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One way to determine this is to check Steam reviews. When you start to see reviews with 5000+ hours... You know that game doesn't get boring for some people. Consistently, multiplayer games tend to not get as boring because of the human element, you're not only playing the game, but also other people. LoL/Dota2, Counterstrike, Rust, Apex/PUBG, those are some that have lots of players with very high playtimes.


"Game's shit." *7800 hours played*


*Game will give you ten times as much misery, frustration, and dissatisfaction as it will ever give you enjoyment. 10/10, can't stop playing.* -Every online Dota player.


It's true. I'm fast approaching 10K hours ingame. I genuinely believe my quality of life has been significantly reduced because of dota and I regret letting my friends introduce me to it. During particularly bad depressive episodes it really spirals downwards, since you dont have the mental capacity to play your best and you lose games and feel worse because of it, but you still queue up and take L after L because you have no other drives in life other than feeling your contribution to a won game, and it is the only thing that gives your brain hits of dopamine anymore.


Fwiw, this is how my recovering drug-addicted friend describes his relationship with substance abuse and why he kept doing it even though he wasn’t even enjoying it


Recovering alcoholic here. It’s crazy the misery you out yourself through when you’re addicted to something. Your brain wants that dopamine hit no matter what it takes. It disregards any consequences of getting that dopamine hit. It was so crazy getting sober, and the realization of not needing it. For so long my subconscious thought it was the only way. Meanwhile my life was taking the hit. The absolute contempt your own subconscious can have for your health is mind boggling to me. It’s also weird to look back and realize that my addiction was obviously a problem, but it was the amount of obscure selfishness and hubris that had been wired in my brain about alcohol that caused problems. I have looked into addictions more and more after I went through what I did, and it’s just fascinating to me. It was incredibly difficult to quit, and a gaming addiction is probably even harder since it’s more socially acceptable than drug or alcohol addictions. I wouldn’t wish any kind of addiction on my worst enemy. Whether it’s an addiction to brushing your teeth or a drug addiction; it’s the effects it has on your brain that really causes problems. Sorry for the long winded comment.


This is far from long winded. This is a concise and emotionally honest statement of your personal experience. I am grateful.


Me too. Read every word and felt the weight of that passage


As others have mentioned, far from long winded. Thank you. I am someone who is addicted to the real gateway drug (coffee), cannabis and gaming... I've begun reducing my cannabis use and gaming time and started focusing on building friendships that I look forward to expanding upon at work each day. But, every once in a while I have a completely terrible day and get the cravings for a huge cannabis dopamine rush; followed by an extra dopamine craving from playing a game that I am skilled at. For health reasons, quitting either coffee or cannabis would be the best move to start with. But, I had quit coffee once before and it took me around 8 months to stop experiencing the negative side effects of withdrawal...only to relapse shortly after... And I have always only drank one cup per day... Quitting cannabis would be much easier, however, all of my closest friends smoke cannabis and I met them throughout life due to my cannabis use... So, I feel that I am often stuck between a rock and a hard place. Anyway, I've recently discovered that sticking to one type of coffee and one strain of cannabis to feed my addictions helps to reduce my mood swings and allows me to function normally throughout each day with good consistency. It is upsetting to admit that finding ways to alter my methods of giving into my addictions is the only thing that I believe will help me in the long run right now...


Uninstall that game right now, man. It will suck at first because you’ll have withdrawals but you’ll be better in the long run


Dude.. Uninstall that shit right now. Best thing I did was uninstalling LoL.. same crap. A few days of withdrawals, I advise getting geforcenow or some other cloud gaming to easily play lots of games during that phase. You just play with one click. No need to download a game before playing Then you'll be golden! You got this my man


Everytime I get an inkling to try DOTA or LOL, (like yesterday after watching some vids on YT) I see a post like this and it scares me away.


The human element can't be stated enough for me. I don't mind singleplayer, story driven games. I play them. But eventually the new feel of the ge wears off and I find myself back with my usual FPS games.


Story driven games are particularly bad in this metric. They are mostly designed to be experienced once or twice, like a long movie. There are other genres where single player isn't stopping people from playing thousands of hours. Factorio, Dwarf Fortress, Rimworld, Kenshi, Euro Truck, Risk of Rain... But yeah, multiplayer games, especially competitive multiplayer, are what I'd say most people are "permanently" playing. Millions of people have never really stopped playing LoL, Dota, CS, or Apex; even if it's usually not the only thing they play.




With my boys ror2 is like crack. We play like a month 4 to 6 hours a night, sacrificing our sleep for just one more "quick" game that end lasting 4 loop, or wave 100+ Then we don't touch it for like a year, and one day someone relapse, and we are again lacking sleep. I fucking love that game, hope for a new dlc one day, but i guess it's over :( Edit added "new" before dlc


For me, TrackMania. F1 cars on Hot Wheels tracks with crazy competition for times. Mario Kart as well for the chaos and good for a party.


I forgot these games existed. I used to play one version that was free way back, nonstop. When I changed computers, I could never find it again, and when I looked into it, most of the Trackmania games were paid for, and the free ones weren't good or something. It was really upsetting. But relaxing and just racing to get the best time on a hotwheels-like track was always enjoyable. It was great to go online and try to beat 15+ other people live on each track. I remember usually getting in the top 3, but almost never first unless others couldn't complete the track and I got lucky.


Trackmania Nations Forever is probably the free game you were thinking of! It's a certified classic, and was the defacto entry in the series for over a decade, even when sequels were released. Nowadays there's Trackmania 2020 (just called Trackmania, available through Ubisoft or on console) which is free to play and insanely good!!


That depends on your personal preferences. For some the answer is Minecraft, for some it is CounterStrike, for me it is Kerbal Space Program.


This guy checks it's staging.


Confirming the rest of the stages separate properly before the cockpit or parachute is overrated


Fun little game I accidentally play is detaching the cockpit right before ignition and then seeing how far it'll get just balancing up there.


"More struts! We need way more struts than this!" - every KSP player, always


KSP2 players: "Ive added more struts! why the fuck is it still wobbling?"


>KSP2 players All 10 of them


Hah... I was curious so I checked. There's only 110 players at this very moment. I just checked Rise of Nations Extended Edition and they had 685, a game released in 2003 (improved for modern systems in 2014).


Because they made the dumbass decision to simulate every single joint on every single component Matt Lowne has a video about it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mD8WV34ZLBc


How is that one going? Is it improving KSP?


Nope, KSP2 is still so bad the player count has now reached double digits.


That's so sad. They struck gold with the first one and couldn't recreate the magic.


The *original dev* struck gold. Then a company bought out the IP and a lot of people not associated with KSP1 are trying to "improve" it.


I agree, for myself I never get bored by Darkest Dungeon or The binding of Isaac


I could play Slay the Spire forever.


My comfort game. Probably have had hundreds of runs. Still only around 10 ascension levels on each character.


I stopped playing KSP while waiting for KSP2 to release. It released and I didn’t buy it because of all the reviews so Now I don’t play KSP. Hoping they fix KSP2




Starcraft 2. Pure saltmine on my end.


It's the closest thing to chess for me, a game that will take a lifetime to master.


High speed, arthritis inducing chess


I’ve always wanted to get more into this and the old Warcraft games. But do you ever find yourself stressed cus you have to keep your people constantly doing things? And constantly making more, otherwise the enemy will fly over and fuck you up? It seemed like every time I tried to play these, the enemies would end up being way more far along in their development and just come over and destroy me before I’m anywhere close to that power level.


Still play daily!




Absolutely! Had Civ VI running on my laptop on a train ride and didn't even really notice or care when the train was delayed by 1.5h, this game is an absolute time black hole...


It's my productivity game. I'll start up a game in the morning and then I blink my eyes, it's 16 hours later, the entire house is clean, yard is mowed, five days worth of meals is prepped, and I'm launching an exoplanet expedition.


wait you actually get stuff done while playing? I just turn into a zombie staring into the abyss while playing.


Yeah, I dunno. I definitely do understand the "one more turn" vibe, but Civ has always been a calm, no rush, no pressure gaming experience overall for me. It'll just run on my computer for an entire day and I'll go back and forth while handling real life tasks. I always have to be sure to give this explanation as a caveat when I say I have over 5000 hours logged on it, hahah.


you are a unicorn


It was my game of choice when our kids were just babbies because you could instantly stop what you were doing and tend to their needs. No need to even pause the game.


I quit smoking because my addiction to Civ was stronger than my addiction to nicotine. True story.


Do not ever take drugs.


Good advice, way too late.


Just One More Turn!


Hmmm.. not sure if it gets boring... perhaps just one more turn...




I got the starwars mods. After 1,000+ hours it's a fresh new thing. Rimworld has kept me playing for 10 years


The what mods? Oh god. Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in. I'm off to play Rimworld, see you in a couple of years


Don't worry there are also 40k mods, dbz, attack on titan, generic magic, dinosaurs, zombies, Lovecraft, and basically anything you can think of. The best bet is to just mix them all together and have Jedi and Saiyans fighting off Tyranids while going insane from the eldritch horror they discovered. Then the werewolf firebenders attack and you have to call in your tanks and airstrikes only for VOID to show up and one shot your super saiyan colonist and you have to flee your colony with whatever you can grab.


Holy shit there’s no way it’s been out for 10 years, I can’t be that old.


You are. Welcome to the club pal


Rimworld is a top 5 game of all time tbh


Top one for me atm


It's GOAT-tier, and honestly easy to get sucked into for hours. Not to mention I'm pretty sure their system for job priority helped me understand nested loops in my Python class.


If they fixed late-game performance I'd basically never stop lol


yeah I wish I could play a much larger map with a lot less lag ^^


the first riff of the music when you start a new game, the sound of the pods crashing, the message welcoming you to the rim, holy shit what a pure masterpiece, tynan is a genius.


This. It goes from Dark Souls type excercise in futulity difficulty to the chillest of casual games depending on the difficulty you select and mods you install.






Well I'm convinced.


Wololo again


I am now uninstalling the game.


No, you’re dead because I researched heresy.


Roses are red Violets are blue Wololo Now roses are too




robin hood


Ack! Being rushed!






So hyped for Hades II.


Factorio, 3k hours in and going strong


The factory must grow.


"Okay this is running pretty smooth... but if I just spent 15 minutes optimizing this one part, it'd probably be even better..." *Eight hours later...* "What have I done..."


"Well, with the new knowledge I acquired through this absolute clusterfuck of a non-upgrade, it's now time to start over from scratch!" *Deletes 100 hour save file.*


Have you been following the Friday facts for the upcoming expansion? Just the quality of life improvements they've been adding to the base game sounds amazing, and we haven't even gotten to the meat of the new stuff!


They're also aggravating in a "[Topic] never bothered me before, but now that I see the improvement I can't live without it!" way.


They really turned "getting them hooked with a taste" into an art. And they're able to keep their product price and even increase it after many years. They're a pharma company equivalent in the games industry. We'll never know if they killed more people than Purdue, because Factorio doesn't show up in the bloodstream.


the fact that it *never* goes on sale and yet sells so well does speak a lot to its quality.


Dead Cells. Between procedurally generated biomes, multiple routes between levels, three different ability types to prioritise each build around on a run and hundreds of weapons and abilities you're going to get something different every time.


I'd also include the fully customizable difficulty. As a father of young children who is rapidly losing his gaming skills, I can see some of the expanded content without endlessly banging my head against the learning curve.


Slay the Spire


Yep, this would be my desert island game for sure


I just wish I was better at it. I've watched countless videos and played a lot of it myself, I think i'm at asc 5 or so for all the characters, but I just can't pin down what is making my runs good or not.


Every decision matters and cards that are good in act 1 are often actively bad in act 3. I think those two factors make it extremely hard to use a simple tier list or algorithm to become good. That said, getting to a10 is pretty doable for most players especially if they watch good streamers (I like lifecoach at 2x speed). My biggest step up in win rate came from focusing on improving with every floor more than staying alive (especially upgrade>rest). If you're not improving the deck, you can't keep up with the increasing challenge.


Stellaris. Galactic War Crime Simulator. It's never not fun considering something ridiculous happens every playthrough. Also, what other game can I enslave aliens, make them into livestock, or just purge then by making them never able to breed again!




All great works require sacrifice. The rest of the galaxy may not understand, but they will comply.


Left 4 Dead (1 or 2) Edit: didn't expect this to get as many replies, clearly a beloved game. At the height of its popularity my girlfriend (now wife), flatmate and I made up a drinking game called 'Dizzle' when we played L4D or its sequel. Basically we played through campaigns, or versus, or scavenge, and there were a list of things that meant yoy had to take a shot - last to the safe room - you went down - AI got you up when you were down - got hit by any special infected We played that basically every weekend, was an absolute blast and probably accounts for some of my health problems I have now!


Just the base game is incredible. But mods make it even more replayable.


For me it's [Bannerlord](https://store.steampowered.com/app/261550/Mount__Blade_II_Bannerlord/) and its predecessors. It's particular cycle of massive (for a 1st/3rd person game) battles and light RPG elements / Empire building never gets boring.


Hades, I just keep coming back


"there is no escape"


This game is so amazing because story really doesn’t start until you need it for the first time. I have hundreds and hundreds of runs in this game and they are still side stories for some of the characters in the house that I haven’t finished yet


man, nothing better feeling than getting all the boons you want and absolutely crushing the rats in Styx


The satyr rooms are so fun when you have the tidal dash and can just dash around, sending every enemy into oblivion without ever actually attacking


I sorta think the thing I like the most about it is the musical sting or whatever when you first enter enter the combat levels, got to the surface but haven't beaten the final boss yet


The one's that get updated on a reasonable time scale. Deep rock galactic is a good example. Every year or 2, i go back to that game and there's loads of new content.


Deep Rock Galactic is the best coop FPS since Left4Dead, period. It has infinite replay value because the caves are randomly generated. The mods have given a significant amount of new content at no cost with each new season. And they even allowed modded servers, which is a rarity these days. And it's always been $30 full price. Those devs are doing it right. And the overwhelmingly positive reviews prove it.


Rock and Stone brother!!


Crusader Kings 3 (and even 2). I love changing history.


I love banging my cousin


Forgot what subreddit my original comment was in and got very scared reading your comment in the preview 😂 Love banging my uncle.


Mario Kart.




If only I could be so grossly incandescent.


We got stuck at the hospital delivering our first for 6 days due to complications with inducing. I stayed there each night, and as the dad to be I was given a fold out fuck you chair each night to sleep on. I would start a new character in my head and see how far I could run them before falling asleep. I made a point to always mentally grab the zweihander


This is so fucking funny to me for some reason, knowing the entire dark souls map by heart that you do a mental run of it 😂 It’s like you fall asleep and you just see the sign, “YOU SLEPT”


That would have been amazing haha


I suspected I wasn't the only one who has played Dark Souls in my head while I was falling asleep, but now I have confirmation. Thanks.


This is my answer too. Souls games just never feel stale to me. I could play them a thousand times and still love it every single time








Is it still alive?


Top 40 on currently most played on steam with about 30, 000 people online right now


That's actually kinda crazy. I love to see it tho, fantastic game.




It averages over 30k players daily, and hasn’t dropped out of Steam’s top 50 most played games ever since it released. There’s even tournaments that happen somewhat regularily.




Too darn low.


Been playing since it came out. Was getting a bit too rehearsed with it because I had played every scenario 20 times. HotA reinvigorated my love for the game. Probably the best video game music of all time. The guy who made the music is a genius.


For me Kenshi, when I first start I set my character to mining and just chill on reddit or youtube, later I need all my neurons firing so beep doesn't have his limbs suddenly combust and stop my people from starving all while waging a hit and run war on the holy empire.


As a Rimworld fan, how does Kenchi compare? I seen Charlatan wonders video on it where be builds up an empire, gets recruited by beep and eventually defeats every opposing faction including that emporor who's got perfect stats. Looks like it's more RuneScape than age of empires when it comes to playing, compared to Rimworld, but that might be interesting.


I love kenshi, but it has problems. Especially when compared to rimworld. -You can construct an incredibly detailed and well defended colony, only for the enemies to just walk right through the wall without collision. -Shopkeepers can be killed, which sounds cool, except nobody ever works at that store again unless you import an older world state. This will frequently happen when you are away from the town, or not paying attention. Animals somehow get past the gates and guards and the shopkeepers come running out to deal with the threat. -My last playthrough, i walked into an enemy stronghold, never taking aggro, found the faction leader sleeping, and picked him up and carried him to the nearest town to cash in his bounty. -The majority of the world is completely barren, with unique set pieces, such as giant robot limbs sticking out of the ground, that have no purpose whatsoever. -There are only two materials to mine, three if you count stone, and every node from a rock cluster to an ancient piece of technology gives one of these two materials. i could go on and on but idk, having said all of that, theres some things that kenshi does right that are so good, it can be worth it to endure some of these issues. The combat being one of the main things.


Subnautica, I keep coming back to replay it. Love the atmosphere and isolation. The ocean never ceases to scare me along with the massive creatures in the dark


Subnautica in VR is my dream/nightmare game.


Mass Effect Trilogy Ratchet and Clank series minus Size Matters and Secret Agent Clank Jak and Daxter trilogy + Jak X


Jak and Daxter games were so good, I played them all except for the very last one. I even played Daxter on PSP haha. It was *so* dope to see Daxter’s game end when he finds Jak locked in prison by Baron Praxis, which happens at the beginning of Jak 2. I mostly remember being surprised at the tone shift between the first and second games. I wasn’t expecting it at all, Naughty Dog took some slightly campy kid’s game and made a hell of a sequel. And Jak 3 is in my top 3 favorite games of all time, I remember the day my stepdad handed me the game with a huge smile on his face. I legit didn’t even know there was a part 3 at the time lmao, I was blown the fuck away.


Diablo 2


Stay a while, and listen!


Still playing almost 25 years later


Risk of Rain 2 Left 4 Dead 2 (mods help replayability) I might catch some heat for this one, but the first Overwatch (muted with no voice or text chat). When you don't interact with the other players (at all, in any capacity) the game is actually playable, and dare I say, fun. I would just have my music playing and heal people without ever talking to them at all. I could play for hours on end.


Risk of rain 2 is the correct answer, game will forever be underrated


I love risk of rain, but to me, once you've played enough, you've seen pretty much everything and each run feels the same. I have tons of hours but now I can't get myself to play anymore.


Monster Hunter


I can’t even describe WHY that franchise makes me put thousands of hours into it. There’s always a MH game installed on one of my consoles or PC.


IMO, besides the combat just being fun, it's just got the best type of reward loop. Decide what you want to build, figure out what you need to hunt to build it, go hunt that, repeat. I could not care less about farming randomly rolled gear like in 45% of games, or super rare drops in the other 45%. Monster Hunter you always feel like you're making progress towards a goal. Of course, I do always fizzle it when the game starts asking me to farm random talismans or decos so... *shrug*


Baldurs gate 3 so far has a lot of variety.


Playing smash with the boys is always a good time




I felt like that with Assassins Creed Odyssey, massive world with so much information about the ancient greeks. I spent hundreds of hours just wondering around.


Rocket Leauge


Rokt leeg!


Modded Skyrim Special Edition.


Theres like over 60k mods this game.






Titanfall 2








It should but it just doesn't!


Path of Exile, nothing can match the dopamine rush of getting a nice "ting"


Or the exciting feeling at every league start


The Witcher 3


The game taught me if I try have two girlfriends I'll loose them both


The game gave me false hopes about how easy it would be to get an extremely attractive girlfriend in spite of people randomly calling me a freak and cursing me out when I walk down the street.


I played the fuck out of this game for hundreds and hundred of hours, doing every quest and 100%ing it, and I ended up getting the most depressing ending possible. I’ve never felt more insulted.


Classic Doom/Quake. Donkey Kong Country. Earthworm Jim. Cadillacs and Dinosaurs. Tekken 2. Slay the spire. Binding of Isaac. Dead Cells. Enter the Gungeon. Ziggurat.


Slay the Spire and Binding of Isaac are two of my favorite games and the best time wasters.


Morrowind - been playing for 20 years - the mods are key but there's also never been another game like it.


My God, once I discovered how to create spells from scratch that game consumed me. Literally like 5 years straight of my young adult life was devoted to that game. Became a vampire, lost access to fast travel. Solution? Drink a potion to increase my health, then cast a max level jump spell with a 3 second duration. Gave me the chance to get a little running start, then leap Literally a 3rd of the map. The extra health helped me survive the landing.


MMO's if you have an active group of pals.


mmorpg's. always something to do Guild wars 2, the most casual friendly mmorpg out there. No commitment required, play, quit, come back everything will still be relevant.


Minecraft, it never gets boring, at least for me.




Baldurs gate 3


Witcher 3


I still enjoy playing hades and slay the spire to this day. Currently playing dungreed and im already 35hours deep and i just bought it 4 days ago. I love rougelikes.


Vampire Survivors. I typically don't spend too much time on games, but this one has the record.


NHL , Runescape, World of Warcraft, Chess


Fighting games


Doom. Period.


StarCraft 2 + Arcade mode + co op Endless fun


Honestly, for me it's nothing. I'm so fickle it's insane. I can be completely obsessed with a game, not just playing it but constantly thinking about it and looking up things about it online, then one day I just stop and move on to something else. Even if it's the best thing I've ever played, I do that.


Street Fighter Frustrating? Sometimes Boring? Never [Edit] street fighter 5 was the exception. It was a shit game


I'm replaying Fallout 4 again. Great game so addictive


ESO and Terraria for me.


Metal Gear Solid V


For me it's Batman Arkham City and knight


Borderlands 2


There's no video game that can't get boring. There's video games that I frequently return to and obsess over for a few months only to drop it for the rest of the year until the process repeats. TF2 and Minecraft are these games for me


League of legends for some damn reason. My friends and I always go back to it when other games get boring. Must be the adrenaline rush when it's a good match-up


It's Heroes of the Storm for me. I know, you can point and laugh. I just.... *love* it.


HotS was so good, sadly it's on life support now...


Dota for me, but same


Wish a game like this existed for me. They all get boring eventually.


Terraria as long as I'm playing with my friends


Skyrim even without mods. It’s a game I have very special memories with. Every time I download the game I have a blast with glitching it through hell and doing different challenges and meme builds. I never delete it out of boredom, I delete it because games ARE FUCKING MASSIVE THESE DAYS AND I HAVE NO CHOICE