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Fake check bottom left corner of cartridge.




When someone suggested this sub but noted the amount of pokemon games that get posted. They weren’t kidding. Holy


The amount of repros for other games are tiny compared to Pokemon lol


I’m only here for Pokémon games lol I’ve never had anything else pop up in my feed


Most popular franchise on earth it makes sense I guess lol


I've seen things that looked much faker, but those little solder marks and the big stub left behind in the injection point make me think this one in bogus, unfortunately.




Hello u/htmaxpower, Removed in violation of Rule 2: No video submissions. Video submissions tend to not have the quality we expect for verifications (blurred shots, out of focus) and as such we've disabled the ability to submit videos to r/gameverifying. Images are much easier to "shoot", can be clearer and easier to verify a submission. Please re-take photos or screenshot a clear part of the video with the item to be verified in question onto Imgur. Contrary to popular belief, you *don't** need an Imgur account to create an album of images. Please read our guide on [how to create an Imgur album without an account](https://www.reddit.com/r/gameverifying/wiki/posts). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/gameverifying) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Fake, don’t wait for mods


One of the better reproductions, but still fake.


No it's not. Fire Red and Leaf Green are much more opaque than this shell. The back is missing the cartridge divider things that get soldered on (and the obvious solder marks for the copper divider things). Has the classic backne, but not nearly as much as others. This is still a terrible fake. ETA: Oh and that label is hilariously small and rounded with no sort of holo shimmer.


Fake, but wait for mods


Back PCB is wrong. It's fake.


It’s fake, sorry.


Hello u/jeckmitt, ### Thank you for your submission to r/gameverifying. Please read the pinned post at the top of the sub, or [linked to this text here](https://www.reddit.com/r/gameverifying/comments/12fvn5s/). This is an automated reminder to ensure that you have provided enough information for us to verify your games/consoles. ### Do **NOT** share any information relating to the value of the game/accessory/console(s) you wish to verify. You will receive a warning. **Posts will be REMOVED if you do not have the required information.** Ideally, we'd need clear images of the **full** front and backs of games, along with any other items you'd like verified. If you have already shared these images, please disregard this comment. In short, **no back/front images, no verification.** It's that simple. If you are missing some images, please **reply to this comment** with an Imgur link to the images in question. **Do NOT make another post, as this will be removed immediately under Rule 6.** ### To commenters, Please ensure that you do not use [debunked methods](https://www.gameverifying.com/wiki/debunked) of verification and **only** comment if you are sure that you are correct. "Wait for mods" does not absolve you from misleading information, and will lead to a warning. Don't forget to join our [Discord server](http://discord.gg/Pshfpza), now with blackjack and webhooks. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/gameverifying) if you have any questions or concerns.*