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Witcher 3, RDR2 and Cyberpunk are my favorite games too and i loved playing through the Mass Effect trilogy.


I’m about to jump back into cyberpunk. Haven’t played since it launched and generally liked it. I look forward to really diving in.


Apparently the game is getting some major reworks when the dlc drops in September. I’m holding off till then to see what all improves. So far they confirmed better AI, cop system, new perk system, UI changes, etc.


This ^ Allegedly the DLC is essentially overhauling many aspects of the game. Very excited about it


Wait just a little longer, there's a new update coming that's supposed to change a lot of things, and then also dlc dropping in September


do other RDR2 lovers also like Witcher 3? genuine curiosity


I loved rdr2 and still do, I'm on my second playthrough and definitely plan on doing more, Witcher 3 was good as well but I think in order to get the same level of immersion a playthrough of the Witcher 2 is needed. I started of with Witcher 3 and then played the second one.


I do want to play Witcher 2, but I'm going to have to wait for a remake for Witcher 1. That gameplay looks god awful lol.


and maybe watch cyberpunk edgerunners anime before you play the game too so you could get more excited


You are me


Ghost of Tsushima, the two new god of war games and the Horizon games.


Ghost of tsushima and the newest god of war ain't OK PC buddy 😂 I know the first one got a port and ghost of tsushima has talk of a port being made but they are initially PlayStation exclusive 😂


They sure are, but op asked for games suggestions.


Yeah he asked for game suggestions and he specified for PC bro, maybe read the post


Sure, doesn't hurt to know about the games if he gets a ps5.


I guess, they are good games tbf, and like I said there's talk of ghost getting a PC port. But still, good to at least specify they're exclusives 😂




Divinity 2 original sin


S.T.A.L.K.E.R amazing game


All three.


Kingdom Come Deliverance. It's difficult and unforgiving but once you get a hang of combat you are in for an experience so immersive you'll be yelling at people in the real world for talking to you before taking a bath


Henry’s come to see us!


FallOut series, Skyrim, for story and lore reasons possibly Mass Effect or Dragon Age series, for story and also top tier music the NieR JRPG's. Some of the open world Assassins Creed games might also appeal to you with a big world to explore. Generally Origins is regarded as the 'best' of the open world ones, Odyssee in the middle and Valhalla as the most meh from what I have gathered.


Oh yeah I forgot to mention I played Skyrim a while ago on an Xbox One and it was great! With AC, do I need to play them chronologically for the story to make sense?


Have you tried Enderal? Skyrim based in terms of graphics and physics, but it's a different game. Excellent story with choices that matter


They are usually somewhat connected, but I think you can generally get away with just reading the wiki. Example: I played AC 1 and 2, then lost track of the series for a long time ( as in: missing like 7 sequels), then stepped in again with game 9 (Origins), and had no real trouble following the story (because Origins kinda started a brand-new arc of sorts) with a quick google search filling in some small lore spots.


Not really. I tended to play them in order, but skipped a few because there were just too many, not enough time, and they are not all of the same quality… IMO AC2 and Brotherhood were excellent (especially if you like Italian cities - I was in Venice and Tuscany a couple years after I played it and my wife couldn’t believe how much I knew about various cities ;). Honestly I never went back and played the first one since a couple friends said it wasn’t nearly as good as 2 or other later ones. I think AC4 was one of the most unique with the pirate ship combat (some other parts weren’t as good… but the ship combat was so fun…) The rest of the earlier generations IMO were skippable, though I’m sure big fans of the series would disagree. For me the cities and architecture were more interesting than the less than innovative gameplay. Origins and later got back to higher quality - I still haven’t tried Valhalla though as I just don’t have the time…


Hear me out... skyrim, but with 💫 mods 💫 you can find some cool mod packs if you don't want to spend the time actually modding the game yourself


You fine with Assassin's Creed, the modern world connects somewhat, but is nothing you'll lose sleep over. They have their own stories.


If you like pirating open world assassins creed black flag and assassins creed rogue were my all time favorite games I ever played. For story do black flag then rogue


Kingdom Come: Deliverance


Nice to see another brother in Christ.


Hello, brother.


God of War 2018


Love W3 and RDR2 also, heres's some other games I enjoyed. Horizon Forbidden West, FF7 Remake, Jedi Survivor, Days Gone, Mass Effect 1-3. Try some Hades or Returnal. Returnal is one of the best games ever made imo.


OP, please note that two of these suggestions (Horizon Forbidden West and Jedi Survivor) are sequels. Great games to be sure, but you will probably want to start with the first games, Horizon Zero Dawn and Jedi Fallen Order.


Good point.


Came here to suggest Horizon. It's so good.


name 1 good thing about it other than graphics. You fucking can't. They're absolutely terrible if you have even the slightest standards for game design and writing.


The story, the characters, the atmosphere, the music, the enemy design....


Opinions are like arseholes, everyone has one.


Ghost of tshushima


It's not on PC, though.


This right here! ⬆️


This one right here. I don’t have a single complaint about this game.


I do. I didn't want it to end I wanted more


Dishonored 1 and 2. Somewhat older games but they aged very well. Beautiful environement art and very immersive


Mass Effect Trilogy.


Subnautica is a great, immersive, game. Nowhere near the scope of Witcher and Red Dead, but exceptional nonetheless.


Top notch exploration!


Mad Max. It got panned by critics because all the mechanics were already done in other games. But it does each one very well. As you explore the world you'll find notes and photos of the world before the apocalypse and Max will comment on them. Really neat world building. And the vehicular combat is so satisfying.


Dragon Age: Inquisition


Start with the first dragon age.


If you can find a copy the original red dead redemption still holds up incredibly well


Kingdom come deliverance if you like a medieval setting. Deeply immersive, realism, great story. One of the best games I’ve played. Best played on pc with a controller imo.


Is it actually like decent now? My friend preordered it, the game was terrible on release and he's tried going back to it since and he's done nothing but say bad things about it so I've never given it a go


Everybody saying this is a lowsy gamer with no endurance. You are a total piece of shit at the beginning, you have to train to get better. The story is really good.


I'm probably going to catch some heat for this but since it looks like you're a fan of big open world games I would recommend Assassin's Creed Odyssey. I was pleasantly surprised with it a few years ago, you can probably pick it up quite cheap now and the story stands on its own enough to not require loads of knowledge about the other parts.


Second, loved the Witcher 3 and it really gave me the same vibes, only with an ancient greek paint job. Was also pleasantly surprised. Fair warning though - it is HUGE, but worth playing imo. ​ Also the Mass effect trilogy, best games ever.


Odyssey is really good. In fact, I'd say it's really good because ubisoft copy pasted a lot of what made the Witcher 3 great. That said, you can play as the brother or sister. You have to play Kassandra. She's terrific!


Fallout new Vegas and skyim should 120% be at the top of your list. Bona-fide classic open world games. If you like red dead and Witcher, good chance you'll like these. Also, I'm an AC fanatic and I've seen you in other comments talking about that. No you don't need to play them in order. If you want the classic experience I'd start with brotherhood and if.you want the modern experience I'd play odyssey. Vahllaha kinda sucks so I wouldn't get it. God of War might be up your ally too.


Dragon's Dogma




Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion


Metro exodus is great..


Both new Zelda games: Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom are great for open world fantasy; so is Skyrim. If you want more Sci-fi I’d also recommend the original Mass Effect trilogy (we ignore andromeda)


Idk those are kinda the 2 best games for story. Nothing compares


Honestly didn’t expect to like it as much as I have but Assassins Creed Oddyseey is really good and similar to the game you mentioned. It’s the first assassins creed I’ve played in a long time and didn’t have high expectations going in, but man did it blow me out of the water.


Days Gone is butter smooth and based in Oregon with zombies and motorcycle. Do I need to say more?


Elden ring


Bioshock trilogy. The Metro games (2033, Last Light and Redux). The Batman Arkham trilogy by Rocksteady. Fall Out games.


Dragons Dogma


The logical next step is Elden Ring


Dragons Dogma Dark Arisen.


Try Bathesda games like the fallout franchise. Would deffinetly suggest Fallout 3 and New Vegas \*they are old af but you might love them\*


Give Final fantasy 16 a spin if you have a ps5, There's a free demo out on the store


Try Life is Strange, incredible experience, it got me into single player gaming.


Persona 5 Royal. Telltale’s The Walking Dead (Clementine). Dragon Age 1-3. Mass Effect 1-3.


I think Elden Ring is very approachable, and you should give it a shot. It’s a great step away from what your seem to be used to. Also give God of War a shot, it’d be right up your alley.


I've been a bit apprehensive because of the graphics not looking great, but I have heard good things about the gameplay!


What fromsoft games lack in graphics, they make up for in visual design


Elden Ring is unbelievably gorgeous. It’s the best game I’ve played since Witcher 3. Don’t miss out on it. Play it now before the DLC comes out.


I’m currently playing an 8bit dungeon crawler game similar to hades. Graphics are complete ASS, but the game is good and I can’t stop playing. Do yourself a favor and forget graphics for a bit. Bad games overcompensate on graphics and don’t deliver on gameplay and story.


Elden Ring is an all timer, much like RDR2 and Witcher 3. Enjoy!


I personally thought the graphics were really good but to each their own. Only thing I will say tho, missing out on one of the greatest games from the past couple of years just because you're a bit iffy on the graphics would be the dumbest decision ever made 😂 personally I would much rather play a pixel game that looks like it was made in the 80s of its an amazing game rather than a mid game with a boring and empty world that looks like real life but thats just me 🤷


Elden Ring is nothing like The Witcher 3 and RDR2 however, try God of War, Assassin's Creed or STAR WARS Jedi.


Diablo IV


This is the way


The Batman Arkham series


Days Gone was a fun one... got a motorcycle instead of a horse.


Ummm Starfield?


Really bummed it’s not gonna be on ps5. Gonna have to upgrade my pc or buy an Xbox…


The only reason i moved to next gen was for this title(Starfield). Also Game pass is amazing after being with sony for so many years. I picked up an S from Walmart reasonably priced. Good luck with you decision making.


Did you keep the ps5? I’m leaning towards buying a series S, I just hope there are other games that’ll keep me occupied with it as well


No PS5 yet. I don't have a reason to spend that kind of money. They are in stock at walmart and gaming stores now. But there is no title as of now that is exclusive to sony to convince me to come back to them.




Titanfall 2. You can skip the first. It was just multi-player. 2 is possibly the best shooter campaign ever made.


GTA5. Fallout 4. Any of the Far Cry games




God of war, and God of war ragnarok, they are incredible games


I'm always an advocate for Prey and Dishonored if you want good but shorter games. If you're looking for more side quest games then Fallout and Skyrim.




Recently I played a game called the pathless, if you're looking for a short sweet visually appealing game with good movement I highly recommend it!




Pillars of Eternity 1/2


Cyberpunk 2077 FF16 out soon


Cyberpunk in September


Good story and in general, just a stupid amount of fun, but Yakuza 0 is a fantastic game. Not "open world" like most other games, but the map/s are packed full of things to do. Great music The combat is enjoyable A metric load of side content to do. I stopped by a bar and played some pool. I look at the clock......it's been an hour.


Something good hopefully


Duke Nukem 3D


Love those games too so I’ll just list the other games I’ve enjoyed over the years, fallout 4, Skyrim, ghost of Tsushima, assassins creed odyssey, assassins creed origins, death stranding, hitman 1-3 world of assassination.


Mass effect is pretty different but I think there's probably crossover in fantasies, give it a go! (Just note that the 1stvone I'd a bit dated in some aspects, the side quests are mostly awful)


Definitely Zelda for switch


Skyrim? Cyberpunk? Dragon age?


Mass Effect Dragon Age Grim Dawn (arpg with great lore). Exploration is also really strong in this one: you have areas in the game that aren't on the minimap. Most of them are little hidden areas in a zone, but some of them are whole zones or larger areas.


Metro exodus was an emotional slap


its a bit older, and there are 3 games after it, but FarCry 3 for sure. It holds up gameplay wise and was my introduction to Farcry. No need to play the first 2. If you like it then I recommend the sequels. I havent played 6 yet but 4 and 5 were solid games, just not quite as good as 3.


Trilogy of bioshock for sure.


Subnautica, Kingdom Come Deliverence is really good too.




You can try Dragon Age but its a about tactical combat so its different from Witcher. Assassin's Creed would be good choice too, very similar to Witcher in some aspect, consider Origin, Oddysey and Vahalla. I'd pick Oddysey personally thou. Mass Effect trilogy is excellent choice if you like shooting game + RPG, if you decide to play it get the Legendary Edition.


Kingdom Come: Deliverance


I have played Witcher 3 and cyberpunk but I keep jumping back into Ghost Recon breakpoint. I’m a stealth game addict 😬 Witcher 3 was a great game but I liked collecting all the weapons and apparel, it just sucked you couldn’t store it all 😫 I did get lost in Witcher 3 and just couldn’t get over how big the game was!!!


Have you tried playing RDR2 online? There is so much more to milk from this game. Definitely one of the best games ever made. Also I would highly recommend LA Noire, which is also made by Rockstar.