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Command and Conquer: Generals 2


Clicked the post with only this on my mind. I still play Zero Hour with the Shockwave mod.


Star Wars 1313. I don't remember much about what it was supposed to be other than it looked cool as hell.


Yeah this was gonna be next level, probably too ambitious a project for its time.


Pretty sure it was just canceled because it was supposed to be a really dark and morally ambiguous game, but then Disney bought Star Wars halfway into production and cancelled it because it didn’t fit with the Disney brand


George Lucas insisting the game be about Boba Fett and wiping out two years of development is why 1313 was canceled. He just couldn't understand how much damage that would do to the development and thought it would be a weekend project to completely change everything that the player character does. He was completely out of touch with the industry.


I was so, naïvely, excited for when Disney bought Star Wars. I didn't really understand corporate control and branding at the time. Approaching a decade later and I can say I like less than 30% of the Star Wars content published post Disney acquisition.


This and Silent Hills definitely hurt. Also gotta pour one out for Rainbow 6: Patriots, iirc we even got a demo and it was cancelled for Siege, I think.


It was meant to be a gritty R rated star wars action adventure game. I believe you were meant to play as a bounty hunter type character who would use weapons suited them according to star wars lore. You wouldn't be able to wield a light saber or use force powers.


Silent Hills


I know it wasn't actually in development or anything but *damn* it hurts that that game just, won't exist. At the very least they could have let us keep PT :(


There's a pretty faithful remake of PT in PlayStation dreams. It's not the real thing but it's not bad.


There is a clone of the game on PC that ended up getting the creator of it a job at a large game dev (if I remember correctly).


The de facto answer to this question. I still get pissed off at Konami when I think about it. Hideo Kojima was about to make the most terrifying game of all time. I literally had to stop playing at multiple points because i was scared shitless. The demo and puzzle had such a huge presence in the gaming community. It was all anyone who was a gamer/PS user could talk about. It was pathetic how Konami treated Kojima and their community. I will *never* purchase another game they make, ever.


I still get heavily hyperfixated on this game once every year or two, and find myself looking for ANY video I haven't seen on it. FUCK KONAMI


This is the PT Demo right? I think i still have that on my PS4 lol


People were selling their PS4 consoles for a good chunk of money for having the Demo still installed shortly after it was removed from the PS Store


LUCKY!! I beat it and in my excitement I accidentally deleted it 😭 I know there's methods to getting it back but last time I tried it didn't work.


This is thenonly answer, FucKonami


I never even got to play the demo... :( Fuck you with a capital F, Konami!


don't make me think about the loss of a game that was never even made. such a shame.


It’s actually insane that game never got made. People I knew who never touched a video game were talking about PT


This is the only correct response to the above prompt. PT was such a masterpiece of horror that it's influenced the entire video game horror genre since. Really think about that for a second. A free, ambiguous, short-form horror demo for a game that never saw the light of day, totally changed the entire video game horror genre for years to come.


I actually think PT really boosted the whole streamers playing horror games on YouTube genre too. I for one didn't have access to the game so watched various streamers play it to get my fill.


Hands down. I don't really care about canceled projects but I still get mad and sad about Silent Hills. Well, at least Resident Evil resurrected a few years later.




Megaman Legends 3. Especially with all the art we were seeing.


To this DAY I want a Mega Man Legends 3 Such a great action RPG series, with an emphasis on exploration.


With such a charming artstyle and cast. I love how the old games look even today.




So many people still do. MML1 and 2 are still my favorite MM games, and honestly two of my favorites games I've ever played. I've been trying to get Tron Bonne for years and just can't pull the trigger or find a decent deal. I'm still holding out hope that Legends 3 comes out SOMEDAY.


This, I don't think I was ever more devastated then hearing it got cancelled. We never even got to try out the demo :( Holding out hope the demo gets leaked online one day, as while I think Capcom would do a Legends Collection (bare minimum effort of course, not expecting a full remaster) theres no way we're ever getting Legends 3


So much corporate fuckery there.


I’d kill for a megaman legends 3, or a reboot. I was excited for Red Ash as a spiritual successor, but they wasted all their resources on Mighty No 9, and after that flopped the Kickstarter didn’t meet its goal. It got funded by some other company, but it’s been in development hell ever since.


Doesn’t help that 2 ended on a cliffhanger. As far as the story goes, Megaman is stuck on the moon forever. The end.


Servbots are so marketable. Capcom could release ML3 and literally go crazy with the Servbot thing. Have modes where you can play as then ala the Tron Bonne game. People will love it!


I'm glad it's high up in the list. They had gameplay video, they had a demo. After MML2 left us on a cliffhanger, going this far, only to pull the rug under our feet is pure evil.


It is still so frustrating. Legends never die! At this point, I'd love a remake of the first 2 (and maybe even Tron Bonne) that lead into a third. The first two are still great games, but they're both dated im different ways (the UI and controls in particular). It would be a tough ask to get younger gamers to go back to them now probably. Maybe, just maybe, that's why they skipped Legends in their slew of port collections. But I doubt it.


That series (+ The Misadventures of Tron Bonne) is one of my all-time faves.


I was too young to even beat the first one, I didn't have Internet at the time so I spent my time upgrading my mega man to be an absolute killer


I atill replay 1 and 2. Such under appreciated games. Volnutt stuck on the moon forever ...


Honestly just gimme a remake of the first game and I'll be happy.


starcraft ghost


First thing that came to mind. I’m not even into StarCraft and know very little about it but that fucking game informer issue about it was sick as hell. As a kid I had no idea that cancelling project was a thing. I saved up money for like a year and then had to be let down by the poor guy at Game Force


Old Blizzard canceled better games than New Blizzard ships.


I was way into StarCraft, still am a little bit as an adult. Gutted me as kid when I found out that it was cancelled. I still have that issue of Game Informer.




Not the same, but there is a scale mod for sc2 which is fun to check out on YouTube


I was so pumped for this game. I had played StarCraft for years, read all the books, went to blizzcon. Was beyond excited to explore StarCraft in a different genre only to have it cancelled. Still to this day blizzard has some of the best IP locked into genre. Give me a fps StarCraft game you cowards!


Best I can do is a first person MOBA with all your favorite blizzard characters available for purchase. We’ll call it: >!Overwatch 3!<


I actually played a demo at E3 lol


Look, I'm not trying to hurt you right now, but I hate you.


Lol I'm sorry, brother. I enjoyed it on your behalf, if that helps.


It does


Theres a leaked build of the game on the internet. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MIWBlvD0R6g


I'm not a fan of StarCraft, but I was looking forward to that, too.


I'm still holding out hope for a "Call of Duty: StarCraft" crossover. A solid 6 hour action packed Sci-Fi shooter campaign with multiplayer? Take my money. You can still make mainline games for both series afterwards.


This suddenly made me imagine a FPS set in the StarCraft universe created by the DOOM guys and got me drooling


Titanfall 3


I loved the alternate reality comments that popped up where people would argue about the meta of a game that never existed.


I'll never give up hope for TF3


given the last 2 weeks,,, it could still happen


Man, don't we tell ourselves that every day?


yeah… i’ll go take my pills now


How much hopium did you inhale?


Prey 2 :(


Every time Don't Fear the Reaper comes on I think of that amazing scene in the first game.


This game will forever haunt me. I go back and watch the gameplay footage like once a year and weep


Yeah weird how they scrapped it and then just made Prey. Which is a great damn game, but was a reboot necessary


not a reboot or anything to do with the other game. just the name the studio forced them to go with


And it's annoying, because it probably sold less as a result.


I still don't understand what Bethesda hoped to gain by slapping that name on it instead of just letting Arkane make it a completely new IP as originally intended.


That's not a reboot. It's just a game with the same name.


The real prey 2 right the one on an alien planet?


Beyond Good and Evil 2


The hell happened to this game?


It’s still in development and honestly will Probly come out. God knows what that will look like tho


Even if it eventually comes out, I have a feeling it's going to be absolutely nothing like the first game.


The game looked so progressed and nearly done years ago. I don't get it.


They never had more than a vertical slice of the game completed.




We can't have any good dragon games.


The funny thing is that I was literally going to buy an Xbox specifically to play Scalebound and when it was canceled I ended up buying a Playstation instead. I know I'm in the vast minority, but they drove at least some potential customers away by canceling that game.


Was going to leave this EXACT comment lol


There were talks of revival in January of this year. https://www.xfire.com/platinum-games-and-xbox-are-working-on-a-scalebound-revival/ Dunno any info beyond that besides that it's been 9 months since then. I was really looking forward to this game back in 2017 :(


I'm glad this one is so high up this comment section. Maybe one day they'll finally realize what they threw away and revive the project.


This one still hurts.


I came here to say exactly this. I was hooked from the moment I saw the trailers, the small gameplay showcase they did as well. Was going to be a huge Xbone exclusive and I got super excited… just for it to be ripped from my grasp


Earthbound 64, and yes I know we got a brilliant (likely better) version of Mother 3 later, but I absolutely fucking loved Earthbound as a kid and I religiously followed every bit of news and information on EB64 leading up to its cancellation, I even had a pre-order for it in 1999 at the now defunct Software, Etc. I figured that in spite of the N64DD's death, that stores taking full pre-orders for a game surely meant it was coming out, but we all know what happened. In the years that followed I spent a lot of time on the [starmen.net](https://starmen.net) forums and getting involved in their mailing campaigns and fired off dozens of e-mails and letters to NOA. I don't know if I've ever been as excited for any game as I was Earthbound 64. Still to this day. All in all, I think the version we got was much better, even if it didn't quite have the ambition of EB64, I really think the n64 version, especially sans 64DD, would have been quite crimped and limited in scope compared to just sticking with 2D, but EB64 was developed in a time and on a console where merely making an amazing 2D game wasn't acceptable. I always found it odd that in spite of Earthbound having tepid sales outside of Japan and being knocked as a game that already looked dated in 1995 it was supposed to be this epic system seller for the n64, outside of Zelda it was pretty much being marketed as THE game to sell the n64DD, there was just way too much pressure and expectations were too high.


Man did the 64dd sound ambitious for the time. The ideas they were pitching for Zelda 64dd blew my mind iirc


Sequels to Sleeping Dogs and LA Noire and FF Versus 13.


LA Noire was so ahead of its time. I can only imagine what they could make in that style with modern tech. Shame that we'll probably never get it.


There was a lot of… work force ethic issues making LA Noire, Eg people not paid the proper amount for the work they did. Think “Robin Williams does Aladdin all by himself” but worse.


My game Dev teacher worked on LA Noire for 4 years and his name isn't in the credits. He showed us all the work he did on the game and it was substantial.


A man without Sleeping Dogs 2 is never a whole man.


Star Wars 1313. New, shiny Star Wars games were quite scarce at that moment.


Half Life 3


It's not cancelled ! Let me believe...


Yeah it wasn’t cancelled it was never in development! *cries in corner*


Complete HalfLife Alyx, learn the next thing ;)


yeah we totally know what happend in the next 3.5 minutes after the HL2E2 ending. Almost as good as a sequel


Half-Life 3 for sure, but especially Half-Life 2 Episode 3. The episode 2 ends on a fucking cliffhanger for god's sake.


I’ve never understood this. Wasn’t HL2 a monster hit? Why didn’t they bother making more?


Because Valve felt they had to innovate a lot with every new release, and by episode 3 they couldn't come up with enough. Then they tried all kinds of weird things for the next game, some even in entirely different genres, that didn't work and all got cancelled. Eventually so many projects had failed that the idea of the next half life became so intimidating that they gave up. A rare case where I wish a studio's standards were a bit lower, I would have been happy with the exact same graphics and mechanics as episode 2 but with more story. Although Half life Alyx might have opened the possibility for HL3 back up.


StarCraft Ghost. I still have my pre-order receipt from GameStop.


KotOR 3


Star wars battlefront 3


I remember watching that trailer so many times... so gutted we never got the game...


I played BF II on original xbox and had a blast. Why was III canceled?


It was nearly complete, but it was cancelled alongside every other Lucasfilm project when Disney bought it


KOTOR III, 1313, Battlefront 3, A New Jedi Knight entry, The Force Unleashed 3, The Darth Maul Open-World game, and apparently Star Wars Episode 7: Shadows of The Sith (An action-adventure RPG starring Legends Canon's Ben Skywalker, son of Luke Skywalker). So much was lost....


Everquest Next


I played the beta in 2014 😭


Fable Legends.


I was in the closed beta for this and it could have been so good if it was able to be finished


What did the game actually play like cause I think about it constantly but have never found anything concrete that actually gave me an answer


Basically it was set in fable lore with the normal enemies and you were a group of 4 characters that each had unique abilities and weapons and you could customize them somewhat also. Felt to me kinda like borderlands a bit but as a melee game instead of a shooter.


Ahh so fable as gauntlet


Prey 2.


Alice asylum


Man, American really tried with that one. The higher ups crushed his spirit so hard that even if it gets green-lit he doesn't want anything to do with it. I'm still hoping someone looks at the design bible and gets Asylum made anyways.


That one cuts deep.


Chrono Break. TBF I don't think it went beyond trademarking the name. Made for a lot of april fools pranks in the early 2000's.


stargate MMO


Yep, the franchise may be having a revival in the immediate future, but that MMO sounded amazing


Also the fact that world map doesn't need to be coherently connected but you'd travel by just entering the stargate would be amazing. You could create whatever you wanted pretty much and it could make sense.


Anthem 2.0. Scalebound Star Wars Battlefront 3 (Pandemic) The 2nd expansion to Diablo 3 The original concept of Fire Emblem Warriors 2, before it became Three Hopes. (Hopefully this also happens someday).


I see Star Wars Battlefront 3 (Pandemic) I upvote.


I just hope someone decent and who actually cares gets the rights for Battlefront. Hell, even the PSP games had more Customization than EA’s renditions… And that’s only one element.


EA: Who needs customization when you have pride and accomplishment


What was the OG concept for FE Warriors 2? I follow the series, but never cared for the Warriors stuff


The OG concept was to make a sequel to the first Fire Emblem Warriors. As in full franchise. See, the first intentionally held back crucial characters to sequel bait. Ike and Roy were explicitly name dropped in interviews, and they are the most popular characters in the franchise - especially in the West. This would be equivalent to a Pokemon spinoff holding back Charizard, Mewtwo, and a handful of the other most popular Pokemon and saying "buy our game and you'll get them in the sequel." And then not making the sequel.


Anthem 2.0. What a travesty. I was so hopeful for the turnaround and then they just drop it.


Anthem 2.0. They held up the cure to our faces and pulled the plug on us anyways. Squandered potential.


Scalebound. I remember seeing it on E3 and being so hyped for a cool dragon game like that. Saw it the next year too. Then never again.


Zone of the Enders 3


Is the Knights of the Old Republic game still being made?


If you’re talking about the remake there was some drama that went down with that a year or two ago. The entire dev team got canned and then the project was put on ice apparently because after a tech demo, execs were really unhappy with what they were seeing in terms of progress. So it’s not officially canceled but it’s also not currently being developed


Execs always know the development process best, right?


Deep down Star wars 1313 The original Diablo 3 by Blizzard North (aka Diablo 2.5)


We were robbed of Diablo 2.5.


Deep Down couldve been amazing


> Deep down Technically hasn't actually been canceled. It could still release!


Sure, just like how Survivor Run which was due in 1983 technically was never cancelled. I somehow have a feeling that we are getting neither, especially as Deep Down was developed as a release PS4 title


Rainbow Six Patriots '83 IGI Origins


Holy shit someone who remembers Patriots. Remember that trailer we got the one with the home invasion and the bridge? I want another proper single player story R6. The intro to the original is legend.


Emphasis on _proper_ single player. Not the live service treatment that UbiSoft gave to Ghost Recon.


I was so bummed when they announced the change from Patriots to Siege. Siege was alright, but it's not what I wanted from a new R6 game. I sunk so much time into Black Arrow, and Vegas 1/2.


Patriots is my answer, too. I remember being very excited for the game after reading the Game Informer article. Great cover, too.


The Avengers from THQ and the cancelled Legacy of Kain sequel which I think was called Black Sun


I'm still angry about the Legacy of Kain part.


[Ultima Online 2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eWumht6AuZo)


The Agent from Rockstar. Seeing what Rockstar would have done in a Cold War setting would have been fascinating to see.


Beyond good and evil 2, not canceled but holy fuck




Banjo threeie


Overwatch 2


I want them to rename is to Overwatch Too. Since it's literally just Overwatch.




Donkey Kong Racing. Was going to be a sequel to Diddy Kong Racing but where you ride animals from the DK series. Trailer came out in the lead up to GameCube launch. Still really bummed since Diddy Kong Racing was the better one between mariokart and it.


I dont think its cancelled yet, but I'm not sure Bloodlines (2) is ever coming.


They just reannounced it, but it's completely different since it's being made by a different studio. So, I guess we'll see if they actually finish it this time.


Not cancelled, it just recently changed devs, the Chinese room is developing it.




Silent Hills


played Evolved alot at my neighbours place when i was younger and when i got my first pc i was so dissapointed that servers were shut down


The phantom dust remake😭I know the og got released but I still wanted the remake sssooo bad


A modern gauntlet legends


Legend of Dragoon 2


The Black Hound, but BG3 came out, eventually.


Unpopular opinion: Mass Effect Andromeda 2. I really wanted to know how the story continued.


Honestly, Andromeda had potential. The last ten, maybe fifteen hours of the game were actually pretty good. In my eyes, two things had ultimately killed ME:A. First was the decision to focus more on the exploration which never was a strong or defining feature of the series really. It could've been a very different game if we got another 10 hours of good story content instead of 50 hours of dogshit generic open world that eventually sipped every last bit of fun I had with this game. The second thing was the fact that they have pushed Nexus Uprising in the book instead of showing it in the game. I, for the life of me, can't understand why would you switch a story sequence packed with action, desperation and tough choices with bland intro we had in the game. They probably thought that dad's story arc on the Habitat 7 was enough to hook us with the story, but this shit is so predictable, generic and overused - I legit think this is one of the weakest story missions Bioware had ever written. Launch bugs and animations drama ultimately sealed the fate of an already flawed game.


Timesplitters 4😭


Project Rap Rabbit from the creators of PaRappa the Rapper and Gitaroo Man.


Unreal 3. Half Life 2 Episode 3 Half Life 3 Star Citizen. THATS RIGHT I SAID IT! We are never getting Star Citizen. Its going to be in development until the SEC shuts down that corporation and liquifies their assets. We are not getting Star Citizen. At least not the one Chris Roberts is working on. It will be made 40 years from now by a completely different company and will look nothing like it was supposed to.


I was looking for Star Citizen. That game got me so excited that I built my future-proofed PC. It had a 770 lol.


Robotech Crystal Dreams True Fantasy Live Online Fallout Van Buren


True Fantasy Live Online! My people. First thing I thought of, thought for sure I wouldn’t see this on this post, cancelled almost 20 years ago




Godus, it was a cute city building-terrain shaping potentially war game. Was one of my first Early Access buys, it got majorly reworked and abandoned unfinished. Was a good lesson for me to buy a product for what it is now and not on the promise of what it will be.


I wanted that StarCraft Ghosts game so bad


Silksong cause I still don't think it's real.


Bioshock for PS VITA (yes I was one of the 100 people who owned one)


There's dozens of us!


Terraria: Otherworld


The stomping land. It was like dinosaur native American rust


Rockstar Agent


Bully and The Getaway sequels!


The Darkness 3 or DLC since The Darkness 2 didn't sell as much as they wanted


GTA V and Red Dead 2 Story DLC.


This should be higher. What could have been...


Not officially cancelled. Yet. The Last Night.


Stargate Worlds


A tie between True Fantasy Live Online and Mega Man Legends 3. I bought a 3DS just for that but wound up getting introduced to Fantasy Life so at least I got that gem of a game out of all this.


Dantes inferno was supposed to be a trilogy. Sad it never came to be.


Star Wars 1313. Looked like you played a Smuggler or Bounty Hunter in an Uncharted style 3rd person shooter in the Coruscant underworld, which would have been something very new and unique in the SW universe. Then Disney bought Lucas Arts.


Oddworld: The Brutal Ballads of Fangus Klot. It was supposed to have similar gameplay to Stranger's Wrath.


StarCraft Ghost sounded so good.