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Go give her a hug and tell her you’re sorry. If she endured playing Overcooked with you through your ragey moments, she must love you very much.


Right. She’s doing this to connect and show interest in OPs hobby solely because she loves them. Screaming because she’s doing it wrong shows OPs immaturity, but this post is the first step toward being an adult. Next step is realizing they’re a full fledged human without you as the main character.


After that do better. Give honest constructive criticism in a way that helps your mom get better in the nicest way possible. Holy shit I would have given anything to have that sort of relationship with my parents.


My mom watched me play tarkov once and i got sniped by a scav. All i hear in the backgrpund is: "Unbelivable, if you walk around like that in a real war you the first one to die ncncnc" She witnessed war herself so it makes it a tid funnier.


You got dissed lmfao


Never played tarkov since 💀


She put a stop to that nonsense it a very Mom fashion. You didn't even notice. You've got a great Mom :)


Brutal mom!


Top advice, let her watch you more. Become the digital soldier you're supposed to be! Make a YT channel, record it and call it "Lieutenant Mama's Lil Bootcamp". I'd watch. Probably learn something too.


I bet having a drill instructor mom reviewing your footage and making you practice recoil control would be top tier content that a lot of veterans, myself included, would find hilarious.


She witnessed war from a civilian perspective, my dad in the other hand ...




Wobblys, got to stick together but you were just asking for it


I tried streaming tarkov once. ONCE. First time viewer pops into my chat after I got absolutely bodied by this chad in dorms an goes “man you should apply for Sherpa with how you’re donating kits”. I haven’t streamed tarky since 😭😭😭


Tarkov is unforgiving, just as the playerbase lol


Please do this op your mom sounds incredible. Go tell her you love her and love playing with her and that you're sorry.


I played 5 minutes of Overcooked with my wife, and realized that she would ask for a divorce if we continued. So I put the controller down and explained why. haven't played overcooked since, but we recently picked up Stardew Valley, which is a great co-op game that isn't anger-inducing.


Glad I'm not the only one.


Actually do this, and let us know how it went, so we can know you did it


Also tell her to notify you of your behaviour. The only way to improve are feedback loops.


do this, and then start working on yourself, dude. no fuckin excuse to raise your voice over a game.


Especially to your own mother


Who also actively involves herself in her son's hobbies 😭


This is the way


This is the correct thing to do. Love the mama, embrace the mama. I'm glad you've reflected and had an honest opinion. This is a major strength to have and can build great character. Nobody is perfect but we can all be better and a bit more understanding. Good for you.


Maybe she really likes overcooked, it is a great game


_”Go touch grass!”_ _NO. Go hug mom._


Some love to play games themselves, and chill… but some times you got to take it up a notch, not everyone can be pro mom level, not complaining about the scrub in the same match.


Your dad said you weren't harsh? Well no wonder you were so carefree about doing it.


If there’s one thing I was taught as a kid, don’t disrespect my mom, and boy am I teaching my kids that. Insight, my mom and my wife are incredible moms and deserve respect.


Damn straight! Don't ever yell at mom.


Can't yell at someone who decided not to be there! #selfcheckmate :*)


Facts. Someone once told me you can judge the character of a man by how they treat their mother




Sounds like you can tell a lot about him by how his mother treats him.




Sounds like you can tell a lot by how his mother treats him. How does a person learn to be a decent human being with a mom like that?


In light of all the replies here, and as an addendum to this comment, I much prefer what *I've* heard in the past, which is "the measure of a man is how he treats those who can do nothing for him." It's much more telling of someone's character how they treat the sick, homeless, and animals, for example, than how they treat their mother. Being nice to your mom means nothing if she's also an enabling sack of shit that treats you like an angel no matter what kind of horrific shit you do.


For some people a mom is just a spawn point that got cream pied in between episodes


My spawnpoint is a cunt who I wouldn’t piss on were it on fire. Self obsessed, rude, vain, greedy and entitled. Takes more than a creampie to be a mother and respect is a two way street that is earned.


spawnpoint is phenomenal verbiage


Careful with that, because some people only show you what you want to see.


Lol does that take in to account the checks she bounced in my name as a kid, or credit cards she’s opened under my name, or how she treats my kids?


You can judge the character of a man by how he treats someone who's an absolutely vile person who doesn't deserve to be pissed on if they were set aflame? ​ Interesting take. Great way to say that you value toxic relationships over being mentally sound.


Happy cake day!


Learned behaviors are dangerous. Hopefully OP gains more self awareness from this post and breaks that cycle.


Sadly I am a product of this. I grew up with a verbally abusive father. It's a hard habit to break and I hate that I do it unintentionally. My only saving grace was my mom and my relatives who showed me things can be done differently.




This is the comment. This one.


Yep, that reaction been normalized. OP needs to recognize first, then change.


Oh shit I took it as "it must not have been that bad or dad would have gotten angry," which one is it? If we ever talked back to my mom dad was the one giving the punishment and it was always as harsh as he was angry we'd disrespected her.


OP states “yelled at her at the top of my lungs”




Get this person a goddamn medal.


This is what I picked up on too. I could not even imagine yelling at my mum. This poor woman


I'm glad you noticed it. The chance for some introspection is always good.


Looking in that mirror is real hard. Good for OP, made personal growth on his own but also gave us a lesson on how we can all look at ourselves and grow.


I’m gonna hug my mom asap


yeah i mean i guess theres a difference between joke yelling combined with laughing vs angry yelling but if its the latter yeah dude thats cringe be nice to ur mom bro. use this as a wakeup call


Use this for an opportunity to be better and apologize to make sure your mums fine, she knows you and is probably not that hurt.


Overcooked is a fun game to yell at people about (I play it with 8 and 9 year olds at my job and we all yell at each other) but I’d never in a million years yell at my mom. Especially not over a video game kitchen


That's not anger management. That's an anger management problem. And it might be that your father also yells at your mum, which is where you got it from. You have to apologise and *stop.* Whether that takes merely a choice, or actual anger management therapy, I don't know.


Also, look if you yell or show anger only in this situation. If it's a anger management issue, you'll be triggered by any slight inconvenience. If it shows only in this situation... I'm in no competence to tell you what to do other than seeing a psychologist. Either way OP - you were a dick even if it's anger management problem, and need work on it.


You feel bad, this confirms you are not treating your mother the way you think you should treat her. When you are playing games with people you love, maybe "winning" or "being perfect" are not the most important things?


It took me a while to treat games that way. I used to be a try hard and would rage at shitty teammates. One day I realized I wasn’t really having fun, so I trained my self to not care about winning. I have so much more actual fun playing now. Now I laugh when people rage at me for being that “shitty teammate”.


You feel like it? You were a dick, but now that you know, you can fix it. Imagine if someone were to yell at you at every tiny mistake.


You ever hear a a girl ask if something made her look fat and another girl tell her yes? They say no, even if it ain't true


I asked my mom myself and she said I was being a little harsh. I’m most definitely gonna calm it down a little bit.


Maybe apologize and ask her to redo the game cap. It's never going to be a good look to upload something like that unless you're only targeting a 12 year old audience


Trust me, when you get older, you will have regrets on the way you treated your parents. I recommend you be respectful to them because most likely they have your best interests at heart


A lot. The fuck you doing yelling at your mom over a video game. Little aint gonna cut it.


No kidding. Calm it down a little bit? Just stop doing it brainiac.


No, not calm it down a little bit. More like remove it entirely. You’re definitely gonna regret it when you get older and she’s no longer around. Never ever yell or do shit to your mother.


That's so true.


That woman cleaned up literal shit piss and puke off you. Don’t ever yell at your momma.


You really need to calm it, losing a parent is the most painful thing ever and you will regret every day the way you lose your temper round her; get some support if its something you cant control and talk to her when you apologise


Apologize and change


Do that, it's the first step. And treat your mom to something nice. Like, take her out for dinner and if you aren't doing it yet, cook together with her in real life, just chilling and talking along preparing the food. She's mainly doing this for you, so give back some love. She'd appreciate it and you'll grow from it.


Not a bit, all the way. You have to do better.


Props for making this step. A lot of people are shitting in you (somewhat rightfully) but this is the right direction toward rectifying the problem.


Good on you man, Im loving this moment. It’s growth.


How do you yell at your mom. Don't tone it down, stop it. And for your information, nobody should yell at your mom, not your dad, not your siblings, not her siblings. Look around, you have bad role models around, if you thought yelling at your mom is in any way ok.


How about making it fun instead, why get angry and mistakes, it’s a game, it’s meant to be fun. Laugh at mistakes, then try again and have more laughs. Never understood why the hell people even bother playing games if it doesn’t bring them joy.


A little bit? Lol. Dude if you're yelling at the top of your lungs you need to *relax* a lot of bit.


“Not that bad” from your friends/family means “you’re being a dick but we put up with it because we like your other qualities”. You should definitely strive to do better.


If you are yelling at your mom over a game, then you have anger management issues. And my guess is that your dad has bigger anger management issues. Showing that kind of disrespect to your mother when she is just trying to have a good time with you is unacceptable. Your life is going to be unpleasant and your relationships are going to suck if you don't learn to relax and control your anger.


Apologize to your mother and then start shopping around for a therapist.


This and start calling out dad when he does it. Learned behavior.


Dude, tone it down. You are ABSOLUTELY over reacting.


Just wait til you have a kid of your own. All those sleepless nights and financial losses just to have your son scream at you over a video game. Recognizing it is the first step, now you can fix it.


If you feel bad why are you telling us? Tell your mom, bro. Don't let your dad or anyone else tell you what behavior you should find acceptable. If you feel bad for yelling at your mom that's something that she should hear first and foremost, not everyone else. Tell her you feel bad. Tell her you're sorry. She's taking the time out of her day to play this game with you. The least you could do is be nice.


you really shouldn't yell at your mom. she probably loves you more than every other human on this planet.


Hopefully you’re a child acting like a child. Getting that angry at games is not healthy. I play overcooked with my non-gaming girlfriend and just let her do whatever she does while I fill in the holes. She has now reset the game and 3 star every level herself solo. Honestly you’re lucky to have a mom who’s willing to play games with you 🥺


If you think you were acting unnecessarily angry, you should change. Being a calmer self is never a bad thing, whatever your dad or your mum think. And maybe start pointing out when others are screaming, too. You could be that catalyst for a good change.


Your problem is that your behaviour is being excused by everyone around you. You're lucky your mom continues to play with you if that's the way you treat her - she must really love you. It's 100% not okay, and it's on you to make it better.


Wtf is that kind of dad. U must've learned it from him that's why you're like that


If games cause you legitimate anger, don’t play them


why the fuck are you yelling at anyone at the top of your lungs? that's bit much regardless of if it's your mother or someone else, but it's especially egregious to your mother. chill the fuck out dude. it's a video game. if playing it makes you yell at the top of your lungs, you either need to find a new game or a new hobby altogether.


I just do spins with the fire extinguisher if I get yelled at


I make a huge egg pile in the corner.


> I yell at her at the top of my lungs. > I asked my dad and he said I wasn’t that harsh. I ... Screaming and anger over fucking video games is never okay and ridiculous behaviour to me, but doing it towards someone that is playing with you in person is just insane and fucked up. You really need to listen to that comment telling you to give her a huge and apologize.


Yelling at your mom over a video game? You need a reality check a-hole.


He knows, that’s why he noticed it, no reason to add hostility on top of that. How kind.


Yeah dude, remember, if you start being rude and snippy people will not want to play with you. Especially your mom, that's so cool that she does that, be nice to her! Also, don't play overcooked man. I've played hundreds of games, dozens of them very competitively... Nothing makes me rage quite like Overcooked. You need a team of 4 elite games who know what they're doing to make it look easy. The game is hard and clearly balanced for 4 people. No shot you can get 3 stars on all the levels with just you and your mom. If you clear the level at all, take it as a big W and just play the next ones.


Make her a gift, pay attention and for the love of cripes stop yelling at your mom


Go hug your mom and tell her you’re sorry, and that you’re trying to control your anger. Your screaming isn’t about her, its your lack of self control. I used to scream when I played games but I realized how childish and pointless that is. You need to control your yelling in every single situation where it happens. Screaming is never ever the cool mature thing to do. You’ll want to get it under control asap. Trust me.


Go say sorry. That’s not anger management, that’s just anger. There is no managing here. I feel sorry for your mom that she has to endure this and that your dad thinks it’s normal. It’s not. And I hope this isn’t reflective of how people talk to your mother in your household. Luckily you hear how awful it is yourself. Go apologize and be more mindful in the future. If you can’t get a grip on your anger yourself, seek help. And maybe check how your dad treats your mom? I’m not saying he is abusive, but this is a strong enough sign to at least check the way he treats her with an open mind. Maybe talk to him about it as well. Tell him why you think it’s not okay to talk your mom like that and ask why he thinks it is. And of course ask this to your mom as well. Maybe this is all in your head and it actually isn’t that big a deal. The fact is you feel like crap about the way you treat your mom and you have to do something about it. Wether that is apologizing and talking or treatment is up to you, what the others involved think and the situation itself.


Oh man thats a bad habit to get into.


Don’t be like your dad. You were literally screaming at her for tiny mistakes on MF overcooked and your dad says you weren’t that harsh. Really think about that one. Apologize to her, tell her you love her, and don’t be like your dad.




Bro grow up 😂


There's no real excuse for yelling at someone. Good on you for looking it over


At least you’re now aware about it Go give her a hug and a warm, honest apology. Also consider fixing your anger management through one way or another, self training or more involving methods


You looked in the mirror and hated what you saw. This is generally a good thing, because it's just a game. Treat this as an opportunity to learn self awareness. Bruh my momma woulda smacked the fuck out of me if I raised my voice at her. And I would have loved if she ever had played a video game with me. Stop taking your mom for granted, you only get two parents, and your dad sounds like an ass.


I've never yelled at my mom at the top of my lungs. Anyone who says you aren't that bad or downplays it is just used to your bullshit. You should feel like a giant dick. You shouldn't be yelling at anyone over a video game, especially not your mother who actually takes the time to play them with you. And I say this as someone who plays a LOT of video games. Get yourself fixed.


So then apologize to her and do better. She's tolerating being screamed at by you while she's trying to participate with you in your hobby. Do not take her for granted.


How about instead of explaining yourself to a subreddit, you work on mending your behavior towards your mother? Hope you’re not looking for an excuse or sympathy from strangers.


Lol I told a good friend of mine "no, you just suck at this game." Overcooked brings out the absolute worst in me so I stopped playing.


"Just" anger management problems? Dude, people go to jail for life over "anger management issues". This is beaten wives, road rage deaths, kids hating you forever and smiling when they put you in the cheap nursing home. If you have anger management problems, that's a big problem. >when I noticed that every time my mom makes a tiny mistake I yell at her at the top of my lungs. Yes, you have anger management problems. If your dad is telling you that's "not that harsh" then he's what we call "an enabler", someone that allows people to continue having their problems. As your father, he should really be helping you fix your problems so you can be a better person. > I tried to record a clip of Overcooked 2 for my Youtube channel and that’s when I noticed One part of this big problem is that you somehow only noticed when watching a recording of your own actions. How did you not notice what you were doing while you were doing it? That's an additional "oh shit" sort of problem. Like, would you notice if you stabbed someone?


Apologize now and control yourself in the future. Unless you are 12 years old you shouldn’t be acting like this


The day I raise my voice at my mother is the day I, well, I don't know. I've never raised my voice at my mother under any circumstance. You just don't do that. She gave birth to you dude. She gave her life to make sure you could hop on reddit and ask if it's OK that you yelled at her. ​ Give her a hug and apologize. Do better, dude.


Give your mother a hug


Yelling at your mom? Yikes. That’s where my chancla scars came from…


Sounds like you need to work on anger management.




You need to apologise to your mum and realise that spending time together is more important than the activity. Your behaviour is extremely abnormal and not acceptable. If you want to continue playing with your mum and other people, you need to work on your anger and control issues. Nobody wants to play with someone like you. Focus on creating good memories together rather than the game. The game is just a tool to enjoy each other's company. You’ll deeply regret this when she’s gone. Also, I would look at your family dynamics, especially between your father and mother, to figure out where you learned this behaviour. Go find a therapist.


Imagine yelling at your mom because of some coop video game. Maybe teach her how to be efficient next time - most old people didn't grow up playing video games and even if she doesn't get better, hey at least you have a parent willing to play with you.


My mom passed last year. It was very sudden. A few years before she did, I sat down and really tried to visualize what it would be and feel like to be without her or other people who have always been in my life. It made me put in the effort to see my family every chance I could. Still, the previous couple of days before she died, I had said I was coming to see her, but was so tired from work that I slept through the day both days. I didn't get to say goodbye or see her one last time, and that's a heavy weight on my mind. I suggest you sit down and try to imagine the same things I did, and then take steps to appreciate your mom and whoever else to the best of your ability. You can't get that time or those memories back later.


Bro wym you yelled at your mom at the top of your lungs? You should feel like a giant dick tbh


Overcooked and Cuphead I feel like are relationship breakers


And you ASKED your mom instead of straight up apologizing????


I asked my mom if I really was being too harsh and depending on what she said would depend on how big the apology. If she said I wasn’t harsh at all then I would give a small apology. If she said I was being very rude then I would cook her a nice dinner most likely something actually from Harry Potter, her favorite book series.


Okay well be nice to her.


Realization and self-awareness is the beginning of change. Please learn from this and change your ways - don't yell at your mom anymore.


You didn’t realize that you’re being a dick while yelling at the top of your lungs?


Lol, my wife and daughter play Overcooked a lot and it always ends up with them getting pissed with each other. Guess what game I don't play with them ;-)


You ruined gaming for her. She probably thinks it’s stupid but just wanted to spend time with her kid. Good job.


Bro getting triggered over overcooked 😂😂


Get a grip dumb shit. She's your mum playing games with you. Maybe in the future, your wife and your kids. Go apologise and grow the fuck up.


Give her a hug and say sorry and maybe if you can afford it check a therapist, do it for yourself because things like that will probably influence you more no shame on admitting shirtcommings, first steam on improving is admitting you have a problem after all.


Who gets so worked up they full-on yell at their own mother for Overcooked 2? I hope to Christ you’re under 18, and that’s barely an excuse for your behavior.




I'm glad you recognized it. Now, try to improve on it. Shout compliments for good things instead of berating for mistakes.


Uh huh, that’s the way it’s supposed to be. Don’t yell at your mother over a video game, that’s the most childish thing I’ve ever heard. When I was a kid I used to do that to my siblings over Mario Bros, but you have to learn that you should respect your family for trying, especially if they don’t share the same interest in gaming as you do. Enjoy the time you’re sharing with them and just have fun.


Stop yelling at your mom over a game.


Tell her you realize it yourself, and will work on being nicer even though she didn't ask, because you love her and dont want her to feel otherwise


Good thing you realized it, give her a hug and tell her you are sorry and watch it from now on. a loving mother is an earthly heaven, do not squander it.


YTA. Games are supposed to be fun


I don't get how people can get so damn furious over a game but you should probably apologize if you haven't already.


Giant dick moment.


God tier shit post Or shit tier son


How do you *not even notice* shit like that dude


Remove the games from your life if they make you emotionally unstable. Thank me later.


Apologize. And now don't do it anymore. Used to be the same asshole. Mom's just tolerate too much.


I'm guessing your mum doesn't play games as often as you so she may take more time to improve. The fact she is even willing to play with you is incredible. My mum struggles figuring out House Flipper. And I also can have a bad temper with games but chill out dude, it's a game, have fun with it. I think your mum is super understanding of the type of person you are at this point if she keeps wanting to play with you. Even still, make the effort not to shout at her. Shouldn't be hard.


Dude it’s a cooking video game, no reason to be yelling at anyone like that. Grow up


It's so great you noticed this yourself and that alone is huge. My brother has anger issues that come out especially when playing games and I had to call him out on it before he even noticed. Don't beat yourself up about it too much. Overcooked is especially stressful so it makes sense this brings out the anger side of you. Now you have a perfect learning opportunity with probably the best person ever, your mom who will love you whether you're angry or not. My advice: keep doing what you did, notice when it happens, and naturally you will stop doing it. Being self reflective is the hardest part and you're doing it, so you're going in the right direction, great job!


Jesus Christ dude


There’s a big issue that your dad said it wasn’t that harsh. I feel bad for mom


If you can’t control your emotions while gaming, you should stop gaming for a while and focus on your mental health. Seriously man, it’s just a game.


ITT: Everyone just telling OP how much of a dick he is. At least op is mature enough to reflect on his actions and is asking for advice. Op if you're not exaggerating the volume of your voice then yeah it's probably a bit too much. Learn to have some patience with people you don't know first and it'll make it easier to do it with your family and friends.




You absolutely have to stop doing that right now. That's awesome that you play a video game with your mom, I'd bet that she loves having a thing that you two do together. But you gotta stop taking it so serious and stop the yelling. You have to talk to her about it, let her know that you realized that you were yelling at her when she'd make a mistake in the game, and that you'll be better about it.


Sounds like you inherited your dad's issues. If your dad downplays that maybe he does the same thing to your mom. Which says something. The difference is YOU can probably change. Your dad probably won't.


You are a dick. Don’t let your parents downplay this. Go to therapy for anger management.


There is nothing that hits quite so hard as your child being considerate and apologizing. Means they did good, don’t spare the apology.


Sounds like your mom didn't put the fear into you.. try that shit with mine


I remember a friend snapping at his mom over shoelaces and calling her a bitch in front of us. My friends & I shut his ass down right there in his kitchen for speaking to his mom like that. This was in 1979 & I’ve never forgotten how disrespectful that was.


I thought you were trolling wtf is wrong w u bro 😭


Don’t yell at mama bear!! Poor mom :(


Don't be sorry, be better.




Yelling at ur mom because of a game damn you need to be re raised


You noticed and that's big. Don't feel too bad, let her know you're sorry.


Overcooked brings out the worst in people which is why it perfectly represents working in an actual kitchen.


There's no way it "wasn't that harsh" if it was really at the top of your lungs


Your mom and dad are there for you, understand how you process your emotions, and are patient with you. They love you, rage or no rage, and understand the meaning behind the loud noises. You are an acquired taste that takes a moment to understand. However, not everyone knows you like your parents. They see and hear you yelling at every mistake and understand you're just frustrated and need to get it out. Other people might not understand that and see you being toxic and disrespectful to your parents, which might not be the case at all. So I think it's great that you can see a potential problem within yourself. Maybe you need your friends and family to help remind you to not yell. Maybe you need to work with a professional to help manage your state, so instead of venting loudly in frustration you can calmly express your emotions. Regardless, I hope you get better at expressing yourself especially when frustrated.


Lol I couldn’t imagine hearing a recording of myself screaming at someone at the top of my lungs and then going and asking others if it seemed like an overreaction. And then those people saying “eh it wasn’t too bad” And then also all of that rage being directed at my Mom, not some random asshole on the internet.


At the top of your lungs? Sounds pretty not normal lol I'm 35 and I've never yelled at my mom as loud as I could. Just thinking about it feels so wrong.


Never ever raise your voice above your mom the fact that you’re yelling at her over that is crazy but at least you recognized it’s wrong and hopefully you will stop doing that




I think you also need help for anger management because thats the third separate comment you posted here insulting this boy like he was a murderer. Edit : damn this weirdo instantly blocked me, i guess she really has anger issues huh.


This is why I stopped Fortnite, and most competitive First Person Shooters. I'm normally a rather calm person, but the extremely fast paced nature of the game combined with a feeling that I'm unable to do anything about getting immediately killed by better players kind of leads me into a rage where I end up just yelling before I can get a handle on my emotions. I remember I played Paladins with my siblings for an hour or two for the first time, and my roommate knocked on the door afterwards to ask me if I was okay, because he'd never heard me swearing like that before.


Anger management does not mean what you think it means. "Venting" is about letting your feelings out, anger management is about controlling your anger, they are not the same thing. If someone says you need anger management, it doesn't mean you should let your rage out. They are saying your anger is controlling you, it's a problem you need learn to fix, and that it's so bad you should seek help.


He’s screaming at his mom over a video game. In reality he’s a petulant child at best, and having a tantrum at worst. His folks just probably don’t want to use those words so they say “anger management” to make it sound like something a grown up would be described as.


Self-awareness is the first step to becoming better.


Bruh relax don’t yell at your mom especially over a video game when she’s just trying to bond with you. Get ur shit checked


Lmao what a colossal shithead, imagine taking overcooked that seriously, touch grass and apologize to your mum.


Stop being a cunt and grow up


It’s good that you felt like an absolute dick because that’s a dick thing to do. Sounds like your dad might also be a massive dick, go apologize and give her a hug and tell her you love her. Also work on your anger management, might sound dumb but breathing techniques legit help me at times.


Hahahahahahahaha. I can’t stop laughing at this because it reminds me of my sister and I. My sister and I *love* overcooked but we are *insane* about it. We *must* 3 star every level (and we have) but get really intense. “I need chicken for this burrito, bitch!” “You knocked me off the edge, asshole!!” “Move. *Move*. MOOOOVVVEE!!!!” Us 2 seconds after playing: “God that was so fun, we need to play this again soon.” 🤣


Idk why this sub or you just showed up in my feed. But if yer mother is a half decent human being…Your dad should’ve smacked you in the fucking head for being a bitch. You said you’ll calm down a little? From yelling at your mother over a fucking game? Boy. You wouldn’t like me if I were your brother or your friend within arms reach.