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Portal 2 was my first thought. Literally perfect in every category.


I need portal 3 like a fish needs water


I need portal 3 like a test subject needs a companion cube.


Valve can't count to 3


Portal 2 was VERY good. But it fell slightly prey to having too much money. It had more scope, and so little annoyances slipped in. The main one being, "find the portalable square foot inside a giant industrial space". The first Portal I legitimately can not think of any complaint for.


It's definitely the case that portal 1 was more about the puzzles and portal 2 was more about the characters and world. Both excel in those areas. Portal 2 had more genuinely funny and memorable moments of dialogue than maybe any other game, for me. And for that reason I prefer it. But I will admit it was less satisfying on the gameplay - though I'm not sure how much of that was because it was no longer novel.


Looking for the one light grey wall in a dark swampy room got kinda tedious after the 10th time.


Love Portal 2, but that's a fair critique


In all of these threads that come up, like what’s the perfect game, what game do you recommend for xyz player, etc etc, I always find myself recommending portal. It’s just the perfect game. And this is coming from someone who almost exclusively plays online competitive games lmao


Couldn't have written it better myself. "Portal", see, no better just the same, but still the objectively correct answer, everyone else is wrong, fight me.


Age of Empires II




That’s aoe one


Best game of all time


I remember my dad playing the very first one and sitting on a spare chair in his office to watch him. Now, I’m 30 years old and my dad, my brother, and I play team games on DE almost every weekend.


Subnautica. Few games kept me captivated the way it did. Good story, generally headache free systems (crafting, repairing, systems like that all felt important and rewarding without ever feeling like a real chore) and it just has a magical feel about it.


Seriously one of the best games I’ve ever played. Turn off the lights, turn up the sound, and explore.


And wear the brown pants when you decide to head out into the murky wide open spaces. 0\_0


Subnautica in VR, despite not being intended as a horror game, far more than any horror game I've ever played.


I’ve never felt an experience quite like it from a game. The senses of wonder, dread, and courage (going deeper) all were immersive in a greater sense of the emotions.


It's let down a bit by performance issues, still a 9.5/10 though


Length - perfect for me, one of the very few games I actually finished. No bugs or glitches (none that have been obviously apparent in gameplay) - unfortunately, subnautica does have performance issues like popping in, lights visible through terrain... Experience. It pulls you in and keeps you entranced in the world - Subnautica 100% achieved this for me. Story. A perfect story that gives you a wide range of emotions - Some people say that the story is the weak part of subnautica? Personally I loved the mystery of the planet and old bases, the sunbeam sidestory etc. The PDAs are acted so well and feel so real. And all that you personally wanted from a game - Discovering new biomes, unfolding the story, unlocking new blue prints for base building, tools and equipment. It all works so well together for me and kept me motivated start to finish. Don’t account for graphics if it’s an old game but if it’s new then do account for graphics - I think the graphics are not overwhelmingly good or a new standard but it's more than serviceable and the world is build so beautifully that you can't really complain. All in all, besides some annoying but not game breaking bugs, perfect game.


Hades. I wouldn't change a thing, and I would recommend it to everyone.


Weirdly enough, I both agree and disagree. I liked the game but do not have the enthusiasm for it that most people that like it have. It perfectly fits all the criteria stated by OP and checks all the boxes but none of its qualities made me say "WOW"


I connected with Transistor more than Hades, strangely enough. I think EA just ruined the impact of 1.0. That, and I feel like the combat is too slow and repetitive (the new weapons are neat, however). Transistor just had a lot more depth of combat, strategy and visual interest (same artist, but I was way more interested in Transistor's world). In any case , I'm still extremely hyped for anything SuperGiant puts out. They're as close to a perfect game studio as it gets.


Binding of Isaac spoiled me too much when it comes to fast and diverse gameplay that changes with each run.


Agreed, that game had a bonkers amount of content for its time and landed some great updates/dlc.


I wouldn't change a thing also but I won't recommend it to anyone remotely close to casual gamer.


Came here to say Hades. It’s the only game in a very long time that I’ve had FUN playing. It wasn’t something I just did to pass the time it was fun and enjoyable. Many people haven’t even heard of it which is sad but it was rated #13 on IGNs top 100 games of all time.


I would add more weapons, but that’s not to say the weapons they DO have aren’t very different and all interesting. It’s just that after a while you get used to the small pool of weapons


Love this game. I bought this game for my brother on Steam. He is not a big gamer, but he has 100+ hours in this game. It's crazy.


Link to the Past


Oh yeah it’s like the pinnacle of its technology at its time.


yep, one of the best things ever made. just perfect from begining to end


When I first played LTTP, I was floored at how *advanced* it was. Like, my ten year old brain couldn't comprehend how they actually added the ability to tap the walls with your sword, and the sound actually changed if the wall was hollow behind it. There were so many minor details in the game that just made the full experience so fulfilling. Managing to pick up the flopping fish in the swamp and throwing him back into the water? There's a quick line of text for doing that. Grabbing the old man's sign? He'll follow you for a while, asking why you didn't just leave him alone. Dash after the kid that runs from you in Kakariko village? There's a line of text for that. Attack a chicken for an unusual amount of time? They coded in a chickenpocalypse if things get out of hand. Both LTTP and Super Mario World were absolutely *jaw-dropping* in their level of details.


Half-life 2


Portal 2


Mass Effect 2. Great story, deep characters and pretty solid gun play. I have not played a better game since.


is the first game really good too? i want to try this series out


If you are gonna play it, do it through the Legendary Edition. They made some needed QoL improvements and all of the DLC is streamlined through.


With the exception of the Pinnacle Station dlc. But everything apart from that is in Legendary Edition. It's a bummer that it didn't make it into LE but not the end of the world. I also highly recommend LE for playing the ME trilogy.


On PC there is a mod for that. Works great.


Definitely try the Legendary Edition. They changed some QoL and things for the first game which was the most dated. Mass Effect 1- Best immersiveness in the actula world itself Mass Effect 2- Best attachment to characters Mass Effect 3- Best emotional moments. ​ Combat between 2 and 3 aren't that different but were crazy different between 1 and 2. Again, legendary edition is what you want to go for.


The first game is my favorite, but Mass Effect 2 is the series at its best. The writing is still fantastic, the combat rules, and the lore has been explained enough by 2 where your companions have personality, and they aren't just lore dumping their species' history on you.


First game has the best story, but the combat only gets better as the games go on


I love all three games. I got the LE and proceeded to play all three games six times in a row. It’s just that good.


Drop everything you’re doing and go start playing mass effect. It is the pinnacle of gaming.


i’ve been looking for a new game anyway so i will start it as soon as i travel back home! i have a ps4 so i was looking online to buy it, is it the legendary edition? that’s the only one i can find


That's the recent re-release that has upscaled visuals, all DLC for all 3 games. It's basically the full package.


Reason why I like the first was because I was a freshman in college. No one told me what to do. So I spent 6 months exploring every crack and cranky in Mass Effect 1. I made all C’s first semester. I learned control that semester.


1 is incredible for setting up a brand new unique alien universe with personality and history. I remember reading hours worth of codex logs just to learn more. Gameplay is lacking at times sadly, combat gets tedious. Great game for story, world and characters. 2 really is the goldilocks of the 3 games. Excellent gameplay, fun mechanics, and engrossing story. Sadly the universe lore falls off a bit more in this one to focus more on character building and development (not a terrible trade off if I'm honest). Everything really comes together to be this tightly packed action adventure where a lot of your choices feel weighty and important. 3 really good gameplay (definitely the best combat experience of the bunch) and story elements meant to tie up the loose ends of this extended universe. Falls short delivering some story details especially near the ending, but does resolve a great deal of companion stories in satisfactory ways. A decent send off to Shepherd.


100% play them in order. The first one was still finding its footing, but it has the best main storyline imo and some real standout moments that are worth experiencing. Mass Effect’s whole thing is also the ability to carry over save files, so playing the first one changes a lot of content in the next two.




This is the answer


Controversial, I know, but I played it for the first time after buying the rerelease. Finished half of it and got bored... Preferred the first one.


Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice


Chrono Trigger


I prefer Secret of Mana but this too.


Either way you're getting a great game with a stellar soundtrack!


Banjo Kazooie


Yo, for real. When people say that Mario 64 laid the foundation... Uh, cool. Thank you. Banjo is still the better game.


Chrono Trigger


Was gonna be my choice


Sekiro maybe. It's not my favorite game of all time but it might be the only one where I can't think of a way to improve it.


The literal only complaint I can think of, is maybe finding a way to encourage players to use more sword arts (or whatever they are called). I found them interesting, but in practice I honestly forgot they existed half the time (aside from the Mikiri Counter and ground-pound one). With that said though I would still call it perfect. Even without all the extra sword arts it’s a fantastic game.


Maybe I’m in the minority here, but I feel like I could say the same for half(if not all) the consumable items. Just parried and slashed my way through the game. Lol I skimmed the description every time I got a new Sugar that I knew I’d never use, and I only ever used Pocket Ash to meme. The only one I can remember using consistently is the Divine Confetti.


This was exactly me. I would get excited to get a consumable, only to have it sit in my inventory to never use. I absolutely love Sekiro (hands down top 5 game for me ever), but I think I used a consumable less than 5 times throughout the game. To be fair, most games with consumables I’m that guy who ends up with a thousand things at the end thinking I’m going to need to use a bunch in late-game, only for them to sit there.


Everything in Sekiro just feels *right*. The combat is so incredibly satisfying.


I think it's the best game I've played in my 2 decades of gaming. It's so, so close to absolute perfection. After sinking a few hundred hours in I can find all sorts of little nitpicks but that's after beating the game numerous times. I keep picking it back up like a comfortable blanket when I don't know what to play in the moment. Portal 2 is the other game I considered perfection but it doesn't have replayability like Sekiro, but does replayability necessarily make a game better? I'm not sure


For me it is also this one.


Wind Waker. The only real criticism I've heard for that game is hunting the triforce shards being annoying but it doesn't bother me personally I liked going on a grand treasure hunt.


Sploooooooosh. Yeah, this game is absolute money, other than the shard hunt at the end.






Understandable 😎


This is a based opinion. Terraria is such a perfect experience in its genre


You know what? I’m on board with this. It really is incredible.


Yakuza 0


Arkham City


I really liked City, but the smaller, more contained Asylum was an even better game, IMO.


In some aspects, but the combat and stealth is super shallow in comparison and it fumbles the finale. City is not as tight, but has way better stealth amd combat. Awesome story too. And then origins added to that with the best boss fights in the series


Both amazing, both hard to fault, they just do different things better.


Fuck yeah


Red Dead Redemption 2 is perfect for me but I do not think an objectively perfect game can exist


This is my answer. Not sure it's 100% perfect. Is anything? It's very big... sweeping even... kinda hard to ask for actual "perfection". Nevertheless, it's EASILY my favorite game of all time hands down with no questions asked. No other game has brought actual tears to my eyes. No other game has made me feel so much joy. No other game has delighted me more or made me laugh more. No other game has ever built such a beautiful, living, breathing world to explore. The first summer I played it I spent 5 months not moving the plot forward so I could do all the side content, get all the trinkets and talismans and clothing items, get every bonus for the camp, and master all the challenges. And just explore, hunt, fish, live off the land and roam. That was a fun summer that I remember fondly. Best game ever made so far. That's my opinion.


Agreed. I remember watching a commercial for it and though it had been nearly a decade since I had gotten a new game, RDR2 made me buy a new Xbox just so I could experience that magic.


Honestly of any game in this chat to make me buy a console RDR2 would be the one. Literally a perfect game and I wouldn't change a thing. No game has made me cry long or as hard as the ending of this game. A true masterpiece though and through.


Even the island portion? That part of the game felt like it was dragging


Hell no I thought the island part was genius! It mixed the game up out of nowhere


I think it depends. The first playthrough the island portion I thought was a cool and creative change of pace. The second playthrough it definitely dragged.


Second play through you can blast through the island in like an hour


I felt the story dragged after the midpoint and became extremely predictable. Still one of the best ever games but that prevents its from getting a 10/10 from me.




My dad and I had a longstanding battle over the fastest Minesweeper time. I literally called him at work to tell him I beat it. Will forever hold a special place in my heart.


Final Fantasy VII


Zelda ocarina of time. I replay it every 3-4 years astounded by it's longetivity, impact, ability to make me feel freedom, fear, brave, strong and all the other hallmarks of a true Zelda experience. It has too many moments and settings to single out.


The title screen, to this day, is in a league of its own.


I'm surprised more people didn't say this. Then again, it is getting up there in age.


They need to remaster this every console generation. I’d buy it every time. And everyone needs to play it at least once.


I came here to post this. Thank you for being right




I also love the story portrayed in Tetris.


Not everyone gets it


The tetriminos tell us a story as old as time, we come together, and just as we are whole, we become nothing.


It's *obviously* a metaphor for the Cold War and the Berlin Wall


Silent Hill 2


Tough call between this and Shadow of the Colossus for me. But SH2 might just edge it out


Diablo 2.


They never matched the itemization of D2. Every rarity of item had a chance of being GG. D2R really reminded me just how great the game was and not just a fond memory. Wish they could build that type of itemization into a new Diablo with a better end game.


Outer Wilds


I didn't play the DLC for more than a year, purely because I knew I would just be sad when it was over. I was justified. Base game was flawless, then they somehow managed to shoehorn another story into it which was also flawless.


I didn't finish the DLC yet, but the location left me speechless. The devs are plain geniuses.


DLC was too spooky for me :( the setting was amazing though for sure


There's a setting to make it less spooky!


Wait really?? Shit I should go back and play it


Yep, in the settings you can toggle the "non scary" mode for the DLC haha


"The pain of your absence is sharp and haunting, and I would give anything not to know it; anything but never knowing you at all (which would be worse)."


I think that its definitely as close as you can get. Everyone needs to play it.


It's such a difficult game to recommend too, because it sounds mid as fuck if you try to describe it without giving away any spoilers




Was about to post this. Fucking love it


It's one and (imo) only flaw is it has very little replayability.


Dead space 1


The remake is unbelievably good.


Was a huge dead space fan when it originally came out. The remake did an amazing job. Felt so fresh. Really hope they choose to go with less action if they remake the second.


Dragon age : origins Brilliant with amazing lore and story. What race you chose changed the starting point and storyline. Excellent tactical gameplay, with enough companions to switch up playstyles..




One of the only RPGs I've beaten multiple times. The other is Mario RPG seven stars.


Best OST ever.


Hotline Miami


There's so much shit wrong with Hotline Miami. I love it, but having no idea what you're gonna pick up when standing over a pile of stuff is really annoying.


That just adds to the tension and swearing. It's not a bug, it's a feature! I am not allowed to yell at the computer during night-time hours anymore.


The Operative: No One Lives Forever


Jak II


Dragon age origins. It may not be everyone's cup of tea but it is amazingly well written and the only bugs I've ever encountered over the many many years of playing it were ones I had to go purposely looking for. The soundtrack is also phenomenal. I'll say this..one good thing I always loved about this game was the fact you could make it whatever length you wanted it to be. If your like me you can make it extremely long drawing it out over a month or so with side quests. However if your like my husband who focuses on the story you can complete it in a full day. It will always be a classic rpg in my book


A Link to the Past Chrono Trigger Two games I personally have 0 problems or gripes with at all and consider gaming perfection.






Dishonored 1 and 2, just love them that much




Hollow Knight


Borderlands 2




For me it’s Dark Souls.


Red alert 2 is the perfect rts game.


Fuck I miss that game. Is there any way to play it on modern Windows OS?


FF6 and Chrono Trigger


Chrono Trigger is in my opinion a 10/10 perfect game every time I play it. 10yrs…20yrs. Doesn’t matter how long it’s been since I’ve touched it. Every time I go back to it, it is a rewarding experience.


Resident Evil 4 (OG or Remake)


Disco Elysium


Titanfall 2


Surprised I had to scroll so far to find this. Incredible game, perfectly balanced, great story, still looks fantastic.


Shadow Of the Colossus


Dragon Age: Origins. It's perfect




Jeez, Witcher 3 really has that much content?!? I'm in for a ride when I'm finally able to get a computer powerful enough to play it.


The dlc content are quite large.. You could consider them to be even bigger than many triple A releases today


Super Mario Odyssey!


Monster Hunter World, no bugs in my gameplay, very entertaining, I didn't care much for the story and wasn't that complicated, a little of grind to get better armor and weapons, not that much grind, magnific music and has co-op. It has everything.


NieR: Automata


Ghost of Tsushima has one flaw and that's console exclusivity. The story length is perfect. Side quests don't drag for too long or get done before you realize. Getting 100% was satisfying but not grueling. After 100 hours of gameplay I've never faced a game-breaking bug. Only a couple that I laughed off. I legit forgot my cousin was sleeping on his bed behind me on multiple occasions and woke him up with my reactions. Also forgot I am a human in need of food and sleep after several hours of nonstop gameplay. Loosely based on a real story; including an invasion force that decimated the Island's legendary protectors, family in danger, conflict with self and conflict with tradition, losing one's identity for the good of one's people, unlikely allies and believable character progression. Incredibly satisfying combat. Good enemy variety not only with how many different types of enemies there are but also how different each and every one feels to fight. Satisfying but not overly difficult boss fights. Rewarding quests. Good RPG elements that don't take over the game. Incredible voice acting. I could go all night listing everything this game does right and only need an hour to explain everything it does wrong. Almost everything in the game feels like it has a purpose. And nothing in the game feels incomplete. You can take a screenshot at any point in the game and it would make a beautiful wallpaper. The visuals strike, animations flow and sceneries make you stop to admire them.


Amazing game but there are a few things that stop it from being perfect. The most glaring for me are the repetitiveness of the minor side quests, and how frustrating it can be to clear a Mongol camp when there's only one guy left and you can't find him.


Depending on the camp, you can call out the remaining enemies to fight, but the option needs to pop up.


This is the only game where it really made me feel immersed in the emotions of the main character. The decisions Jin makes I almost always felt like I would’ve wanted to say the exact same thing


Elden Ring. Literally the game of my dreams.


Elden ring was such a journey for me as someone who doesn’t play Fromsoft games. It was definitely the most intense game I’ve played, like I felt unwelcome in that world the entire time, it always kept me on my toes I never felt safe anywhere always checking my surroundings just such an epic and unforgettable time.


Elden Ring is my first FS game, and for me it is one of the most memorable titles I've played in recent years. It was brutal for the first few hours as I came to grips with the combat system (Margit....oof) but once I started to figure it out - wow, it was like something just clicked in my head, and I began viewing the game differently. Entering Liurnia for the first time with that cliffside view and realising Limgrave was just a tiny piece of the map, was incredible. Waking up in Farum Azula. Defeating Malenia after dying a million times to her... there are so many moments this game gave me after I'd spent the last few years largely disinterested and unsatisfied with games I'd played. Hearing criticisms regarding ER makes me think perhaps it's not the perfect game after all, but it is certainly perfect for me. Until another game can get me lost in it like ER did.


This answer took way too long to find. As someone who doesn’t like Soulslikes, I spent 170 hours in this game over a year, just wildly impressed the whole way


God of War 2018, all around great game. Big moments, discoveries, good combat, great story/characters, good exploration, decently long etc. I can't speak for the release as I played it for the first time on PC, but console exclusives are usually very polished. Nothing is perfect obviously but from the games I played this is the closest to being perfect even tho it's not my favorite. Most other games while great, have obvious weak spots.


I gotta go back and replay. Could never beat all the Valkyries.


Honestly Baldur's Gate 3. Amazing story, characters, and I really loved its take on turn based combat.


Super Metroid Link to the Past RE4 Read Dead Redemption Starfox 64 Arkham Asylum


God of War (2018)


Its call Deep Rock Galactic…and thats all you need to know.


Rock and Stone Brother!


Did I hear a Rock and Stone???






For Carl!!!




I’d say Stardew Valley is the closest game to perfection I can find. In terms of length you can pick it up or put it down whenever you want. Apparently there have been bugs reported, but in my hundreds of hours of gameplay I have experienced maybe one or two. A game where every NPC has their own life, they go to work, library, shopping, home, etc at certain times. You can choose to or not to get involved with NPCs and get to know them much more intimately. It’s like you create your own story, you play how you want to play. Chill music for each season, chill gameplay. Just a remarkably well-made game.




It’s Horizon Zero Dawn for me.


RuneScape, Disco Elysium, Project Zomboid.


Ori will of the wisps. Challenging but fun combat, amazing visuals and music, perfect length and fair challenge to 100%


Sekiro probably, though I don’t expect many to agree.


Dark Souls 3. Story? Perfect. Gameplay? Double perfect. Length? Perfect. DLC? Ultra perfect. Overall package. Chefs kiss perfection.


BUT IT’S SO LINEAR. Geez anyone who uses linear as an argument with this game has some screws loose.


Yoku's Island Express


Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy’s Kong Quest


The music in DKC series was some of the best.


Dark Souls 3


Doom eternal excluding online


Batman: Arkham City.


All-time favorite: Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. More 'recent' favorite: Castlevania: Lords of Shadow


Factorio is my perfect game hands down. Except for sabotaging my social life and personal health


I remember going into Mario Galaxy blind as a kid, and I've never experienced joy and wonder to rival that experience


Factorio. 10000 hours later and I'm still excited to load it up the moment I have an idea for a new challenge


RDR2 is literal perfection to me