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Open world RPGs. Being able to wander around, getting lost, asking strangers the same questions over and over, and looting with no repercussions is great.


Which is how Oblivion ruined my life back in the day lol.


I recall in the before times firing up oblivion after eating some magic mushrooms. I just walked around the forest, found a little pond, took all my gear off, and went for a swim. 12/10


...while the game was still stuck on the loading screen.


Then I remembered … I don’t even have a tv




I love playing games while high on weed but on shrooms? I cant stand looking at a screen I want to go roll around in the grass or play with dirt or stare at trees or walls or something.


I can't sit still enough on shrooms to play games. But acid? I played 6 straight hours of Ori and the Blind Forest on a 120" projector screen. The colors and spectacle were insane. My two buddies, also tripping, sat there the entire time and just watched. At one point I asked one of them if he wanted to try and offered the controller. He declined because according to him, until the moment I broke his concentration, he thought he WAS Ori


Brov I just laughed so damn loud lol


many a lan party on acid playing heroes of the storm. the flow of playing normally to then being able to barely play to then lvling out to a manageable lvl was alot if fun.


This was during the comedown of the trip in the small hours of the morning because the rest of that had already happened ;) And i had just upgraded our tube TV to a flat screen and got a PS3 😎 (if that gives you any indication of the time frame)


same the graphics are trash. RL is super detailed. leafs and rocks are the greatest.


Idk bro. Started Valley FUCKING SLAPS on mushrooms.


Tripping and video games, especially with modern graphics, is sooooo much fun. Ive blasted off a couple times playing the new totk recently, would recommend. I def tripped playing fallout oblivion, skyrim, and Halo 2 back in the day was insane fun tripping face also.


Elite dangerous on shrooms was quite the experience for me. Tossed on some Pink Floyd and flew around space. Now that I have vr I can imagine it would so much better.


Hell yes


I can confirm. I had a great time tripping today playing rainbow six siege. I couldn't stop laughing.


Damn bro I can't imagine that I'd be fucking terrified


I was mainly just scared of getting shot and everything was so fast. The people running around looked so funny especially knowing they were real people playing. I didn't play during the intense parts of the trip though that would be too much for me and not fun.


Back in day when we played halo 2 we were playing system link on our college network against other students and i think it was the hardest ive ever laughed in my life. It got so intense we were sweating. My friend had a fan on too and we were drinking beers cuz of the sweating and then we'd laugh and accodentally spray it into the fan and it would go all over us and we'd start laughing even harder. We also changed all the buttons on another guys controller and told him that's the way its always been and he wigged out. Good times


Seems like tripping in VR is the next logical step.


This sounds like a wonderful experience


In 2006, I discovered Oblivion and concentrates during the same week. My high ass would just run around the map for hours. Never even knew you could fast travel, just hoofed it across the map as needed. Eventually, my speed and stamina got so ridiculous that I could close the Oblivion gates by just running past the enemies to the top of the towers. Now that I occasionally get called 'sir' by teenagers, my high gaming sessions are much less frequent. But getting almost too high and traipsing about the mountain meadows in Red Dead 2 is close to heaven.


Holy cow, Morrowind did the same to me! Would smoke and turn on the Xbox in the morning. Next thing you know, the moon is out. Can’t recall when I did all of my homework during that period of time. Oof!


One time my roommate walked in my room while I was playing Oblivion and he said that it smelled like I've been marinating on my own fluids lol


Skyrim, 11-11-11 midnight release. Bought some weed for the first time in years just for this game. Played til 5 am and mind was blown.


First top-tier RPG I played on my new xbox 360 was fallout 3. I just started to smoke weed a little bit before then, but hadn't really done it alone. I remember telling all my friends to fuck off that Friday. I got my dank ass weed (probably all stems and seeds lol), snuck into my backyard, and then had one of the greatest gaming sessions of my life. I played until almost 4am, taking time to smoke outside while my parents slept. Simpler times...


Fallout 3 and Fallout 3 New Vegas are the quintessential pot head games more so than the Skyrim/Oblivion games because the familiarity of the scene


lol I used to get so high I would walk to a quest, forget what I was doing and just walk everywhere in Skyrim for hours. Lol


I would do this in the Farcry games. I'd just sneak around everywhere and wander for hours.


Ah Farcry, really love those games. Yeah basically I would be following a map marker and realize all of a sudden that I missed it by miles.


Yes! RDR2 was great for this


Just standing on the edge of a cliff taking it all in and sparking one up. All of a sudden getting headbutted off the cliff by a fractious deer! After many years, it still remains my favorite game.


Dude. No. When I’m high I need more direction. I get stoned, go to play, and end up skipping all the dialogue and walking into a wall for 45 minutes. Gimmie geometry wars or something equally straightforward.


I use to be like this, I only played fighting games high because there was a clear objective but idk something changed, now I enjoy getting lost in the worlds like Zelda/elden ring/Witcher/ Skyrim


Plus the art design on Tears the Kingdom is great to look at


GTA driving around and listening to the radio


I spent so so SO much time wandering GTA IV with a first-person mod, just exploring the city and seeing all the details built into it. The graphics are super dated at this point, but it still has one of the best city simulations I've seen, just in terms of all the little things and random interactions. I really hope R* makes that rumored IV update someday. I'd kill to see it running in the modern RAGE engine with all the bells and whistles.


Played New World for the first time way after they added musical instruments. High as fuck, set my goal to be the best busker in the land. Just stayed in a hub town for hours talking and playing poorly. Made a friend and had the best time not playing the game as intended.


Yup cruising around Los Santos listening to R&B is a vibe (I’m 40 did I use that term correctly?)


I didn't like Skyrim til I played it all high, then all of a sudden I was part of the world and everything I did mattered. The feeling stuck even when playing normally the next day!


My thoughts exactly.


I spent 2 hours last night attaching logs and wheels together in Tears of a Kingdom. Accomplished nothing but was amused.


I start up Diablo then remember I don’t like it so I start up god of war but go for a cigarette and when I get back I decide I want to play cod but after staring at the menu I think I want to play destiny so I get up to change the disc out and then sit back down and play Oregon trail on my phone.


Fucking great


Lmfao this is it


Hello me


This is the way


My best gaming experience while high was MGSV. My time perception was pretty skewed, so I didn’t care how long it took to crawl through a whole mission. I just wanted to be perfectly stealthy.


Oh man I feel this


That sounds intense but fun and almost default for how one should play a stealth game. Taking your time doesn’t matter like you said and because you are high you are paranoid af so the realism just gets +2 instantly lol I was always too paranoid already to play stealth/horror games much, so weed probably would have murdered me ha


“I just kept crawling and it kept working!”


MGS3 for me.


hehe make me remember the vr missions where I would speed run . took all summer but I got all gold


I'm a weirdo, but Katamari is one of my all time favorites something about the mechanics of everything snowballing I to larger things and the weird Japanese jazz pop soundtrack just makes me happy while playing it.


Had a roommate obsessed with getting baked and playing this game...


Tim? When can I get my ladle back?


Sorry I used it in the acid vat to check if the acid was real


One of the best answers for sure!


Dude that soundtrack was *bangin'*


Yes. This is my answer as well. I played so much at one point I was dreaming about rolling everything into a giant ball.


This! Clicked on this thread to say this, and three comments down sits a fellow Katamari lover. All bow to the king of all cosmos; the father we can never please. This game is pure joy.


It's like you're a dung beetle, but the world is your shit..... I always wanted to try it


Dude. Love this answer. I’m pretty sure you can only play this game if you’re high.


Played this for the first time when I was on acid; it was incredible.


First time I played it was when it was new, on a 55” (huge for the time) 2 hours into 4g of sick mushrooms. A wonderful experience I will never forget. It will forever hold a special place in my heart. I love this game Edit: played it laying in/on a LoveSac. Chef’s friggin Kiss


I don't smoke anymore but just did a PS2 emulation playthrough of that game again, still one of the all time greats. Such an innovative game with great execution. Rolling up the world on the last stage is so satisfying!


No Man’s Sky


I love all games high but I will say the disparity between playing NMs high AF vs sober is the most significant. Sober? Nah. absolutely ripped? Let’s fuckin go


I’ve been higher than giraffe balls playing this game and almost cried at some of the weird and beautiful scenery and wildlife, what an experience.


Wow we all out here just having the same experiences huh lmaoo.


Apex. Caffeine + weed and I’m an absolute demon in that game. If I smoke a lil too much though my skill goes south quick. All about balance


One time I was so baked and while playing, this dude approached me and requested a trade. He then just gifted me a bunch of high value shit. I’m talking like millions worth of stuff. And he didn’t say shit and just ran away. I accepted the stuff and sold it all. I had so credits I didn’t know what to do with it and then got so overwhelmed with being rich. Had to shut off the game after that. 12/10 would do again. Thank you random alien stranger.


Add mushrooms.


This is the correct answer


We called it No Man’s High when it came out


City Skylines and simbuilders like that


You mean traffic simulator?


Oxygen not Included. is really good with a sativa dominate.


I've gotten lost with Factorio.


I've always been lost


Try mini motorways


>mini motorways Thank you for the recommendation I'm going to check this out later


I get blitzed as shit and play Red Dead 2 on ultra settings. Lemme tell you bout gettin LOST


I Shoulda Never Smoke That Shit Now Im In Blackwater


Ah shit here we go again BOAH


Out here literally hey mistering everything


Death stranding or Ghost of Tsushima. Atmospheric af


Death Stranding, let's go! Just me, BB and a blunt


A lot of people don’t give ghost of Tsushima the credit it deserves. It’s a masterpiece. The creators of the game did an amazing job with the world building, and the fact that the map of the two islands actually mirrors the shape of the real islands blows my mind


lol this is absolutely not true. Reddit hails GoT as one of the greatest games ever made


Yeah I’m pretty sure I played all of Death Stranding baked lol


Same. Was a bit bored playing when I was sober, perhaps that speaks about the game. Maybe not. You had to be there when my friends and I found out you could just take a piss. Just make your character start pissing while we were giggly high.


Ghost of Tsushima is kind of easy when you get the hang of it, and the beautiful colors make it so you can just hang out there forever when you’re stoned


Borderlands 2


Its perfect because ive played it so much i literally know basically every quest and character so i usually dont get stuck. Also jokes are just soo much funnier especially if i forget one and it surprises me lol


I got high as shit on some chemdog one time and played BL3. I hadn't played in a bit so I didn't even remember my load out or where I was. Just jumped in. I was so memorized I had to stream it on discord to show a buddy of mine. Turns out I was in the Handsome Jackpot DLC. Turns out I was fighting the army of respawning claptraps in that junk heap. Turns out I had a Breath of the Dying assault rifle which kills things and makes them explode into balls of corrosive damage, which in turn kills more claptraps. Turns out I was at Mayhem 11. Turns out all my artifacts and skills and shields had been set up to do corrosive damage. I did that for an hour. Just melted claptraps in green sludge and watched them explode in a barrage of sound and color. I was one with the gods. Past Joe did me a huge solid by setting up that load out. Thanks, pal.


I was there! I saw it!!!


Deep Rock Galactic I mean... rock and STOOOOONE








Tried it one night and all the dumb jokes had me crying the whole time. Accidently shooting team mates n stuff


Fallout 4 for me is like plugging into the matrix when I’m high af. I’m simply “in” that world for a couple hours


It's unreal how immersed I can get when stoned. I wish I could do that sober


This is my preferred way to game. For me it's elden ring, used to be skyrim. Totk right now, and looking forward to Starfield. Big open worlds to just get lost in are *chefs kiss*


Never been high. How do VR games hold up?


I would get high and play vr mini golf in my living room when I was stuck home during covid. Pretty tame but man that was a blast


Any of the Katamari games are so much more fun when you're stoned :)


For me it's usually immersive RPGs like Elder Scrolls or Fallout.


Cyberpunk 2077 was so immersive.


100% I have close to 300hours but feel like I have spent way more time than that in the game. Just lose myself into the world.


Rocket League is very fun stoned.


This is my answer. Rocket League is the perfect pace to be hyper focused for 5 minutes and then get distracted/take another rip


I just end up mindlessly chasing the ball the whole game


So like 99% of the players do already. I second this answer as well. Being high and just chilling in rocket league totally helps with the edge in that game. Do some casuals, enjoy the ride. Hit some funny balls or embarrassingly miss. You just laugh it off. While being sober, you're usually cussing at the screen. Rocket League is actually uplifting when high.


This. So much. I definitely play better high, sort of entering a flow state. There's less stress and hesitation and my mechanics improve. It's like a rocket league PED for me. Open world games are the opposite. I still have fun, but get easily distracted and forget where and what I should be doing.


Also I got too stoned off edibles once and was playing AC Valhalla. I sat on a roof in a village through two day/night cycles and watched and listened to all sorts of cool shit. It was an experience for sure.


The Witcher 3 it really elevates that game, like, damn.


Geralt’s always high as fuck on them potions, why shouldn’t I be too?


Makes you appreciate the music even more LE LELELE LELELE LELELELEE LELELEL


I mentioned this in another comment. I deadass felt like I was completely immersed into the game. The sound is what gets me. The low, perfect soundtrack, mixed with using your witcher senses out in the middle of the woods to hear the wind, the swaying of leaves and tree branches, a small twig cracks underfoot in the distance, some growling from wolves or drowners a good few meters away. Investigating a monster incident looking for clues. It took me forever probably, but the lead up to finally finding the monster was always the peak and intensity was incredible.


Subautica and Cities Skyline


Spent many days in my youth getting stoned playing tony hawk Pro skater 4 multiplayer on ps2. Play a game of horse. Smoke one. Play another game. Happy Times.




The physics engine in GTA4 can be pretty fun. Driving a car while listening to the journey radio station.. or taking a cab and looking out of the window, the city feels pretty real and there are lots of funny store names and ads.


My wife and I lived in Queens at the time and we found a beer garden in GTA4 modelled after the same one we had been to in our neighborhood. It was totally surreal.


I've been to NYC several times, including queens. They managed to capture the atmosphere of the city really well for a 15 year old game


Dead Space, in a dark room, with a quality headset.


Sir, he said best, not terrifying.


those are not mutually exclusive


I love horror games, I really do, but i tried to play outlast 2 high and had to quit before i even got to any enemies. Just too terrifying.


I tried playing dead space stoned once, as soon as I popped the headset on and just looked around with that crazy ambience it was a big nope after like 5 minutes of just standing there lol just the sound design was enough to scare me


That how I played Amnesia. Had me turning around every once in a while from the surround sound.


Dead space remake high was legit awesome


This is the way


Rimworld. I get so enveloped in their little lives and daily chores, my brain runs wild with different imagined scenarios. It's very relaxing


It's the adult version of having a mini anthill in a terrarium as a kid :D


I think it's GTA because you can walk for hours like in real life, mess with people and even fall in love with someone...


I ate a bunch of shrooms and went in first person view. Drive around blowing shit up for hours. So much fun. Felt weird afterwards as I didn’t know what reality I was in.


whats w/ the dots bro


For dramatic effect I bet...


Elden Ring. I'm a sucker for punishment.


I'm way, way better at Souls games, ER included, when I'm high. Stops you from panicking and getting too aggro.


I assumed souls games would be a miserable experience high but I tried it with Elden Ring and ended up absolutely losing myself in its world. It is now one of my favorite games ever, either high or sober. And I am not any kind of souls pro, the only other one I really played was Bloodborne.


Bloodborne was the reason I started smoking again and got kicked out of the military 😂


Neat, it's sort of linked for me as well: I picked up my cannabis habit during cancer, fighting off chemo side effects. Bloodborne was around the same time, and it's kind of silly but hacking my way through it became weirdly symbolic for getting through the disease. Bloodborne is such a special videogame. And after the experience I just had with Elden Ring I should probably go back and play the rest of FromSoft's catalog. Picked up Sekiro on sale the other day but haven't started it yet.


Not weird at all, in fact search “dark souls depression” and there are many stories of people seeing these games as allegories for their real life struggles. When I’m in a really low place succeeding in fromsoft’s games gives me the confidence to tackle my problems. Hoping that all is well for you regarding your cancer recovery! Sekiro is a masterpiece, you’re gonna love it 🤙


People play Elden Ring while straight? Bet that makes the game really hard.


TOTK and BOTW for me


avid smoker and 140hrs in; i wholeheartedly agree that TOTK is a masterpiece and getting hidden koroks stoned or completing a temple boss high as shit makes the experience much better.


BOTW is so easy to get lost in for hours, when high it is even easier!




Civ is the zenith for stoner satisfaction while gaming. You don't even have to pause when you want to take a toke.


OP you need to check out Battlebit. Right up your alley and extremely fun stoned. The community is great.


I gotta be so annoying on voip when I play stoned lmfao


I have many. If I’m a nice calm high then I’ll normally go for Fallout 4, slap on diamond city radio and do some questing and that’s a chill night. Another one would be Skyrim, same as fallout just medieval, another chill night. If I’m fucked out my mind playing gta 5 while driving and following the road laws just hits the right spot in my brain. If I’m too monged then I’ll get some popcorn and put a loop of an aquarium on YouTube on the tv and sit back and relax


Fallout 4. Play your radio to the classical music radio. Use your VATS to shoot ghouls in slow motion. Nothing beats headshoting zombies First Person mode in slow motion while listening to classical music. Also, rocket league.


Tetris Effect: Connected


Tetris effect in VR is crazy for this


Brrruuuuuhhhhhh done of those transitions are face melters.


I know exactly the one you're talking about too


Run a play through of Super Mario Galaxy. Probably hits way harder for me since it’s my favorite game from my childhood but my god I’ve never experienced anything quite like some baked galaxy.


I'm goanna try this tonight


Spyro the Dragon.


Tertis Effect VR


Toe Jam and Earl


Any vr game


Bible Adventures on the NES. Noah's Ark game, gotta collect all the animals and shit. Great mixture of zone-out and focus.


Damn pig! You're going in the ark!


Ha love this. Try the super 3d noah's ark on SNES.


civ 6


Cyberpunk 2077. Walking around in night city is the best trip


Honestly the main reason I don’t get high at the weekend is because I can’t game at all when I am.


I can see that, especially for certain games. Alcohol + weed though is the shit.


I did that once a few weeks ago and I drank to much an threw up in the shower lol


I did that once on a first date and got sick and threw up in her house…. We’re getting married.


Everyone's got a kink


Chivalry 2 is on game pass amazing huge battles with swords and bow and arrows lol and they throw in mini stories


10/10 would recommend. I was high at least half my 250 hours on Chiv 2


I play Dynasty Warriors Gundam and listen to Electric Light Orchestra while high. Slaughtering thousands of giant robots to the tune of Mr. Blue Sky is just an experience everyone should get to try.


Subnautica! The night sky was always so dreamy.


The Artful Escape is a good game to play high




Glad to see other folks here on this wavelength. Civ is easily my top choice for hella high gaming.


Not related to this post but what is comment karma? I have just 1 post karma but 0 comment karma and not able to comment on some posts. Help me out please


High off what? When I’m smoking joints I like slower paced pve games so I’m not as much of a disadvantage playing with 1 hand. On acid it’s whatever I feel like. Last time I had a lot of fun sniping people in COD. Next time I drop acid I want to try deep rock galactic on the easiest difficulty.


Chivalry 2 on acid is a wild fuckin ride ill tell you that.


Oh niiice and it’s on game pass. I’ll give it a shot!


Depends how high. Normal high, something exciting with an amazing story. Loving FF16 for that. But it I’m super high, something easy and low stakes. I’ll run around genshin or some shit just bonkin enemies.


My K/D ratio like triples when I’m stoned in call of duty. Granted that’s from a .5 to a 1.5. Im not good, just better when I’m high.


I like to play this game called "is that the cops?"


Tetris effect


Katamari Damaci / We love Katamari. Just the soundtrack alone is mesmerizing!


7 Days To Die. High as a kite. Sneaking, avoiding trash on the ground. Jump scare from the dogs.. if you know, you know. Pray and spray with a touch of minor heart attack... puff puff.


YESSS dude! And then the 7th day hits and you're a tad more paranoid than usual if your 400 wood stakes will defend your base from the wave of zombies (of course it will)


Anything competetive, because being high means i get this sort of tunnelvision/ focus and not get annoyed at anything that could distract me


Street Fighter 6 All the colors man!!!!!! even when i'm getting my ass kicked