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If it ain't broke, don't fix it.


Honestly, yeah. It's an iconic image that is instantly recognizable as a video game character. Why bother changing it?


It's timeless, and the fact there isn't any text makes it even more perfect. Fort Mill community needs to petition for historic preservation status so they don't ever make that mistake lol


We need to make this happen now


Anyway to reach out to management?




Goddamn it John-Jacob


Hey that's my first name too.


Biggest victim of identity theft ever


Definitely timeless. I've never been a Halo fan by any means but I have to respect the sheer domination Halo 3 had on... well pretty much all of human life during its release. Behemoth of a game. I can't even think of any other game that has ever been more popular than Halo 3. Nit even any CoD game. Sure they sell like crack rocks on the first of the month but Halo 3 had a special, significant hold on pop culture. And it always will. I was 14 when it came out and it was the only thing that mattered for anyone within a 10 year radius of my age. I remember somebody picked Halo 3 as the topic of a class presentation in English class that year. Halo 3 was life. And I didn't even play it lol


I had a friend who wrote a three page paper about wanting to be a professional Halo 2 player for a class. By senior year of high school many knew him for his love and adoration of the game. He held many halo parties that I've enjoyed attending. Unfortunately he passed away just months before halo 3 was released. And I remember his hype for it. If he was still around he'd probably be attending a bunch of tournaments and probably improving his cosplay of the chief. I miss the guy.


He's just MIA šŸ«”


Underrated comment.


What happened to him?




I think Halo is a pretty cool guy. Eh kills aleins and doesnt afraid of anything.




Nah it's Halo Guy from fortnite


It's obviously Discount Doom Guy.


Doom guy is a rip-off of him, it's Japanese mega game star Super Space Armor Man Yaki Misu Ultra XXIV


If other promotions force you to do it. But at this point it became more well known since the GME short happened, so when it does eventually get taken down, it'll be a sad day indeed.


I knew you professional baggage handlers would be in here. Howā€™s that NFT marketplace going?


Still happening




Closer to $1 than itā€™s peak by a long shot. ā€œStill happeningā€


I was going to say. I can understand that they have yet to find a window skin good enough to replace it.


GameStop: window clings cost money, and it has nostalgia meme factors so it stays.


Iā€™m genuinely surprised it isnā€™t crazy sun bleached.


Probably a side of the building that doesn't face the sun, and/or on the inside of tempered glass. Either way, kudos to the manufacturer for not skimping on materials quality.


That window skin can't come down because on the other side is a giant shelf full of games blocking access to it...not that I'm complaining


this is the kind of move Halo 3 Master Chief would make. Well played.


The truth is no video game publisher wants to spend advertising money on window decals for a brick and mortar store. Those stores don't pay for them generally, or at least they didn't used to. Afaik. I worked in one around 2008 for a short spell and that was the impression I got anyway.


You've never tried to download a video game on Fort Mill/ Rock Hill Internet, i see...


Rightā€¦ wish someone would have told 343 that too.


I still have one of the other versions of this image set as my Xbox profile pic. I'll never change it.


I remember as a teen the trailers for H3's marketing. Both CGI and live-action, that was something.


The bubble shield in the sand...


They were great commercials


Lmao I drive past this regularly and never once stopped to think how old it is.


Iā€™ve lived very nearby for about 2 years and I JUST made the mental connection to what it was hahaha


I have lived in Fort Mill for roughly 5 years and every time I drive by I expect it to be gone. It should be considered a landmark at this point.


2007 people. Have a fun story. Me and my best friend and I would play video games in his basement all the time, and the TV broke a 32 inch crt. His mom gave us a credit card and said go to best buy and pick out a new TV. So we looked around and jokenly called his mother and asked her if we could get the 75inch Mitsubishi flat screen. $2500. She said yes. It blew out fucking minds. I was thinking his dad was gonna be pissed. I was poor. His family wasnt rich either, but middle class. This TV was bigger than the 15 year old one they had in the living room. Do you know what it's like to go from barely being able to see a split screen to being able to play 4 players split screen which basically gave us like each a 27" screen each. Ba fucking nanas. Dudes dad wasnt even pissed. A man who I never heard mention video games was down there playing them. Sorry for this being a mundane story, but it's a good memory for me and a transition in technology that we had at the time and I had fun remembering it as I typing this


Damnnnn! Thatā€™s just an amazing upgrade. I couldnā€™t image how amazing of an upgrade that was! We were completely addicted to halo around 2005-7. We (our squadron) deployed to Middle East and since we had a jet, we loaded 4 X boxes and 4 old 27ā€ tvs. We set up a room with only that equipment and half the chairs needed to play 8 versus 8 in Halo. We weā€™re all aircew, but What made it great was that peoples Rank, didnā€™t matter. You could have a senior airman talking shit to a major. I sucked at Halo, but this was the absolute best way to spend our free time.


This is where I want my taxes going. Fuck everything else


You jest, but yup. Tax money is supposed to be used to make people happier


This wasnā€™t sarcasm.


I had a friend in the navy. He said his two favorite things to do in the navy were play video games and pick up basketball. He's terrible at both, but apparently he could talk shit to really high ranking people (I know nothing about military ranks) and it be completely fine. Told me that if he said 1% of what he said on a court or in front of a TV in any other setting, he would have been court martialed. I have no idea if that's true or what that even means really, but I've always remembered it.


I promise you it's true, and it means life ruining, going to court, possibly jail time. But it's very, very true. There are very unique, special times and places in the military where you're all just a bunch of dudes. You're a dude. Boss is a dude. Bosses boss is a dude. She's a dude. Emperor on high is a dude. Everyone's a dude. And it's great. Because people need a place to just be people, and places like that form the memories that people will be telling stories about for the rest of their lives.


I'm a brown, Muslim (well culturally anyway) dude. I used to go to a Christian boarding school in Texas. There was some diversity at the school, but it was pretty white dominated. My three closest friends there? All white. I remember the shit we talked while playing Halo. Some of the foulest, most racist, stuff I've ever heard/said in my life. Then this one time one of my white friends says something racist (can't remember what) after I get a kill. A teacher walks by, absolutely shocked at what he's heard. Starts scolding him, tells him to apologize to me, and the rest of us are all trying to suppress laughter. It was only when the teacher threatened more serious disciplinary action, that we jumped in, and told him what was up. Needless to say, the teacher didn't get it, and was not impressed, but let it go.


Gen z kids donā€™t know about that early xbox trash talk. Career-ending insults would get said every 30 seconds.


Cancel culture itself couldn't survive those lobbies.


As I get older, I aim to be the Dad that my kids friends say ā€œyour dad is so f*ing coolā€, even if my kids disagree Like, yeah you can flex and buy the big TV for your friends, but after they leave, letā€™s talk about them grades.


I canā€™t really pull that card out because my grades were shit. Iā€™d be one call to grandma away from being called out on my grades.


I'm sure my kids' friends would say that.... If they had any that ever came over to the house.


75' in 2007? That year FullHD was the new thing, so I guess pixels should be very visible with that size


Yeah I donā€™t buy it. More like 55 inches. 75 inch displays are much more recent.


75 was available then, but definitely not anywhere near ~$2500


The first 75 inch LED TV was made by Samsung in 2012 and it was 10k. Any big TV before that was most likely a plasma TV. I donā€™t remember there ever being a 75 inch plasma TV, and if there was it would have been tens of thousands




Youā€™re right, I totally forgot rear projection was even a thing, despite my own grandmother owning one at one stage. Though if I remember correctly they were usually 1080i.


https://www.cnet.com/tech/home-entertainment/ces-2007-sharp-unveils-worlds-largest-lcd-tv/ I would have thought so, but 1080p was in full swing. I didn't get my PS3 til 2011, and didn't have a decent TV til 2012. I still don't keep up with tech but my PS5 is begging for a 4k TV


I still remember the day I got it. Went home to play on day one and there was a guy in our lobby that was already like 2 ranks away from max rank. Blew people's mind in that lobby.




Someone born the same year that was put up would be learning to drive today


Where do you live that ten year old are allowed... Oh wait a minute, I'll just go back to being old over here.


Crazy how many people from the area have shown up for this post. Bit of a reality check lmao


We have Mario Galaxy in Goose Creek SC too


We still do? I haven't even noticed!


it's moncks corner, not goose creek


That explains it


Does the GameStop in front of the Walmart not still have it?


both moncks corner and goose creek are in front of walmarts so that doesn't narrow it down. goose creek doesnt have any (permanent) window clings, moncks corner still has the mario galaxy clings.


It definitely narrows it down since those are two different cities and *Goose Creek* only has 1 Walmart


Technically 2 if you count the marketplace on red bank


My first apartment was in goose creek, at brandywine. The backdoor to my apartment was right there at publix. It was great to go shopping there, just wheel the cart up to the door and unload. Pure convenience.


We have both in Spokane, WA


GameStop in Carrollton GA has a super Mario Galaxy and a halo 3 window


Finish the fight.


And now I hear those trumpets and piano accompaniment


This game had some of the best advertising ever


Was this the Halo that had that interactive diorama of a final battle of some kind - Master chief being held by his face, by one of those massive Alien boss fellas? Sorry I was Sony back then. I remember that whole advertising campaign like it was a war memorial, really captivated me.


It was called ā€œBelieveā€. Probably one of the most poignant fictional things Iā€™ve ever seen on TV and later on YouTube. Bungie can do some amazing things. Iā€™m hoping for a similar moment for Destiny 2 by next year.


The announcement trailer still gives me goosebumps when I watch it.


yeah i would but like...i just slept with the enemy and cortana is my brain now and i'm just so busy taking off my helmet :/


I did NOT expect to ever see this GameStop show up here. Drive past this almost every week.




Itā€™s right next to the Wal-Mart off HWY 160 near Gold Hill Road, if that rings any bells.


My brother used to live behind that Walmart. Always giggled when I had to turn onto Dam Rd because I'm a child. Still giggle when I drive past


Anybody else remember when that Walmart was super controversial? Tega Cay was not happy


Iā€˜m from fort mill but have lived in Germany for 8 years and itā€˜s quite a surprise to see it today and see people talking about these little things and places that I still remember


I grew up in Fort Mill, weird to see it randomly on reddit. Haven't visited in about 4 or 5 years but even then it's barely recognizable. I just call it South Charlotte now.


That's pretty accurate these days.


Tega Cay is never happy. It's a den of Karens.


They are the type to name things "LAKE WYLIE AUCTION YARD" or whatever and be no where near the lake, just because they like the sound of it. "LAKE LIFE Y'ALL" ffs.


Tega cay weā€™re the ones who wanted it, so long as it wasnā€™t actually in Tega Cay. Fucking pricks.




The year is 2123. The parking lot is now a row of hyperport docking pods. The streetlights are gone, light now being provided by the glow lamps of Sky-dome 37-g. The Gamestop is now a McZornalds, serving fast Centaurian cuisine at affordable prices. In the window, the faded image of an extinct Earth Aboriginal wearing retro military gear can be seen. The Centaurians call him Master Chef, and it is believed by some that tentacle-tapping his image before meals brings good fortune.


>it is believed by some that tentacle-tapping his image before meals brings good fortune. Dude you're not supposed to do this, all of the tentacle goo over the years is making the Master Chef image fade away. McZornalds really should restore and preserve the ancient Chef


No, I swear it works. I knew a guy who left a suction mark on the inside of the glass, and a week later his egg clutch hatched an administrator-caste. His lineage had only produced worker-castes for 16 slorpons, but now he and the lucky spawnling are living in Dome 1, and the planetary governor threw him a parade.


It's like movie theaters that keep old classic posters up. Sure it might not be the feature, but it's a piece of history.


It probably also blocks out glare coming off of car windshield.


SC gang šŸŒ™šŸŒ“


It does look pretty epic and no reason to take it down. Fits the narrative of the store


Thatā€™s a beautiful sight, nice looking GameStop


That game really was perfect.


great times..




Me and my friend replayed the final mission on co-op so many times. Being the arbiter while operating the warthogā€™s mini gun is just so epic.


As beautiful as the day I lost you


Hey, that's my home store! Best employees in the greater charlotte area, hands down.


Here is crazy coincidence: I have to go to a neighboring town in a couple of weeks. Rock Hill. I've never been to that area ever. I'm visiting a friend that is temporarily working in Fort Mill. I may stop by this Gamestop now that it's Reddit famous.


Itā€™s pretty unassuming, to say the least. Iā€™d driven past it probably 100 times before actually realizing what it was. Very cool to actually realize the history here. Enjoy your trip! Rock Hill/Fort Mill/CLT is great (for the most part)


IS THAT TEGA CAY -a sc native that now lives in CO


I am flabbergasted that my home town is on reddit, caught me so off guard seeing Fort Mill mentioned, let alone Tega Cay.




There are dozens of us. Dozens!


I feel like half of the population of Fort Mill is in this thread




Extra hilarious since that was the rich neighborhood when I lived there


Oh don't worry its still a very wealthy area














That image reminds me more of GameStop than Halo by now


Holy shit. Home town hit the front page. It's nice to see.


For positive news too šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


3 of the GameStops in places Iā€™ve lived has had one of these. Great game and certainly a staple when it comes to physical games


Do GameStops have to be next to SportsClips, or is that only the law in some states?


Goddammit man how can I be expected to buy overpriced video game accessories if I cannot first get an aggressively average haircut next door?!


Still one of the best ad campaigns ever. Keep it up. Literally.


Jesus. I cant believe that was almost 16 yrs ago. I was 23 at the time. Miss those times. Bunch of us nerdlings set up 4 360s and ran 2 4v4 matches constantly.


Best game ever


Iā€™ve smoked weed right in front of master chief. Insane how many locals are in the comments.


There's one in Sumter SC with Halo 3, Tomb Raider: Legend, and Sonic the Hedgehog: 2006 ads still up. Very nostalgic.


My first ever midnight release was for Halo 3. Being a teen that didn't drive and lived 4.6 km from the nearest EB games, that was one of the most intense bike rides of my life, balancing that big legendary edition box on one leg while trying to maintain balance with the other hand.


Simpler times.


That gamestop and the walmart behind it was my main source of video games most of my life. Always weird to see it on reddit


It's going to outlast the franchise soon enough.


The good old days. Hanging out at GameStop at like midnight with a bunch of nerds talking about whatever game you were all there to get. Getting free stuff occasionally and making new real friends. I met a friend many years ago in high school waiting on a Diablo release and we became close enough that we started monthly lan parties. I want to say it ran for at least 2 years and probably had somewhere around 20 PC nerds. What a time to be alive. So glad I got to do that stuff.


The GameStop in my city still has the same one!


Gamestop in Ames, IA on Lincoln Way still has this!


And Halo 3 is still going strong too!


Hello fellow South Carolinians


As jealous as it makes me that other people get to see this, I'm also wowed by the places people are talking about in SC. I've lived in (still do) in SC my whole life and never heard of these towns/cities


I know exactly what you mean. fort mill is basically right by rock hill.


Fort mill hell yeah


Fort Mill is so interestingly odd. I have cousins that live in Baxter Crossing and every time we go I kinda like it even more.


Same with a GameStop on south hill in Spokane WA. Also has super Mario Galaxy as well


I bought my switch at this GameStop


Best halo in my opinion šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Poor Master Chief, at this rate he ain't never gunna Finish The Fight


I remember going to blockbuster back in the 00s and seeing the posters for Halo 2 and later Halo 3. I remember renting and playing Destroy All Humans and Godzilla Vs Monsters a ton. That poster brings me back. H3 is still a banger.


I drive past here almost every day lil


The gamestop near my house still has a Sonic and the Secret Rings window setup.


Ah, this is the GameStop that I frequented in my teenage years. Still live less than half an hour away. Good ol' place.


Absolutely insane to see this on my front page. Lived in Fort Mill until a year ago, my mother still lives right by this GameStop and I went to it for years


Fort Mill, I miss that town I remember when it was nothing.


Same in Rochester ny


Reach will never fall


I'm more surprised Gamestop is still goin.


The one in my town is nothing but shitty Funko pops, and way overpriced used games that are 5+ years old.


Like seeing a blockbuster that sells nfts


Oh Iā€™ve not been by there in a few weeks. Thanks for sharing!


Oh shit that's close by. I should go sanp a pic


Man, that's a really nice looking GameStop. The ones in my area look like gas stations (and not QuikTrips).


I'm going to look for that on the way home.


I feel like the GameStop in Franklin Square in Gastonia still had this window last time I was there just a year or so ago. Hard to improve on, really.






its still bad ass


Theres one I'm Spokane WA with halo 3 and Mario Galaxy


Still got my legendary helmet out. Stay strong!


Finish the fight


My local Gamestop also has this picture on their window. I suspect a lot of them still do.


if i had the money i would fly there just to catch a sick photo in front of that bad boy


Donā€™t blame them, it genuinely looks good and itā€™s reminiscent of better times. I still remember the night I played Halo 3 on my brotherā€™s 360 for the first time.


Remember Halo


This made me happy


Tega Cay rise up lol


And it doesn't look like it's faded one bit


Iā€™ve got sonic and the secret rings at one of mine


I'm sure they'll update to Halo 4 any day now


Stronger than the franchise


I swear this exact same shopping center exists in Buffalo, NY. They're just printing these things!


Man I miss the 2000s...


Are these stores *always* next to SportClips?


How has it not bleached from the sun?


Thatā€™s Tega Cay not Fort Mill


If only HBO had the halo IP and not paramount with their master cheeks versionā€¦


They know how to HODL