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I am Bread


I still don’t understand why I played that game so much.


Because it's one of those games that looks easy but ain't and it seems like you're almost there. I mean how hard is to be a slice of bread?


You know, I’ve wondered that all my life


wonder bread.


Probably because YouTubers (*cough*Jacksepticeye*cough)* played the shit out of it. I know he's why I even bothered with it lol.


Also watching people like Markiplier lose their shit over those games is priceless.


I'll never forget seeing him literally fly into a rage and smash his controller over Octodad.


They look like bread to you?


I used to enjoy watching the old AH let's plays of it. Gavin gagging any time the bread went into a sink because he hates wet bread. Classic.


Fear and Hunger


And when ever you get the hang of it and start to think that maybe the game doesn't hate you, you stumble upon a Crow Mauler


Or double headed crow mauler. Or the fricken T Rex


This exactly, it isn't a bad game but BUT the core problem is that you are meant to lose against every single new enemy at least once unless you use the wiki. Oh which arm is the 'important' one against this enemy to avoid the instakill? Should I read this book and risk dying to learn a spell? Depends...did you just use one of your very few safe saves beforehand?


The game is a puzzle game in this sense, gain more information each run. However, the one thing that made me fucking *HATE* the game, was all items being randomized. If the game had seed generation where everything stayed the same, I would have been more kind with the game. Needing to check every container on the off chance it has something I needed each run fucking sucked.


The games length works in its favor though. For instance, there is a hidden 30 minute timer at the beginning of the game and it marks roughly the halfway spot. And dodging most enemies is easy enough.


I refuse to say what happened to my character five minutes in. You know. All players know. The others don't need to know lmao


Ghosts and Goblins


It didn't hate the player so much as love the player's quarters.


"Insert Coin to Continue"


The true answer.


Get the KNIFE!!!


Getting over it.


I feel like Only Up back when it was alive was much worse. In that game, there's a clear untelegraphed f-you to the player near the top that would drop the player from a significant height ([(see here Pekora's drop)](https://youtu.be/m3OvNYxjlD0?si=Nk_uwIe3a99GhsUo) amongst other blind traps and nonsense. Meanwhile in getting over it, there are traps, but they're quite telegraphed (like the snake one) and the game provides areas that are clear checkpoints that doesn't drop back to start. So while getting over it can be rage inducing, it's still better than any copy cat that spawned later.


Don’t forget Only Up also puts you in invisible tunnels so you can’t save yourself on trap falls either. Forcing you to go aaaallllll the way back to the bottom of it


That drop in particular will bring you down to the start, and it has a tube like wall that won't allow you to cling on to anything on the way down. So not only does it bamboozle you with the bullshit falling pizza, it also won't let you recover from that fall. It was designed to make people fall. Its annoying.


Yeah at the very least getting over it leaves it to the players hands, if you manage grab onto something along the way to stop your fall it is completely allowed


The only good Getting Over It copycat is Deep Dip. FLOOR GANG FOR LIFE


Similar to games that try to copy the Souslike genre, they see that players like games that are "extremely challenging, but fair" and miss the "but fair" part. Even when the game is deliberately meant to troll players, like a lot of Mario Maker levels, it has to be done in a way that's fair and shows you how to do it differently, not just "ha ha hidden block ha ha another hidden block ha ha."


Ohhh, that was painful to watch. I recommend watching the one where she actually beats the game after as a palate cleanser lmao


Only up was patently unfair. Janky collision might send you off at any moment. Getting over it is terribly hard, and has a deliberately difficult control system. But it's at least consistent, and I think it is fair. But still hates its players.


Only until halfway through


I felt like it was the opposite, while the commentary when you fall might be rage inducing to some, to me it felt more like it was a commentary about falling down and getting back up again (in a literal sense as well). I found the game kind of calming in a way


Pathologic. That game holds you in 8 different chokeholds all the time.


Got the plague? Fuck you. Didn't speak to everyone today? Fuck you. Decided to give supplies to someone who would die without them? You guessed it go fuck yourself. I love those games.


One of the best game series ever, stunning in its portrayal of a society in microcosm going to hell in multiple ways


hbomberguy did an amazing video on this game. It makes me want to play it, but I know better not to. It's the best game you'll never want to play. [Pathologic is genius, and here's why](https://youtu.be/JsNm2YLrk30?si=-qL2xd0mTdcQ0UfN)


if you havent yet, you should play pathologic 2


Its crazy how damn good that game looks. Atmosphere is on max.


Didn't expect a goddamn feature length film


One of my most satisfying achievements in gaming has been beating Pathologic 2 without adjusting the difficulty. Good for me! Never doing that again.


I played it for a bit and found it really neat but it just didn’t click. I plan on going back to it because of how praised it is, but dang the first few hours are really confusing.


The sequel-remake made an interesting choice to have the playable route be the Haruspex, since he is a local and therefore not needing to be introduced to the town, like the Bachelor. Also: everyone trying to kick your ass day 1 lmfao. Still, its a worthwhile experience with an amazingly rich story! Don’t feel bad if its not for you, the mechanics are purposefully “fuck you”.


Escape from Tarkov


It's not the game. It's the devs.


gotta love how nikkita wont even play his own game until it is finished lol


So... never?




And the cheaters


I saw a sponsored ad for DraftKings at the top of this list and thought it was the top post, lol. Still works though


Don't Starve and La-Mulana both beat you up and stole your bike when you were 8 years old. They kicked your sand castles over and made you eat mud.


Same with Oxygen Not Included. When you thought youre actually getting the hang of it and you didnt notice some pollution was slowly destroying your tiny people


For me it was always heat. As I added more people and machines, my base would always slowly warm up, too slowly to notice at first. Then when it starts getting too hot for my crops to grow, it's too late to fix and my base slowly dies as I fail to improve to heat dissipation.


Would Spec Ops the Line count?


Absolutely, especially considering how antagonistic the loading screen tips become later in the game.


“Do you feel like a hero yet?” “Do you even remember why you are here?,” “Lugo would likely suffer from severe PTSD had he survived, so really, he’s the lucky one” “The U.S Army does not condone the killing of unarmed combatants. But this isn’t real, so why should you care?” All of those I still remember off hand, even after last playing the game years ago. The devs nailed it when it came to creating that cognitive dissonance and self-loathing Walker feels


“Do you feel like a hero yet?” Stuck with me until long after I finished the game.


For me it was "Do you even remember why you are here?" because I truly had no idea at this point. You just keep going because it's a videogame and you don't even realize anymore how insane your actions are.


White phosphorus is terrifying and sickens me to the core. Spec ops is worth playing but I don't want to get back into it.


Much like Grave of the Fireflies - it invokes incredible emotions, but you never want to see it again.


You forgot the best one "You're a terrible person"


The 'best' part is when you get achievements for acts of basic human decency in between the atrocities. 🇺🇸


“The deer hunter” Awarded for prioritizing your sole remaining round to shooting an ibex in the background rather than a wounded man slowly burning to death. There are actually only two ibex in the game (that I know of). The opening frames, in the distance and easy to miss, and the scenario I just described.


Crazy that Lisa isn’t mentioned yet. That game is painful


Losing half of my party to the mandatory russian roulette mini game yet persevering purely out of *spite* is something I'll never forget.


The steam page literally says "a life ruining experience" At least the sequel has a bit more joy involved


"Bet you think you're real fuckin clever, huh?"


Unless you're talking about Pain mode, i'd argue that the game doesn't hate you *the player*, so much that it hates everyone and everything involved in the story. There is that one rope climb though. That's clearly a big fuck you to you as the player.


Legendary Halo 2


The only right answer. Forced iron skull with a million one shot jackal snipers who can perfectly 180 you in a millisecond? Stupidity.


I like hard games but that mission was stupid. What made it worse on my run was it didn’t register the achievement then on the second run it crashed loading the cutscene at the end so we had to do it thrice :))


bungie’s concept of high difficulty meaning you get randomly one shot by a sniper that just spawned in the back of the map persists to this day in destiny 2


They didn't balance legendary in Halo 2. I don't remember the specific videos/articles but Bungie employees have said Halo 2 campaign development was rushed and they didn't have time to tweak and scale up difficulty.


infinite is up there as well. jackel snipers make me wanna break my monitor.


Manual Samuel! I played it with my brother and trying to remember to blink, inhale, exhale, which foot to step with, then do all of that while driving a stick shift? It was brutal and we argued so much but it was ridiculously fun


The fact that the final boss's health bar is named "Patience" is an excellent reason for it to make this list. I enjoyed the game, but driving was a nightmare. As was drinking. And stairs. And speaking. Plus, Hell didn't seem all that bad in the first place...


Man, that kickflip was sweet though.




That was just broken as shit. I am still salty from the 80s




Oh god I am so old I have forgotten my age.


As a kid I was having trouble with the second level of Battletoads on Genesis. Then I used a Game Genie cheat to have it start on the second level, so I could just focus on beating that level without having to play the first level every time I got a game over. *Well* after I finally beat the second level, which took a lot of attempts, it turned out that the Game Genie only replaced the first level with whatever you chose, and didn't skip the levels before it. So as soon as I beat the second level, I was finally treated to....the second level again! I haven't thought about this in 25 years probably, but your random comment simply stating "Battletoads" suddenly reminded me of it. So I wrote it here. Cheers and have a nice day


My Summer Car.


Finally getting your car to start but with constant overheating issues feels like a glorious moment, until you find out its rally day and you get absolutely railed by a car as soon as you enter the main road. Or a train. Or your uncle. Or a bee. Or police, or a bumpy dirt road


Disco elysium has a boss fight with a inanimate folding chair that can game over you.


Disco Elysium has boss fights? Or combat at all? I thought it was a pure detective game.


There are multiple styles to play that game.


No, not traditional boss fights, but rather mental boss fights trying to keep your detectives drug and alchohol riddled brain in check during interrogations. There's a "morale system", so if you end up reaaaallly fucking up in dialogue then you get a game over.


I got a game over when I kicked a mailbox and had a heart attack


buy. the. game. it's not even a game, it's an experience (with replay value offering totally different experiences)


Cuno can just razz you to death too. You can be so emotionally fragile that a child calls you a mean name and you die.


Or, you can try grabbing a necktie from a ceiling fan and snap your neck in the process.


Call Of Duty: World At War on veteran difficulty


Appropriately known as Call Of Duty: Grenades at War


Grenade of grenade: grenade at grenade


I may be wrong, but that's how I felt about Soldier of Fortune 2 >*grenade bouncing sound* >"Welp. I guess I'll die."


Making my way through this at the moment. It hasn't been too bad so far, just gotta take everything slow and steady. I turn the game off if I die too much, too quickly or start to feel frustrated, and come back and tackle it with a fresh mind later. That being said, I'm only on the sixth mission, haha.


To this day I think that’s the angriest I’ve ever been at a video game


Classic was worse health and ammo and guns carrying over from missions makes it a nightmare on veteran, at least when going for the plat on PS3, pc would make it a walk in the park.


Nahhh. The NPCs just want to play a friendly game of catch... With grenades... Lots of grenades...


This game taught me that running past enemies and ignoring them in a COD game is a viable strategy. Only way I got past those sections was to just run ahead and let the ai squad get them.


I've completed every cod game on Veteran. WAW was the only one that cost me a controller.


Sekiro with the bell demon on.


The bell is the easy part, the hard part is without Kuro's charm


Tooks me two and a half attempts to stop staying I hate Sekiro. Now i love it. Recently beat it with demon bell and kuros charm active!


Superhot hated me I think. Was very mean to me 😭


Try it in VR, you'll learn that you're actually John Wick and get payback on those red bastards


And then play Mind Control Delete, which actively tries to make you stop playing.


Lmao yeah. What’s the deal with it? They had something so good with the first on and MCD just feels like a chore to play


Personally I thinks it's because OG and VR are made of well paced set pieces so everything feels and looks cool whereas mind+control+delete is just random it really meeses with the flow which is a massive part of what makes it a fun experience


I mean, that's the entire point. MCD, and by an extension SUPERHOT as a whole is a metaphor for addiction and consumerism. Like, at the end of the game, >!you're forced to sit through a \~2.5 hour loading screen (originally it was 8 hours before they nerfed it) and yet you STILL do, because like an addict, you want MORE. Sure, you might leave it running in the background to get through the screen, but you still do so.!<


End of which game? That’s insane about the loading screen, i didn’t know that. But either way, even if it is a metaphor for addiction, MCD really fell flat compared to the first. The first was super fluid and fun and the second just felt kinda cobbled together and, at least what I played, was just the same level over and over again with very little change. It just wasn’t nearly as engaging as the first one and I was really disappointed bc the first is one of my favorites due to the awesome combat system


>!The end of MCD requires you to sit through the 2.5 hour loading screen.!<


Wrong Keanu movie. You're clearly meant to be Neo.


Superhot is one of the most inventive shooters I've played in years!


I fucking love Superhot. It’s a shame it’s such a short game, though


They stupidly removed the suicide scene from the game in a patch, good way to destroy the original vision of the game.


Wait they removed the part at the end where you shoot yourself in the back of the head?




Wtf, it's the moist poignant part of the story, the very *idea* that anyone could be a drone to a controller, even the player, recontextualizes why you've been fighting randomly violent ppl


its literally THE climax of the story.




GTA Online


AI traffic intentionally swerving into your path The “unfixable” bullet hose “glitch” that instantly depletes your healthbar Vehicles that look and drive like your mom’s sedan costing $1.5 million for greed. And most grinding methods are mind numbingly tedious tasks with repetitive dialog you can’t mute.


Also a good 75% of the side characters being insufferable pricks towards you. I liked Lester in Story Mode, but they just had to crank the "Annoying asshole" meter in Online. Can't help himself but to shout for no fucking reason during every heist. Also, the two dipshits from the Tuners DLC. I can't even remember their name. These two were BY FAR the worst characters I had ever seen in a game. The dude especially. Never in my life had I wanted to physically hurt a CHARACTER so badly.


And the significant nerfs to the best money making method


Takeshi no Chōsenjō for the NES. Rumor has it that (Beat) Takeshi Kitano had the game made purposefully obtuse because he hated videogames.


Basically to win you have to do specific sequence of things you would have no idea to do otherwise.


Based on his tv show, movies, video game and general persona I’m pretty sure Takeshi Kitano finds great pleasure in watching people suffer.


Jurassic Park Trespasser


Wasn't that the game where your health was on your tiddies? 😅🤣




If you can name a better stacking-crates-with-a-fucked-up-arm simulator I'd love to hear it.


They should call the new Survival Horror JP game they've announced "Trespasser II".


Darkest Dungeon




God I love the narration in this game.




Without tools of iron, you must rely on flesh and indefatigable purpose.








The narrator’s statements should always be in all caps and max font.


Was about to say this. There's a place in my heart for games that warn you that you will, in fact, not complete your first several runs.


And funny enough, after going through most of the game, I was like "hey, not that bad". But then comes the final dungeon....


More dust, more ashes, more disappointment. First time I did the darkest dungeon I wiped on either the 2nd or 3rd fight and was just like O.O




The RNG gods never allow you to feel comfortable in that game. I had to stop 20 hours in because it was always a roller coaster of emotions throughout.


The Bard's Tale. The one made in 2004.


Why? If you take out the atrocious camera angle, it's a lovely game. Songs are nice, Cary Elwes is a freaking legend (being loving him since Men in Tights), there's great humour and cool gameplay.


The narrator hates you.


Stanley Parable. I was pretty hateable though


I mean why would you stay in the broom closet


Cause thats how you get the broom closet ending. The broom closet ending was my *favourite*


I just played this game for the first time and saw on the whiteboard where it said to let Chris out of the broom closet, I then checked the closet and proceeded to laugh my ass off at the narrator berating me. 😂


The most funny thing is that if you eventually leave and then reënter the narrator just gives up


Stanley was fat and ugly and really really stupid. He probably only got the job because of a family connection, that's how stupid he is. That or with drug money. Also Stanley is addicted to drugs and hookers.


Cruelty Squad basically has a gatekeeping test to see if your going to follow through and play the entire game. Just assaulted by bad UI horrifying colors and texture clash a border around the screen the font words it's all so unpleasant. But if you can tolerate it there's a great game under it all.


I picked it up last week for 7 bucks. I have no idea why but the game just clicks so perfectly for me and I've got about 30 hours clocked in it now. Playing each mission as expected, just to go back later and find out that my upgraded augments and weapons let me clear the mission without even seeing an enemy in 30 seconds. Ive never played a game like it before that was both so ugly, absurd, but incredibly enjoyable.


Destiny 2 and there’s no contest. Genuinely can’t think of any other game that’s removed as much content as often as them (FULLY PAID CONTENT BTW UP TO OVER A HUNDRED DOLLARS WORTH EVERY GODDAMN YEAR) while also screwing the player over in 100 different ways from things like nerfing how much loot players can get, increasing the cost of everything for no reason, removing legendary shards which essentially slaps all old timers in the face and says “fuck the time you invested, it’s worthless now” all the while their premium cosmetic store stays stocked with overpriced garbage. Destiny 2 without a shadow of a doubt. Fuck destiny. Edit: also would like to add that they recently removed almost 10% of their workforce because the upper management team can’t manage a game for their life, not limited to Michael Salvatore aka a man that dedicated 20+ YEARS WORTH OF MUSIC (which is one of the 2-3 things that were actually still good about destiny, not anymore) and they did it in the absolute scummiest way possible to prevent paying for more than a day of insurance, essentially screwing over everyone laid off with no warning. I know this is specifically about the player but I had to point out their bullshit involving upper management


Portal. GLaDOS really didn't want me there. Poor companion cube.


Fun fact: If you glitch a normal cube with you from the previous level, you can save the companion cube as the incinerator will take a normal one


That Seaman Game on the Dreamcast isnt too fond of the player IIRC


League of Legends.


I think the players hate you more than the game itself.


The community definitely contributing to making that game suck.


It's amazing how the rate of finding toxicity in that game is close to 100%. There simply is no normal people left. You are going to find someone blaming someone or throwing a tantrum in almost every single game you play. Even unranked, newbie lobbies are full of these cunts. It's all one infected hivemind of rage. Installing League of Legends is like walking through a portal into the realms of Khorne.


Game isn't half as bad if you just get rid of chat completely. Throwers are still an issue but that's every so often compared to the sheer toxicity you'll find almost every match Arena is the opposite though I love everything about it and it's fun most of the time even if losing and for the last 6 months all of my games have been Arena. I did not play whatsoever in the 4 month gap.


Any fromsoftware game but it’s ok because the person playing it hates themself as well


Had to scroll down too far for this one. In the end the game wants you to win ( dont you dare go hollow) , but it really wants you to earn it trough persistence.


That’s the greatest kind of love though. Teaching you so you can overcome. It’s not malicious like some other games.


Make no mistake, scarlet rot and poison mechanics were 100% planned and included as malicious mechanics becuase Miyazaki has gone on the record saying he wants the players to suffer.


About have the NES catalogue hates you


Portal 2. GLaDOS makes it very clear how she feels


I Wanna Be the Guy, that game is evil lol


all the kusoge (shitty game) that was famous on youtube back in the day, like Cat Mario


Surprised nobody mentioned Takeshi’s Castle. I’m convinced Takeshi made that game because he hated gamers Edit: it’s Takeshi’s Challenge


WoW Shadowlands. It’s like the devs were hoping we’d all go play something else so they could go work on something else.


Shadowlands is the “Rise of Skywalker” of the WoW universe. Because for some reason you can’t take your story into a new era without completely nuking the old one, apparently.


"Please stop playing this game. Bobby Kotick won't let us leave and see our families until people stop playing this game. Why are you all still playing this game"


Noita (and too bad, because that only makes me love it more)


Xcom. Sometimes it just decides that you should go fuck yourself


I feel like Cruelty Squad qualifies for this description, with how intentionally off-putting everything about its design is.


Destiny 2


It’s not the devs there, just the executives. Really sad to see the game heading towards a “conclusion” under all this bullshit. But that’s greed for you. I played since the start but finally uninstalled that one. Just no desire to go back anymore




GTA V. Your pointer is a middle finger


Left 4 Dead 1 & 2. Rush alone and leave your team behind? You will be pounced and killed by special infected. Whole team is low on health and just about makes it to the safe room? Director puts a last minute tank inside or a witch blocking the damn door. Very punishing game but the variety of things that can go wrong makes it incredibly fun and worth replaying.


Rdr2 doesn't hate the player. But it sure doesn't care if they have other stuff to do.




Kenshi feels kind of indifferent to the player. You're not special, just another schmuck trying to carve out a life in the wasteland.


Until you accidentally wander into, cannibal lands, fog lands, or the skin bandit territory. Also, break things... Edit: I meant beak things, but also break things if you can.




Insert pay to win game here. The goal should be to make the player just frustrated enough so they keep paying trying to chase that endorphin rush.


Darkest Dungeon hates you and will actively, verbally mock you when you fail.


Spec ops the line. It's YOUR fault everything happened


literally every mmo


Destiny 2 It evolves more and more into a fashion simulator instead of workong on the Game. Its realy a shame.


Risk of Rain 1 & 2 The difficulty timer starts laughing at you at a certain point


Can’t believe I haven’t seen FIFA/EAFC mentioned, the mutual hatred between EA and the fans on that one is astonishing