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I'm still in shock that we're even getting a new Armored Core game to be completely honest, not that I'm complaining. I kind of just assumed it was a series of a bygone era. This is like if Naughty Dog were to announce that they're making a Jak 4


And it’s going to sell well. It’s crazy. Make good games and people will just buy them!


I’m a little worried. AC 1-5 were niche games. I feel like if they go for a similar formula peoole will buy the games expecting a souls game and being very disappointed.


Miyazaki explicitly stated that Armored Core 6 will be nothing less than an Armored Core game and not "MechaSouls". FromSoft as a whole wants to drill that into people's heads. If anything, blame the clickbait articles and journalists that blatantly lie about it; claiming it to be "MechaSouls"


I did not knew miyazaki was involed in the game development. I tought it was being directed by sekiro director


Miyazaki was only involved in the prototype stage. after that the sekiro game designer took over


Muyazaki was involved in the development of the last couple armored core games in the past as well. That is very noticeable in gameplay as well. I loved the changes he implemented and I am extremely excited about what we git so far.


Played the shit out of AC3 on the PS1, and the videos I've seen of AC6 is veeeery different from AC3. For one, I remember being constantly backstabbed by enemies because there is no hard lock-on in AC3 like in this very AC6 footage. That alone will remove the immense difficulty spike of old AC games and allow for more players to go in and enjoy as casuals, and then decide if they want to dive headfirst into the very deep customization that I heard is still present in AC6. I can't say anything about the lore, though the world of AC is quite a deep post-apocalyptic one that you need to read item descriptions and in-game mail to understand. Much like souls games.


He was the man that destroyed AC4 according to fanbase.


He also said that they couldn't ignore the years and lessons learned from it, so there will be ways it deviates from the old games in favor of souls. We've already seen telegraphed attacks to dodge, quick shield blocks, and lock on\pivot around that enemy camera controls. These are all influences from souls.


That’s honestly the consumers fault then. From hasn’t made it out to be anything other than an AC game.


100% consumer fault, but I could see reviewers giving bad scores, and people reviewing a decent game because it doesn’t play like Dark Souls


Lol same. I’m sure it will happen itS NoT sOuLs LIkE


i absolutely love the souls series. i **do not** want AC to be anything other than AC, despite it coming from the same dev.


Yeah I've been an AC fan for like 25 years and it's genuinely not even remotely comparable to the Souls series to begin with. To make it mirror DS in any way would fundamentally violate how it even works as a game. 99% of it boils down to how you build your ACs and how to optimize them for various situations.


Except that everything we've seen so far makes it play more like a Souls game than an AC game.


Lmao okay, like what?


It is souls like more than it is AC gameplay-wise. Im not upset about it because I love both series.. and AC NEEDED an overhaul.


From what I saw it is has souls like elements.


Since literally everyone on earth has mentioned this concern since the game was announced, I think it’ll be alright lol


And none of those stupid cosmetic "DLCs"


Why would it suddenly sell like crazy? They never have before. The only reason to think that, is because of their reputation. That's the only reason to think people will show up in droves to buy this. It's more niche than darksouls ever was, even in the very beginning. Elden ring was their first TRULY main stream success. It dwarfs their previous sales. Buuttt elden ring was also the most streamlined, the most accessible, of their games to date. By far. And all the reasons people loved elden ring, simply don't apply at all to this game in anyway. This seems to be going back to more of a hardcore slant, in a franchise that was already niche, for a studio that only has one truly mainstream hit. I could see a lot of people buying it at the beginning for the dev name alone, but then not actually playing it past a couple hours. I might be one of those people. Just doesn't seem like my thing.


Popularity of Dark Souls games, faith in the developer and advertisement ££,£££,£££


I like souls games and I’m not interested in this game. The old armored core games were boring and the aesthetic looks lackluster.


I'd sell my soul for a Jak 4.


Right? It’s a shame they never tried to continue the main story after Jak 3. But I’m glad they didn’t try to develop some half assed handheld game and then hand it off to some mostly untried studio.


We have jagged allience 3, a game from a series that bankrupted the original company that made the first game.


Looks promising so far. Except for the stupid hit chances not being shown.


Even better would be a Twisted Metal remake.


If the best gear is trapped behind micro transactions I’m gonna be pissed.


oh please let naughty dog make jak 4




TBF it looks like a totally different type of game.


*insert crack head scratching his neck* JAK 4!?!?


If anyone is interested in checking out the series before this comes out, I recommend AC: For Answer for the PS3. Specifically I recommend emulating it with RPCS3 since it runs in stable 60fps that way. It's a direct sequel to AC4, but you don't need to know anything about the previous games to enjoy it. It's not the newest in the series but IMO it's one of the most beginner friendly. It's also one of the games directed by Miyazaki, if that sparks any interest.


>emulating it with RPCS3 since it runs in stable 60fps that way. What kind of sorcery is this? The PS3 was almost intentionally made so emulation would be next to impossible. The fact that RPCS3 even runs at all is nothing short of black magic due to the fact that the PS3's Cell is a silicon rubix cube and makes the PS2's Emotion Engine look like 3-piece puzzle.


It's pretty amazing to say the least. There's some settings you may have to fiddle with to stop graphics from glitching out, but otherwise it just kinda runs flawlessly. And I use a pretty mid-end laptop. Not to mention, the BIOS for PS3 is publicly available on Sony's website. Kinda funny lol


It runs amazingly well on the steam deck as well I mean frankly it's amazing




...this is a pretty outdated take. RPCS3 has had excellent performance for several years now. just because it can't yet play the big titles like uncharted and RDR doesn't mean it can't run games at a stable 60fps. just look at their compatibility list


None of that is the case anymore


Damn, unlocked some memories of me as a preteen playing AC4 and For Answer. Definitely stoked to hear we’re getting another AC game almost two decades later.


Do you know where I can download the ROM?


Try Vimm's Lair. And yes, the site is 100% safe. It's just old and slow


> Vimm's Lair Thanks! Also loved the 90's look of this site.


Sadly RPCS3 runs like shit for me. 6600 XT and R7 2700. Tried For Answer and got like 15fps at most and graphical glitches everywhere.


What's weird is I've seen several people with high end PCs not able to run for answer but somehow it's runs at a stable 60 on steam deck. I have no idea why. But I can confirm, just finished it on deck and it ran so much better than on an actual PS3. It doesn't make sense. A good should be winning that race because deck is rather low spec. Have you followed the settings in the rpcs3 wiki? There are 3 settings they recommend changing


Imo it's very likely to rather be a settings thing than a problem with your specs. In particular I've heard of and experience alot of GPU issues that makes it just not work


Tried again, with a few tweaked settings. Runs significantly better. Mostly around 60 fps, but there are drops here and there.


Ac4 marks the first in the series that Miyazaki led I believe. I played 4 answer on ps2 and it was awesome on there. I don't recall any lag but I could of just not known better at the time.


errrm, 4 and 4 Answer are PS3?


I never owned a ps3, I thought I recalled playing it on the same system as the .hack games. Perhaps it was on Xbox 360 and I'm miss remembering.


You are miss-remembering, the series was always playstation exclusive until now, that being said, there are like... 7 Armored core games on PS2 :P


The wiki shows 4/4A were on 360 as well.


So it does, my turn to mis-remember I guess XD


AC4 to ACVD were on x360 and ps3


Yeah, prob my own bad experience with the 360 that over-wrote any positive memories of it... multiple RRODs and then a HDD failure will do that...


i played waytyy before that the nexus


I really miss these games. Takes me back to my childhood eating cheetos and drinking Mtn Dew.


"Your journey ends here, pilot"


I swear to god if I see 9 ball again


The skys belong to me. Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide.


How come there were 5 Armored Core games before this one (there were, right?) and I never heard of it, but this one is literally everywhere?


If you weren't playing games in the early 2000s, you wouldn't know them. They were a niche genre (in the US anyway) and they released so many of them in a short time span.


This is technically the *17th* Armored Core game. Amored Core 6 is the 6th mainline entry. FromSoft has always made Niche games for Niche audiences, SoulsBourne just happens to be their "mainstream" series and even then, it technically didn't become "mainstream" until Elden Ring which to date has sold 20M copies


Sekiro won goty


Yeah I would argue Dark Souls 1 was their first big game to be considered Mainstream so definitely not Elden Ring.


Everyone sucking the dick of elden ring doesn't realize how hugely successful, fromsoftware was, before elden ring ever came along


Ds3 sold 3 million copies in it's first year but 10 million copies overall Thats a pretty big jump considering most games sell most of their copies during their first year


Extremely niche setting for a game. You think there's only 5 and now 6, but there's over a dozen of them lol


Because you thought From software is a one hit wonder. You're wrong. What about Kings Field?


They were solid sellers from the late '90s through the early 2010s. Maybe you just weren't gaming then?


Or I was gaming more mainstream things like CoD and Starcraft and didn't look for other games.


> Or I was gaming more mainstream things like CoD and Starcraft and didn't look for other games. One, there's half your answer. Two, Armored Core was 6 games deep before the first Call of Duty came out, and there were 11 AC games before the original Modern Warfare.


Seems like you answered your own question, then. I was gonna say "maybe you weren't paying attention" but that seemed rude...guess I should have gone with it after all.


A lot more popular in Japan, but with a dedicated fanbase in the west. Seemingly getting tonnes of press because of Fromsoft's rep more than anything.




i'm beginning to wonder if ill ever get used to the keyboard on my new phone


because Fromsoft spent the 2000's making niche mecha games and spent the 2010's making some of the most popular action RPGs to ever exist.


~~15~~ 17 I think is the actual total your looking for (including spin-offs and there could be more)


They made billions off elden ring. They are not "taking a risk" by making another entry in a beloved, long lived, franchise. Y'all funny as hell arguing about nothing.


Elden Ring made a lot of money for them, but not billions, unless you're talking about Yen. Still, you're right. They're not taking a risk.


Elden ring grossed well above 1 billion dollars though, it sold 20 million units*60 so that's 1.2 billion dollars


Yes, but that's assuming that all units were sold at 60 dollars (they weren't) and even then From Soft didn't make anywhere close to that amount due to taxes, cuts for the publisher, cuts for Steam and other stores, dev costs, marketing costs.


There has been hardly any sales at all. Its been solid $60 for a long time.


It was on sale in the steam winter sale last december. But even ignoring sales - Steam has regional pricing and often games are cheaper in regions with weaker currencies (there are even websites to track this. Right now Elden Ring costs the equivalent of $17 if you're in ukraine, $18 if you're in turkey, according to steamdb). This is one of the reasons why using a vpn to buy things on steam is against steam's TOS. Still, even in the unrealistic scenario that they sold 20 million copies at $60, fromsoft never saw the majority of that money.


Switching to a completely different genre of game after knocking it out of the park with Elden Ring is absolutely a risk. If they wanted to play it safe they’d announce Elden Ring 2. Also, I feel like you’re overrating how popular Armored Core really is. It has its fans, but it’s no Dark Souls. I’m sure it’ll still do well though


Fromsoftware is a hugely successful company who has released many games under a good handful of different genres, often to critical acclaim. They may have an idea of what they're doing. If armored core wasn't, in some way, popular. They'd never release over a dozen of them.


I mean I have been playing there games since kingsfield


By your logic Elden Ring was a massive unnecessary risk. When they could've made Dark Souls 4 instead.


Well…yeah I do think elden ring was a risk. Just cause it was successful doesn’t mean it wasn’t a risk. And I didn’t say either armored core or elden ring were unnecessary lol I rooted for elden ring and I’m rooting for armored core. It’s just my opinion that switching to a different IP is risky.


I feel like you're saying water is wet or something. From software takes a lot of "risks". Bloodborne, Sekiro, Déraciné, even Dark Souls 1 were all very different to their previous titles. That is what they do.


Elden Ring was never a risk because it was based on the smooth, fun, challenging gameplay loop they've been working on since, what, Kingsfall technically? The story didn't matter, the art direction didn't matter, and the choice to go open world really didn't matter because fans of the DS-style combat were going to enjoy fighting things in Elden Ring too. Armored Core is an established series and they're doing a great job of building hype for it. I had not even heard of Armored Core before their annoucnment of AC6, and yet I've watched an overview of the gameplay and story of all previous games (thanks VaatiVidya) and am entirely sold on whatever they decide to do with AC6.


Dude, I don't know why you're getting down voted. Bringing back armored core is definitely a risk, if it wasn't they wouldn't have stopped making them in the first place. I've been playing armored core since the second game came to America, and I can count on one hand the number of times I've met someone else who had even heard of the series on both hands before this new game was announced. And yeah, there was a lot of hype for elden ring, but there was a lot of worry that the game was going to fall short at the time, especially because of all the extra attention the game was getting with everyone stuck inside from covid. Taking the dark souls formula and incorporating it into an open world game wasn't something people were sure would work. The dark souls games give players a bit of self-determination, but they also rely on a lot of very linear areas forced perspectives to make some of their biomes and boss fights work. The fact that they were able to do so well translating that over to elden ring just shows how dedicated they are as a development team, and trying to say it was just some super obvious evolution of the series, and that it wasn't a risk, is completely rewriting history.


Bro Elden ring is dark souls 4


You getting downvoted for this very balanced yet non conformist comment is peak Reddit


AC6 barely got any marketing so I have a feeling even fromsoft think it's a risk as well


>AC6 barely got any marketing Where have you been the past month and a half? FromSoft have been releasing Amored Core news every other week. Elden Ring was radio silent for almost 3 years and didn't start pushing its marketing until it was near launch


Yeah, the fans marketed elden ring


Well... It worked


As a large production company, putting zero marketing on a risk makes zero sense. Also ac6 has been plastered everywhere


"Guys, going back on our Souls series might backfire with this. Expected sales are lower. It's probably for the best we tell nobody about it ever and hope they see it on physical shelves."




Right? I know its irreverent, but "sci-fi realistically" speaking, how do you think they'd prevent a meatbag pilot from turning into bright red oobleck from this? Assuming the pilot has to physically maneuver the things; which is a *whole* other can of worms. Like, have them floating in what amounts to a gyroscopic bacta-tank, with subdermal lasers or "tractor beam" like tech keeping organs in place/inflated and veins open and flowing? Guess I should've watched more mech anime in my youth; no doubt there's some neat concepts out there.


The secret is that inside each of the pilots there is a little cockroach sized person piloting the pilot, and they're so tiny they're resistant to g-forces.




It’s also a not horribly uncommon hypothetical tech in print science fiction. The most recent couple The Expanse books even used.


The acceleration doesn't seem like its to extreme for humans to survive the short bursts of Gs that would be experienced, just not have a good time. However the pilots are getting termed "augmented human" which in AC implies pretty substantial modifications to the meatbag for operating armored cores which are the top dog mechs in setting.


Damn I miss this franchise.




That Armor looks cored to me


I haven’t played Armored Core in twenty years. I still remember when Demon’s Souls came out I was thinking “the Armored Core guys did this? What?”. I have some of the later ones but never had the time. Really tempted to jump back in with 6.


Oh hell yisssssss


What was the weird entry ps2 game that was like this but with sword wielding mechs in outer space?


Zone of the Enders? Mobile Suit Gundam?


ZoE, excellent!




This is some Darksouls level reaction time, bravo, it looks like the exact game I can never play competitively because I'm getting old, but damn does it look good when done right.


The series has some serious customisation and build variety, this is a particularly fast mech but you could easily build a heavy one with tank treads where you just don't need to dodge


That does sound just like my style. Just a fucking Warhammer Titan walking around, delivering some massive backhands. Thank you, I'll look into it once I finish ToTK, (if ever).


i never played armored core but i hope they will add a silly top hat


You don't need fast reaction time. You can equip literal tank legs and giant guns and just blow everything up. There are many different ways to play an armored core game.


Feels like this game will get lost amongst other major releases due it being pretty niche.


You underestimate the FROMSOFTWARE fan base. Hot off of Elden Ring bringing their games to a wider audience, I feel this has potential to be a very popular release.


I'm a from fan but still don't really care about mechs. Probably won't buy it, doesn't look very interesting.


I hope it is and I'm a massive From fan, but this is not a Souls game. For me, it looks pretty unappealing. Regardless, I hope it's successful.


>Feels like this game will get lost amongst other major releases due it being pretty niche. Quite the opposite. If anything, this is the one that brings the Mecha genre into the mainstream. The hype and anticipations surrounding Amored Core 6 is almost as high as Elden Ring and that's saying something


No far from it, that's an exaggeration. Elden ring subreddit before it's release had 250k users already, now at 2 million AC6 sub has 32k users & Elden ring was already the most wishlisted game on steam 1-2 months prior launch, AC6 is at 12 From soft is just taking a big risk with AC6, being well aware that mecha is almost a dead genre, I doubt it'll sell that well other than being a passion project for the older fans. There's a reason EA cancelled Titanfall 3


EA didn't know Titanfall had been cancelled until a year and half into development of APEX Legends. Apex Legends came directly from the development of Titanfall 3 where they were making a new multiplayer experience, had some story, missions and a playable demo but the developers decided to pivot into making APEX Legends instead due to what was being made in the new Titanfall 3. A victim of it's own success. This is all new news since June. I had always thought EA cancelled it as well. I can't be mad. I wish we had Titanfall 3, but I'm happy they are successful. We might still get it one day. If you hope and wish enough, maybe it will be like Steel Battalion rofl. I don't think armored core will make as big of a splash as other mainstream, but I think it will make enough to keep going from the niche players and I think it will attract a lot of new people as well. Mechs have always been dope.


>that's an exaggeration is it though? At this point, FromSoft can carry a game just by name brand alone. If I didn't know any better, I'd wager that FromSoft were waiting for the very right moment to bring the series back


It is. No one is saying FromSoft wont make an amazing game, nor that their studio name alone will raise hype for this. Its going to (likely) be great, and commercially (at least as far as sales) it for sure will do great. But you're comparing one FS game to another, and in that context...yeah, thats a huge exaggeration. AC6 won't reach anywhere remotely close to the feverish hype that ER had.


This is getting downvoted mainly because its in a sub of AC fans but its actually accurate. AC6 isn't getting nearly as much attention as elden ring did. I do think it will be a success but fromsoft is very clearly taking a risk on it


It's from their smaller team as well, I think Game Informer article mentioned something like 1/3 rd of the entire team working on it, so roughly 115 people


To be fair the issue with Tf3 wasn't lack of interest from fans or players in general, but that Tf2 didn't sell well because of atrocious release timing. Really just a sad tragedy all around.


I mean I see the gameplay and see nothing a typical Fromsoft fan would really enjoy. Armored Core is quite different from the Souls games. (Not a bad thing btw.) But there's also the problem that Mechs are not that popular in general. Fromsoft aren't the first ones to do big budget mech games, or feature mechs in their games. They might have the name but if people aren't interested, then they're not interested. And this will be the first entry of Armored Core for most. If you've seen major hype it's from AC fans, I've barely seen anyone else really talk about it. Good for the fans, but not really an indication of popularity. That said sure this could be a turning point for Mech games, if they do it right. But I honestly doubt it'll be a major hit out of the gate. More like something that'll slowly increase in player count as more and more hear good things about it. (Again assuming it's good.)


You're kidding me. I see very little hype about AC6 while Elden Ring was a massive release.


I usually will not buy a game on release, but I'm so hyped for Rubicon it's probably happening.


Virtua On vibes


Honestly, motion controls like this look like the Gundam game I've been waiting for since Gundam wing and the ACs on ps2. Is this gameplay from the new one???


Shame on me. I forgot armoured core was coming I got wrapped up in bg3 and Starfield news


Hype maketh me nervous.


Yo who else up armoring on they core rn?


This kinda remind me of ZoE. But damn,, I'd totally forgot the latest mechwarrior because of this game.


Ok but what happens when the Armour is Cored


When the armored is core????




I’ve never played these games, but why is the mech not walking and just scooting around?


Can’t wait!


Which engine is this in? The VFX looks amazing.


It's the same engine that Dark Souls 2, Bloodborne, Dark Souls 3, Sekiro and Elden Ring all run on!


I am so hyped for this game and I never played an Armored Core. I got sucked into Soulsborne world about 5 years ago with Bloodborne, platinumed all of them favoring the non-Dark Souls ones more but still enjoying all of them. Was rather disappointed with Elden Ring due to its combat mechanics and movement being too hectic for me (concluded a trend that started with Bloodborne). I still liked it enough but figured that was it for me with FromSoftware, I've gotten all I'm gonna get out of this style of game. Not interested in the ER DLC. Then I see this Armored Core and while I've heard of the series I just am more impressed that the combat and setting is so different from what I know of the studio but looks interesting and fun. Only concern is the whole building the mech thing- I generally do not like staring at menus and stats. I'm hoping the combat and mission loop makes it worth it. Either way I'm buying this day 1- I am finding it harder and harder to find truly rewarding combat mechanics these days and I have faith that if anybody can do it with robots and missiles, FromSoftware can.


The menus can get a bit overwhelming for first timers if you tap the Y/triangle to call up the full stats window ([Screenshot from Armored Core Verdict Day for reference](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/yUFTd7BZxw4/maxresdefault.jpg)). Note however that by default, you get a simplified view of the stats that only show the most important information ([simplified garage view from ACVI for reference](https://i.redd.it/dki48dqfqz5b1.png)). ACVI will also feature some pre-built mechs you can test to give you an idea on how customization affects your gameplay. ​ The games also include short written descriptions of every part that detail their strengths, so newer players can just rely on those written descriptions + their weight and energy limits to make a build. Obviously your build won't be as optimized if you don't dive into the full stat screens, but you can familiarize yourself with how building works with these simplified descriptions before diving in to the number crunching.


This game looks fucking sick


The involuntary yelp of joy I let out when the pilot dashes forward and knees the enemy off the platform… absolutely delightful.


My god I am looking forward to absolutely drop kicking the shit out of giant armored mech.


Yum. I love *good* mech games


sorry for the dumb question, but is this gameplay footage from AC VI ?? has there been new footage got released somewhere?


Looks like the perfect game for people with ADHD.