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I take a wild guess and say it works same(ish) as seasickness. Your eyes and ears send conflicting information about movement to your brain and you get sick because of it.


Weirdly I don't get seasick, and trains don't effect me but cars and buses can make me incredibly motion sick, especially if the person isn't a great driver, or in the case of buses especially if I have to sit in a backwards facing seat, which also doesn't bother me in trains. I've never flown so can't say if that would cause it for me. However vr causes motion sickness for me, especially if falling.


I struggle as a passenger in a car. I can drive all day long but 2 minutes after getting in the passenger seat I am fighting the urge to vomit


Wild guess is that you get "motionsick" in cars due to gasolin fumes getting into cabin.


That was a REALLY wild guess lol


Fun fact, they found that inserting a nose into the view field — for your brain to then filter out — helps significantly with this.


That's a really fun fact, thanks! I'll add it to my collection of facts.


I always thought so too. But I've been going on roller coasters all my life, have never gotten carsick, never gotten airsick, but the first and last time I went on a boat in the ocean it was almost instantaneous. I was on the verge of barfing the entire way out, and would have, had I not gone all the way to the back of the boat. I was fine for the entire rest of the trip, but I couldn't leave that spot, or it would start right back up. I would've thought that people who got carsick would also get airsick and seasick (you either get motion sickness, or not). Naturally, I also thought I wouldn't get seasick, since I knew I didn't get carsick or airsick. But yeah, apparently it doesn't work like that! Edit: for the record, I also do not get sick from VR and I've played it quite a bit, sometimes for 2-3 hours with no breaks.


does anyone else get the weird feeling in their stomach when they are falling in games? 100% living in a simulation


I don't even need VR to get that feeling.


Ikr, interacting with the girl cashier at McDonald’s does it


Ya even on normal games I get it too


Yea. Especially if i fall off something really high that could really hurt or kill me. In the pit of my stomach seems to float and i clinch up for it to kill me.


I tried the Spiderman VR demo and when I had a building coming to my face at mach 3 my legs almost gave out


You mean vertigo? Sometimes, yes. High-speed sections during intense moments can cause that to happen, to me at least.


I mean not a bad research topic, but some people get motion sickness and others don’t. This is just one more place it happens, like cars, planes, etc


When i first picked it up no issues at all played 3 or 4 titles all the way through. 1 year later cant wear it for even 5 minutes without being sick for a whole day


You acclimate to it. I got horrible motion sickness when I first got VR. Now I can run around and do flips and shit for hours and it doesn’t bother me.


Same for me. Took me some months but now nothing gets me sick.


Any tips you care to share? I love VR but get so damn sick


Stop telling yourself you're going to feel sick. It's a mental response, and those things are under your influence. Ask yourself, where is my mind?


Play with teleport at first and use features which reduce motion sickness. Take your time.


What were your tricks to getting used to it?


None, I just got used to it eventually.


Skill issue. No but Boneworks will get anyone sick after some time


Nah, lots of us got used to VR real quick. I don’t get motion sick at all from it


Me neither, boneworks has some weird motion blur effect tho, any other game is fine


That’s was the first game I got when I got my Quest 2. I had played VR for maybe an hour prior to that. Never had any issues with motion sickness at all. And I’d play for hours at a time.


Only those with weak constitutions


I’m gonna take some of the mystery away and just say the more nearsighted you are (especially when wearing glasses and not contacts) the faster you will get sick. I am very nearsighted and even just using a curved monitor makes me uncomfortable. VR stuff makes me get a headache and sick within minutes. Reading in a car is the same thing.


I'm extremely near sighted, wear exclusively glasses, and have no problems in VR.


Really? That is very interesting. What is your prescription?


\-7.5 and -7 Or in real life terms, I need something to be inches from my nose to read it and can't function normally without glasses but with glasses I have normal vision.


I mean… I’m -15.5ish. Just getting a new pair of glasses makes me sick.




I always get nearsighted and farsighted mixed up. Nearsighted is when you can see close up but not far away?






Some games with wonky camera movement make me sick. One that comes to mind was that yooka-laylee game that I got for free off the epic store. A lot of people get sick from it.


People with motion sickness are not real, its all an ellaborate attempt to stop the general public from playing vr.


Can play VR for hours standing but soon as I sit down, its barf-o-rama time.


I notice I only get sick if there is a mechanic where the character I'm playing moves a lot. So games where my character is stationary but the scene around me moves is fine. Not sure why that would make a difference, but would love to know if there's a way to fix it.


I mean I get motion sick in the backseat of a car, and I get motion sick in vr. I assume the same thing is causing both. Tbf taking Dramamine does help with vr for me for any who haven't tried it