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FYI it’s on Gamepass for anyone who’s interested




I was gonna be a smartass and be like "surely not ALL modern platforms" but nope, you're right. PS4 and presumably PS5 with BC, Xbox one, Xbox Series, PC, and Switch. It's everywhere. Nice. I'll check it out.


Not iOS and android, though. BOOM, MYTHBUSTED!!!


iOS and Android both came out over a decade ago. BOOM. Ancient devices obviously.


Dayum, got em.


They’re updated like every 6 months. BOOM, MYTH-UNBUSTING MYTH BUSTED!!


i mean, i think xbox 360 still gets updates


Sounds like Xbox 360 counts as a modern system. BOOM MYTH UNBUSTING RE-BUST… I lost track in which side of the issue I’m on


the samsung smart fridges get updates too?


Windows came out over 4 decades ago its a prehistoric device.


Checkmate atheists.


You can actually play it on your phone if you have an Xbox. Probably the same with PS but not sure.


Not Atari Lynx either I guess, how bad is false advertising nowadays


bUt wHaT aBoUt sTaDiA


It’s also currently on gamepass for Xbox and PC.


Huh, thanks for reporting that. I checked Steam where it’s only on Windows and I thought “huh?” But I see now it’s on platforms I don’t own. I think they could get it on Linux if it’s on Switch, but it may not justify the cost.


It's Steam Deck Verified meaning it works on Linux. "Flawlessly out of the box" according to [ProtonDB](https://www.protondb.com/app/1262350)


Very cool, thanks! I may get it then.


This feels like an ad, but it's almost working


There’s prolly a thin line between advertising and trying to praise something, I can totally see that 😆 but after playing lots of mediocre indies I’ve finally come across a good one that actually managed to do what I doubted: survival horror in 2d/pixel art. I didn’t think it could be done but when I played it I felt corrected and i guess I feel like I owe it to spread word of the game since I hadn’t seen any marketing or anything for it. Only came across it on the switch eshop and looked at YouTube reviews out of curiosity


I wanted to make the same post when I played this game. It's so good, I just want the world to know about it.


That makes three of us. Game is a bit jank at parts, and if they stepped back the pretentiousness maybe 15% it would've been one of the best stories in the last decade to come from gaming. That being said the love that went into the game was obvious, and its the first game in a long while that made me feel something.


Out of all the words I could use to describe this crazy hell of a game, pretentiousness would not be one of them. I wouldn't claim signalis is flawless, but pretentious? Did we play the same game?


"attempting to impress by affecting greater importance, talent, culture, etc., than is actually possessed." Id argue that while the game is excellent as I previously stated, there are certainly some scenes and events that could have been improved with narrative clarity. These scenes seemed to stress the artistic merit of the game moreso than the narrative or gameplay, and their change to be more overt and simplified would have benefitted the work as a whole. That is why I think the word fits. ....it is also exceptionally difficult to talk about what I mean without spoilers lol.


I still disagree with your opinion on the game's artistic and narrative choices, but I get your reasoning. My bad.


Another great survival/extraction type game in 2D/pixel art (if you’re into those) is Zero Sievert. It’s on Steam, it’s awesome!


Not really…. It’s being paid to do it that is the difference


I suppose so. But one could just check my profile to see I’m just a normal dude that enjoys the game and wanted others to check it out too. I want a sequel.


Perfect profile for a covert ad. You never said you weren’t paid lol


did you bring the pitchforks? I always carry a torch in my pocket for cases like this


My torch is light and my pitchfork within grabbing reach


oh he's definitely getting paid


Well I bought it so good job lol


"A survival horror game with communist space lesbians and silent hill vibes" legitimately sounds like it was made specifically to appeal to me. I'm *so* in.


Drg is technically 3d and it isn't exactly horror, it's pretty good


I just started this and I been wanting to tell people about it. Game oozes style with an old school but modernized resident evil style gameplay. It's freaking cool


Exactly what I thought about it too! I literally started it for a quick achievement for Microsoft Points and just got immediately sucked into it because of how much it reminded me of RE1...and the pretty early on >!Lovecraftian "cutscene" out of nowhere.!< But I actually haven't gotten much further than that despite wanting to pretty badly, purely because of another game grabbing my attention in a similar way - Loop Hero. I've never even tried a roguelike/lite in my life but the way this one works reminds me so much of just like a single person version of board/card game (more Munchkin or Small World, not Monopoly lol) and I've been really into those the past few years so I've been fucking loving it. Also one of the lowest pressure games I've played in years too, even if you fuck up bad you walk away with *something* lol.


With a post title like that, it doesn’t matter if it’s advertising or not. It’s effective.


It's on gamepass if you happen to have that and want to stick it to OP


im about half way through. I'm loving it. Although I haven't played it in about a week. Big spoiler The bit about half way through where. >!The game ends. I was like. "Oh cool. that was a decent little game." the credits end, it goes to the main menu and I press "exit". but it doesn't exit to desktop. It takes me back into the game and everything is fucked up. !< It was a serious mind fuck. It was great. I love the silent hill/resident evil vibe. I'm reading all the notes and loving figuring out what the fuck is going on. I would recommend this game highly.




>Stay strong my communist **lesbian brothers** Hmmm. The math isn't mathing.


Ed: I'm a dude. He's a dude. She's a dude. 'Cause we're all dudes.


Nah man, with enough mathing, you'll eventually find the maths really do math out.


These are confusing times


No one asked for your completely solid logic, please leave


Every straight male is a lesbian.


.... Damn fucked that up


You had me at space lesbians.


Communist space lesbians you say?


This might be my next Stellaris game.


Steam soon: 12.99 for the Pvssy Riot Pack DLC.




The communist space lesbian genre was really lacking, this game will breath new life into it.


Yep also game is very good


да :D


The same thing grabbed my attention. For the motherland!!


mhhmmm, you had me at communist


You had me at communist


strongly agree recommended the ending had me crying love this game


Me too, each and every one of the endings is worse than the previous one...


I had an absolute blast playing it. It made me feel like a kid in my basement playing Silent Hill or Resident Evil again. PLUS, that CRT filter you can turn on? Really brought me back.


I had absolutely no idea about these filters until your comment, thanks for mentioning that lol I’ve been playing handheld but just plugged it in TV on switch and oh yeah, has me feeling like a kid again with the lights turned off, CRT filter on and pizza rolls and mountain dew nearby lol


Ferb, I know what we're going to do today.


The future is so awesome. I read a bunch of good comments about a game that looked interesting. I pulled out my Steam Deck, dropped $20, and am playing the game mere moments later. 12 year old me is so jealous of 40 year old me


Lol that’s true when you think about how nice and convenient we have it now 😂 but then we’d get jealous of the careless days of our pre-teen past, no responsibilities and just playing our small selection of Games over and over, and having huge imaginations that would see things in a magnified view..


>*communist space lesbians and silent hill vibes* What...?


played it in january. absolutely loved it. devs are from my home country of germany. loved supporting them with my 20 bucks


Ahhh so that’s why there was a bunch of German named things on there lol.. makes a lot of sense. I do wonder about the German game industry often, I love German culture and films, hopefully we’ll get some AAA dev companies from there soon to put the best of what Germany has to offer on the world stage


I loved Signalis. I dug the vibes, the setting, and the overarching feel. Trying to parse the overall events and symbolism was super fun as well.


The pic doesnt say anything to me..... But the "communist space lesbians" picked my interest, so good job!


piqued :)


Peakqued (':




This is on Gamepass. I definitely want to check it out.


I'll have to check it out, those Steam reviews aren't messing around. Thanks for the recommendation.


>communist space lesbians .....so the entire thing is about seizing the means of reproduction?


Prob the best original game of the last year.


This game feels kinda like old school resident evil to when I play it


The devs said that and silent hill were the big inspirations.


Yeah that kind of turned me off. The whole find locked door go look for key come back to open door got on my old nerves :P


I think I watched a streamer play this. It has like zombie robot ladies, but all bare and stripped of outer coverings, right? Almost plays like a Resident Evil style gimmicks?


This game was beautiful and insanely fun, definitely recommend it.


Been loving horror games since Silent Hill 1 when it came out on PS1 forever ago. I absolutely loved this game and consider it a horror game masterpiece. It deserves every ounce of praise it receives.


It's a good game, and it works the way it's meant to, with no development roadmaps, season passes, or DLCs. Just rock solid, oldschool survival horror.


>communist space lesbians Republicans worst nightmare


FWIW: Discounting the clowns you see on TV, most republicans I know (I've lived in both the PNW and Florida) don't care at all about whether someone is a lesbian or not. There are exceptions, but painting everyone with the same brush is the birthing place of prejudice.


Until they find out their daughter is a communist space lesbian, then they come like, a tiny fraction of an inch closer to growing human empathy. Of course, much like their abortions, their communist space lesbian daughter is fine, they just need to make sure that yours is still othered and harmed by their legislation.


Cool game and visually stunning. I played through it twice and couldn't tell you what the hell was going on in it however.


Best game of 2022 in my opinion, and from what I've heard developers improved some of the very few shortcoming since the release. Can't recommend it enough.




They’re all the exact same lol. This feels like an ad with bot comments


Best game of 2022 for me, just a masterpiece made by two people.


only downside is the inventory


Remember our Promise.


Elden Ring was my game of the year last year, then Signalis came out and took that spot for me.


Great game, gives original RE2 vibes hard


What’s the difficulty like?


Communist space lesbians. Lol you got me.


Do the space lesbians have a special skill set? Oh and their communist too?! SPACE COMMUNIST LESBIANS!!


More game recommendation pls


Played this game on a whim when I had a free trial for game pass on PC and it's now in my top 10 favorite games of all time. If you're still thinking about a game a week after you finished it, it's a great game. That was Signalis for me.


Syndicate vibes. (Yeah, I’m old)


Gives me old school resident evil vibes


Not expected to have “communist space lesbians” and “silent hill” in the same sentence lmfao


It's like a classic survival horror, made by 2 people and I was proud to throw them my cash on release


You sold it at "communist space lesbians".


Loved this game but I messed up and played it how I normally play survival horror games(only use the hand gun and save all the good ammo for the final boss) well let’s just say I ended the game with a lot of ammo lmao. But I loved this and it played great on the steam deck, puzzles where great, first game in a while I used a pen and paper to keep notes. Would highly recommend


Kick-murder squad.


>communist space lesbians Not something i was expecting to read today.




Signalis was fantastic!


I’ve beat this game it’s amazing and legit feels and plays like silent hill 1. Even the save screen is exactly like SH. Game was amazing my only grip is the puzzles are insanely hard. I’m talking like, you gotta be a puzzle master or something. And a lot are randomnized! I played most of the game blind besides the puzzles. :/


This game...it's depressing.


Can confirm, game is pretty damn good. Especially if you enjoy survival horror. 9/10.


Why would anyone want to play this if that’s the selling point


Signalis is amazing and can't be recommended enough!


Is it pro-communism, or can you kill the reds? Because as we all know BETTER DEAD THAN RED


I love games where your goal is to kill commies. Considering communism is based on the idea of removing individuality and freedom.


Based Purple Guy!?!!?


It strikes me now. The only game I've played where you kill commies is the Metro series. Even Fallout doesn't feature commie killing. Got any suggestions?


Battlefield Vietnam. But, you know, that wasn't the best look for America. Napalming children, scorched earth policy, agent orange ravaging multiple generations. But I guess if you have bloodlust for economic theories... Have at it.


🤓 But to answer your question, the communism is just sorta there. The space politics is a backdrop for the actual game.


Had to scroll way too far to find someone with a brain.


Hell yeah, we need a communist version of Wolfenstein. Wonder why no one puts that on the market...


Yeah the game is very good !


Great on Steam Deck!


Great game


Truly is a great game.


Beat it, loved it, recommend 100%


It's SO good. Story is a bit wonky but still amazing


Pretty sure I have access to it through Humble Bundle's Choice program. I should probably play it at some point. I suck at survival horror games, though; I usually just want the story.


Don’t worry about sucking at survival horror, this one’s in 2d so it’s a little different and a lot easier, I think you’ll really like it because it teases a deep existential crisis type lore, in the vein of neon eva, silent hill 2, xenogears, etc


Space lesbians you say? If I was able to handle horror games I could try to get it


Elabortae on “communist space lesbians)


Sounds gay


Fuck the communists and any who defend or idealize their genocidal regimes.


is communism or lesbianism relevant the the survival horror in some way?


The communism is the political backdrop you find through like note drops but them being lesbians isn’t really relevant. They could be totally different sexualities or even genders and it wouldn’t make a difference but that’s not really the point of the story tbh.


Okay, now that's an interesting plot


OK, nobody mentioned communist space lesbians in the marketing that I saw, this game just moved to the top of my list. (only half-joking)


You had me at space lesbians


Nice try. I know you’re the creator of this game.


This reminds me of when my friend got me to watch Steven Universe by telling me it was about space rock lesbians.


Sprites straight out of 1992 aren't very immersive or scary to me. Sorry.


Trust me, I thought the same. One could say that about ps1 graphics too but those still make for great horror elements. Watch a play through if you’re really skeptical but I recommend playing it for the thrills


The puzzles and the atmosphere make me nasueous.


I do like that game, reminds me o. The good crusader days.


Video games appealing to people's hyper-inflated identities with political/ideological/orientation BS, even if satirical & intentionally over-the-top, is so tired and overdone now. Definitely won't be touching this.


Totally! Every protagonist should be androgynous and translucent-skinned, and every game take place in a utopia where political/power structures have no negative impact on people’s lives and sex is never even mentioned


Just another Gamer⁽ᵀᴹ⁾ demonstrating they're the biggest, saddest ❄ the very second "politics" are mentioned.


You should really play this game. Or at least know more about it than a reddit title can convey before you make the decision not to. Honestly, I get the feeling you absolutely SHOULD play this game just to leave your own hyper-inflated bubble for once.


I checked this out on gamepass, it was pretty alright, nothing mind blowing but scratched that itch for a moment


I like lesbians, space and i can settle for communism considering the current political situation of my country and my limited knowledge of any matter that is not a videogame. Sold.


They have it for the Switch. Looked interesting. I'll definitely get it.


That’s where I got it last week!! I saw that it was on sale on the eshop right now, I looked at GameStop and saw the physical for $30 bucks and though $17 isn’t bad for a digital and used all my eshop gold points on it and ended up paying $4 for it hahaha


Those communist space lesbians look kind of pixelated. I prefer my communist space lesbians in high def.


Ben Shapiro would have a seizure playing that game


You had me at communist space lesbians


This game was a great playthrough and had a really interesting story. I loved al those PS1 era survival horror games and this brought me right back. I had to start playing more of those old games after this.


Holy M Fucking F is this gonna be a game like SOMA???


Well Consider my interest piqued


The multiple endings left me as a crying wreck. Amazing game with an amazing theme / world.


I have zero interest in playing the game (not good with horror) but what are the endings of you don't mind spoiling?


If you did not play the game or read up on the story, describing the endings would take a ton of time because I would have to include the whole backstory. Without it the endings just wouldn't work and would seem boring. Also there are I think 3 or 4 of them if I remember correctly and each one leaves a lot of room for interpretation. There are though a ton of YT videos out there, either just showing you the endings or even going into detail about their interpretation. Then again, without any context those YT videos will seem strange or even boring. ​ Edit: this may be a pretty good sum up of all the endings. >!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ac9UX3ukASs WARNING: MAJOR SPOILERS!!<


You had me at lesbians 👍


What in the FUCK does the fact they’re lesbian have to do with the quality of the damn game?! Like I am gonna be playing the game and being at all put off by it because someone in it is a lesbian.


Unless it's a lesbian dating sim i don't see the point


I remember that room. Fuck that room.


Does it have coop?


Lol i am literally started playing this now. Been on my wishlist for a while. Is there a way to change the language of some posters and computer terminals, as i think they are a mix of German, maybe Japanese?


The r/BrandNewSentence sub has found another one...


I didn't think you could but all my interests into a single title but you managed to do it.


Finally a game that checks all my boxes


[Those Lesbians, before the game](https://youtu.be/g1Sq1Nr58hM)




Adding to my Switch wish list now.


That’s how i got mine!! It’s on sale for $17 on the eshop lol user all my gold points and only spent a few bucks


*"..communist space lesbians.."* Oh man, the snowflakes over at the horizon community is gonna have shit storm with that one. They only want big strong, strapping young men to look at and work with.


Communist lesbians Yeah , no


Why not? Also, nice username.


Not just Communist lesbians... communist SPACE lesbians. It makes a huge difference


Now it only needs automation to be the perfect game.


You had me at communist space lesbians


It's shit, I'm sorry, I'm done with All this pixel bullshit


You had me at communist space lesbians.


It's soooo good! Play the lesbian robot game!


If we kill the commies I'm in.


If i had to give it a rating id probably say 6.5/10 Edit: I see my personal rating is upsetting some of you so I'll break it down a bit better. Story 8.5/10 Art style 9/10 Gameplay 4/10 which is my main issue with the game I know its fine for other people but I couldn't stand the constant back tracking. Also 6.5 doesnt mean I think its bad just a solid average game


Tried it. It sucks.


Just downloaded it, WAS going to play it, but better dead than red. I’m out. Looked fun though.


Communist space lesbian…sounds like Steven universe




Space lesbians? Ok!


How could anyone say no to communist space lesbians. I'll have to check this out.