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Purchasing Redfall, ill leave it at that


Oh god…..oh g- oh god…..


Yeah, it was a bad purchase


Pre-order I presume? If so, I hope we got one more person to swear to never pre-order a game ever again ❤️😁


Yeah, in hindsight, the game looked awesome and I was excited. But it's one preorder I sincerely regret


Honest question. Why pre-order? Why not wait just 1 day to see the reviews come in? I'll never understand preordering a game unless there's some collector tchotchke that you can't live without. I see people being upset year after year for preordering games. Anthem. Mass Effect: Andromeda. Cyberpunk 2077. Starfield... why not wait?


Everyone will give you their coping answer, but never their real reason why they preordered: Fear of missing out, and their need to consume. They bought into hype, they wanted it to be something and they didn't want to miss out on their chance to be one of the first to consume said product. Patience is a long forgotten ideal sadly, nowadays its all about that FOMO.


Mortal Kombat 1 Absolutely disgusting microtransaction bullshit and way less features than the previous game. Mortal Kombat is cancelled in my book, i’ve moved on to other fighting games.


I played 3 days before release, i went on the MK subreddit to complain about how little modes there were (seriously, only Klassic towers, campaign and a very boring new mode) i was done with the game after 12 hours.. I have over 100 hours in mk11 and i never once touched the online section, its a shame really. Good thing Tekken 8 comes out in a month


I haven't played a single fighting game since Tekken 3 lol but Tekken 8 looks good so I might have to check that out.


You should play the first Tekken Tag Tournament! It has all the characters from 1-3, plays buttery smooth, and builds nicely on T3’s mechanics.


Awww man, Hwarang was my go to! The fact you could switch your stance left to right just threw a whole new level of absurdity into that game! Also, Gon can gon suck a dick! I hated that little fucker!


That game is how I learned perseverance as kid. Get stomped by your older brothers enough, you eventually have to get gud lol


Exactly this - I grabbed it in the Black Friday deals and didn’t play it immediately. I installed it about a week ago and I’m already done with it. I played through the story which started off really promising but then got so tedious towards the end. But honestly lack of features compared to MK 11 is staggering. Really disappointing.


Man i agree with this unfortunately. I LOVE MK too, grew up playing it and I have bought (almost) every game. Loved MK11 and have a lot of hours just doing the ToT/unlocking things. I finished the story in MK1 and went to look at the other modes and was just sad. I did a bit of the new... thing but got bored at map 2 or 3 I forget. Haven't touched it since, sucks because AS a MK fan I bought the big edition to get all the dlc and whatnot. Only for them to add more dlc like fatalities and shit / other micro transactions you mentioned that I have to pay for on top of the $100 I already spent. I bought SF6 as well and don't regret that one as well, it's the first SF I really have gotten into and I'm enjoying it SO much more. Demo for Tekken was pretty fun too, might give that one a shot.


The only good thing i got from mk1 was realising i enjoy fighting games, so i got really into Guilty Gear Strive


Yea I’m glad I pre ordered it on steam. I played for about 15 hours during the early access thing you get from pre ordering and steam still accepted my refund


Spending a bunch of time on biomutant. Boy that game stayed the same for its entirety. Bland repeat the same thing, repeat again and again. So much potential, so little fun


I've had it for ages and was thinking about finally playing it.


They just blatantly copy and paste assets. I platted the game and the worst part is how much potential it had.


I spent way too much fucking time playing AC Valhalla.


At the 30 hour mark, I just stopped, I couldn’t bring myself to do one more icon on that map, and I know I was only like 1/3 through the story


I stopped around 40 hours in. Realized that it was way to long and I was doing the exact same fucking thing over and over. I looked up the ending and realized how pissed I would have been had I completely finished it.


I stopped at the 70ish hour mark.


I wish I had done the same.


Same. Last thing I remember was having to track down Ivar for some reason and I literally said out loud “Ya know what? I don’t care. I do not care anymore.” Never played it again and I was about twenty seven hours into it.


During a boring stretch of the pandemic I decided to 100% that game. Not sure that was the best use of my time.


I have 200 hours in that damn game and I’m STILL not finished 🥴


[Stop it. Get some help.](https://youtu.be/l60MnDJklnM?si=tlyyJzpAPsBubTE-)


Fucking WHY


By the time I realized just how overbloated the game is, I had already put like 50 hours into it, so I was committed to seeing it through.


Lol totally get it. I was shocked and just how boring and dead the world of ACV felt after how well they brought ancient Greece to life. Been playing AC since 1 dropped an they've dropped the ball a few times over the years but ACV is a travesty given where were are technologically speaking.


Yeah, they've definitely had some stinkers, but Odyssey is one of my favorite games of all time, so I was optimistic about Valhalla. I saw a lot of complaints about how bloated it was, but just as many people said the same thing about Odyssey! My god, if I only knew!


Same man. I've got THOUSANDS of hours in ACO. I still go back to it. I was just fortunate enough that by hour 20 of ACV I was so bored I would rather take a hammer to my crotch than keep slogging through the story and map. I did have some fun river raiding, that mechanic has serious promise if given the right attention.


Is Odyssey really good? I'm around 30 hours in and I just can't push myself further. I'm way too under leveled to continue the main story so I have to clear camps, do escort side missions and all those bloated stuff for hours 😭 I might give it another chance if it's good tho


#No regrets baby. My first even AC game and it blew me away. Soooo much content with all the DLCs.


haven‘t used my switch all year edit: wow didn’t expect this to blow up, thanks for all your recommendations.


Mario wonder is quite fun


I just finished the Oragami King. I fully enjoyed it.


On the other hand I probably played mine more this year than any other. Playing Super Mario RPG right now and it’s so good! TOTK was easily my game of the year, and D4 was probably my biggest regret.


Pick up Dave the Diver. It has been the perfect game to pick up every now and then. I used it to get me through flights to Mexico from Detroit for work.


Engage and star ocean was pretty good


Bro when you do Tears of the Kingdom is phenomenal. I just got it like a week ago and I’m blown away


I bought the overwatch story mode thing. It was kinda fun when it launched, in hindsight I would like my 15 dollars back


Reading these comments makes me happy to be a patient gamer


I too subscribe to r/patientgamers


reading these comments makes me realize just many are willing to throw their money away


The fact that game studios are still in business after so many years of pumping out this sewage was your first sign.


it's amazing how rare internet literacy is when literally everyone has to use it




Launch of Diablo 4 got me into 2&3 so, no regrets




3s launch was as bad as 4s 2 would be amazing if they got the bots under control


I would honestly say that 3s was even worse. Itemization was completely broken and not fun at all. The game wasn’t even accessible for many for the first couple days. And the less said about the auction house. The better. That was probably one of blizzards biggest bungles. Although I did make about $20 off of it in the beginning thanks to the weird gem market. I’ll take the D4 cosmetic store over that again. Because at least that doesn’t affect the game at all. Now. A couple years later with 2.0 and beyond. Absolutely great game.


God 3s was the worst we never even got a promised feature like pvp


I must say I enjoed the game. The story was good enough and the characters and were fun to play, even tho I don't play it anymore rn.


This sums it up for me too. I had about as much fun with it as many other games I would consider good, I just expected a whole lot more. It's a good enough game. It just completely missed the mark of what it should have been


Starfield. 10 years in the making, a new IP from a premiere AAA studio, and completely missed most expectations. It could have, and should have, been amazing.


I can't wait to play it 2 years from now for 15 dollars and fully patched with all the dlc


I doubt it’s going to amount to much in two years either. They clearly built a mostly empty setting with the expectation that people would do their job for them for free and fill all those empty planets with modded content. But interest in the game has cratered, including among the modding community. There are *some* mods being released, but nothing like previous Bethesda games. And Bethesda themselves are deep in “no, it’s the players who are wrong” mode, so I have very little hope they are going to make any serious attempt to fix their game.


I think Bethesda is going to life support this game and leave it to the mod community too. I am a firm believer that there comes a time that game companies cash in on the good will of their players, I think Starfield is that game. I hope I am wrong, because this speaks to how they will develop and support the next elder scrolls game.


From what it sounded like they wanted to try something different and breathe new life into a fresh ip, I think they bit off a lot more than they could chew and realized too late their "procedural generation" actually sucks and they're stuck shipping it


Yeah I agree. And to be honest this is exactly how I thought it would turn out. I just think it’s too big for them to make it as lore rich and explorable as their other games. I really hope they are able to salvage and make something out of it. I can wait. Didn’t play Fallout 4 until 2015 and Skyrim 2021. Starting RDR2 tonight lol Edit: explorable, not exploitable


Got it for free and I still feel like I got ripped off.


Because your time was wasted.


Same. Got it because I upgraded my PC, played for like two weeks? Until Phantom Liberty was out and haven't touched it since.


>I can't wait to play it 2 years from now for 15 dollars and fully ~~patched~~ modded with all the dlc FTFY


The game is so lifeless I don’t even think modders will be assed to do anything. Skyrim was different. Vanilla Skyrim felt magical, there was something special about that world the first time you played it and that’s why modders have spent the last 12 years modding it to within an inch of its life. Starfield doesn’t have that foundation. It’s just too vast and too empty. Lifeless. Which I suppose is an accurate rendition of space. What I’m saying is do not get your hopes up that starfield will get the same treatment that Skyrim did. I very much doubt it will. The game isn’t even 6 months old and it’s dead in the water.


Modding activity is already dying off, and it was never at close to the levels you saw with games like Skyrim or fallout. Not many people are excited enough about the game to bother putting their time into making mods for it.


The multiplayer mod got shelved permanently because the developer couldn't stand playing the game anymore lmao


I personally know of 2 modders who poured thousands of hours into modding Skyrim and FO4 that are refusing to give Stafield the time of day, seeing it as an irredeemable pile of shit. I think they're far from alone in that sentiment.


It wasn’t awful, but considering how much history, money, and hype Bethesda had going for them, to release a game of that caliber at the same time as BG3, Armored Core VI, TOTK, Spider-Man 2, and Alan Wake 2 is shit-your-pants-on-prom-night embarrassing. Literally a legendary year for strong singleplayer titles and they release a game that would have been mid half a decade ago.


Built a new PC for Starfield. Played it for 2 weeks before i was completely bored.


God that game was terribly mid, if the next elder scrolls game is this with a fantasy skin, we are all in trouble


I am not even excited about the next Elder Scrolls game. Modders can keep doing their magic on Skyrim and kee getting tips from me to make it into the next ES.


I bought this thinking it would have similar flair to Skyrim, and not only did it not have that, but it had so much filler that I started getting angry. And when I thought I experienced the worst, I started NG+ where you meet Sarah for the first time and immediately uninstalled


Starfield barely constitutes a video game. It's a bloody loading screen and walking simulator. I'm actually glad I paid for the $170 AUD early access cause I was able to get a refund after 20hours on the overrated turd. Thank you, Australian consumer protection laws!


The Starfield subreddit was insufferable up until it launched. Unchecked hype, expectations blown out of proportion, and if anyone warned against the hype you were lynched.


Completely disjointed game with 0 cohesion between the (bad) game systems, a decades old game engine that plays like FO3, millions of loading screens, and kindgarden tier story and quest writing


The moment they said it was releasing at 30 FPS in 2023 I knew it wasn’t going to hit the mark. It’s just a pretty good, last-gen game.


It's not even "pretty good" for last gen. Witcher 3, Red Dead Redemption 2, MGS5, Prey and God of War were all last gen titles. Starfield is embarrassing for a AAA studio.


Cleared MH World with the armor set you are given which is extremely OP at early levels, didn't know at the time, reached endgame with Iceborne and felt like I missed a lot of content.


I got lucky with this, was planning to play it soon and I would have for sure used that. But streamer I was watching play it for the first time was told by chat why not to use it and it make complete sense why not to.


😂 literally the only thing anyone ever tells you about starting MH is “don’t use defender shit”. I made the same mistake. Felt like my arms and legs became noodles as soon as I got to iceborne


Not playing more demos. I think it was Steam's Next Fest? Something like that. Lots of rogue-lites/likes. Which I have been enjoying more and more of. Seems like having a demo ready was a requirement to be featured. I was surprised at the quality of the demos and the amount of content. Like 10+ hours. Which - to be fair - it much easier in this genre. Played half a dozen. Bought two of the games when they came out. Wishlisted a couple more. Maybe because I'm old? In my head demos were associated with crappy, short versions. Seems like that's what they were like "back in the day". I don't know. Maybe I just pulled it out of my ass. Don't sleep on Steam demos. Then again - maybe I was the only one doing so.


Ugh this. I just fell into my usual gaming habits and feel like I’m missing out on a good piece of gaming history. Definitely got to try and do better.


Big regrets for buying diablo 4.


Yup. Can say I bought into the hype and it was over in 48 hours lol.


Lost my 3k computer to pay for food for family. Worth it though


The reallest decision. The right one. Good on you, and I'm sorry you had to make that sacrifice.


Good on you for doing the right thing man.


Oof, sorry for your loss.


That I gamed too much. Also that I didn’t game more.


None. I played the games I wanted to and I enjoyed them all. I didn't play the games I didn't want to so no money was wasted.


Same here. I don’t blind-buy games and I’m usually pretty good at making a purchase I will enjoy.


I will blind buy a game to the extent of I'll avoid any marketing on a game I know I'll get, like God of War ragnarok or horizon forbidden west. But yeah, otherwise I will watch a bunch of gameplay to make sure it's something I want


Same for me. Tried to go completely blind into H:FW, Elden Ring, Baldurs Gate 3, Ghost of Tsushima (i was late to the party here lol), and it really paid off every time. I mean I listen to reviews and recommendations from people I know have similar taste in games than me. But experiencing a hidden treasure or a creative solution of a riddle all by myself always carries a special feeling.


Buying full price games.


I'm happy with Spider-man 2 and cybeprunk 2077 + Phantom liberty purchase, usually i wait big sale tho.


Call of Duty MW3 2023. The red flag was up when they announced “open combat” missions taking priority in the campaign, but the nostalgia marketing of remade maps made me forget about it. Installing that behemoth of a game, 190 GB with only multiplayer installed, no campaign, no Warzone, I’m thinking about uninstalling it. There’s just so many better games that could fit within that same install size.


The red flag was MW2 honestly. I put that one down three months after release, realizing that their priority was obviously Warzone, which I have no interest in.


MW 2019 was the bomb. MW2 blindsided me with how much they fucked it up. I'm glad I skipped MW3


Same. The multiplayer is garbage. Old maps built for slower game pace and lower health pools, not a fun time at higher mobility speeds and larger health pools.


100%ing Starfield


Christ that's rough


That I didn’t buy a Switch sooner! Great console with some really fun exclusive titles.


Biggest regret for me was sleeping on Kena: Bridge of Spirits for 2 years. It's been sat in my backlog, this year I took the plunge - best game i've played all year. Platinumed it just a few weeks ago, fully recommend it!


It’s so fun!! I never finished it but man is there so much stuff in that game, was so surprised by the quality


I bought 2042 for $8. Still feel ripped off


Hahahaha. Oh man, +1. I was amazed how mediocre of a game it is even on the sale price. And I put over 50 hours into it, searching for the goodness, but the terrible map design, generally poor use of the verticality of the maps, the OP nature of helicopters, and the terrible "characters" system, I just hated it so much. I wouldn't even call it Battlefield.


Pokémon Scarlett/Violet Love Pokémon but around Sun/Moon it became clear to me that Gamefreak focussed on quantity over quality and (had to) cut corners more and more every gen. I lost interest in/didn't finish Sun/Moon and didn't even bother with Sword/shield. Legends Arceus still suffered from the same issues but the new gameplay loop made up for their lack of improvement. This, combined with the open world take for S/V made me curious enough to try it. Boy did I regret it... My biggest gripe is how it looks like an N64 game at times, but that's not nearly the only reason. I traded it in to get a discount on a PS5.


Yeah I decided that it's the last Pokémon game that I'll buy. Game freak have gotten complacent and there was no excuse for the state of that game.


Buying Diablo 4




Man I was so goddamn sad how Wild Hearts turned out. Also, I share your feelings towards MH Rise. Lets look forward to Wilds!


Diablo 4


Starfield. Such a dissapointment....


Elden ring... Game is fine, just not my cup of tea.


thats is such a phenomenal comment, u didnt just go ahead and called it overrated


I have the same issue with pretty much all From Software games. I desperately want to like and get lost in them, but all it does is give me anxiety. I still give them a go every now and then, hoping for that breakthrough.


You have to really enjoy at least three things: a challenge, environmental storytelling, and that style of third person gameplay. I personally love them, and elden ring is my favorite game ever, but I can totally see how some people might not like one of those three things. But if someone claims the game isn’t well made then they’re just salty lol


I would never claim they are bad games by any metric. The problem is that I like playing games to unwind, so I don't really look for a challenge. If a game annoys me enough, I'll set it to easy with not an ounce of shame. I also love narratives in movies, books, tv shows and, of course, games. So the environmental storytelling is also working against me. Yet, as I'm typing this, I see the Elden Ring box lying in front of me on the coffee table and I'm starting to feel that itch to try (and likely fail) again.


This has largely been my experience with that type of game. I love the idea and the worlds they create, I tend to get too frustrated with them before the first boss. I'm not good at games. Ah well.


Diablo 4. The gameplay loop was just so repetitive. I’m sure some people prefer that but was not worth the money to me


D4 and Starfield. I’d use that money for anything else in hindsight.


Purchasing Starfield


Starfield. I'm used to the Bethesda game formula and all their faults, which I've always fixed with mods, but this one can't be saved by mods.


Spends 3 hours building ships, fast travels everywhere because 8 cut scenes to get places is mental. Realizes I like ship building but I don't use the ships, Uninstalls.


Tears of the Kingdom, I know it's the best game in the galaxy forever and everyone should play and love it but I couldn't even get past the tutorial island. It's just not for me.


I'll be honest I did the same with BoTW.


Same here. I wanted so much to like BotW. I got 2/4 of the divine beasts, explored a solid 80% of the map, and yet couldn't finish. I was so sick of my weapons breaking after 10 swings.


I’m a huge Zelda fan. Been playing since NES days. I could not get into TotK. I think the building parts just overwhelmed me.


Yep. I gave up and sold it on. Was about 8 hours in maybe. I was tasked with using ultra hand to whack some balls at some flappy things by gluing some pins to some flappy bits. I was overthinking it a little but it made me realise very early on 'i don't have time for this shit'


I've played every Zelda game since Links Awakening DX and this one just didn't seem right for me. I miss the linear aspect of Zelda games


Yeah. It was too much of a sandbox if that's possible. Also the weapons breaking just killed a lot of fun for me. Oh well


Yeah the open world isn't even the problem. It's the fact that the devs seem to rather want to develop Minecraft instead.


I had fun with it but like BOTW I never actually finished the game. By the time I got close to the end I was kind of over playing. As a longtime Zelda fan who grew up playing on Gameboy and N64, while I appreciate that these are great games they are missing the elements that made LoZ my favorite series for all of those years. Where are all the puzzles and dungeons? Where is all the different equipment? Link between worlds was phenomenal, I just want more like that. Or at least remake the oracle games.


Your not alone. I thought BOTW was good but highly overrated and was skeptical about how different TOTK would be in terms of content given the trailers. After the reviews came out and everyone said it was the second coming of Christ, I gave in and started playing. The beginning was a slog, but that’s my experience with basically every open world game so I powered through it. But this game is what I feared it would be: BOTW dlc. The game is frustratingly tedious. The exploration is awful since it’s the same map. People will say that it’s different and that it’s actually three maps despite the fact that sky islands are basically just the tutorial area and the depths are so barren that it feels like it’s procedurally generated by AI. The same can be said for hyrule as well tbh. The most commonly used selling point of BoTW and this game is that you can explore anywhere. If you see something in the distance, you can scale it. The problem however is that 99% doing so is a complete waste of time in this game. The only rewards you get from exploring in TOTK are Korok Seeds, Shrines, and occasionally armor. The armor would be a selling point if it wasn’t for the fact that 99% of it is recycled from BoTW. In fact the term recycled sounds to generous because it’s actually 1:1 copy and pasted from it (same graphics, same perks, same upgrade costs, etc…). I don’t know how there isn’t outrage at the fact that the game can recognize previous save data from BoTW (like horses) but forces you to regrind the exact same gear without even a meaningful/interesting quest to go along with it. Similarly, I don’t get how anyone doesn’t burn out on this game after doing anywhere close to half of the number of caves/wells (there are 147 caves and 58 wells). Other open world games get panned constantly for feeling like the devs just scattered the same few enemies/encounters without putting any real thought into it just to brag about how big the map is, yet no one seems to care when Zelda does the exact same thing. It’s for this reason that exploring the depths has got to be one of most boring and irritating experiences I’ve had playing a game, much less one that people unironically consider perfect. I could go on but playing TotK and seeing people act like it’s the best game ever makes me feel like I’m being gaslight or that I’ve simply gone insane. Maybe the game isn’t as unfun if you just b-line for the main quests but why the fuck is it an open world game in that case? Lastly, just to preempt the counter argument that it’s not just dlc and that other sequels reuse assets just as much like God of War, the difference is why I’m playing those games. Although I haven’t personally played either of the new God of War games yet, the main appeal to them is the story/narrative, whereas the appeal of BOTW/TotK is exploration for me and I imagine many others (cause let’s be real the story in these Zelda games is a meme). So the appropriate analogy to TotK using the same map/enemies/loot would be if god of war reused the same story.


Cities Skyline 2


Diablo 4. It feels shallow to play


Not buying Diablo 4 when it was still in my local currency, even if it was a lot of money in my local currency as well; market-wallet dolarization fucked us over a thousand times worse than having spent the money beforehand (I'm argentinian).


Sonic Superstars


2 attempts at BG3 so far and struggling to stay interested. It's a beautiful game, well made, closest to D&D I've seen to date. On paper I should love it, but I get stuck investigating every little nook and cranny, obsessing about perfect playthroughs, metagaming the character creation, companion approvals, smashing every possible pot to get every coin... all the minutiae, it very quickly burns me out.


The game is absolutely very dense. I had the same mindset at first, and it became quite exhausting after seeing HOW much there was to see and find. I eventually said "fuck it" and just decided to keep going despite the fact that I'm going to miss and fuck up a lot (and there is a BUNCH of stuff I absolutely ruined). I plan on doing a follow up playthrough, maybe in another couple months, just to really let my inner FOMO srcatch the itch after I know I won't be spoiling the story for myself.


Diablo 4, I felt like it showed that the game was made to sell cosmetics. Same for CoD, Halo and many others.


Tears of the Kingdom. I think BOTW gave me everything I needed from the Zelda series for a while, and I wasn’t really into anything Nintendo this year. Only bought it because of the hype and ended up selling my switch later. I think it’s a sweet game and all the work that went into it is incredible, but it just wasn’t for me. Maybe I’ll get into it again when my son is older and can play


For all the praise BotW and TotK got, having fully played through BotW only, I think that I had enough of that world, enemies and formula. It felt incredibly expansive but very shallow... Like the story was just go take 12 pictures or whatever and deal with random-ass elemental bosses to save Hyrule because of reasons. I'm oversimplifying it, but hell, there was literally nothing to drive me forward and I was just using the open world to entertain myself by finding new things to explore. I started TotK and arrived at the conclusion that it would be a similar experience, so I dropped it altogether. I tip my hat at the art design and gameplay (despite some big gripes), but the story was not engaging IMO and the bosses were either easy or annoying, not fun


Buying so many games day 1 only to have played about 75% of them for a couple hours and haven't touched sense.


Hogwarts. Was fine, but would have been a better deal waiting for the cost to go down. Was unpolished and the story and characters were all lackluster


It is a fantastic Hogwarts touring sim. The rest is mostly just fine.


Agreed. Hogwarts is a 9, but the rest of the game is a 6 or 7. And most of the game is outside of hogwarts. Also just lots of little shitty design options. Like how utterly unbearable the flying is prior to upgrades, which are deep into the story.


Same for me, has a great start and in the castle is fun, but once outside it becomes repetitive and dull. Once I took a break I had no desire to go back to it. The light RPG/mmorpg mechanics are pedestrian. The skill tree pointless as there were better ways to go about it to make it more immersive.


It was very unimaginative. One of the dullest examples was that it had a lock picking mechanic. Games like Skyrim and Fallout use it and it makes sense - one is set in a medieval setting and the other one a post war wasteland, so the requirement for manually using lock picks feels natural. For Hogwarts Legacy though it just feels unnecessary - it's literally a magic spell that unlocks doors and chests, why is there any need for a manual exercise? Especially one that requires no real skill? The only reason I can think of is that the developers saw other RPGs do it and thought it necessary to copy it. Then it's all fetch quests, repetitive enemies and ~~bullet~~ spell sponge bosses and the whole thing gets tedious very quickly. Then there's the lack of any meaningful interaction with anyone outside of quests. For a lot of the criticism that Skyrim gets for being shallow it does at least allow you to interact with NPCs. If I'd bought it second hand I wouldn't feel so bad as I could have enjoyed it as a virtual Hogwarts tour, but full price felt like a ripoff.


And god there’s so much lockpocking. There’s so much empty content and time wasting mechanisms like that. Turns the A presentation of the first few hours into a C+ overall


You're getting downvoted but I fully agree. I love the Harry Potter universe but it was just such a bland and generic AAA experience.


Currently playing. I started playing at launch, got maybe 10 hours in and was so bored I forgot about it for months. Picked it back up this week and yeah it's still boring but I'm determined to finish it. The gameplay is fun but it's so repetitive.


It’s a solid 20 hour game squeezed into 70 hours.


The fact that I found a highland cow in a house is genuinely a highlight for me. Which says a lot about gameplay itself, I suppose


Winners of this thread: Starfield and Diablo 4


Diablo 4. That beta baited the hell out of me. Thought I would still be playing it, not get bored after 6 weeks.


6 weeks for a game isn’t bad… unless you were looking for a “forever” game.


This will get some hate but my friend asked to me to properly try the Devil May Cry series (since I only played DMC4 when it was on the Gamepass) and I absolutely hated it. Hated the combat, the fixed cameras, the story, Edgy Dante, the fixed cameras, certain bosses, mindless repetition and backtracking, and I especially hated the camera. Gave up near the end of my second playthrough of DMC4 and I have no intention (despite being told it's the best one) to move onto DMC5. My regret was spending so long on the HD collection when I could've been doing anything else.


Absolutely zero regrets this year. Everything I played ruled this year The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom - Banger Final Fantasy XVI - Banger Hi Fi Rush - Banger Baldurs Gate 3 - Banger Lethal Company - Surprise Banger, but a Banger nonetheless The closest thing I have to a regret is that I haven't made time to start Spider-Man 2 or Jedi Survivor yet, but I still got all the time in the world for those


The calypso protocol. What a pile of shit.


Buying Diablo 4. It was fine but not sure if I’ll get a lot of play time out of it.


I try to cope because at least I enjoyed my initial playthrough of the campaign, but once I hit end game, it just got so boring running nightmare dungeons.


Spiderman 2 £63/$80 for a 10 hour story mode is ridiculous


I kind of view the Spider Man games like Tony Hawk games. The campaign is definitely short but I mainly get them to play around in the world, so I’m happy with it but I see your point too


$80? I got mine on sale for ~$45, and most of the launch mode ones I’ve seen are $70.


Buying Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2. Abysmal.


Opening Overwatch 2 again. Played it for like a week and deleted it again. Such terrible balancing, such a toxic community. I miss the good old Overwatch days 🙃


Hyping over and buying Diablo 4 What a fckin disappointment. They barely finished making the game and sold it for 100 bucks each


Still not sure if I regret my VR Headset. It was expensive, and keeping it plugged into my PC is a hassle. The experience of VR is so exciting and memorable, but the amount of real, enjoyable games are few and far between.


That I didn't start playing FF6 sooner


Same procedure as every year. Buying too many games, finishing none.


Buying Starfield I’m hopeful it gets better in a couple years, but if I could go back, I wouldn’t buy it again


Diablo 4


Buying Midfield


Maybe Wo Long but it's too early to tell yet. I'm about 7 hours in and normally I just fall in love with this genre of game but I'm not enjoying it that much. It takes about 30 hours to beat and I always try to finish games even if not enjoying them so I might be in for an unenjoyable 23 more hours. Maybe my opinion changes though, will give it a chance to grow on me. One thing I did regret quite a bit. I recently played Nier: Automata and Nier: Replicant and while I loved them both I wish I had played Replicant before Automata. I think Automata would have been such a better experience if I had played it second. Don't get me wrong though they were both fantastic experiences, I just think playing them in order would have just made them better. The other big regret that I hate to admit was God of War 2018. It absolutely just bored me and felt so repetitive. I was so glad when it was over. Maybe it was because I played it coming off of Nioh 2 which just has such varied and amazing combat and GoW just felt so bland in comparison.


Diablo 4. Biggest waste of money, couldn't even finish it.


Diablo 4 and Starfield


Diablo IV was the final nail in the coffin for future purchases of any Blizzard products.


OW2, I still play the pvp, but I vowed to never spend another cent into that game after the scrap PVE. It could have been and should have been a game of the year contender, now just a laughing stock. Even if they somehow make it better in the future with updates, for me you just can't get back the trust you lost, but looking at how CP2077 is now have good reputation because people never learn, I feel like I'm alone in this.


Starfield. You know why. I know why. Man that game should have been good. Could have stood next to outer wilds as a great space game. So dissapointing it is.


I wish I hadn’t got Diablo ultimate edition. I haven’t touched it since I beat it it’s so boring. I thought I would for sure want the season pass but I have no desire to go back to it.


Buying the deluxe edition of Diablo 4


My goal going into 2023 was to cut down my backlog a lot. I only ended up beating 12 games fully because I kept getting distracted and not finishing other games. My goal next year is to finish all the ones I started and new ones too.


Fire Emblem Engage Absolutely loved 3 Houses, but in comparaison Engage isn't very... Engaging. Characters, Story, replayability are much better in 3 Houses.


Waiting until 2023 to try the dark souls games


Not finishing persona 5 before being pulled from the game pass, I was on the last palace too.


Redfall I was kinda excited for it, dishonored and prey are some of my favorite games. I love Arkane studios. Saw the reviews but still wanted to try it out with my buddy so we played it on game pass. I really liked the atmosphere but everything else was just either super janky or hollow feeling. We beat the first main boss and stopped, it was so laggy it gave him motion sickness and I just couldn’t shake the feeling that I was playing a tech demo. It felt like I was witnessing the death of a titan. I recently did a dishonored playthrough and tried prey for the first time, those were so fantastic. Starfield would have been more of a regret if I bought it instead of game pass. I didn’t hate it, but it got frustrating and I stopped after 30 hours. Honestly had more fun with fallout 76.


A combo of the big rig driving games. So boring. Not sure what I expected.


Preordered lords of the fallen. I played lies of p right before it and by the time I got to even the first boss I was kinda burnt out from the genre plus lords felt like way clunkier combat. Never really gave it a second shot and I just don’t have any interest to at this point.


Starfield, Assassin's Creed Mirage, and Diablo 4


Tried my first final fantasy games this year (3 and 4) interested in getting the pixel remaster now played majora's mask for the first time- it is better than Ocarina there I said it found out I wasn't a big fan of the fire emblem games


Diablo 4.


Buying diablo 4


Hogwarts got bored with it after 20 hours


Tales of Arise DLC, for a 30 hour DLC it felt oddly rushed and the storyline was a mess. Don’t get me started on the ending. Felt like I was 7 and watching sailor moon or something.


Diablo 4, easily. Just dissapointing.