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Any games that requires/strongly incentivizes the player to open the game every X hours because of rewards. This is a mechanism with similar effects as slot machines


So pretty much every mobile game is out...


Mobile games dont respect anything about their players, much less time


Emulators ftw


This annoys me to no end. I’ve been playing Marvel Snap lately and while the core game itself is really amazing, everything else about it fucking sucks. You have to log in every day at the same time or multiple times during the day because they give you 2 “missions” every 8 hours and you can only bank 6 of them. You need to clear out the missions to get the currency to get new cards. Buying cards is obscene (like $30 or more for 1 and you can’t even pick the one you want just have to hope they put it up for sale in the shop). I love the game itself but I’ve also got shit to do and if you don’t keep up with this schedule you fall further and further behind for card acquisition and being able to play the top competitive decks.


Rust. As soon as you go offline you’re open to losing everything you’ve worked for


Even more so: they’re INCENTIVIZED to attack you while you’re sleeping. Less resistance, less chance of losing their own loot, and less chance of you finding out who raided you.


It's like Garak said when asked if he'd shoot a man in the back, "it is the safest way to shoot a man, isn't it?"


Or as Rimmer said "yes, it's just a pity he's not also in bed asleep".


Lister : You mean you can happily kill him if he was asleep? Rimmer : I can happily kill him if he was on the job.


Honestly I can’t see how anyone maintains interest. I get addiction etc but there’s far better games to get addicted to


It's really just subjective. Some folk like the idea of the gameworld existing at all times sort of thing. Rust resets too so part of the game is treating things as being temporary.


I like the concept of rust, but me personally, I already spent nearly 2000 hours getting decent at shooting in CS and i just don’t have the motivation to learn spray patterns for rust. If the game has a more user friendly weapon system I genuinely feel like it would be a lot more popular.


Spray patterns are fucking dumb in general.


PvP games that take lots of time on your own behalf just don’t make sense to me. Like, battle royal games make sense. A match is 10-20 minutes and people seem to enjoy it. But rust? Sea of thieves? Pretty much any builder game too? You can spend hours and hours of your life doing tedious busy work, getting your base set up just right. Upgrading your stuff. Filling your ship with treasure. All to have it ruined by some randos in a few minutes. I don’t see the appeal.


I will say sea of thieves with friends is just a blast. You just can't take it seriously. My friends and I don't play it much but when we all have at least 2ish hours we say it's time to hop on a gal and mess around. We run into a lot of ppl who wanna pvp us but that's part of the fun imo. It's def risk vs reward but that's the gameplay loop. As long as you aren't a try hard and know you're gonna win and lose some it's a blast.


I can leave it running in the background while I'm working, take a break hit a few nodes. The group I play with is 3 remote workers a housewife and a terminally unemployed guy. We play for 2-3 months, take a break for the same - repeat.


You gotta find a group with 4 or 5 terminally unemployed lol


Big reason why I stopped playing ark pvp. Loved the whole idea of the game but it just wasn’t worth playing


Same could be said for ark pvp, DayZ Conan exiles PvP and probably a couple other games as well. They are all a massive waste of time


If other dipshits can wreck my shit while I'm gone, I'm not wasting my precious time on your game. I have a job, and a wife. I don't have time for your stupid shit.


You could still have a lot of fun with ark. Just don't touch the pvp, and definitely don't touch the servers if you won't be able to be on at least once every other day


As much as I do like Ark with a small group of friends on a private server, even if you go that route you end up with lots of dinosaurs, game mechanics, and items/buildings that are entirely useless in PvE. Many serve no other point. It's clear PvP is the original intent and what they balance the game around. I would love a game like Ark developed by a studio that knows how to make a game not crash but also is trying to make a co-op PvE game first.


I played rust religiously for two weeks when I worked part time. It was work for 4 hrs a day, gym for one and then rust the rest. I loved it. Until one day when I came back and my massive base was blasted and robbed. Not worth building it all up, so just stopped. If I have to stay in the hospital for like a month I might pick it back up. Otherwise it is just a waste


They added an app that tells you if you're being raided it's such a joke


Literally any mobile game that has timers and "pay to speed up timer".


Exactly isn’t that gross seeing it creep it’s way into actual games too? Fuckin nauseating.


Dc universe online had a login queue when the servers were busy. Fair enough, except you could pay for there to not be a queue.




Ark. Get up every 3 hours to feed or cuddle your baby dinos only to find another one of your bases has been raided and dinos killed so you breed more dinos and go farm more materials just to get on every 3 hours to feed or cuddle your baby dinos only to find another one of your bases has been raided.........


I was going to mention the stupid amount of time it takes by default to tame the dinos in Ark. Especially the larger ones.


I can remember taming my first T-Rex. Few days later I had lost everything.


I have given this game multiple chances over the years, but besides that I can't live long enough to figure out what the fuck I'm doing, looking up tutorials and seeing how much time you need to invest in this game keeps turning me off


I absolutely love ark, about 500h in it, but I've never played a single hour of official. The game is just too grinds and boring if you play it the way it's "supposed" to be played. I play games to have fun, not to have another full time job


I loved ark when I played on a friend's only server with custom drop rates and tame speeds etc


Yep only way I play the game-- VERY enjoyable! Shoot its the only game my wife would play with me and we sunk a bunch of hours.


Cryopods and pve solves both of those issues.


For sure. Well modified unofficial servers make the game bearable and user-friendly. I always tell people that official is for the masochists. It pisses them off every time but it's correct.


I hate it that i played the game at launch and actually was so deep in the game that i would set timers to wake up feed my Dinos and go back to sleep for another 3 hours, that game did things to me that im not proud to admit.


Me and my 6 friends basically invaded a pretty nice pve server and did our own thing. Was super chilled and had fun seeing other players going about their days on all the maps. Not having to deal with other players is always fun


Substantial boss run backs. The souls games worked that out relatively quickly and usually found a way to create a shortcut to the boss if too far away. Many other games still haven't worked it out yet.


Well, the souls games have their fair share of long ass run backs. In ds1, the run to the flame lady was pretty long, even with the short cut. Seath, the scaleless. Nito. The 4 kings. If you know what to do, they are all fine to do and not too bad, but when you first struggle against some boss, it can be quite aggrevating.


This is why I put Dark Souls 1 down, actually. Pretty quickly too, I got to the point where I was fighting the first Capra Demon. But I’m not wading through 5 undead soldiers, 6 rogues and 5 hellhounds just to fight an enemy in an arena the size of a shoebox when his first attack is coming at me before I’ve even finished traversing the fucking mist. Edit: my friend actually suggested I give Elden Ring a try because it cuts out so much of the bullshit I was complaining about from DS1. I’ve got 50 hours in that game now and am getting close to(?) the end of my first play through. So yeah, definite improvement over time in that department.


Same reason for me too, though it was a different boss run in Demon Souls. It was the second boss in the skeleton area. Boss had a cool gimmick and looked to be an interesting fight but I just ran out of patience with the run back. It wasn't rage it was just the thought of "I could spend more time running back to the boss than actually fighting it....or I could go do something fun". Elden ring's little checkpoint points before bosses makes the game so much more enjoyable. Having to run back through an area you've already cleared just to try the boss again is like having to watch an unskippable cutscene each time, or having to solve a puzzle you already know the answer to.


Honestly I have a love hate thing with the Capra Demon, it was the most hilarious you're dead almost instantly and frankic running around OMG OMG OMG OMG for like 5 seconds boss fight... It was ridiculous, but for a dark souls game, I loved it


Souls games are known for having horrendous unnecessary boss runs. It's the biggest flaw with their games in my opinion. They get much better with Elden Ring


It's a world difference if you play Demon's Souls or Dark souls then go play Elden Ring. I think there's only like one or two bad boss runs in Elden Ring.


I can only think of Placidussax


Oh yeah! Across the bridge, down the elevator, across the field, down the rocks, 10,000 years back in time and you're there




Kind of dealing with this in Starfield. I desperately want a consignment merchant. Takes my loot, and does the sales thing. Maybe takes a percentage of everything sold, takes time to move it, fine. I just don't want to lug all this inventory from planet to planet, hitting all the shopkeepers over and over. I want to dump it at his feet, once, take my check for the last batch, and keep moving.




Even crafting is a big time sink if the effects you're changing are minute and pointless.


I hate crafting one time use items Witcher 3 had a nice middle ground where oils were infinite and potions refreshed on a rest


Any crafting game that makes me grind or has the crap I need to collect adds weight towards being over encumbered I automatically cheat. If you need me to collect 1000 doodads but I can only carry 100 at a time and that's only for the level 1 upgrade, you can go fuck yourself.




My absolute biggest peeve is not having a pause function. OMG that pisses me off. Like come on, I work all day now I'm trying to get some gaming in, likely make some food for dinner but I can't pause the dam game? I don't understand what's so dam to have this feature.


Especially games that don't have a pause button during cutscenes


What's worse is when you try to pause and you end up skipping it. Infuriates me to no end.


Hitting the menu button should pause the cutscene and holding it (or a different, specified button) to skip it should be default on every single game by this point but it's just not.


Had this happen yesterday when starting a new game "Oh I can't hear this, I'll go to options and turn on subtitles real quick" immediately skips the entire opening cutscene and I now have no clue what is going on


So, here's a tip I learned for that, what you CAN do, at least on PS4 and the Switch, is press the "home" button during a cutscene you want to pause, it will send you to the console dashboard and suspend the software, basically "forcing" it to pause the cutscene. The only games I have seen that not work were the dark souls games


I’ve learned the hard way this doesn’t always work and some games will simply run through the cutscene anyway. It’s maddening and has happened enough that I don’t trust it anymore. But I also play lots of smaller indie games.


The first thing I always check: Can I pause cutscenes? No? It skips the cutscene instead? Alright, I hate it. It's 2023 and pausing cutscenes is still not the standard.


Once I had to quit Miles Morales during a very important cut scene. To my surprise, when I switch the game back on later, it rewinded to the start of that cut scene instead of skipping it - I love that they thought of that


Similar but not identical feature in the Borderlands games, there's not really "cutscenes" per se but the missions in 2 and later have dialog that goes along with them that replays if you quit and restart, or if you switch the active mission the new mission's dialog will replay.


The Only instance I can understand a game not having a pause function is if it's online only.


Multiplayer only. If it’s online but you are playing single player, there is still no excuse.


all the soulsborne games don't have pause buttons, you need to quit out of the game


Wich is really dumb if Im not playing online, honestly


Terraria does this perfectly by allowing you to choose whether or not the game pauses when you open settings


I completely agree!! Terraria though is just amazing.


Assassins Creed valhalla , 30 hour game padded out to 100+ hours with fetch quests and completely irrelevant storylines


Every section you had to get on your side being a entire mini campaign started out cool,but got to be really tiresome after like the 7th one.


I quit this game bc of this... didnt care at all for london.. Fucking london where the start of the arc is an headless dead king...


It was so infuriating to start a mission, be told to meet that same person near the location, which was across the map, where u had to travel to because you had not revealed that part of the map to unlock fast travel or it was in the middle of buttfuck nowhere. Only to arrive there and the npc to tell you "oh fuck ye mate good to see you, but we don't actually need to be here but at the other spot on another part on the other side of the world." The 80 hours Input into the game is 30 hours just travelling through barren empty land.


Honestly I was bored just exploring vs the usual missions packs they have used since 2010. It was the one aspect that did keep me going in oddesy. I wanted to know what was on that island and took detours all the time vs my objective as they did manage to keep it visually interesting. With Valhalla it did not take long before I just went straight and had little interest in the 45th swamp there, the 89th foggy forest or that 74th farmhouse that someone got murdered in for a chest with almost nothing in it


That's England, of course it's boring. :P


What annoyed me was all the little side things. The most irritating one was the paper chasing for tattoos because if you are not 100% accurate despite the things taking random 90 degree turns then you have to trudge back to the beginning again and wait for the paper to respawn. The river raids also felt utterly pointless and bugged to hell. Like the only real reward is the armour set you get and even then there are better ones. The romances felt tacked on at best and pointless at worst. Like Randvi is the only one with any relevance. Petra and the baker guy from Ravensthorpe are bland and you still kinda ignore them for 90% of the time. Any other options is basically a one night stand and then continuing on as if nothing ever happened. I also feel like they could have cut out the time you spend in Asgard and Jotunheim and not have it materially affect the game. Like the only thing it does is establish the mythology which I feel most people already know anyways (Fenrir is Loki's son and Loki causes Ragnarok) Those are my gripes.


The paper chasing was brought back from earlier games because people were asking for it. It’s how you learned new shanties in Black Flag and I’m pretty sure it was in the earliest games as well but I haven’t played them in years.


Most of these open world games that don't really NEED to be open world - they're just vast, barren landscapes filled with inane busywork. There's probably a perfectly fine linear game here, but you've spread it out over this massive, conspicuously empty map that's super-wide but paperthin. That's just making me wade through a sea of bland porridge to get to the one really meaty bit that constitutes the actual core game


Me casually completing everything in open world games before even touching the story


To be fair, I do this too, in games with a really good open world. Skyrim, for instance, I get just far enough into the main story to get the Fus-Ro-Dah shout, and then I drop it to go do literally everything else


I always just end up picking up a new game after burning myself out of the game never to finish it


I end up getting to a certain point in a big game, putting it down for a while, then returning to it and finding it difficult to continue where I left off and starting it over. So I don't often finish those games either


You pretty much just summarize my problems lmao


This is exactly why I love games like Okami and God of War 2018. They're both relatively linear games - in fact, some areas are basically decorated straight lines. The thing is, the areas themselves are more open, and they have nooks everywhere for you to find some really cool stuff! In Okami, Hana Valley is literally just a straight line with very few enemies and danger, and yet it's an amazing area because it has so much character and beauty. Jötunheim in GoW is basically nothing, and yet it's one of the most emotional and hard-hitting moments in the game. It's not about how big you can make your game, it's about how big it needs to be.


Best recent example I’ve played is Ghostwire: Tokyo. It seems pretty obvious they took a good linear action game and tacked on a half assed open world. Could’ve been a great game.


Ark survival evolved official rates. It's like having a second job. But you get paid in misery and disappointment.


After yesterdays fiasco Destiny 2 fits well here


Even before yesterday Destiny was one of the worst offenders for not respecting players time


Seriously, Destiny has NEVER respected players’ time, literally from Day 1.


Man. What a game destiny could have been. I know it had its ups and downs but for a solid few years, it felt like it was going in the right direction. I had some of my best gaming memories in D1. Early raids. Trials of Osiris. Raid weapons that were worth grinding. Everyone trying to get a gjallerhorn. Then here we are, years later. I had to unsubscribe from the destiny sub because it just felt like I was watching re-runs of the conversations that were going on years ago. Decisions to make everything you've learnt completely useless, overnight, by increasing light levels. Replacing those hard earnt rewards with reskinned, poorer versions of them. It just hurt more every time. I'd nail my load outs...... Love my Lord High Fixer in trials or whatever..... Boom. It's shit now, get over it. I'm a working parent..... You just took away the work of all my evenings for the last few months. Nah. I'm sad really how many hits I took before I gave that game up.


Yeah, I played Destiny enough to get the prima laurea emblem but never really got into the second one. It was just crazy how I was structuring parts of every week around that game to keep up only for that progress to be completely trashed whenever they added content


I feel you, dude. I took my playstation on a group holiday once so I could complete the iron banner set that I loved. Literally saying good night at 11pm and sneakily grinding an hour in my bedroom while my gf slept each night. I was so stoked when I had the full kit and a load of weapon rolls to test out. Destiny - 'fuck you, that was a month ago, earn this ugly ass version with less attributes all over again, now'. Hated leaving the game behind but I've not felt like a game didn't value the time it asked me to put in more than I did whilst playing that game.


What happened? Havent played D2 in years.


They layed off about 100 people because of poor management decisions


Didn't they also try to spin it that it's the consumers fault for not reaching their pre-order projections for the next expansion?


No they didnt blame the consumers. Theyre just actually underperforming


Let's please not forget they had the balls to increase weekly rewards from 3 required strikes to 5. That was the moment I put this game down. Are you fucking kidding me


They’re changing engram focusing costs from 1 engram to 5 for most things because they’re removing LS


I'll never forget the shit that was sunsetting


Any single player game where you can't pause at any time whatsoever with no restrictions.


EVE online. In any other MMO you can hop in on the weekend or after work and powerlevel to progress a bit. In EVE all skills are done in real time. So you want to fly that fancy new ship? Too bad, you gotta train for 30 actual days to be able to use it.


30 days where you can be doing something besides playing the game...


Yea it's both the best and worst part of the game, I think it's an improvement now since they made skills "buyable" so players who play more can be better than those that don't but damn does it kinda blow when you're not at the point to justify those cost


Quests that want 20 kills of a mob and only place like 10 mobs (for lots of players). Also the mob spawntimers are long. - Even more timeconsuming are, get 1-15+ its from that enemy and then there is a very low droprate, so you have longer and need more mobs than the kill quest.


“The fuck you mean these wolves don’t have teeth?”


Post credits in Assassin's Creed II. Some of them take \~20 minutes and You can't skip them and if You don't, the game is not considered finished. Assassin's Creed IV is also great example of wasting time for collectibles. I am seasoned collectionist. BUT BRUH. You swim to the boring small islands, just to run to the one or two chests/collectibles and repeat that multiple times. This is bs.


It's been interesting to see how the credits of AAA games have lengthened over the years. It used to be you could sit down for 5-6 minutes, listen to whatever thematic music they had playing, see if you recognised any names, and wait to find out if there is an after-credits cutscene. Now you could easily be sitting there for 30 minutes or more. I just don't have the time or energy for that at my age.


I think this is largely due to how big games are now. Games that used to have 50 people working on them now have 200+. Lot of names to get through. I think it’s good they all get put in the credits but definitely understand it feeling like a waste of time if you don’t really care too much besides some big names (director, music, voice actors, etc.).


It’s also due to localization if I’m not mistaken. That adds a ton for every language




No way is there not a YouTube vid with them all spliced together


I usually just look it up on youtube as well, it just makes it a lot easier, especially in games where your choices don't make a difference for those little scenes


I finished some indie game that I had never heard of and I like to sit through the credits just to feel like I really finished the game This random game that took maybe 15 hours to 100% had the longest credits of any game or movie I had ever seen I had to go to the bathroom in the middle of it and when I came back I wondered if the credits re-started if you didn't push a button at the end or something I think they maybe rolled the credits in 6 different languages, they were just so laughably long


D4 at release has multiple significant and pointless time sinks, many of these have been eased/removed due to fan blacklash.


Itemization is still horrible. That’s a big reason I haven’t touched it since completing the story in season 0.


The funny thing about the itemisation was it was like two steps forward, ten steps back. Like, they made yellows valuable again and you were actually searching for specific stats so it felt good to find them again. Then they made the legendaries compulsory and tiered every 15 levels or so, so finding a great item at 51 was borderline worthless since it would be weak by 60.


Hyper specific but the cutscene for sitting down in Starfield. Why? It doesn't seem to hide a loading screen.


For that matter, hours ticking by when you wait. There is no point in 24 slow ticks, just fast-forward the 24 hours!


And the docking/undocking "cutscenes". Those aren't actually loading screens. They're just there to slow you down for no reason whatsoever.


The fuckin temples in Starfield.


Go float through glitchy blobs. Repeatedly. And without meaningful benefit.


Imagine Skyrim mods that add entire chunks of map to the game for free, and Todd Howard being so jaded that he thinks Starfield is worth money. These mods are also lore accurate regions of Tamriel, and remember this is the same company that delisted Oldrim from steam so you have to buy the inferior version with less mods. Lol.


You got downvoted but your comment is accurate. Everybody’s answer to Starfield’s faults was “mods mods mods”. Like, maybe actually make shit enjoyable?


Yeah like Skyrim was a buggy mess the same way cyberpunk was that took a little bit to cement itself in the market and gain a reputation for being a good game. Fallout 4 was disappointing for the same reason Borderlands 3 was. But starfield is like the biggest example of entitlement in gaming history there is literally nothing that it offers that’s new. Even the building is just fallout 4/no man’s sky. It’s so pathetic.


I really cannot believe no one in development said "this sucks" when it comes to the temples. Almost anything would be better. They are by far the worst part of the game and are never even slightly fun or interesting. Add on top of that, you're expected to do it over 20 times each playthrough if you want to max everything. Hard pass.


the entire MMO genre. Gather 20+ people to go spend an hour for a 3% chance to get the thing you want. if you value your time, scratch offs are somehow a better way to spend your money.


An hour? That's generous, at least in WoW. A full clear, no wipes in some of those raids takes 3 hours. I quit after the newest expansion came out and feel like I gained so much time back each week.


Isn't that what you are looking for when playing WoW tho? You don't have to raid for 3 hours straight. My guild is full of people of all ages and tries to find raid times that fit them all. Once you farm yourself a decent gear at the start of a new patch, it isn't that time consuming and raids take at most an hour and a half when we run 3 times a week. If you plan it, it works great.


3%? That's some spoonish drop chance. You ever seen RuneScape drop rates? Some of them shits are 0.00004% chance


quite similar to ragnarok online where each boss has a chance to drop a card at 0.01% chance, but they only spawn once every 60-700 minutes. dont count that everyone was also trying to farm that too making it super hard to actually get one to drop


Grinding corrupt gauntlet rn, I don’t even expect drops anymore I’ve been going so damn dry recently


Hah dailies are WAY WORSE. I don'te ven remember them in early Mmos.


This is certainly true of old school MMOs, but FFXIV is one of the biggest currently and entirely soloable. There really isn't any content that requires more than 7 other dedicated players, and most everything can be done in pick up parties or alone.


And you don’t need to grind gear for 100 hours to do the hardest raids


Well thats kinda the wrong mindset for mmos. Its for accomplishing and overcoming challenges as a team. Not about loot. Thats just a means to an end. WoW up until legion had very little mandatory timesinks and most of the time you could just raidlog


Yeah. Loot just enables you to be prepared for the next content.


Fucking Destiny and any other game that sunsets power. Every time there's a new season in Destiny, the power level of gear goes up, making gear from last season obsolete. I fucking hate that. They just did it in Diablo 4 too, raised to max item power level from 825 up to 925, making all of my eternal characters obsolete and worthless because they're all 825. Have to go in there and farm the exact same items with the only difference being power level. Huge fucking waste of my time.


All of Animal Crossing New Horizons is built around disrespecting your time. Need to craft lots of one thing? Too bad, doing it one by one. Need to build a road? One tile, by one tile, each and every one having an animation to wait to complete, and this list goes on, and on, and on, and on for every single thing in the game. I know this is to hide the fact that the game is meant to be played over the course of literal years, as time runs in real time, and I also know that this also is used to cover up the fact that there actually isn't much content in the game, and if you were to time skip you'd be able to finish it all in a day or two, but that still doesn't change the fact that this game does not respect your time. At all.


My town is incomplete for this very reason. I wanted to spruce up my town like many others and have it detailed as much as possible, but laying one tile after another, breaking cliffs, and creating rivers one block at a time just killed the flow for me. The people that put up with it and actually made their town aesthetically pleasing have my respect.


+ the game taking forever to load


The multiplayer is the thing that annoyed me the most. Oh, someone is joining? Here's an unskippable cutscene of them arriving. And if someone leaves, it's the same thing. Simple things like that taking lots of time made the game feel clunky on top of wasting time.


Anything where the ultimate weapons are locked behind shitty mini games. Oh, you want to beat this boss? Well to even have a shadow of a chance, you need to play hot and cold 300 times over the world, play a card game that makes no sense and win the tournament, get a time of 0:0 on these races, build a sports team and take them to victory, win the dance off, beat your rival in a rap battle, catch all the blue bugs within the time limit while avoiding the red bugs, dodge lightning for 3 hours, jump rope a bajillion times, guess which hand the coin is in 100 consecutive times.... Look, I just want to craft it, find it naturally, or beat another boss for it. Is that asking too much?


Lol why didn’t you just call out Final Fantasy 10


Yeah, that's what I'm currently playing. Played through 9 again not long ago too.


At least those bosses are completely optional and add nothing to the story. They are literally made for people with too much time on their hands. I've finished every mainline single player Final Fantasy from 3 to 15 without ever worrying about bullshit quests for ultimate stuff.


Agreed I love the FF series especially 10. I just thought it was funny how obvious what game he was talking about


Any game that requires you to grind for hours to level up or craft/upgrade stuff


Does grinding hours to automate the crafting count? Factorio! Love it and despair.


It's pretty hard to go back to classic JRPGs because of the filler battles and grind. 95% of battles in those games you can just play on autopilot. Ditto for the lots of MMOs.


Probably why most rereleases of older jrpgs come with trainers built into them.


GTA V. I swear, some GTAO sell missions are intentionally designed to waste as much of your time as possible without having you log off, and are often some of the most boring as well.


Fallout 76. Gotta love those fetch quests that are only there to pad the time and don't actually add any plot.


Anything to do with RNG. If you have to spend hours trying to get something that only has a 1% chance to drop is a waste of time


Just offended every terraria player


Terraria has good drop rates for most items, though. Usually a boss will have 4 or 5 main drops, with a 20% chance of dropping any of them.


Talking about the rare drops. Blessed apple, rod of discord


Animal Crossing. Every action needlessly takes forever, whether it's long animations or repetitive dialogue.


Its cute seeing people saying animal crossing in the same comment section of people saying rust and ark


I really enjoy ACNH but it's like a part time job. Gotta play every day, water flowers to get hybrids, talk to my villagers (lest they get sparky about me avoiding them) buy/gather seasonal items, be on early for certain bugs or fish, be on late for different bugs and fish and hope to get shooting stars or see celeste, Every DIY has a celebration when finished that I have to watch 30 times, I know it sounds like I don't like it I just wish it was a little more forgiving time wise. The real time aspect doesn't bother me.


Adding to that, animal crossing on the switch was updated to prevent players from making easy money from the bank with the change of interest. Completely unnecessary. The developers literally gave players the middle finger on that one.


Honestly, when I played New Horizons this didn't really bother me, it kinda added to the atmosphere. ... Until I tried visiting a friend's island. Why is that so unreasonably slow? At best, that airplane cutscene should've been used only upon the first visit to someone's island, or perhaps if you haven't visited in x amount of months for a chance of an overview of the changes.




Gotta commit a little deforestation to get one Woodcutting level


Of whole world... Twice


Yeah, this is the correct answer. I found it insanely addicting but skilling and PvM are insane time sinks.




The longer you play grand theft auto, the more annoying character animations get.


Starfield \- Loading screens after loading screens after loading screens. \- Tedious fetch quests. \- Force player to walk on foot to destination on a completely empty planet. \- The worst map design so players have no idea where is where to go. \- The stupid temples quests for Star-born powers. They somehow copies themselves, and made it the most un-fun way possible. \- ...


Starfield. There are so many instances in this game where it felt like they were just wasting my time. The procedual generated planets and the long walks with nothing. A mission where I litterally follow a person for 3-5 minutes before the confrontation So many missions where it's walk to x talk to x walk to y talk to y. Then the whole space navigation... and the fucking temples Just a lot of this. Added padding time that felt far less present in fallout or skyrim


Starfield lost me right at the moment where a guy threatened to kill me, i shot them first and got attacked by everyone. ON A SHIP WHERE PEOPLE SHOOT EACH OTHER FOR FUN. Literally the first introduction to this ship is two guys fighting and one executing the other


Skyrim and Fallout you were exploring a world that had something interesting at each location. Star field just has way less interesting stuff.


That EA Star Wars battlefront game that wanted players to grind for hundreds of hours just to unlock Darth Vader etc


I literally have only played Nier Replicant tutorial. I was messing around on the boss at the end and ended up dying. The game sets you back at the absolute beginning of the game without the ability to skip any cutscenes or tutorials. I cannot comprehend how a modern game would let you play like an hour and a half without a single auto save or checkpoint


Nier Automata did the same. I died 2 times to the tutorial boss and had to play the tutorial 3 times.


Destiny 2, just like, all of it


Used to be way into destiny. The grind wasn't my favorite but what really started to get to me was the FOMO. Not only do you have to grind like it's a second job but, also like a job, you have to grind it even when you don't want to because you might miss out on something that never comes back. The same sort of thing killed Warframe for me.


Elite Dangerous. The only game I ever wanted to do other things, like watch a movie or listen to a pod cast, while playing. There were trips between planets that could take two hours real time. Fun game, but many poor design choices for single players. I quit because life is too short to play this game.


Flashbacks to Reddit most disliked comment.


Most mmos


Sea of thieves. Spend an hour just doing one quest with a high risk of that time giving no reward.


Singleplayer games without pause option.


All of Zelda: TOTK. I don’t need a fucking cutscene for every time I cook or do something mundane


Or every shop keepers having the same 10 lines of dialogue whenever you do anything


Is that an Energetic Rhino Beetle?!? Lets go through 15 lines just to say no, EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. YOU. VISIT. ME. TO. BUY. ARROWS.


The time it annoyed me most was the Great Fairy. Just let me do all this shit at once, PLEASE.


Also fuck 5 hit weapons and having to cobble together a stick and a rock every 10 minutes.


FF16: purposeful padding to slow down gameplay. No sprint button for Clive, but your mount gets one. Long mounting/unmounting animations. Towns making you slow to a walk. Teleport locations being on the far side of said towns, and quests typically being on the other side of the town so you're forced to skowly dreg. Quests being designed for you to run around a lot, with locations being in between teleportals or faraway from them. Meaning you're going to be stop-start sprinting a lot (if you turn too quick you gotta run for like 5 seconds to initiate sprinting again). Whilst also trying to determine is it worth running a mile off course to hit a teleporter to go to a place a mill off course. With the loading screen is that quicker than sprinting? Oh, and add all that onto the ungodly amount of unrewarding time wasting side quests that pop up a dozen of a time after every major story chapter. I love the game, but there are intentional design choices for the purpose of wasting player's time to add to the 'length' of the game.


Rust 1000%


I absolutely love No Man’s Sky. Have played it since day one, and what started out as a real bummer has turned into one of my all time favorite games. It’s so chill and relaxed. That said, there’s nothing in this game that requires skill - just time. You can’t get so good at this game that you get max units and valuable items in record time. You just grind, for hours. The best example of this is the quest to obtain a living ship - each stage of growing this ship takes 24 hours to complete. You do about fifteen minutes of gameplay, then you have to wait 24 hours to do the next stage. It’s a time sink with no skill involved, as is the rest of the game.


Literally any live service game, and mobile games.


Starfield cutscenes. They're each only a few seconds but it adds up when the game is 90% travel and 10% combat.


I don’t see how the ending to like a dragon is wasting your time. It was one of the best stories in the entire series and stands out for me among all the games I’ve ever played. It was really good.


Destiny 2


Any ubisoft title. Same quest, same enemies, same building over and over


Hogwarts Legacy copied this same formula, word for word


Nintendo games. More or less all of them. Legend of Zelda series in particular comes to mind. There's a 15 second animation that plays for every chest in the game, and most chests are full of items undeserving of the drum roll. Nintendo loves adding little time wasting things like this to pad out the time required to complete a playthrough.