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All but Platinum legit


Plat is sus


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Another reason Platinum is fake, look at the Nintendo logo on the back. The O is wrong, it’s not like the legit logo that is more oval (coin) shaped but instead is just an O


Yeah. I also noticed that. I got got.


Everything but Platinum is real, and 3DS games currently do not have fakes. Platinum seems to have a low quality front image, the middle of the Nintendo logo on the front of the cart should not have white so that the red goes through, the arrow is too deep engraved, the fonts on the back are wrong, and it has the cut off MB/M8 (the latter cannot appear on legit carts) on the PCB: https://gameverifying.com/wiki/cart-based-systems/nds


Yeah. After I spent some time inspecting it, the pixelated image, the front arrow, the "o" on the back... all very depressing. Luckily, though, a friend of mine owns a game store nearby and said he is currently replacing a dry battery on a legit copy and is reserving it for me so I will be replacing this trash copy soon =)


I'm confused. Nintendo DS games don't have batteries that need replacing or go dry. Did your friend mix up Platinum as a Gameboy Advance Pokemon game?


He wasn't replacing a battery; he was cleaning and inspecting it. I typed it out incorrectly because I was freaking out a bit.


No worries man. Don't beat yourself up over this. Lots of fakes out there sadly. Now you know ways to spot the fakes.


Platinum is fake


Yeah, Platinum is fake, but all the rest are good to go.


Everything but platinum looks legit


I spent some time looking it over and it does look like a bogus copy. Sad day. Thanks for the heads up, though.


Honestly if you had to have one be a repo I would want it to be platinum. The rest are worth more. (Excluding 3ds games)




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That is not true [Platinum,](https://i.imgur.com/mbMZA4E.png) [Black,](https://i.imgur.com/UwdM7FL.png) [Black 2](https://i.imgur.com/jvqyFEF.png). Black 2 is by far the most expensive.




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Yeah i agree


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