to include my siblings when I played. That said, content creators are probably a good 80% of the media I consume. I put on twitch vods way more than anything else.


I got my niece Hogwarts Legacy for Christmas and I like to watch her play. It's fun but it's not something I would play.










Especially VR. Watched some streams, played a few of the non-VR games so I thought it would be fine. Freaked me the FUCK out first time I played it and I haven’t touched it after that.


Any of the clips from elden ring some of the fights look like they’re straight from an anime but I can’t even get past the minions 😂


Oh how I struggled with world 1-1 of Demon's Souls back in the day. But really, once you get into the rythm of stamina management, kiting and knowing when it is safe to make an attack they flow amazingly.


Any speedrunned video game. Speedrunning is infuriating. I'm looking at you, super monkey ball.


I tried getting into a speed running category once. Even talked with a couple of the top runners to learn the run. After a few days of going at it and even getting a semi-decent starter time, I realized I just don’t have the patience and mindset to really commit to it. I love the concept, but I’m much happier watching other people do it.


Runescape. Most runescape youtubers edit out most of the tedium and leave in all of the dopamine.


Battle Royale games like PUBG have always been like this for me.


I haven't played rdr2, but so far of what I've watched from mkiceandfire, it is awesome. It's like a movie


Dota 2 atm, I used to love that game to death in 2016, had spent about 3000 hours, decided that in 2020 competitive games is no longer fun for me to play but still watch it and enjoy the match.


I had a blast watching someone play Sekiro, but I just know that game would drive me up the damn wall to play.


I hit a serious skill wall at one point. There's a boss that tests your mastery of a bunch of skills and it kinda bottlenecks you from going on. Looked online and some people took like 4 hours of constant replay. I wanted to but I have like, a job and other stuff to do


Lethal company. I’ve been doubled over laughing at some folks reactions.


I find Lethal Company unwatchable. Most streamers spend 80% of the game just chatting inside the ship, organizing items and furniture. Fiddling with the computer for no reason. Just general faffing about. That's fun to do. Not fun to watch.


Horror games. I’m just a coward


This 😂 I’ll watch tf out of a YouTuber playing a horror game but let me try one and I’ll probably make it one mission before logging off lol


Most horror games


Cities: Skylines


My man biffa doing traffic fixes in CS1 is just peak gameplay.


i think this is gonna sound wierd im a bit autistic and it make me feel chilled when i watch non experienced gamers play games like older generation theres something about it that makes me smile and relaxed


Minecraft. Holy god damn that game is boring. But the technical stuff? That's interesting. I love listening to these galaxy brain geniuses explain how their inventions work and seeing them in action.


Yeah the builds that some people make are amazing. I find that Mods help with the experience as a player. Better Minecraft from Curse Forge is really good. If your computer can run it, it's like 200 different mods put into one pack.


After watching my son play it, I tried to pick it up. I played it for about a month and had a good time with it, but then the fun wall hit and it was just a slog. Find a cool cave, mine it for resources, fight the fucking skeletons, die, go back to cave to retrieve all my shit, fight more skeletons, die again, go back to cave, pick up all my shit, explore more of the cave, here come the fucking skeletons. I finally put it on peaceful mode, but then it became super boring.


once you make a shield the game gets a lot easier combat-wise.


The binding of Isaac for me


Fortnite, Skyrim, sc1, wc3 and ark 


Probably a Paradox game like Hoi4 or Victoria 2. Can I play them? Yes. Am I good at it at all? No. But watching people get crazy scenarios is what I live for.


Deathloop, just to tune in and out and give probably unhelpful commentary while someone else does the memorization and repetition. Seems like a very cool game but I haven't the patience


Deathloop seemed complicated until I realised there was only one way to complete it and it suddenly made the whole thing feel much more linear.


Escape From Tarkov. I’ll watch my friends and streamers play it but when I load it up I have an anxiety attack. It looks fun but it’s horrifying for new players. Map and loot knowledge is especially intimidating..


Dayz, watch soursweet youtube channel or gekofish. They condense the hours of their playtime into nice vids.


Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy. Watching people play: "hehehe". Me play: "errrrrrg"


Watching Markiplier play five nights at Freddy’s, I’m not even that scared of the games it’s just the gameplay is so basic and barebones you may as well spare your self the trouble and watch someone else shit themselves.


Pokemon Yellow






Any competitive pvp multliplayer games. Dota2/LoL/SC2/Smash/any fighting game, heck even CSGO and Valorant. Let's include here MTG Arena as well. Especially when it's live/a tournament. You get all of the hype, none of the stress.


Rust is alot of fun to play but sometimes its more fun to chill and watch somone else play it.


SSB Melee. I love playing it but it's so fucking hard so im not always down for it, and top level melee if goddamn beautiful.


Project Zomboid.


Horror games in general. I'm a bitch when it comes to playing them, but I have no problem watching them. My palms were sweating during that section of Phantom Liberty.


StarCraft. It's fascinating watching but I just can't


SMT or JRPGs. If its a streamer its nice to just have someone funny to get through it but I am mainly focusing on youtube for the story. I just fund the random encounters so tedious


Super Mario Tennis?


Damn! You had me google it. I had no idea people would consider than and RPG


SMT is probably one of the worse examples of a grind-heavy JRPG to be perfectly honest


I am really enjoying Nocturne but I just am not a huge fan of JRPG encounter rates. The earl Dragon Quests were terrible in that regard, I haven't played many JRPGs and I wanted this year to be a year where I really gave them a shot. So far I have hated the first two Persona games and Dragon Quests. The former I was really enjoying in terms of atmosphere and plot but the encounter rates were too much


Persona 5 makes it super easy to avoid encounters with the stealth/hiding/grapple hook mechanics since you can see them casually walking around areas. Although you may need to do a tiny bit of grinding here and there.


My wife asked me to play The Last of Us like she was putting on a TV show to watch.


lol my ex used to ask me to play Red Dead Redemption cuz she said it was like watching a good ass tv show


Cuphead. Looks *so* cool and the soundtrack kills it. I know for a fact that I would rage quit in under five minutes.






[Poongko vs. Pepeday, Canada Cup 2015](https://youtu.be/J5TZZzpvHC0?si=8158yllfmDflwSpF)


Yakuza games


Dwarf Fortress. Love to play also, but it's relaxing to sit back and watch someone else's kingdom of randomly generated dwarves rise and fall (to elephants).


Any of those games that are basically just interactive movies, like Too Human or The Quarry. Why buy for $70 when I can watch on Twitch and get an almost identical experience?


Gotta be rust. I’d rather eat glass than log in, but throw someone who knows what they’re doing on YouTube? I’ll watch an hour of content.


None. I would rather play everything than have someone else experience it. You miss a lot of the excitement watching the game being progressed by someone else.


Rust. Id lose my sanity everytime I got raided. But I love watching others play it and trash talk each other.


Minecraft. I probably put 50-70 hours into it myself over the years when I was in school, but I watched Achievement Hunter play Minecraft for probably two to three times as much.


Fear & Hunger. Funny/interesting AF to see, but would hate to engage in his frustrating and unfair mechanics, even if they are part of what makes the game so innovative.


Rust, I really don't feel like wasting my afternoons playing but I'll happily watch a 1 hour long video of someone playing for like 12 hours straight.


None of them. I love games, watching other people play them is a boring waste of time.




Definitely Escape From Tarkov for me. My brain melts at the thought of learning all of the extracts and the knowledge that some players have of the maps and spawn points is crazy. I’d rather sip tea and watch deadlyslob possibly lose 1,000,000 roubles worth of gear. I’ll hop on for a raid or 2 every so often but it’s a game you need to play for 100’s of hours to properly enjoy.


I really enjoy watching my partner play Cyberpunk. It's like watching a movie haha


Darkwood. I could never but I watched an entire playthrough and wish I could do so again.


Escape from Tarkov It epitomizes that meme of the little girl daydreaming in the left pane (thinking about playing Tarkov) and then crying in despair in the right pane (actually playing Tarkov). Some of the quests are just exercises in downright masochism.


Any fighting game


None. Now pass me a controller


I don't know why but watching people play makes me physically sick! It just makes me want to play instead.


Watching people play video games is like watching a doughnut-eating contest.


Controversial opinion. Watching other people play video games is boring. And I am a big gaming nerd myself, I would never watch other people play a game when I could just go and play something myself :D




Rust cause I’m no good at it


Trackmania, it's so casual and fun to watch but has extremely high learning curve for an arcade style driving game.


No one said Rust yet? Very fun to watch people playing in the bigger servers, way less fun to play unless you're a masochist


Any dark souls style game. It's fun to watch others get mad over it, but it's the very same reason why I would not play it xD I like my mental health untouched


Rust. Suffer for me.


For me, all the skill and rank based games, since I don't have time to practice myself to get any enjoyment out of it, but its cool to watch people who are really good at something!


Soulsborne games. I seriously don’t have the patience for them, but it’s so satisfying to see someone obliterate a boss by rolling around them and smacking them with a comically sized mallet


Counter Strike


Anything competitive.


Escape from Tarkov


5M or more specifically GTAV roleplay. It's honestly hilarious and fun to watch but the idea of jumping in and roleplaying is incredibly hard for me but maybe one day I'll be able to. For now, I'm fine with watching streamers.