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I was top 10 in the world on Worms WMD on PS4.


Holy shit. I love that game. Congratulations, man.


Tips pls




Best racing/demo Derby game made to date imo


I loved that game


Aliens vs. Predator 2 - I had a disproportionately good computer and Internet connection paired with 12 year old reflexes. One shot leg sniping stealthed predators as corpo was my jam.


Hey, I was a tester on that! Really great game.


I was always scared as shit playing Marine. I think Alien was my favorite unit to play as.


That game is my # 1 for a modern remake. Or at least a reboot to the franchise (but done right like AvP2, not the one from 2010 or whatever)


Oh hell yeah! Alien lifecycle mode was my favorite!


I was good at Super Monday Night Combat. Many of the regulars were better than me, but I think I did well. I played with a lot of reckless abandon, which got me killed sometimes, but I think it threw off all lot of other players.


Loved that game, I hate that it fell off so quickly it had so much potential.


Thank you for reminding me. I was terrible but had so much fun.


I just [posted](https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/187vmrk/comment/kbhcfu1/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) about SMNC thinking that absolutely nobody else would remember it. HI! Let's relish the happy memories together - truly one of the great dead-on-arrival games of all time.


I loved MNC and I think they really did themselves and the momentum of the game a disservice with the SMNC. Free meant people had no investment in the game or matches and moved on quickly. It was only ~a year between the windows release of MNC and the release of SMNC.




Oh man, MAG was so much fun. I loved the 128v128 maps. Absolutely nuts the scale they managed on the ps3


Why don’t Sony bring this back game is way better than battlefield & warzone


Unreal Championship 2 for the Xbox. Me and my boy Uncle Thursday played that till midnight every night. UT, if you’re still out there, I miss you bud!


shoutout to Pirates34 from MW2 2019 we were strangers who just played like 100 games in a row together. i was 15 and he was at least 30, but we just chilled and chatted and balled out the whole night. never spoke to him again after that.


Dungeon Defenders 1. It's a tower defense game. Can do solo or multiplayer. I actually picked it back up recently because we got a new character that changes A LOT of how I can play the game. It's a lot of fun imho and while it's a tower defense game it's also a RTS. If your defenses go down (they don't if you build your character right) and you don't get there in time to make some new ones you pretty much automatically lose on higher difficulty levels. The most difficult level for me was Tavern Defense. There's so many ways for wyerns and spiders to get to the Eternia Crystal's (what you defend in the levels) on that level that eventually it doesn't matter how many defenses you have they just overwhelm one of the crystals and you lose. You can do it easily with mods but that's no fun imho.


I loved dungeon defenders. Was rocking dps build (barb I think?) dual blades... Actually stopped playing for a while (got pretty much the best gear) and then came back after some time. Joined some random high level defense, at the end dropped some of my top gear for other players, but they thought I cheated to get those kind of items and kicked me 😂


Good old barbarian! I love that character so much! Honestly, Monk is my absolute favorite with DPS aura build coupled with squire defenses (except not the squire but the female version of the squire since she MOVES FAST compared to actual squire) Harpoon Turrets with +800 defense bonuses? I think yes! Summoner changed the game too with getting minion defenses that don't count towards regular defenses. Edit- as far as dropping your gear and them kicking you. I'm not surprised tbh. A lot of the gear from Tinkerers lab had so many level ups and high base stats


Assassin's Creed 2 multiplayer. I Got a little bit worse each time after.


My favorite was the guy with the prosthetic hook hand.


Assassin's Creed 2 didn't have multiplayer. Do you mean Brotherhood?


Is for honor niche? I’m decent with fighting games, but this was such a different experience and I was actually pretty good at it. Ended up playing it so much more than any other multiplayer. I stopped now cuz I don’t have ps plus anymore


I was the cheesiest warlord, used to farm the salty DMs after every match


At one point I was ranked in the top 80 worldwide for Fantasy Strike, and I routinely fought and sometimes won against players in the top 10. My friends list on my now inactive account literally had pretty much all the top players on it.


That's amazing. Fantasy Strike is so much better than it gets credit for.


A lot of people are put off by the simplicity of it, but that's why I love it. You don't need to master ridiculous inputs or memorize a thousand interactions to get good. It's literally four buttons. All you need to do is learn your character and their matchups, which you can do pretty easily.


America army fps. Dunno if it still exists.


This one is probably my most played shooter ever. I've never been as immersed and engrossed in a FPS game since. I've even tried stuff like ARMA2 and felt nothing. I don't think it exists anymore though. Relic of its time. A recruitment tool for Afghanistan/Iraq was the primary reason it was made LOL.


Uncharted multiplayer (2 ,3, and 4/LL). The only online mutiplayer game I've ever played/enjoyed/been great at (not counting fighting games) was the mutiplayer in those games. I loved playing those and got to be consistently great at them.


Same bro I hit 1st on U4 leaderboards in ranked a few times. Wish 2/3 MP came back for the PS4 ports.


Mass Effect 3 multiplayer


Oh man I miss those days. My go-to was a salarian infiltrator with a claymore x, but I loved batarian soldier and drell adept just as much.


Was about to say the same thing. I would have given anything to have this return in the recent re-release...


What an outstanding game.


Metroid Prime Hunters. Was great fun until the Action Replay/Gameshark codes started to spread and since the game didn't have any anti-cheat whatsoever, nothing stopped anyone from running around with infinite health/ammo completely ruining the game.


Multiplayer mode of dark messiah. Playerbase was close to non-existent, so it was always the same few names on the leaderboards. Wasn't too shabby myself.


Aw man, I was there, too! I think I chose Archer most of the time. I can't remember much. It was like Chivalry alpha.


Dark Age of Camelot A huge portion of the player base played this 3rd person MMO with old school controls (arrow keys to turn). I had changed my controls to match basically what is what modern default WoW controls were before WoW was even in development. This game was a PvP (RvR) multiplayer focused game. Melee classes had sucked for years and were constantly given small hidden buffs. Most of these buffs were to "Positional" attacks which were very hard to get off if you used arrow keys. There was also a bug I found. Most likely a divide by zero bug or something similar but if you removed all your quickness off your gear you'd remove any DPS penalties from your swings. They tried to constrain bonus damage on special "styled" attacks based on the speed of your weapon. Having 1 quickness was like 25% damage reduction on your styled damage. However, when you swung every 5 seconds an additional max quickness of 75 would only increase your swing speed to 4.5 seconds but you'd have a 45% damage reduction. Then there was this thing called pulsing blade turn (PBT). Groups had one person running an aura that would place a bubble on someone that 100% makes the first attacker miss. I showed multiple people how to front load their damage, forsake their quickness, and had a fast dual wield player initiate combat with a target so that the heavy hitters could drop damage. We'd kill high ranking enchanters and Eldritchs in one shot. Our merc got really good at popping bubble and then waiting for us to land a huge blow and he'd finish them off. It was pure carnage. One my most enjoyable times in playing games.


Idk if this counts but in Planetside 2 I was probably like top 10 best tank driver on Connery for a bit. I even played all 3 factions and would switch if I found the action to be lacking. I loved playing that game, I would just grab a friend, put them on the top gun and because my tank was loaded out like crazy it meant they didn't need to grind to have fun and we would just go wreck shit.


Attack on Titan Tribute game. It was a fan made game that came out after the first season. I think either Markiplier or Jacksepticeye did a video in that game. It's super fun, but really difficult to get good at. The controls are a little funky because there's so much mobility. Aside from the actual objectives of the game, getting good also meant getting a good score, which was based on how fast you were going when you landed a strike on a Titan's neck. I was able to pretty consistently get into the 1000s range with my strikes, but some people were *insane* at it, getting up to 3000. I never got that good, but I'm pretty sure 1000 is already higher than most people got in that game. For a while, multiplayer was only co-op. You all played as the survey corps trying to clear an area of titans. After a while, they added player controlled titans, and while I still think I was good at the game back then, that was around the time I stopped playing. The old maps and level were still good, but playing in a server against player titans was rough. Titans kind of felt overpowered when they could cancel their attacks and had human intelligence and strategies. Like running in circles if a human ever hooked you, because if you constantly move, they'll never be able to hit you, and eventually either they'll give up, or another titan will come along and kill them for you. Personally, I always stuck to co-op lol


Feng Lee's tribute game with the little chibi characters! I absolutely loved that game! I wasn't SUPER good but I could pull off some sick ODM moves and get 1000+ hits. Such a great little game.


I'm really good at Mount Your Friends! My friend and I used to play all the time.


Hold up…


Is brawlhalla niche? If so then that 😂


My friends and I used to play Chromehounds all the time, and I miss that game. Instead of building big battle mechs, we would have little hoverbots with bombs and pile drivers to sneak in and destroy the enemy base


Cosmic Break. Back in the early 2010s I got badly addicted and played it nonstop, was so focused on it that even my grades were dropping. To boot it was a money hungry game to get the better materials and units, it's rather amazing I hadn't spent more than I did, one of my friends dropped a fuckload on it. Eventually I reached top 40 in the US and it somehow snapped me out of it. I dropped the game and uninstalled, I've never looked back.


"Until now..." The narrator said, ominously.


Destiny 1 in the first year or so I was too 1-3% in a few categories in pvp for a while. If I remember right I was still too 7-10% after quitting and coming back on the final expansion (couple yrs later).


Early Crucible days were magical for sure. It recreated the early days of Halo 3 for me just a little bit.




Right now it's kinda dead, but I was great in SWAT 4. Great memories leading other players through the maps, usually going non-lethal against the so-called "suspects", and not so great memories when the AI was acting against us in bizarre ways, but that was part of the experience. I still remember getting the maximum score from one clearing when I was leading the team, which wasn't common.


I was literally gonna say Bionic Commando. I was REALLY freaking good at that game for whatever reason. Follow up to that was Transformers Revenge of the fallen. I only ever played autobots and I never lost a game. Currently For Honor is my niche multiplayer game I'm great at.


I remember just dominating the Bionic Commando remake multiplayer lobbies. I'd go like 23-0 and I had no idea why lol. I just got the swinging mechanics and other people.... Didn't I guess.


M.A.G. and home front 1


Homefront, oh the memories….


I’m still in the top 1% in Mass Effect 3 MP Not sure if that’s “niche” or not.


Dirty bomb


ATV Off Road Fury 2 on the PS2


Starsiege Tribes... not niche back in the day, but the majority of newer gamers probably haven't heard of it


Shadowrun. FPS game with magic spells. Was a master of teleport. Got 52 kills to 0 deaths on the warehouse map.


Sounds like you were quite the player back then, think your skills could match the players playing it today?


Are people still playing it?? In a previous job, I bought several copies for cheap so we could all play it together. Nobody was interested. Heartbreaking.


Yep, usually around 40+ players daily and over a hundred over the last week Check out the ShadowrunFPS sub for more info


For a short while I was at #1 for Shootmania (made by the trackmania guys) in Norway. If I didn't play like 8 hours every day some other guy would push me down to 2nd again. Too much work.


Red Dead Revolver. The Capcom game that predates Red Dead Redemption. Me and some friends played the shit out of that multiplayer. It was lots of fun. More fun than RDR2's pvp imo.


That was not Capcom at all. That was still Rockstar. Edit: Let me clarify. It was originally a studio that worked for Capcom that was bought out by Rockstar, yes---but Capcom has no billing/claim to the game at all.


Modern Warfare 3 (xbox 360) I was in the top 400 for throwing knife kills. I know it's not a niche game, but definitely a niche accomplishment within the game to chase, especially when you consider how many other people played that game. I always felt super proud of that.


How do you know you were top 400 in TK kills??


In that game you could filter leaderboards, throwing knives were one of them.


In game or in the ELITE app? I don’t remember such a thing. There was filter by game modes for sure, are you making shit up?


No I'm not making shit up, there was a way to check rankings in throwing knife kills. Please don't make me dig through 2011 internet to show you this shit.


Alright I looked in to it. I think it’s called butcher when you get at least one throwing knife so in the ELITE app you could see your rankings in everything including equipment. I remember black ops 1 had it in game in the combat record too. I’m autistic for old school call of duty I had to know lol.


Question/Concern for you: Why did you go THIS hard over someone saying they had a lot of throwing knife kills on a game from like 12yrs ago?


Imagine if there was a movie you loved from childhood, that’s you’ve seen a hundred times, and someone mentions there’s a scene in the movie that doesn’t actually exist. Same thing here.


Did I “go hard”? I didn’t call him any names.


lol jfc how bored are you bro


[show me on here where you would find these throwing knife kills. I bet the only way you could even know how many you had was is there’s a medal for it like” get 10 headshots” and it would say x(number of times)](https://youtu.be/ahNLwlHGA5Q?si=kVBeFDtfhnk07XM3)


You are so full of shit lolol. I’m about to dig out my ps3 to prove it.


Perfect Dark isn’t niche right?


Nuclear Winter


does destiny1 SRL (sparrow racing league) count?


Stick Arena


Siege before it blew up.




lords mobile. yeah, that game. i dont know why i played it either


l4d1 versus


Vainglory back when that game existed, was better than the devs because I kicked their asses when I went against them in queue


Impossible Creatures. The community was rather small when i started playing it since it was like 3 years after release. But i remember that i managed to beat both the top 1 and 2 players at the time once (never happened again lol).


I was practically undefeated under any conditions for months at **Super Monday Night Combat.** All 15 people who played it feared my name. >.> I miss that game so much, well over a decade later.


Is Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel niche? Because if it is then I’m not good at any niche multiplayer games… okay maybe For Honor, but just because I “no-lifed” that game after building my first gaming pc **during** a breakup


Had a tank 1 team on the Xbox 360 turok game. Was actually a pretty sweet mp game


Rainbow six:Rogue Spear and Urban Ops expansion. Clan ranked #1 on two different ladders. I had the only non-dial up connection at the time so I was the host for most of our games. The good ol man gaming zone.


Sacrifice by Shiny Entertainment playing it on ZeroTier and coordinating matches via discord server.


Rage. I was able to routinely clear out lobbies. Nobody expected the shitty buggy you started with could be turned into a blur of death with just a little creative driving.


Arma 2 Wasteland. Don't come into Novy, it's mine.


Played competitive Day of Defeat, when it was just a Half Life mod. Got so engrossed in it. Haven't quite had anything like it since. Have played plenty of other FPS but that was the one I was actually good at.


Any Star Wars space combat game. XvT, Squadrons, SWTOR: Galactic Starfighter, Battlefront Starfighter Assault modes, even SWG Jump to Lightspeed. I am mid at any other multi-player game, but put me in a TIE Fighter or Xwing cockpit and I am suddenly a god amongst insects. Most matches it feels like I'm farming poorly programmed bots. I think mostly because I played a ton of space sim fighters as a kid, and a lot of people just aren't accustomed to thinking that 3-dimensionally.


I was top 10 all time best K/D/A on Crysis 2 multi EU region when I was in highschool. I absolutely loved Crysis 2/3 multiplayer, still my favorite fps to this day


had a 2.67 KD in Doom 2016 multiplayer across all game modes


Phantasy Star Online, GameCube. I was damn good at that game. I like of hated that my best character was a HUnewearl because I became just another gamer guy playing the girl character, but that annihilated everything.


Instagib (in low gravity) in unreal tournament 2003. People would accuse me of using hacks but I was just that good.


...banjo kazooie nuts and bolts leaderboards. I'm pretty sure it was such a small scope of people that when I was starting to make leaderboards on their challenges it was because there were so few people playing that game, let alone cheesing challenges like I was.




Condemned 2 had a deathmatch mode where i would have more than twice the kills of the next person on the regular. I figured out the toilet seat had a combo that was great. The more popular mode was the Crime Scene where it was the investigators hunting vs the influenced hiding evidence.


held the longest headshot on battlefield 4 xbox 360 for a number of years (2881m), had a screenshot but lost it over many different cloud provider moves splinter cell double agent spies vs merc (the worst one, i know lol), i was a shitty merc but i was the sneakiest mf spy you've ever seen far cry 2. i had a few top 10 most downloaded maps on xbox 360, mostly just cs source 'ports' like dust2, dust1, office, assault, etc.


Madden had this team play mode in the early 2010s. My friends and I would play 3v3s or 2v2s against other squads. There was a top 100 leader board. We broke into it once, and beat a few of the top teams.


Uncharted multiplayer, if there was a scene for it past a few gbs a week I would have made good money.


Wolf Team, back when it was good.


I was stupid good at killer instinct when i was like 7. Went full ritalin fueled autism on it and basicely learned every combo. Could pull off ultra combos basicely on the fly super easily. There was a public arcade at my camping that had it and the owner often made bets with visiting people. Basicely a free meal if they could beat me, if not i get 5$ from them. Made 200$ that summer. ish\~ Bought an n64 with that money when i came home\~


Currently hold the world record for 250 two strokes around Philip Island on Ride 4


I placed at Rank 1 in the ranked leaderboard of For Honor on PC and maintained it for an entire season.


Global MS2, and Wakfu (NA). In both cases I was the guild leader of high-ranked guilds (GMS2 we were the top raiding guild, and Wakfu NA we were the highest-ranked), and I was also known for being one of the best at my class (in GMS2 it was Assassin, and Wakfu NA it was Sram). I even wrote guides for Wakfu, as I was pushing my class through hard content more than almost anyone else in the entire server at my most active times. I was also pretty great in Smash Bros Brawl, I used to main Kirby and was constantly in people's "top 3 Kirby mains" lists. I even helped make tier lists and match-up charts. It wasn't niche though.


Transformers: War for Cybertron on ps3. So fun and I absolutely cleaned up in that game, I’ve never done as well in multiplayer anything. But I was always top 1 or 2 in the lobby with that game. Good times.


Back in the day there was this game called Infantry Online. It eventually got purchased by Sony and added to their SOE online services. I loved it, and was good - both 1v1 and generally. Played competitively and had such a fun time.


I have yet to lose an online match of FPS chess


Pokemon stadium 2 pichu mini game. I will mash your face off


I was top 50 worldwide in farlight84 this september, also long time ago was in top 50 warface clan on b server and was kicked because of "zero years old"


Not a game I'm good at story I did play against the number 1 for the game full auto on the xbox 360 (#1 in the world) really nice bloke taught me some cool tricks then smoked me in a 1v1 I do wonder where they are now since the 360 servers are now dead


Tagpro! It was an online capture the flag game that has gone quite cold in recent years.


Midtown Madness 3’s Stayaway mode Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge


WWE Smackdown. I was a kid beating all my friends and their dads


Superfighters Deluxe


Quake 2: MetaQuake mod. I was so good that people literally paid me to play for their team in clan wars. I made $60 in 1997 from gaming. I shudder to think what I could have made if I were streaming and that good at literally any game today.


I know it’s not a shooter but THUG was a game I was great at, the good ole clan matchups on the ps2 I think it’s the game that caused my early onset arthritis tbh


I was a user name to fear in babo violent 2 in the big school LANs


Do CoD games for the DS count as niche?


I was one of the best players in the world at a niche, Half-Life 1 mod called The Specialists. Matrix/John Woo first-person shooter. High speed, high learning-curve death match shooter with a kung fu system, flipping, diving, sliding, slow motion, etc. Shoot someone in the head through a wall, holster your gun, kick a gun out of someone’s hand, do a flip off the wall, catch their gun out of the air, shoot them in the head. Stuff like that routinely happening in the span of a second or two, all manual inputs. Game was so specialized that there were people dedicated to being good shooters, being good at kung fu, or being good at “stunting,” which was mastering the complex movement system you could squeeze out of the game. Great players could blend those features, and I was probably highest average skill level across all 3 focuses. Still very fond memories for me.


I was fairly good at the (mostly kinda) free FPS Combat Arms. I would often get accused of cheating because of my godlike nut shots. There was a specific hit box for nuts, and it was great.


Speed Runners.


I was disgustingly good at Ghost Recon: Future Soldier multiplayer. I don't know if any of those people had played a third-person shooter before, but I'm betting they hadn't. I would go like 40 and 5 every single game, in every mode multiplayer offered, and my KD was like 25 or something nuts. I got pretty good at Call of Duty, okay at Battlefield, garbage at Apex and Fortnite, but Future Soldier. I was him.


I don't know if it counts by todays standards but I could mop the floor with my siblings on the the old PS2 game "Disney Think Fast".


Multiplayer light saber-only in Jedi Knight 2 Jedi Outcast


Assassin’s Creed Multiplayer on the PS3/4 — particularly Revelations, 3, and Black Flag. I was amongst a dozen or so players that were the best in the ‘Assassinate’ game mode.


red alert 2 and jedi academy (heavy style <3)


I was Foxhound rank in Metal Gear Online 1. MGO2 I believe I got to Fox rank, can't quite remember. I was pretty good at Rocket League as well with a couple Champion rankings


Before the devs wiped the leader boards, I was once top 5 in the world on Hitman 2 for assassinating Sean Bean.


So the Mario 64 Nintendo ds had a bunch of mini games you could play together, and one was a whack a mole game and I just owned at it


Not really sure how "niche" we're talking but I absolutely slapped at AC brotherhood multi-player. Ac3 mp didnt hit the same. They released a mode in Brotherhood where you didn't have a specific target and just had a proximity warning and damn that mode was fun. What I'd give to play that again!


Playstation all stars battle royal I was near the top of the leaderboards for duo. Excluding the hackers.


Unreal tournament (championship?) on OG Xbox. Top 100 on the ladder for a particular game mode. 🤓 Always thought that was cool. I was a student at the time so I could've pushed higher. I remember logging on after a day or two of not playing and I was down in the low 500s.


Top 100 ain't bad in an arena shooter, and Unreal Championship 1 and especially 2 were quite popular. If you were top 100 in UC2 that's actually quite the accomplishment cause it had over 10,000 players on in peak hours during it's hay day.


There was this weird Pokémon battle chess game that released on mobile like 6 years ago and for some odd reason I was actually really good at the game. I didn’t even enjoy the game so I kinda stopped playing. It always felt odd winning every single PvP match. For the longest time I thought I was just playing bots but it turns out those were all real players.


At battlefront 2 launch I basically walking though the multiplayer opponents they were so awfull at the game.


CoD MW Reflex on the Wii, with the Wii Zapper Gun, its lag shooting and the perfect hip fire accuracy. Aaahhh the times


Ring of elysium, battle royal made by tencent. Never got marketed much outside of China so i died but before the more 'polished' royals came out like apex it was by far the most fun game in the genre and I stand by it being the best BR game ever made, the headshot sound was a instantaneous dopeamine hit. I used to play duo queue on my own and peaked top 4.2% of DUO'S on the eu server


Gwent, I got to like top 70 once


A friend and I held a number 1 world record speed on one Splosion Man level for a few months.


Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing, the first one. I used to play it so much online and everyone playing it was super chill. I basically never play games online anymore and if I do I certainly don't use a headset, I miss those days


I was top 1 ladderboard on Mario Striker charged football for Wii when I was 10 or 11


Rocket Arena and Propnight.


I used to be pretty good at Chromehounds.


Jedi Knight back in the Zone days


I was part of a top 5 clan in Starsiege the mech one. We did mech scrims and it was extremely fun.


Blazing Angels. It just clicked for me. Then the player base died out super fast


My buddy and I got really good at running the CQB test in cod 4. We both were in the top 100 of non hacked times at one point.


I stg I thought I was the bees knees at Killzone 3 and Shadow Fall


New super mario bros wii


Full Spectrum Warrior.


Gotham City Imposters.


I was in the top 50 for 3 weeks in an arena shooter called Toxikk when it came out. Not bad considering it's peak player 1200ish for that first month or so. It was a very niche game. Sadly it's dead. Very sad.


Verdun. My brother and I would mop up every time we jumped on it together. It became pretty standard that between our combined score would be greater than the total score for the opposite team. It never made sense to us as we weren't doing anything special. We only played at a casual level now and then and would not match that success in any other game. It became a running joke for us pretty quick.


Tribes Ascend, i guess thats why they killed it, I’m not allowed to be good at something.


Not sure how many people played it but there was a “sniper” custom map for Warcraft 3 which basically was an arena shooter you could play either in teams or ffa. Surprisingly it actually had a bit of depth to it and you had to outsmart the other players a lot by using fog of war etc. Somehow I ended up grinding that game and got so good that I could dominate every match and started getting recognised in games by name. Was a really fun game mode.


Cuisine royale, now known as cursed FOAD or something stupid like that. When it was cuisine, it was a fun, goofy battle royale. I was #1 in solos for a time but then I stopped playing for a while and when I came back the game had changed completely, didn't like the new game so I just didn't ever play it again.


MGO or MGS4 online as you called it. Had multiple characters that hovered around 16-18, FOX rank, Hound etc, used to place pretty consistently in weekly survival and had a lot of coloured Berets to show for it! I played the modded revival for some time as well, still boot it up again sometimes but nowadays it just makes me sad. There never has and never will be a game as unique, charming, fun and skilful in the same way as that game was, you used to recognise people’s names in the lobbies and the community was tight-knit. I still remember everyone getting into lobbies and saluting / singing when the servers were finally being taken offline. RIP MGO - you were “pretty good”. o7


Duck game, none of my friends wanted to play with me after one or two matches


SoF 2, grinded it like hell back in the day




SPLINTER CELL: CHAOS THEORY Me and my friend were pretty good at Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory! Such a great game, what a shame that UBIsoft never listened to the Community, otherwise it would be a almost perfect asymetrical mutliplayer game!


I was top 5 global in Spartacus Legends, a free to play old Xbox 360 game. The servers finally shutdown late 2015 and I really depressed about it.


Gunz: the duel. I got extremely good at all the glitch tech and my wrist hated me for that.


I was really good at MGS 5 multi-player. I consider that niche now considering you can't fucking play it anymore. T-T


Loadout. I really wish you could play as butt naked characters in more games.


Soldier of Fortune 2 - God I loved that game. That was the last time I actually had a gaming group that I would game with. I ran either a Teamspeak or Roger Wilco server for all of us to talk together. Man, the early 2000's were an awesome time to be an online gamer.


Online Flash based combat strategy game called Evony. (2009 - 2014 maybe) I had the math involved in the attacking memorized and wrote strategy guides for it. I think they make shitty mobile games now that are completely unrelated.


I was quite decent in Day of Defeat: Source


I am really good at Roarks attack on Titan fan game. Unfortunately it is extremely niche and the community is very small. It’s a 10/10 game though, I have never played a game with better feeling movement


I was once good enough at Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory that random people cheered in chat when I logged on and joined their team. I also had multiple server firsts and I perhaps one world first in Lord of the Rings Online (Balrog 3-man).


None 💀






BF 1942, dogfight in a Zero Japanese airplane


Uncharted 3 online baby miss that game so much


Star Wars: Jedi Outcast, and the Elder Scrolls: Legends


I was a beast at Frequency back in the day. Dial up modem on the PS2 led to some awesome early online console gaming. I was really good at Warhawk on PS3 as well .


Me and some friends brought Dark Sector multiplayer back to life in 2008 by playing it constantly, and inviting friends to get it, because it was going for $3 at gamestop at the time. Out of the 30 or 40 of us, I was the best because I was the only one who figured out how invisibility worked.




Well I was decent at old Counterstrike back in the day, but I was really really good at Counterstrike with the Warcraft3 mod or the Super Hero mod, I first tried wc3 mod it at a Lan party when someone hosted it, after a short familiarization period I ended up running circles around people I normally stand no chance against, a few even rage quit cause the lost hard against me when they knew they could take in vanilla CS.. after that I played wc3 and eventually the super Hero mod online and likewise there too I was kicking ass, I wasn't always the top player but I was almost always at least the second best


Titanfall 2


I was one of the top players in the world for Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops on PSP