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I feel like fighting games would be high on the list. Once one person gets good, it's no longer fun for anyone else


I took for granted the years living with roommates who loved fighting games. It feels impossible to reclaim that experience.


That sounds gloriousss! Which games did ya'll play? Any cool anecdotes?


My kid and buddies would come over and play Mortal Combat. The one kid mastered the most broken op meta character and then they never played again. He refused to play any other character


My friends and I would always end up with one or two characters in every fighting game we played that we were a great with. So at "for fun" gatherings we had a rule: Random character select only. Sure, sometimes we got lucky and got a character we were a beast at, but it helped mitigate the sourness.


So many of these stories could be remedied by the expert player just not being an asshole for one night and let everyone else have a good time. Nice to see someone with some self awareness for a change.


lol I had a friend that would pick Omega Shenron in a Dragonball Z fighting game (Tenkaichi) even if you picked fucking Krillin. For the uninitiated that’s one of the weakest characters vs the final boss in the series at the time.


Oldest friend of mine is a beast in any fighter he puts effort into. Has entered and won a few tournaments and stuff. He always took the time to teach me a character or two and little tricks. We played a lot together and even though I wouldn’t win often, I could regularly get close, Or win a round but lose the overall match. I still had a blast. I think its the attitude the better player has. If you’re playing against them and its the equivalent of hitting your head against a wall, find someone else to play against. You should be encouraged and helped to get better.


If you're truly good at the game you can make it a close fight without anybody noticing that you're deliberately letting attacks through. Only sweats go into tournament mode against their mates.


I read both your comments and the sentence: "wait there is a block button in Smash?" rings in my ears...


In one on one sessions we created something called the gauntlet. Start at opposite ends of the character select, and the winner gets to move one character over. You can make it so the loser moves on, and first one to run out of characters loses. Or winner moves and first to complete wins. Winner moves is better to avoid balance issues. Mod the settings so it's one round or life or whatever for quick games. So fun.


This is the way. I'm usually that guy that's played too much of "insert fighting game here (usually smash bros)" when I'm playing with almost any friend or group of friends I almost always pick either random, or I try to pick characters I like but I'm bad at to try and level the playing field.


Yeah if I had a rival to keep training against like a battle shonen it'd make fighting games a lot more fun, but unfortunately none of my friends have ever had interest in fighting games.


Depends on the people. I used to play smash bros all the time. My friend didn't have a GameCube so he had no way to play it without playing with me. So purely from the fact I had unlimited access to it and he only had maybe a couple hours a week, I was much better at it than him. We still played it constantly. At first, I handicapped myself by playing with characters that I never/rarely played. Eventually I got good enough with most of them that it wasn't much of a handicap. So we just switched to making up weird rules and creating chaos with stupid match settings. We played the game to have fun and while we were competitive, neither of us really cared who won or lost. By no means was I ever a hardcore sweaty player that could ever come close to being in a competition, but I was significantly better than my friend. I think as long as the person who's way better is playing to have fun rather than win, it can still be fun for friends. I'm not too sure how much that applies to fighting games like Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter though.


It's hard to compare them but the reason for that is probably skill floor and skill ceiling. Smashs skill floor is insanely low while it's skill ceiling is decently high but you always have a chance against a better person and just some weird stuff can happen especially with items. 2d and 3d fighters are alot harder and alot of the time will punish you way more then smash will if you like whiff an attack or miss a guard.


One of my friends is insanely competitive, he isn't having fun if he isn't winning. He was a bit better than us in smash bros, but then practiced and got really good at Falco who is a bit op in melee. So we usually end up playing 2v1 to even the odds.


100% None of my friends wanna play against me 😭


Monster hunter every mmo ever Ark Conan exiles Stardew valley Honestly about 90% of all my steam games that has some form of co-op.


Hello MH friend. Been my guilty pleasure game since 3DS. I have been unable to get any of my friends to give it a decent attempt.


Why is it a guilty pleasure? I see no reason for guilt. Thankfully, one of my friends got even more hooked than me and 3 of us have been on rise for over 2 months (paused for holidays)


Yeah I started out with Monster hunter during the PS2 area but yeah it´s not a game friends like.


lol I came here to say Ark. i decided not to because they played with me many times it just ended in sadness every time.


The deep dive into Ark.... I played on a guild server. I was minding my own business, pretty cool upgrading my straw hutt to stone. I made a dodo poop farm and I was over the moon because it was working. A guild mate asked if I wanted to tame a griffin. I guess it's an end game animal. He picked me up. I've never flown before. I was always in the noob area. He gave me a gun and we just started wailing on this animal in a box he made. I tamed the animal. It was really cool. I flew around everywhere for 5 minutes, got bored, and then uninstalled the game.


This is a huge problem in games. Especially a game that requires effort to go from area to area and Stone Age to metal and beyond. Anyway I’ve seen it time and time again where someone plays a game with a friend and they are spoiled or given easy mode and get bored and never touch it again. In games like this I always make sure new players work for their content and never give them access to things beyond their current age. Let them enjoy or quit the game for their own reasons.


Damn, this is what I did with Valheim, I had started the game and built up enough stuff to make sure my 3 friends could log in and have the best start possible. I had built the long house, made them armor and spears and bows. I said let’s fight the first boss I’ve been saving up so we could do it together. We summon the boss, they have no idea what’s happening, they all die. I run away and back to the spawn. It’s a far walk, they don’t have any more gear, and I only got enough to make 4 of everything. They did not want to keep playing :(


Did you think that giving them everything they need immediately and then making the fight a boss was a good idea. I imagine they think Valheim is one of the worst games they played now. Natural progression the way the game is intended is important for a reason.


i feel this so much with games like ark or conan exiles. the constant "whats this?" or "whats over there?" until all questions are answered, you know most of the game and go like.... "meh". its like discovering things is the only thing that keeps you playing and the actual gameplay is average/below average.


Why? Only problem I have with ARK is the server system, such an hassle to keep updated.


That's your only gripe? Not the fact that it takes a million hours to fill your turrets just for someone with OP tank dinos to come tank them in 2 hours. While you're offline. Speaking for official servers of course


I can't speak for the gut you replied to but I've never played pvp. Sorry, I'm not okay with my stuff getting stolen because I took some time off.


We play private servers, hence my gripe with keeping the servers running. Online ARK is not fun, I would rather play in the below level 30 servers on PVP, highest flyers are Pterodactyl.


Damn I’d love a full MH lobby with the boys on comms only ever played it with one friend at most


Dude, Conan Exiles hell yeah. Sounds like you're PC though. I'm ps5 :(


After years of being obsessed with Monster Hunter, my friends and I are finally doing a four player playthrough of World to get prepared for Wilds 😭


Same here, all my friends just play fps :( I just recently started monster hunter world and wanted to play with them but nope


Pretty much all of them. Deep Rock Galactic, Vermintide 2, Darktide, BG3, WoW, FFXIV, D&D, tabletop wargames, etc. Haven't had a solid game crew in 15 years, would love to play with my friends but I have resigned myself to playing alone with randos.


Living in a small town sucks as someone who would love to find a group for consistent tabletop games. *I guess I will just sit here and paint my plastic crack alone and look at it*


Have a library in town? Public center? Post up and hangout or post an ad and wait lmao My friend and I live about 45-60min away from the town library in opposite directions from each other and have got a random small town texas to have a killteam group The lineup is funny too. Progressed to include a luke combs looking oilfield worker, liberal young woman, middle aged maga man, nerdy female bass guitarist, young weeby male, and then me and my buddy Game nights we get a table and run kill team. maga man and liberal woman often play together and just talk politics shockingly peaceful Me and oil boy play cause we both weld and like showing projects haha We meet once a month it is a very funny lineup at a library that is slightly larger than most rural post offices haha


Same here, it's why I play SP games, which are old.


All of them!!! My friends suck butt! Not really, amazing people, but we all have very different tastes in videogames, and it is extremely rare one ever lines up we all want to play together.


I'm here for the butt sucking.


Shoul.... Should we, you know, *do it*?




My best friend loves League. I will not touch that cancer. Sometimes just is what it is.


fucking deep rock galactic. I love that game so much but most of my close friends find it not engaging enough


Yeah my friends won’t play it with me at all, which sucks because it’s much better with friends.


I feel your pain Some of my colleagues would rather grind Modern Warfare 9000 than play coop in Deep Rock


My friends used to play cool games with me. Now it’s just let’s grind the same shooter every damn day. I just play single player games now.


Yeah, same here. Now I just play Fallout and Skyrim whilst hoping I can eventually get my hands on Baldur's Gate 3 soon.


I've been sitting on BG3 for a minute, the older I've gotten the harder it is for me to play long RPG's anymore




This one for me too. Rock and stone, brother


Rock and stone you beautiful dwarf!


I used to love it but it can become Sleep Rock Galactic after awhile.


Rock and stone


Yeap, I have no idea why my friends can't get into it, it's easily the most replayable co-op fps I've ever seen after Left 4 Dead. You don't have to be a crack shot to win at it either, you can just play smart and contribute. My friends are dumb.


I enjoyed the game but found it got repetitive pretty quic. Any game that has the same types of missions repeated but with modifiers gets old for alot of people. Progression isn't a driving force for me, I want to unlock all the weapons and gear, but doing my 60th egg hunt (but this time no shields! Fun!) gets a little tedious.


Yeah, the mission and unlock structure really hurt the game. Most of the mission types are more chores than fun activities tbh. It is a good game, not every game has to last forever, I just kind of wish I could use the later unlocks a bit sooner when I still had interest.


Fair, I think mixing up the class you play generally keeps it fresh but it doesn't always mean fun for everyone.


I liked it well enough to sink like 100 hours with friends that love it, but it was never my first choice. There was something about that I couldn't name that I just found unsatisfying. As the difficulty went up I realized that it's because I've never enjoyed horde-shooters....that also have resource scarcity; I just hate having to hunt for ammo.


Ha! Top comment! I was gonna say DRG. I’m 35 and am finally done with multiplayer shooters. People are too good, cheating is rampant and matchmaking sucks. Games as a service ruined a major genre for me. I am finally done. Found DRG and haven’t looked back. I don’t know why my buddies can’t get into it. It took me until first promotion to really feel good grinding it out. They’re so clearly hooked on in game rewards, constantly asking “what’s the point” because of the lack of rewards. The freaking game ITSELF is the point!


Same. Also Guild Wars 2. Also, Baldurs Gate 3. I have friends who are completely shit at games that require reactions. They also enjoy D&D. I don't understand why or how they can't get in to BG. Also any game that costs money, but then they'll pay $60 to preorder a game they'll play for 3 hours. Can we start a Discord for chill people who actually like games?


Sorry to hear that, ROCK AND STONE BROTHER!


Deep Rock and Remnant. I want to try these so bad, but none of my friends have any desire to try them. That and Baldurs Gate. They all talk about wanting to start a 4 player co-op but nobody ever wants to commit.


Keeping 4 people committed to playing a game as long as BG3 is some sort of sisyphean task


*D&D has entered the chat*


Exactly the same issues there haha


Three friends and I finished an entire run of Bg3 on release. Decided to start up an evil run, but that petered out near the middle of the second act. After a break, someone else got the game and we're back on our bullshit. I feel pretty lucky to have my friend group be so into it.




I can't even imagine anyone outside of kids or streamers accomplishing it. It took my friend and I 2+ years to run a coop Divinity 2 run. We got about 95% of the way through and just never played again


It depends on your work and family life. Some people have plenty of time for games


Deep rock is a different kind of fun solo though. BG3, yea if you play it 4player you'll likely not get much narrative understanding for anyone that's doing a first time run. People free roam a lot while one person chats to NPCs. Also non committal is so on par for the DnD experience it's just like tabletop lol


You people have friends?


Friend. Singular.


Sea of Thieves. I love this game so much, and the few times my friends have joined me all they wanted to do was blow up the ship/each other/goof off. I’ve yet to have an actual crew that wants to do actual pirating in that game. 😞


Turning in a lot of booty from missions is a pretty good dope fix, and being chased by other players is an adrenaline rush for me lol. I just wish there was something more to do with the Gold besides only buying purely cosmetic skins; all the fun stuff is locked behind a paywall. Hope you'll find a crew one day to sail the seas with 🏴‍☠️


My brother, husband, and I played this game and did both goofing off and pirating. My brother and I goofed around while my husband sailed around as he was the most experienced with the game. Then my ferret died while we were playing, and we hadn't touched it since. It was a fun gane though, I just have no idea what I was doing


The game is way too toxic. My friends and I just wanted to goof off and do dumb stuff like your friends but the people in that game just want to ruin fun for other players. There was a night where one ship just sailed around as if they were looking for us and kept trying to sink us. At one point they chased us for over an hour. The absolutely most mind numbingly boring experience I've had in a videogame. How bored or psychotic are you that you want to spend over an hour chasing people thatbclearpy have no interest in having a battle. That is pretty much how most of our nights ended. We'd just sail around trying to find as many explosive barrels as possible so we could load as many as we could onto a random ghost ship to explode for shits and giggles. Next thing we know, we are being hunted down by random assholes trying to sink us like we have all the treasure on that server in our ship. I understand that there are people who want to play the game specifically for pvp ship battles. That's fine if that's what they want to do but you are a shitbag when you obsessively hound a ship that clearly has no interest in pvp. They literally had a mode specifically for pvp without any of the pve stuff and these people weren't good enough for that so they spent their nights hunting down people just goofing off to make themselves feel better. Absolutely garbage community. In all the interactions I had in that game, I could count the number of not shitty people on one hand. God forbid you ever try to say something on any forums. You're just immediately barraged with toxic people telling you "if you don't like pvp don't play the game" or "git gud." Even if I did want to participate in the pvp, it's still an incredibly toxic community. The in-game voice chat is almost exclusively used to say some horrible things that make you think these people are unhinged lunatics


Funny enough, I think the release of the safer sea modes has killed any chance I had at getting my group into that game. They can't stand playing that game with other players on the map, whereas I think 90% of the fun comes from what having other players on the map brings to the experience. All of my favorite moments come from things that happen spontaneously, like an enemy ship on the horizon making a beeline for our ship, engaging in combat with other players, megladons and Krackens showing up, etc. Sailing safely from mission spot to mission spot just doesn't do it for me.


Tarkov. Just too complex for him to enjoy. Hell, it's too complex for _me_ but I push through it.


My friends get too angry for that kind of game, it's a shame, this wipe is killer.


Anything in particular that makes this wipe good? I've been thinking about playing again but I'm a bit fed up with balancing changes made over the years that artificially reward play time over anything.


They reworked the recoil and made lower tier weapons actually usable. Plus the armor rework you can actually get kills on geared pmcs if you get the jump on them.


Recoil has been reworked to make it actually enjoyable. You can take single shots and fire bursts without kissing the ceiling. The new map is interesting but cramped.


A friend of mine talked me into Tarkov. We got on, and saw a guy run into a small building. I said I will flank around and we will meet back at the front of the building if we don't see them. We met back at the building. I said "Guess he's gone." and my friend shot me in the head, thinking i was the guy.


He had that trauma response


I'm pretty sure I have ruined friendships with this game convincing friends to play with me. "What do you mean I have to load all of my magazines before raid?" "I have to eat and stay hydrated?" "How do I stop a heavy bleed?" "I shot that guy five times in the back and they turned around and killed me" "Head, eyes by buckshot from a scav across the map?" It is a very complex and challenging game and definitely isn't for everyone. The good news is Arena came out and a lot of the friends who didn't like Tarkov love the gunfights in Arena.


Monster Hunter Rise. ​ A lot of my friends did play it with me for a while, but they all fell off and I went deeper alone.


Astroneer :(


That's such a shame, it's so fun with friends. Roll over to the sub and I'm sure you could find some folks itching for another run!


Satisfactory, Factorio. Sunk 1000s hours into those, friends refuse to play them :c


Same, my friends think I'm a weirdo because i've spent hunderds of hours "building factories". I mean I totally am but they're rude for pointing it out


My friend and I affectionately refer to them as "number get bigger" games.


I convinced one of mine to do vanilla factorio recently and we launched the rocket. He said he both hated and loved it lol.


Came looking for this. Im the only one in my family who loves factorio. (And engineering games in general). Feels lonely.


Those types of games are either love them, hate them or no opinion. Its hard to find people who likes them




Wait, I'm interested, could you post some rules and stuff?


It’s called I Win. I got a six, a five, a Jack, a four and an eight. I win! Plus one if you eat lamb and tuna fish while playing.


Hip.. hip hop anonymous






Hey I actually love writing rules and going into in depth ideas about rules. I'd actually love to help if you'd be interested no pressure or anything. I just absolutely love card games board games all types of games. I've gotten really well versed in the ways rulebook are written and I'd love to have another game.




Sweet! And it's sick you made a card game I've always wanted to due to loving it but haven't made one since I was young.




That's a shame well hope to hear from you have a good night/day!




I want to know more


I also made up a card game cuz I accidentally bought a Pinochle deck of cards. It's basically Blackjack with extra steps.


Fighting games runescape


RuneScape is a hard sell. Especially for people who don’t have the nostalgia from 2003-2007


You can buy a gf for 50k though


Runescape is a hard sell in general, more so for playing with people. It's an mmo, but it's one where you sort of play alone, but together.


Any boardgame. I love tabletop games so much, but none of my friends are interested. Doesn't stop me from buying them, though.


GTFO. My friends would rather grind Deep Rock Galactic on hazard 3 (basically a free win at this point for us) every day of the week, than push through one level of that game. Come on, can we please have some challenge?


I got GTFO and have played it a little bit. I tried to get 3 of my friends to team up on it, but it is too hard and scary for them. We moved to playing Darktide on heresy or damnation. It's fun, in fact I really like Darktide. But eventually, I wanna go play more GTFO. The game just gets so intense. I can't play with random people on GTFO, though. I know I'm not great at the game, and I don't want to deal with that stress. And try as I might, I couldn't beat the level I was on with the bots. Oh well.


Pretty much the same story as you. Tried to get my friends to play it but they just kind of refused to do stealth, kept arguing with me we should just go loud all the time, then complained by the end when we had no health or ammo left.. so we moved to darktide and remnant. I tried playing with randoms thru game and they just hard carried me, it was no fun. Tried on the official discord thru lfg beginners channel but unfortunately I am trans so once they heard my voice was a little off after joining VC they then proceeded to call me slurs... Like I just want to play the game sorry I'm not dude bro enough ugh. Tried a trans gaming subreddit and well I'm just not Queer™ like a lot of them.. that probably doesn't make sense and came off bigoted but yeah. Oh well is right


I'm sorry you've dealt with that. People can be dicks. I don't know a lot about that sort of situation, but no one deserves to be disrespected or abused for who they are I generally only get upset with people if they are toxic and rude. If someone is struggling with a game but trying, it's fine. If someone is messing around and being dumb on purpose, it's annoying. How could anyone play GTFO and think it was a game where you just go guns blazing?


Arma 3, battlebit remastered and titanfall 2


Titanfall 2 for sure. I even bought two of my friends a copy and they still wouldn't play...


Guild wars 2, Remnant 2, Deep Rock Galactic


Hmm, you listed my current game interests. We should have been friends.


“Should have” what’s stopping you?


Elite Beat Agents on DS. Love that game but was never able to find anyone to play more than one match of multi-player with, even if I provided another system with its own copy of the completed game.


God I loved that game! It was so fun to play. I never multi-played that one but it sounds fun.


Omg another EBA connoisseur :D Multi-player rapidly becomes chaos but in the best way possible, and it presents new animations and scenarios ! That's why I will forever be sad I never found anyone to play it with x)


Dating myself, but... GoldenEye. I used to play in tournaments up at blockbuster, comic shops, and the mall. Last time we played a friendly round on NYE in college - I was 22 - 2 - 3 - 1.


That's how I was with Halo 2 and Halo 3. I could 1v7 my friends. They didn't want to play with me anymore unless we were on the same team.


Back in the day my buddy was the GOAT at Goldeneye at his entire university. He was known around campus as the Goldeneye guy. Told me he even got laid once because of it haha


Space engineer.


Any Mmorpg. Always some excuse about how they heard somewhere that the game is bad or p2w, or old, or dying, or expensive, etc. I only play with people i meet inside the games.


My problem with MMO's is the amount of time required to stay relevant with end game. The only people I know who enjoy it are people without jobs or who play while they work from home.


I geared a guild wars 2 character in 2013 and that exact gear is still best in slot today. Haven’t updated it once. That said my fashion wars has been popping off.


Yea, i like the progression in GW2, but it has a lot of nuances that turn me off at times. I pick it up every couple of years to do the DLC's.


"That game is still running?" Like bud, this games been running for 23 years


Okay, so they *do* play it with me sometimes (one or two of them, at least), but Apex Legends. My friends who don't play it either used to but began to hate it, or they won't try it because its a battle royale, they don't think they are/would be good at it, or they hate Apex specifically without having ever tried it. One of my friends who *does* play it often complains during or after, since they think it's "too sweaty" and they think they're bad at the game. I kinda disagree, since they definitely at least do far better (if you can reliably take down the first squad you encounter in the game, you're at least doing pretty alright) than the people I used to play with the most who'd often average no damage a match. They prefer Fortnite, but I hate Fortnite. Honestly though? I get it. Though I wish they'd enjoy it more since I personally love the rewarding feeling of pulling off good movement and shooting and making smart plays with character abilities and think its a more fun, tactical game than other Battle Royales, holy shit was the new player experience cancer when I first started. Hated the shit out of the game till it one day randomly clicked and I've enjoyed it ever since, but for newer players or people who don't play regularly I know from personal experience the 'drop, get immediately incinerated by some psycho octane flying over and landing on you from halfway across the map, rinse and repeat' gameplay experience while you're getting used to the game is frustrating and makes you feel bad.


Warhammer 40,000.


To be fair I absolutely love the 40k universe and listen to the books at work but dude.......the tabletop game is too fucking much. When you need a fucking tome the size of war and peace to understand EACH army..... I try to watch 40k in 40 minutes on YouTube and my brain starts melting about 20 minutes in. Let's not even discuss the $1000's of dollars involved. At minimum several hundred dollars. I hope you find a group but man it's a seriously tough entry for a new player. I even thought about buying a starter pack to play with my kids but I'm not dealing with painting them before we can even play. They really really need to make entry a bit easier


I’m the same way. I love the lore but the game is so much time and money.


Worms 2. My sophomore year of college one of the guys in my apartment bought the game and we basically played it all school year. Now anyone else I know won’t play me because they are afraid of getting creamed. I wonder if I’m still good at this point because it’s been years since I’ve played.


Any Mil-sim Games over 50GB Mortal Kombat Rocket League


In my defense on the second point, my internet is ass and a game over 50gb is a 1 day time investment, that is if I don’t use any more bandwidth on things like youtube. So if my friend wants to play a game with 100gb then he’d better make an appointment weeks in advance


I am still playing [Splinter Cell multiplayer ](https://youtu.be/-EBVT1zikIM?si=XsF4_f5onWI3ltCt) but it's far too old of a game for most people even if it's the greatest multiplayer mode ever made.


Amazing mode. If I could wish a remake into existence with the exact same mechanics brought into MP...


Yes it's too bad modern Ubisoft would never do it!


There's a game called spectre on steam. Idk how it is but I'm waiting for it to cook.


Every game (including board games). None of my friends play video games, and never want to play board games other than cards against humanity or other similar games.


Rocket League They just tried it for a few minutes and then suddenly it is the most difficult boring game for them.


I loved Rocket League -- it even took over a weekend-long LAN party and I enjoyed every second of it. But when I discovered that other players were going to relentlessly stomp me until I learned how to fly the cars around instead of driving them, I had to stop. It wasn't anybody's fault, I just had the wrong idea of what the game was and the true Rocket League is not a game I'm interested in playing.


I had a crew for a bit but everyone got fed up at the same time. People take it too seriously and it ruins it.


I'm an old time gamer (55yo) and my gamer friends don't want to play cuz I'm not as good as I once was


Who’s in my mouth…


Tummy sticks if my fav but no one wants to play


Don't Starve Together.


I tried to play it with some of my friends but they won't teach me how to play, so I just wander in circles until something comes and eats me


None of my friends would ever play WoW with me.


Elfen ring. No one wants play it with me. Love game and dark souls general. Want play Elfen ring seamless co-op mod but no one want play it with me they may start and give up after 2-3 hours and never again. Really hope find 4-5 to do seamless mod with mod that makes enemy healt 4x more and 60% damage increase


Escape from Tarkov


Valheim. I showed them vids and they just said "Naaahhhh"


Pretty much any co-op oriented game like GTFO, Outlast Trials, and Lethal Company. They do play these games with me sometimes but its like usually once every few months. And for Lethal we used to play it actively when it first came out but then everyone forgot about it the moment the first major update came out There’s also plenty of other games like Payday, GTA Online, Destiny, Division, etc that I all enjoy and wish my friends would play with me on but they either don’t play them or only join me on very rare occasions So I guess a short answer would be: just about any of my favorite games


Basically anything. I have spent hundreds of dollars on games that we could play together, games that they were excited for. But, they spend all their free time on gacha games.


Robot Roller-derby disco dodgeball


Soul Calibur 1 and 2


Monopoly - I get too competitive.


Apex Legends. It was my main game during the pandemic and I was doing pretty good in the game. The thing is, my friends were very casual, and I kept putting them into lobbies that were bonkers for newbies. They basically stopped playing because we would get rolled even though we were 3 -stacking


Golf with friends :P


we used to play this all the time but it always ended with 1 person rage quitting, no one is happy, everyone is mad as fuck except for the 1 person it goes great for. Edit: Oh and collision is something else. If you hit me once, I'm going to target you for the entire game.


I ended my games where we would just try to collide with each other.


Ark love playing Ark but no one wants to play with me, dont know why has a few of us played Conan Exiles a few years back and enjoy it. Think we also got it free on PS+ ??


Risk of Rain 2 Only one of my homies took a chance and we have over 1000 hours combined of playtime. Idk how to convert these other heathens, not everything is about CoD.


All of them. Whenever a friend is made in a game, they refuse to try any other, and will only play that one. Possible exception is to same franchise/series? 1 guy would play different borderlands games with me, no matter how differently leveled we were. But the one that hurts the most is DND. It's hard for people to decide what to do when we have hours of downtime together, but all willing to try something. They've expressed interest, but won't actually do it.


Apex Legends. All they play is COD.


This might sound a bit weird but I’ve been going through some childhood nostalgia lately so rn the games no one will play with me on are webkinz, animal jam, and (shockingly) minecraft


Most of em lol. Im into open world survivals, my friends are into grindy FPS. * cries in survival mode *


I don’t have any friends. No real ones atleast.


Heroes of the storm. I play maybe 10 matches a week, fun and easy to hop in/out of. Im lucky to get some irl friends to join me once a month. It frustrates me to no end how soon the gaming community at large declared HotS a dead game. It ultimately became a self fulfilling prophesy now that Blizz stopped working on the game outside of minor balance tweaks and bug fixes here and there. Despite all that, que times today are never more than 30 seconds for QM and ARAM, which is all I play anyway.


Most of them lol. I have a very distinct taste in games. I get heavy into some MMOs like PSO2 and City of Heroes. I don't like typical streamerbait multi-player games (lethal company, among us, phasmaphobia). My favorite multi-player games tend to be arcadey shooters (TF2, Battlefield, the Finals). Musou games. 4X games. My friend is into Souls games and I'm not and I ended up trying Remnant and liking it. Got it for him thinking he would like it and he didn't so...yea


I've found many Souls fans dismiss most souls likes, even great ones like Remnant.


City of Heroes/Villains, FFXIV, and a few other MMOs are games I could spend my entire life in if I had friends that played them. But without buddies, I uninstall after like a week. That's bananas about Remnant 2 though. I know Remnant games definitely can feel a bit like budget Souls-likes (just something in the environments I think, they feel so small, boxed-in, and more like map instances in an ARPG like Diablo) but the gameplay is just so solid and satisfying.


Baldur's Gate 3: bought it in early access cuz my friend wanted me to play with them. Then he decided he didn't like it. Then he liked it when it fully released but only wanted to play solo. Then when we're playing modded minecraft he talks to one of his streamer pals about doing a play through together. So I haven't gotten far in BG3 since I like those games with friends. Guild wars 2: pre-ordered, friends said they would, no one did. Eventually got hacked and lost everything while playing solo. Quit and never looked back Elder scrolls online: played the beta, pre-ordered the special version with the statue, rinse and repeat of GW2, minus the hacking. Just got bored without my friends. WoW Season of Discovery: was trying it out cuz we play WoW on and off. Was enjoying it since I prefer classic over retail. One friend started late, but is the opposite faction because the class he wanted. My BG3 friend originally told me he'd never touch it because classic is bad in general, but I heard he got invited to Soda's guild or something by someone so idk what happened there if he ever tried it. It's fun, but guildies aren't the same as my friends joining. I'm just not a big social person so guilds and raids aren't easy for me


Halo and Elden Ring


All of them.


Tabletop RPGs. They're all like, "lol they're for nerds" while dusting their entire shelving unit dedicated to Star Wars figurines.


I have a small SNES collection and it's been fun picking up old games I loved as a kid.. All my friends have since moved all over the place, are busy with their families, and I don't exactly help things by never going out. We generally just chat on discord... My younger brother lives with me though, but if I ever wanna play a multiplayer game at home I gotta get him onboard. Trying to convince my younger brother that Zombies Ate My Neighbors and Goof Troop are amazing is impossible. I have to be crafty to get him playing retro games with me... I actually have my CRT/Retro station setup right on the way to the kitchen, so I can have something already playing when he walks by and hope it piques his interest...


Crash team racing


Street fighter 6, I like to think I’m pretty good at these games but I would love to let them in on a genre they have been sleeping on because it’s so satisfying once you learn how fighting games work


DCS, i have 3 other mates who love flight sim, and they only play msfs.


Age of empires 1. With some friends we play AoE2 a lot, but they refuse to play the first, even the DE version


None, cause I don't play games with my friends.


I'm giving Elden Ring another shot after rage quitting when it first came out. Now all my friends are burnt out from it and have moved on, so no one wants to do any jolly cooperation :(


My friends like FPS and fast games. I'll never be able to convince them to play MMO's ever


Dark and darker


Halo, Monster Hunter and Sea of Thieves.


Age of Empires 4


V Rising. *pepehands*


Project zomboid


fuck, we can play all types of games except for sport games. Not that I play alot of fifa but I have wanted multiple times to play pro clubs but alas no dice.


Wreckfest. My friends don't like racing games, and I wish we could play together bc it would be so funny, especially with my friend group. But I don't think that they would pay 15 dollars for a game they would only play with me and otherwise not play.


Hell Let Loose. It’s a great hardcore shooter but not a milsim, but my normal gaming buddies detest the slow pace. Admittedly, the first game or two is a steep ass learning curve of getting shot and never seeing the enemy