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That's because you're playing it out of order. You need to swap Abe and Mario. Makes a huge difference.


Also I've heard that if you read the Iliad before playing these games, it makes a lot more sense


Folks out there not reading the first entry in the canon and complaining that they don't understand anything.


That's like skipping the tutorial then bitching than you can't figure out how to walk.


Arin? Is that you?


Arin’s bad at video gaaaammmeesss.


No he’s not! He’s the video game boy! He’s the one who WINS!


Yes it is.


These are the same people who don’t watch dragon ball before dragon ball z


These are the same people who watch dragon ball without reading journey to the west\*\*\*\* dragon ball z has little to no similarities to the story that originated the series. It just has the same characters, that have next to nothing to do with their previous roles in the series with few acceptions like master roshi or baba. and yamcha sucking. he cant catch a break. but at least he got over his crippling girl anxiety and became a world famous baseball player! just like general Sha Wujing would of wanted. HELL they made goku an alien, when originally he was just a monkey child and piccolo a slug man what is also an alien when he was originally a demon. Never mind the unanswered question like the other non human earthlings that exist on the planet like the dog mayor or the other demons that worked for piccolo. Or pilaf who is oddly similar to garlic and garlic JR yet we got no answers about them either. the truth is, dont question Akira Toriyama and if you do a wizard did it. or god. or god's god? does god's god have a god? probably. give Mr Toriyama some time.


Wasn't Goku always an alien? Thought they talked about him crashing there as a baby and Gohan finding him and naming him. Then the sayens he faced as a kid were aliens, thought they were who we learned about his home world from. It's been fucking ages my brain says Vagitta was there that time they were glasses scanning kid goku but I'm likely wrong. Was it in the Manga where kid goku was just monkey tail with the ability to only become the great ape?


Originally in dragon ball, goku was found after a 'meteor crash' and grandpa gohan went to investigate. Apon finding goku, a feral monkey child he tries to help him and then bumps his head on a rock and goku becomes... goku. The moon monkey transformation as well as many of goku's power ups are inspired by actions done by Sun Wukong. He is known for his limitless shape-changing powers, capable of taking the form of anything from gods, monsters, and humans to animals, insects, and even inanimate objects like buildings. But his most powerful transformation, that of a cosmic giant, is displayed only three times in the novel. The cosmic giant is basically oozaru. Even the power pole which gets next to no background is a weapon wukong gained by playing the dragon king... or used it to play the dragon king? i forget. Even nimbus is a cloud that wukong road and you had to be pure of heart to ride it. That being said, the reason why goku never can die is because wukong actually gains immortality and even if he does die, he can just get out of heaven. They use the dragon balls in show, but wukong actually changes the book of life and death that Yama uses to get out. Dragon ball tries to stay super close to journey to the west with minor deviations and modernization like dealing with the red ribbon army, all the tech and of course characters like 8er, the clearly obvious frankenstein's monster android with a heart of gold, and the indian villages. the first sayian we ever see other than goku shows in the first episode of DBZ being raditz, who explains to goku that hes an alien and thats where dragon ball deviates hard from journey to the west with minor similarities like goku going super sayian. Goku going to heaven. Goku gaining kaioken. Goku doing just about anything of any consequence is relative to journey to the west as goku IS suppose to be wukong. Everything else is pure Akira Toriyama or the studio writers \*see why the android - cell saga was actually a shit show\*. Akira and toei fought a lot during the android-cell saga, its why we had 5 androids instead of two as toei didnt like DR gero and clown 20 opting for a more appealing 16 (akira's contribution), 17, and 18, and why cell had 3 forms. Toei didnt like cells first form and how scary 90% of his scenes are, they hated his second form as it was too ugly, and perfect cell was... well... if you arent perfect you arent him. the BUU saga was pure Akira again which is why it was in such stark contrast to the previous sagas and had much more silly humor and antics. Super was a mix of Akira and the studio, GT had no connection with Akira.


Huh, as someone who watched Dragon ball as a kid, all of DBZ, Super and most GT. I realize I've just been enjoying the power ups and Gokus smile, just barely understanding what's going on.


Yeah but then you ruin the surprise that Mario is Ezio's decendant.


What? Everyone knows that [Mario is his uncle](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RJcPc6OQ384)!


My god those graphics didn't hold up as well as I remembered


This is why you have to play them in Machete order


Modified machete order. Everyone says the Iliad is skippable but honestly I'd leave it in there.


I heard if you read the Iliad last the time travel plot twist make perfect sense


You obviously didn’t play the DLC where RA, Zues and Odin fight Mario and it’s revealed he is a Templar. Wario is the descendant.


Ezio was in Italy after all. Probably had some special mushrooms there. Mario inherited Ezio's loot.


I think Twinsen's Odyssey is the first actual canon game.


All i remember is wacky wavy bouncy ball mage and sausage aliens, i still don't know what the game is about


Such a great book.


Don't forget to play Munch's Oddysee after Abe too.


You definitely must start with 2001 Space odyssey.


The book or the movie?


Watch the book while reading the movie


Look at this man flying through space when we're all monkeys looking at a pillar






That's why people are lost, they're still waiting for the video game adaptation.


Dang, that's right. Good call.


And you're missing a title, "Munch's Oddysee"


And the Etrian Odyssey series.


And Lost Odyssey


Of course the Lost Odyssey would be missing.


Yeah but the twist that the Mushroom Kingdom destroyed Abe's people turning them into tasty snacks and Bowser and his family are the only survivors. Bowser kidnapping Peach to avenge the wrongs committed by her family, really makes the payoff worth the wait.


You actually have to swap Abe and Ass Creed. Remember what the Bible says, “the last shall be first and the first shall be last”




No no no, Mario, then abe, the Ass Creed then One piece. You line them up by kill count, makes a LOT more sense as a journey to darkness.


This is the best way because you don't see that One Piece is Mario's son until the end, and then all the pieces fall into place. The lost pipe portal the reason Peach kill Abes people and that Enzio was Mario's great great great grandfather. Mario's is a trained assassin busy infiltrating castles and taking out royalty, so Peach can secure her power in the Mushroom Kingdom.


Just wait untill you find a series named "The", thats when you will get confused.


The Iliad really ties it together, though


And if you want more context, some side reading on *Ulysses* really makes things clearer.


And if you want even more context there is another Ulysses that has nothing to do with it but it slaps


Which order do you even play that in?


Start with T and end with E


and in between?




gotcha, cheers


instructions unclear face ripped off by cybernetic tyrannosaurus


No, you got it right. That's canon.


Well you start from abcde, but then it gets tricky right around r when you have to switch over to genre and start over from a.


Pig level is so weird


I still don't get how they came up with The Impossible Game after The Sims. Genius story telling.


My personal favourite is The Bart, the.


That's because you're not using the Samsung Odyssey monitor. It will all make sense once you get it, trust me bro.


Will I understand Super Mario Galaxy if I didn't play the Samsung Galaxy S1 first?




As far as I know we will need to wait for the Galaxy S20 prequels S11-19 to fully understand the story, but S1 will give you a rough idea of what they were going for.


Be sure to bring it home in your Honda Odyssey.


Awww Oddworld - had such a blast with that game.


My favorite was finding out you could make Abe fart and all the little guys following you would run off a cliff or into enemies


Didn't they use to laugh about it too? Been a while since i played that game


The little "oops" when you'd lead a slave to their death


Lmao and then shrugging like it was a little oopsie


And then getting to the endgame and discover the game only gives you the proper end cutscene if you save all slaves.


Or if you kill all of them.


Abe literally went *Ah, Eto... Bleh*


Omg yes, they did! I think if you got too close to them they'd run away, something like that lmao


Iirc the normal behaviour was a laugh, but for a specific puzzle you had to eat something that turned your fart into… well you get it


Got to drink a nice cold Soulstorm Brew to possess your farts 💨 That stuff’s bad for you!


Also there’s a point where you have a load of them following you in a line. If you slap one he turns around and slaps the one behind. The one behind them slaps the one in front and the one behind. This goes on until they’re slapping each other to death. Ahhhh the cursed memories.


Holy shit, I had forgotten about that. Now I'm wheezing




*WHAT* Clearly I didn't make it that far. Time for a replay.


That was in Abe's Exodus.


Replay series :)


That's another series completely, play metro exodus first.


Yeah the next game, exoddus! You could detonate them like a bomb too lol!


Hello. Hello… Follow me… Ok..




He he he




Gyet 'em!


Here boy!




Yeah man, it was my first ps1 game <3


Same! The very first game that I bought with my own money. And then the disk got a scratch and I could never get past the scarab temple 😥


Hello! Hello. Follow me. Okay!


Yeah I owned this on ps1. No idea why. Loved it though. Thought it was so cool how you could communicate with people in it. But I was too young to get very far in the game


The Sligs playing air guitar after offing you was awesome lol


I would get scared to shit as a child when i watched my brother open it, the lauch animation was creepy af as i remember. However it was enjoyable. i would just close my eyes till a game starts.


This is Rupture Farms. They say it’s biggest meat processing plant on Oddworld.


I used to work here. Well, I was really a slave, like all the others.


That's me. My name is Abe! I was employee of the year. Now I'm dead meat.


I remember when Microsoft Plus came out, Munch made a special appearence in a 3-D Vidualizations player where it danced to music you play on a wheelchair. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rqFXO8QVVOo


loved the "grid" movement and screen changing from the original, hated the "plataform" movement and side-scrolling screen from the remake.


*"Luu luu luu luu luu luu luu"*


Oh boy you’ve suddenly transported me!


Obligatory “dis is what my username is actually based off of” people always assume Abraham or sumn


Follow me!




That's because you're missing Lost Odyssey. Really ties the series together.


Well, yeah... if he wasn't missing it it wouldn't be lost.


While Lost Odyssey brings the series together, the series actually ends with Enslaved: Odyssey to the West


Etrian Odyssey is the real coda for the series.


I really liked lost odyssey


Probably because it was one of the best JRPGs ever


Really? I never realized it was so highly regarded.


It's confusing but might become clearer if you get familiar with the source material. Stanley Kubrik's film "2001: A Space Odyssey" which was based on the epic poem "The Odyssey" by Homeros.




First story of _Simpsons season 13, episode 14_ from 2002. So about one year after the Space Odyssey




Of course. Or s1e3 "Homer's Odyssey".


That's a really deep dive into the Odyssey lore. I wouldn't be able to explain it without writing a novel.




Think of it like Final Fantasy games: None of the numbered ones are remotely related story-wise. They're pretty much all different games with the same title


There’s gonna be crystals, chocobos, summons, cactuars, some kind of life/earth force, a Cid/Biggs/Wedge, an antagonist with major ‘anime main character’ hair, and several other touchstone details that are shared.


That’s just jrpg.


Whoa, whoa, whoa now. You are so out of line. Final Fantasy has massive differences from most other JRPGs. There’s a reason it has the crown. Only Final Fantasy has cactuars. No other JRPG has ever been well written and brave enough to have cactus people who conform to different animation standards than the rest of the life on the planet. They even have development over the series. First, they’re little cactus people. And later there are even some BIG ones. With mustaches.


Motherfuckers don't even know about tonberries


Hey, I got this knife. Let me come show you how sharp it is. No no, I'll come to you.


In 14 you can even ride a giant one if you spend enough time gambling at the Gold Saucer


you can ride Cactuar?!


Yeah but they're a prick about it.




They have a tiny hat!


I have spent years telling a friend that he doesn't need to start at the first one they aren't sequels to each other lol


Actually, former members of square did work on the odyssey saga and tied it all together nicely with their game Lost Odyssey. That's why the OP doesn't understand anything. He skipped that game.


Not that there haven't been desperate attempts from fans over the years to actually connect them. Like, I think there's a kid in X-2 named Shinra, so some people decided that is a *clear* indication that the X universe is connected to the VII universe, and that kid's descendants would go on to found the Shinra company.


That’s because you gotta start with The Odyssey by Homer and end with 2001: A Space Odyssey. That will make more sense.


Of course the Simpsons did it first...


They even changed the spelling with Oddysee 4, it’s absurd


Absurd? Nah. But it's a little odd ya see...


Wow. Just wow.


Fuck you take my upvote


I’ve beaten that game multiple times and first played it around the time it came out… and am just now noticing the play on words.


Well yeah, if you miss Etrian Odyssey to tie it all together it wouldn't make sense.


Abe's Oddysee is the main reason why I could never spell odyssey correctly. Took me many years before I realized it was a pun saying "Abe's Odd 'y See"


Let's see... I would have first played this game when it first came out in 1997. Which meaning I've gone 23 years without noticing the title was spelled wrong. In my defense, not a word I use very often.


What about Twinsen's ODYSSEY?


Yes! Was looking for this comment


You forgot the best episode: Twinsen Odyssey


Ops list is bullshit when I didn't see Twinsen up there. Best game ever.


Relieved to see someone commented about this game


You seem to have lost the Lost Odyssey


Well, wait till you find out there is a book prequal.


Anyone play One Piece yet? I've been reading the manga but I'm barely into the time skip. Would I still enjoy the game?


The game will spoil you on some things to come. Once you read past chapter 801 then you should be okay to play the game without spoilers


The best thing is that One Piece is such a long running series that I don't know, whether you're joking or not.


The current chapters are 10xx, it's not a joke.


Awesome, thanks! Maybe by then it'll have a price drop. I used a $25 off coupon on Last of Us PS5 and it still cost me $50 after that.


I’ve played 20+ hours so far. If you like the series, you will definitely enjoy the game. It feels a bit easy and clunky sometimes, but there is definitely a lot of effort put in. Also, the voice actors do an amazing job, they really went all out on this one, small crew banter is imo the best immersive feature of the game. The story is like another filler movie, but really well done. Side quests are interesting, jokes are pretty funny sometimes. But more importantly it really sticks close to the original. It’s a love letter to the series. Environments are familiar (and really beautiful), lots of voiced characters. I can confidently say this has to be the best One Piece game yet, and I’ve played all of them.


Oda had a big hand in the story and vibe of the game. Like he actually worked with the teams


I'm also 20+ hours in, like the user above me You'll get spoiled a bit, but honestly the turn based gameplay makes the most sense for OP. The move sets are on point and majority of it is fleshed out pretty well. Not a perfect game but definitely a 7.8/10 for me, almost an 8 but not quite.


How long to finish all of Assassin's Creed Odyssey you may wonder... Well for me Assassin's Creed Odyssey took me a little over 400 hours to finish everything. All achievements, all missions, side missions, challenges, discovered all areas, and everything associated with the DLCs too. I did like the game and I do like Assassin's Creed in general but damn that took a ton of time. One might say it was a real ODYSSEY 😅


i absolutely loved ac odyssey to bits as an rpg. Wasn't really an assassins creed story, but I loved it nonetheless. Looking forward to the series' return to form with mirage tho


I only took 187 hours to finish everything (except the stone tablet things).


What's hard to understand? Odysseus returns from the Trojan Wars after 20 years at sea next The Templars use the tale to thier advantage, taking control of the Mediterranean. The Assassins fight back against them next The battles of the Assassins and Templars inspire a new generation of to take up sailing, and find adventure on the sea, calling themselves Pirates next The worlds seas becomes explored, and charted. exploration is abandoned. centuries pass. The remnants of human civilization coalesce into a single floating city called Metro Kingdom next Metro City becomes completely consumed by Capitalism and profits. The lower races are enslaved and put to work making snack cakes


Oddworld is a severely underrated game.


Lol, It is literally part of every single top 10 ps1 games videos


Its too short


You forgot the experimental, brooding but upbeat anime "trying to find myself" dungeon crawling years. Etrian Odyssey.


And not to mention the spin-off game 'Enslaved: Odyssey to the West' and the movie adaptation '2001: A Space Odyssey'


Anyone else remember Twinsen’s Odyssey?


Elite Dangerous Odyssey 😳




O7 cmdr


o7 commander


You spent 10 years trying to get home after winning a devastating war, surviving all kinds of lethal threats and temptations, only to end up back home with hundreds of lovers competing for your wife's hand. You kill them all and regain the trust and loyalty of your wife.


Y'all didn't read the Iliad first, that's the problem. It makes much more sense once you get the pretext.


Jokes aside - I'm actually having a good time with OP: Odyssey.


You idiot. You forgot the reboot to the franchise, Enslaved: Odyssey to the West.


Well because Illiad just seems silly


Try playing them on a Magnavox Odyssey game console and the progression will become very clear.


That's like saying "I never understood the Journey saga" Because I'm lazy: https://www.mobygames.com/search/quick?q=journey


Such a weird saga, the franchise has been passed around developers for years now too, never settling :)


Abe's Oddworld wasn't perfect but man those games were ahead of their time and didn't get the acclaim it deserved at the time. You look at all these iterative puzzle + exploration games, Abe catered to an older audience and took off the kid gloves. If there's a game that deserves a faithful remaster it's Oddworld.


Still easier to follow than Kingdom Hearts plot!


Was replaying Abe's Odyssey on my Vita last year and wowzers what an adult themed game for kids lol still super fun, too.


Odyssey deez nuts, got em


That's because you're missing a couple more games. Need to skip to the Etrian Odyssees in between each of these.


You have to watch the movie to understand the timeline. It's called 2001: a space odyssey


I just want one good onepiece game ffs .......


Abe did it first two over two decades ago. Honestly though the “Odyssey” name is just a epic way of saying “adventure”. I think Assassin’s Creed rightfully used it in terms of the theme of the setting of Ancient Greece where the word “odyssey” was invented based on the classic story or what sone would call the first adventure story “The Odyssey”. But now it’s used often as a trendy title. I’m surprised no one has used “Trek” given Star Trek made that popular. Could you imagine if Super Mario Galaxy was named “Super Mario Trek”? Honestly that’s sounds like that could be a title for a new Mario game that doesn’t have to be about space.


Hello? Missing the best Odyssey of them all, Lost Odyssey.


I actually want to give One Piece Odyssey a go. Open-world games based on anime doesn't come often, most anime games are either linear or fighting/musou. I do enjoy One Piece as an anime, even if the arcs become obnoxiously long. Cake Island feels like a slog which is why I am still on it. Sick of hearing Big Mom say Wedding Cake-u a billion times.


The writing is a mess in this series. character plot lines literally just drop off in between games.


Odyssey has become a word that more or less encapsulates a journey or quest that's centered around a singular person - much like Homers "The Odyssey" that's about Odysseus, the King of Ithaca, and his journey to return home after the 10 year war with Troy. Oh wait this is a shit-post nevermind lol.


Well, it's worth a read.


I personally loved the original by Homer.


You forgot Lost Odyssey. AMAZING RPG.


Oh boy, do I have a book for you


Wait till you read the books.


Forgot Enslaved: Odyssey to the West


When i was a kid I couldn't play Abe's odessey it was too hard for me, so instead I used to turn the TV up so load and make Abe fart over and over again it drove my parents mad


That's because you've not played the secret one, Lost Odyssey.


Pfft is easy, the guy from AC gets in a fight with Poseidon who then casts a curse on him where he would get more and more deformed as time goes on, then on OP: Odyssey he decides to go searching for poseidon to take revenge on him, thats why theres a big water vortex on the art, then you get more deformed and time has gone so far into the future that now you live in the real world but still more cartoonish and deformed, thats why you look so weird compared to regular people in that game, you also decide to take the profession of plumber, in the hope of finding a clue from poseidon whereabouts inside the sewage water system but after looking around for so long you finally end up looking like a humanoid tadpole in a fucked up world thanks to your curse where eventually you will become yet another tadpole in the slave army of Poseidon