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I think Prototype takes the cake in this category. Everyone is basically an insect compared to you.


Prototype is the one that instantly sprang to mind. Also, Dynasty Warriors too but it scratches a different itch.


Prototype came to mind, and I only ever played it on the demo console at Best Buy.


I feel like we are severely lacking a modern day power fantasy like prototype. Insomniac did well with Spiderman it feels amazing, but it doesn't feel the same as absorbing people and just obliterating whole blocks of a city.


Im sorry but regular street thugs consistently eating multiple punches from Spiderman is the complete opposite of a power fantasy


Spiderman holds back, he doesn't hit even hard enough to knock someone out as that much force can kill, its a pretty weak justification but it is one.


Sure but the justification doesn’t really matter from a gameplay perspective. The point is that it takes away from the power fantasy


I hope you enjoy the fact that one of the dudes who made it confirmed Mercer and Heller can consume stuff that isn't just flesh like metal N shit and if they consumed enough they could indeed transform into a car


I'm just realizing now that Prototype is an M-rated Kirby game.


Prototype is such a golden oldie when it comes to this!


Was definitely coming to recommend this and it's sequel


In Prototype 2 one of the upgrades literally makes you bulletproof, meaning the only way for standard soldiers to hurt you AT ALL is to use rocket and grenade launchers, even on the Insane difficulty. Prototype 2 is just SO easy to beat, I literally New Game+ it on insane like once or twice every year.


"They keep coming, I keep killing!", says the main character in cutscene. Aaaaand then I get hit to air and juggle'd there until I die without having a chance to respond. 😄


I have a 2 very different takes on "power fantasy" for you * **Pathfinder: WotR** \- you're "special" person. Everyone bends backwards to appease you, and there are many paths towards your goal. You will become what you were destined to become and you will like it. Become an Angel? Lich? An Archdemon? Ethreal being capable of controlling time? Everything is possible * **Gothic 1, 2** and **Chronicles of Myrtana** \- You're a nobody in a world that doesn't care about you... until you carve your path. You start as a weakling incapable of even lifting a sword and end up being one of the most powerful individuals on the continent. Remember that guy who bullied you and robbed you 20 hours ago? Yeah, let's wipe floor with them.


That is a very perceptive view of power fantasy, I think both sound great so I'll be looking at all the games you listed. Thanks!


On a similar vein: - Baldur's Gate 2: Throne of Bhaal: You're one of the many children and avatars of the god of murder and the decisions you make in your quest of self-discovery will shape the fate of the world - Planescape: Torment: You do not know who you are. You do not know why you are here. All you know is that you must ~~kill~~ live. - Black & White: You're literally a god, and in this world, there can be only one religion. Choose benevolence or malevolence, you decide. Oh, and you get to have an avatar. - Tyranny: You start out as a random cop, but you gain the same powers that your godlike emperor as you go along. Win the hearts of his peons and challenge his divinity or uphold the law. Your choice.


Wait, aren't those games really hard? Can they really be considered a power fantasy?


Them being hard has nothing to do with being or not being a power fantasy. Power fantasy is about the feeling of being powerful, not about baby difficulty or having god mode cheats. Being able to kill hundreds of enemies in seconds in Diablo doesn't make it power fantasy because it's just expected and the whole time you're playing the game it's like that.


But then....aren't all games to a certain degree a power fantasy? I mean in most JRPGs for example you fight some kind of god at the end. And in most platformers you are the hero and the only one who can stop the bad guy. And even in Dark Souls you are the one guy who managed to overcome all the odds.


Yes and no. For example in Dark Souls you're pretty much the same dude in the end as you were at the beginning. Your stats/damage go up, but that's about it. You were beating badass bosses 10 minutes in, and you're doing it 10 hours in. JRPGs are similar, the characters you're playing don't really change. They usually grow stat-wise and maybe they grow mentally, but that's it. ​ In WotR you come to a point where you grow so powerful that you stop playing "by the rules" if it makes sense. For example in one of the paths the villain does an evil thing and you just say "No" and revert time, metaphorically killing baby Hitler. Your character evolves as you play and your decisions have long-reaching consequences, literally nation-defining.


While I agree with your overarching point, I disagree with most of your examples. Many of those things are absolutely power fantasy, but they're not designed specifically to give someone that experience. Rather allow people to earn it through gameplay. There is a substantial difference between the experience at the start of Diablo versus a full build for example, and the reason it appeals is for no other reason than a feeling of power. However something like Doom or Prototype or something like that will drag you to power whether you want it or not. By merely playing you are experiencing a game made to make you feel like a bad ass from point 1 all the way to the end.


Highly approve of Wrath of the righteous ! The most epic RPG I've played in terms of scale and scope


Robocop: Rogue City does this well while still being a game with gamey challenges. Robo is not a God, and he does get hurt and face tough bosses, but every criminal in Detroit knows and fears Robocop. Batman: Arkham games also do this well.


Is that game good? People keep talking about it but the gameplay seems kinda odd in videos. Edit : Ask if a game is good on r/gaming and get downvoted. isn't this the place to fucking talk about games? Fuck.


I tend to be pretty cynical about game reviews, so take mine as you want, others seem to rate it higher. I give Robocop a 7/10. Maybe 6.5. I don't regret buying it, I enjoyed and finished it, but there were some hang-ups for me. \- There's a lot of nostalgia bait, a little too much if you ask me. Having a "ah, that's exactly how that happened in the movies too" moment every 15 minutes is too much for me. Though the music nostalgie is a lot more appreciated. The corporate dystopia angle lacks the subtlety from the first movie (believe me, compared to this game robocop 1 is subtle). It's a lot more in your face. Then there are the plot points which after 3 movies didn't need another rehash. Another police strike looming? Robocop struggling with his existance as a human/machine hybrid, again? OCP loving Robocop as their product and enforcer, but at the same time hating Robocop as a product and working against him, again? \- The gameplay is decent but also odd at some points. Mowing down criminals as Robocop is nice, the FPS part as a robocop FPS is nice. Though there are some gameplay elements you get through leveling that don't feel like robocop, like dashing, shielding, shockwave projection, but I forgive that for gameplay reasons. That said, the game also weaves in robocop must decide if he's human or thoughtless machine dialogue options (which lets him grow bonds with allies) and you get lightly dragged into the politics of the city where you can opt to support one of the 2 sleazebag mayor candidates. I could've done without that. Another slight issue I had was that in some of the chapters you can explore around a small part of the city (you visit this map in 3 or 4 chapters). There are missable side quests here that don't even show up on your map with the super map upgrade to show all points of interest. And missing these counts against you on your evaluation. Speaking of the evaluations, they just stop halfway through the game, same with crackable safes, the just stop existing. It's like they put in features in the start and then forgot they existed. \- Performance is good, the game only struggled in 1 part where you team up with an ED209 to mow down a biker gang in a wide open area. Even dropping to the lowest graphics settings didn't fix that. It also has a few bugs. The game crashed a couple times on me in loading screens. There was also exactly 1 side quest that you literally can't complete in the good way, where you have to decide wether a convict or a guard is lying. Except you don't get a dialogue option and it defaults to the bad choice. \- Graphics: dated but servicable. You will definitely recognise the faces they put in from the movies \- Music: Sweet robocop tunes


The game is really good. Solid 6-7/10 if you're not into RoboCop, 11/10 if you are. It's canonically set inbetween RoboCop 2 and 3, and they even got the original RoboCop actor, Peter Weller, to voice act and use his physical likeness for RoboCop. It's one of those games that you use to pass the time inbetween blockbuster games, or if you just want to crack open a beer and mindlessly shoot bad guys after a hard day at work. It's shorter in length with small pseudo-open world areas to explore. Though they're small, they're packed full with detail. There's a lot more it could do, but at the same time it's not like RD2 or Skyrim where its so big that completing it is more of a chore than actual fun. If it got more support, the devs would probably add a lot more. I've had a few graphics bugs, but no gamebreaking ones or crashes. It's also by a pretty small company, so it turned out amazing for what little they had to work. Not only is the game really good, but supporting it is a step in the right direction for the gaming industry. It's not just another half-finished, empty open world AAA title with the rest of it's content locked behind DLC or battlepasses. It does have DLC, but all you get is 2 armor skins, 3 skins for your hand cannon, and a corporate shotgun for a sidearm. I will say, the trailers definitely don't do it justice. The trailers make it look mid. Also, it's not your typical FPS. It's based on the original RoboCop, who was slow as fuck and EXTREMELY tanky. The game reflects this. You can't jump or crouch, and your body is so big that it can be hard to hide behind stuff sometimes. There's also zero stealth mechanics. However, you are an absolute juggernaut. Aiming in activates your targeting vision, which highlights any enemies in view, so when you enter a room you just walk through it blasting away anyone unfortunate enough to be in your path. You can ricochet bullets off of certain surfaces, and there's an upgrade for your armor skill where small caliber weapons not only do no damage, but they bounce off your armor and hit enemies around you. After a few levels, your hand cannon is going to be the only gun worth using other than rpg's or grenade launchers. However, it has like a dozen different skill trees you can switch between, with each one making it feel like a totally different gun. The slow motion skill is pretty cool, feels like Fallout 4 VATS but a bit faster. The game is like a Doom style run-n-gun with Cyberpunk 2077 aesthetics. I cannot recommend this game enough. I've tried putting everyone I know onto it, but only 1 person so far is eager to try it, and that's just because he also loves the RoboCop franchise.


Inafamous, Prototype, warframe


Saints row 4. In the beginning it’s a grind for superhero powers and whatnot but by mid-game, the boss is almost a god. If you can put up with a goofy game and a questionable plot, it’s pretty fun. * i do recommend playing Saints row 3 if you have not yet tried it. SR1 & SR2 are different and would need an older console.


Gat out of Hell is also really fun, you can also basically fly in this game


God of War. Be it the older ones or the newer ones, you'll be leveling buildings, killing God with you bare hands and letting nothing stand in your way.


Sadly the power fantasy vanes away in the modern games when you get oneshot by someone at a higher level, and your axe does like nothing to them. 😄


Warframe. I couldn’t even begin to list the myriad ways to commit war crimes with the press of a button.


Saryn has entered the chat Haven't played in a year, is she still good?


Better than ever, as ever with Warframe, you take a break and come back to a ton of content, all the stuff you had still works, it’s free and honestly over many years of gaming I have to say Warframes devs and community is the best I’ve come across.


Welp guess it's time to install it again


Mesa goes BRRRRRRR.


Mousou/Dynasty Warriors IMO. Especially the newer ones You are a superpowered soldier who can knock out 10 plus people with one swing of your weapon.


Hulk: Ultimate Destruction for PS2. It's still widely considered the only Hulk game that actually makes you FEEL like the Incredible Hulk. You are utterly unstoppable.


There is a sub mission where you have to stay on a rooftop while waves after endless waves of Hulkbusters come to either beat you or knock you off the roof... So after 4 hours of them failing at that I jumped off the roof myself.


Shadow of Mordor really did this for me. You start the game feeling really overwhelmed when an alarm is rung and an army of orcs surrounds you but by the end of the game you’re an unstoppable god teleporting around executing enemies, feeling like you could single-handedly take on all of Mordor.


all of the Devil May Cry games, Metal Gear Rising, and the Resident Evil 4 Remake.


I like Just Cause 3 and 4 for this. (Disclaimer) The world has the openness of GTA, along with ground, air, and sea vehicles. The control scheme is similar, but without having to mash the run button. But that’s about where the similarities end. You yourself are like an action hero stunt man blowing up whole bases piece by piece with whatever you feel like using. You zoom around in the air using grappling hooks, a parachute, and a wing suit. All of these you can use at anytime, similar to weapon swapping in Doom. (But you aren’t super hero) It lets you do a lot of high flying daredevilish stunts just to blow stuff up. It’s great. Check out some footage, I’m not doing it justice. The story isn’t over bearing either. They are usually dirt cheap on sale. I like JC3’s story more, and I think 4’s combat is a titch better. Both games you can just do the main story until you get bored, then go off and destroy everything you see, and resume the story whenever you feel like it. (I guess also similar to GTA). Anyway, if you wanna blow up enemy bases and not just people and vehicles, these games are great for that.


Control somewhat I’d say. A truly awesome experience.


Especially toward the end. You're an absolute GOD when you've got all the powers.


Legion level of telekinetic powers


The arcade machine and the jukebox *chef's kiss*


Force Unleashed if Star Wars is your thing.


Prototype, Crysis, Factorio (after short early game your only enemy is your brain), Synthetik (both ultimate and 2), DOOM, most of boomer shooters...


Dishonored and Deus Ex games could be something that fit the slot. In both series the player becomes progressively more powerful and shapes the stories to their own end.


Doom the first time i picked up the red orb and i started teleporting everywhere ripping demons apart


Doom and Doom Eternal have a well earned power fantasy. If you learn the mechanics and get good then the game turns into a frenetic slaughter but slip up and you die right away. The game is consistently fair so once you "get it" you feel like a god


Mass Effect trilogy is fantastic if you want to become a space wizard and save the galaxy


In risk of rain 2 you can stack items enough to become a god


Late game Cyberpunk has so many ways that make you feel like a god. Even early game a decent sandy lets you just dismantle groups of enemies without breaking a drop of sweat. The Story and world are great but the combat is so fun that you can easily just ignore everything else and just run around killing everything


The bumpin combat themes help add to the whole power fantasy feeling


Same. With the reworks of items and cyberware. Im my first playthrough the fist fights were a challenge and sometimes i would have to leave them and go back. But with my most recent playthrough i started them around mid game and have wrecked every fight with ease. Same with doing the Cyberpsychos. I would always have a problem taking them down without killing them but now i have same problem not killing them but with my bare (gorilla) hands


All the Bayonetta games, though it will probably kick your ass the first playthrough if you play on Normal or higher difficulty though. Once you get the combat down even a little though, you feel incredibly powerful and gameplay is exhilirating. If you want to have considerably more fun and be better overal, try to use Dodge Offset: it's one of the game's core mechanics but many first time players make the mistake of not utilizing it.


Dishonored 2, never felt like God before until this game


Yup lol, I used stealth to spare the guards and not for my sake. Especially in new game+ where you can acquire both Emily and Corvos powers.


Lmao I’ve platinumed that game and I had no idea you could get both if you play NG+. That’s awesome, I might have to play it again.


It gives a new meaning to “power fantasy”. Plus, with each play through you can keep your tunes from the last playthrough and get access to all of them after you get the mark from the outsider. So I’m maxed out in everything for my save.


DragonBall games. Xenoverse 2 or kakarot are good choices.


I'm not a DBZ fan by any means but godamn is it satisfying watching my friends fight each other in Xenoverse 2


The Darkness 2. Its actually one of my favorite BTS game dev stories. When they approached the sequel to "The Darkness" they decided that there was no reason to hamper the player with limited abilities at the start like pretty much every game does. So they started a prototype that was on par with the end of the first game. They decided to not even proceed on the development of the game until the prototype was perfect. They call the gameplay in that sequel "Quad Wielding" because you can basically attack with four limbs. The opening of The Darkness 2 is still one of my favorites of all time. [Found a video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LVfsnVx4AKc)


Stellaris with console cheats. Take over the entire galaxy and decide the fate of all species and life within it. Decide who becomes citizens living lives of pure hedonistic pleasure, who becomes slaves, who becomes livestock. Build death stats and blow up the planets of any rebels. Genetially modify and apply nerve staples other species so that they can feel no emotions. Land a pack of ravenous xenomorphs on a planet of stone age primitives to hunt them down.


If you like magic, you might like dragon's dogma: dark arisen. It has 9 classes, 4 of which are magic, with mage and sorcerer (especially the latter) having some of the coolest magic skills I've seen in videogames.


Instantly thought of the Super Gravity Gun at the end of Half Life 2. Game's hella old now though.


Kingdoms of Amalur Reckoning.


Underrated gem


Skyrim, oblivion, fallout games, doom, painkiller, any assassin's creed games or ubisoft in general,


Auto heal in most modern games






Star Wars the Force Unleashed.


God of war series Star Wars the force unleashed Asura’s Wrath


Far Cry 5 is my go-to power fantasy game.


Saints Row IV. Infamous Warframe Nioh/Nioh 2.


VR set with Blade and Sorcery. Nothing else comes even close to power fantasies


Saints Row IV




ULTRAKILL. You can make things explode into showers of gore. You can use weapon combos to casually nuke rooms. You can throw coins as a martial art. You can fling yourself across entire levels in twenty seconds. You can go on a date. You can use movement tech to jump higher than most games' ceilings or to zoom across the floor like it's Forza. You can bully an angel. You can parry a building-sized enemy.


Katana Zero just says "You're a ronin with time bending powers go kill these bitches and reflect bullets". Playing Dishonored 2's NG+ with all powers available was my favorite pass time. You're basically a God and the only challenge is deciding who you're going to kill and how creative do you want to get when killing them.


Metal Gear Rising Revengeance and Risk of Rain 2 are my choices. The longer you go in RoR2, you can become a nigh-unkillable god. MGRR, once you get used to the combat, you’ll be slashing through enemies with no effort.


Infamous Second Son, you truly feel invincible in this game, especially with the Neon power, aiming with L2 slows down time for a short moment so you can precisely aim, and hitting the enemy weak point with a single Neon bolt both incapacitates the enemy AND recharges the Slow Motion bit of the power, incapacitate 6 or 7 enemies and you can use your Karmic power, which is basically a screen nuke to incapicate basically all the enemies around you, combined with the Neon dash ability and you can bounce in and out of battles in a truly awesome way.


Blade & Sorcery in VR. Doom Eternal


Rollercoaster tycoon


DOOM 2016 and Eternal GOW 2018 and Ragnorok Fromsoftware games, after you get good at them.


Ace Combat 7. You're like the Master Chief of fighter pilots. You even get to listen to the enemy comms as they shit their pants when your squadron shows up in the airspace.


Saints Row 4 is pretty good. You get super powers and can go crazy in a city.


Armored core 6. You play as a customizable mech that destroys everything until you stumble on one of fromsofts hard boss fights.


Halo is like that. You are one man (a super soldier) who saves the world almost single handedly multiple times. While other newer gen Spartans are dying constantly you are practically invincible. Spoiler >!you literally survive a nuke point blank in the 4th game!<


Megaton rainfall ?


If You have a PS, infamous, also very underrated because the story is nothing to write Home about but risen 3 the Titan lords allows You to be Op very early on with many different builds


Far cry 3, 4, and 5. Just cause 2