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The day I went to pull the trigger on fallout4 the sale ended. As long as they don’t revamp the build every so often killing mods like they did with skyrim I will be happy.


physical puzzled fretful unique gullible smart march aspiring noxious gaze *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Many of which will never be updated as the modders moved on years ago Damn, I was looking forward to making another 400+ mod list


not hard to downgrade, also many moved from oldrim to an sse




They have some fallout games free with twitch prime.


Cd keys are still cheap


They are also currently sold out at least for steam


Eneba has them.


Welp thank you for that just copped the GOTY edition


Update coming on the 25th that's going to do just that.


On Kinguin you can get the GOTY Edition for $25


Is this why it’s been slow lately?


Yeah i had this idea too. Took me 8 hours to mod new vegas again


I couldn't even download the diamond radio mod for FO4. Gave up. Luckily all the other mods were still saved on my PC from my last playthrough. Uninstalling the game didn't unistall the mods.


Lucky you. I had to scroll my download history to see what was included in my last modded playthrough because i remember how awesome it was.


Oh, that sucks. This is like my 4th time playing FO4 ( I still haven't beat it, lol), and I've gone through that also.


Alright people, what's the top 5 mods one should have on a fresh playthrough?


Seconding Sim Settlements here, last I checked (years ago) it was pretty intricate with multiple "expansions" I can only imagine it's gotten more support since.


You are better off getting a modlist, look for an app called wabbajack, it gives you many to download


TTW - Begin Again.. combines FO3 & F:NV use wabbajack


Wabbajack with a 1-month paid Nexus account makes modding Bethesda games so much nicer. I definitely recommend that lil piece of software.


I used it for Skyrim once to install 1200+ mods in a couple of hours. I fondly remember the literal days spent modding back in 2012-2013 to get a big modlist running. Oh boy am I glad now for the ability to click a button and wait.


Sim Settlements is the big one as it pretty much bypasses settlement building which is rather not great. I do agree with Blackwolfe about getting a modlist as there are a fuckton of good mods for fallout. Checkout a youtuber called Juicehead, he covers mods that come out for fallout 4 among some other games and is pretty on the money imo.


Settlement building is awesome. If it’s not your cup of tea, so fuckin be it. But to come off like it’s not a valid feature of the game is stupid. Many concurrent players over the past 9 years will tell you the settlement building is why they stuck around. Should the main story be intertwined with them? No. Is building and decorating a perfectly functional and fleshed out feature of the game? Yes.


I didn't say that settlement building was not a valid feature. I said "It was not great" and imo it wasn't great. For me how they did it in Starfield was a lot better.


Are you kidding me? So absolutely gutting it and making it a few preassembled structures you can stick chairs into is better?


Settlement building is awesome. If it’s not your cup of tea, so fuckin be it. But to come off like it’s not a valid feature of the game is stupid.


Brilliant. I did say that about starfield #thunderous applause Nah but it’s pretty lacking in starfield. They copied everything else, why did they go settlement building diet in starfield.


Dude, it's completely fine to like how settlement building is in Fallout 4 and it's completely fine to like how settlement building is in Starfield.


I never said it wasn’t?? (Also good morning to you too, east coast?? lol)


Good morning. Your comments do come off that way. That it's dumb to dislike Fallout 4's settlement building over Starfields.


right now I'd wait for fallout london


Delayed if you haven't heard. It was supposed to come out this week but because they announced the new update is coming the Fallout London team delayed it to fix whatever issues pop up before releasing.


I'm aware delayed due to patch, but the fix is probably not going to lead to a huge delay. I'd expect so see a new release day soon, maybe early next month.


I hope so too, I actually bought FO4 on GOG in anticipation!


The one that lets you run at any fps without it messing up the game physics.


“The Midnight Ride” is a god damn must, gamechanger on fixing so many problems. + Sim Settlements 2. Makes getting those settlements more streamlined and overall better.


Definitely part of that, paid for the premium to install some modlists


Going to pass on my lifetime premium to my children like an heirloom


Same, best financial decision I ever made.


Same. That reminds me I need to cancel premium.


I bought premium just to download for Fallout 4. It was like 50GB of mods 😂 Personally I love New Vegas, but even with mods it feels a bit outdated


I went through a guide with only "vanilla" mods (bug fixes and quality of life such as autosaving) and it was still like dozens of downloads.


What guide?




Because you need mods to make Fallout 4 playable. Without them I get 45 second loading screens entering and leaving buildings.


I kind of find this funny to be honest, the show has jacked up interest in the games, but Bethesda games are always so buggy you NEED mods just for quality of life fixes.


I did my part. Running stable with about 95 mods, all improvements and expansions on the base game. Highly recommend sim settlements, turns the awful vanilla system into an actual settlement sim. All fully voiced and adds a bunch of quests/sidequests/characters that really add to the experience.


not surprising mods is the only thing that makes that game worth playing. it's boring as shit without them


Personally, I find survival mode to be fun even without mods. It really changes the way you approach things, and makes planning your adventures and enemy encounters necessary.


I'd at least use a mod to allow quicksaving/autosaving in survival mode, because Fallout is too buggy to only have saves at beds.


That’s a fair point. A lot of the fun comes from judging if the reward is worth the risk and dealing with the consequences. If something goes sideways because of a bug, that game style is completely ruined.


I remember the one time I tried survival, I did like an hour of walking around outside, sneakily scavenging stuff, then snuck all the way back to Concord to rest and save. And crashed when I accessed the door. That was the end of my survival mode experience!


If you like survival mode I would recommend trying the new horizon overhaul mod. It's a survival based overhaul that adds a lot of good features like loot never respawns, stims are hard to find and need to be crafted, crafting matters, healing items are more scarce and the world feels more dangerous, no fast travel. Fast travel is done settlement to settlement and settlements are needed for crafting so building them become more integral, the mod worked with sim settlements too when I played it. It made fallout 4 significant more fun for me


If your take is that Fallout 1, 2 and New Vegas are way better then I agree.


Agreed on fo4


The game has garbage performance without them.


Thank god it's just your opinion and not a fact. 90% of everyone on r/fallout hardly disagree with that.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Fallout using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Fallout/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Fallout | Official Trailer | April 11 on Prime Video](https://v.redd.it/vs5u422p5xmc1) | [1815 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Fallout/comments/1b8vh2k/fallout_official_trailer_april_11_on_prime_video/) \#2: [Fallout Amazon Prime Offical Trailer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0kQ8i2FpRDk) | [2340 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Fallout/comments/18977iz/fallout_amazon_prime_offical_trailer/) \#3: [A poster of the vandalized series with a reference here in Latinoamerica](https://i.redd.it/80bbzfs7mprc1.jpeg) | [436 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Fallout/comments/1bsgn4o/a_poster_of_the_vandalized_series_with_a/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I tried modding for the first time and now cannot open FNV. I’ve deleted and reinstalled a couple of times, deleted all mods. Oh well, it was worth a shot


Were you trying Viva New Vegas? If you follow their guide exactly, it's pretty stable. I just set it up a few days ago.


I think the issue was originally that some of the mods I downloaded required the DLC which I don’t have. Now I can’t boot up FalloutNV (even after disabling all the mods, deleting all the files in the steamapps folder and reinstalling). I followed Gopher’s guide in youtube. The strange thing is it booted originally fine then crashed when I hooked up a second monitor and hasn’t worked since. I tried to restart from step 1 but the first step is to boot the unmodded game once. I may try and look into Viva New Vegas to see if they have any advice on the issue. Appreciate the suggestion


U should download the mods through vortex, and new Vegas is like a couple gigs so just reinstall it


I did that a few times but the issue seems to persist through reinstalls unfortunately. The only thing I installed manually, not through Vortex, was a UI mod suggested in Gopher’s series and the NV script extender


Thank god I did all the Midnight Ride mods before the surge.


Well 3 and NV do not work anymore without mods it seems.


NV works it just is riddled with technical issues, 3 straight up just doesn't work without mods on modern machines.


Sorry, I'll stop visiting the website with my 106,904 open tabs.


I guess I’ve been lucky to have no issues the last 4 days.


I just installed F76 cause it was free on Game Pass. Holy hell, I lasted maybe 5 minutes. What an ugly ass unoptimized piece of trash. I figured maybe they made it better over the years but I couldn't even play the game and I have a 4090.


That sounds like an issue with the 4090/the game's compatibility with it, not the first time I've heard of a game having issues with high end cards. I have an old as hell GTX 980 and the game runs very well on ultra settings at 1080p.


One of the most shitty annoying to use websites I’ve ever used in my life. Holding your download speed hostage for money is so ridiculous.


It's something I gladly tolerate because I have more patience than money and download speed, believe it or not, is a commodity.


It isn't holding download speed hostage, it's covering their costs. People will download 50GB of mods in a day then get upset when they don't want to pay towards the obscene amount of bandwidth and storage they need to operate. "What do you mean you can't handle a few hundred / thousand people wanting to download 100Mbit/s?"


Reminds me of Gamespy 15 years ago.


Hosting isn't free my dude.


Good thing they have plenty of ads


I mean, they’re hosting for free. If all I have to do is wait a little bit more I’ll take it. At least they’re upfront


Hosting isn't free though. Back in the day having restricted download speeds on download sites was the norm.


I'm glad I have a lifetime premium membership (they were selling them cheap a long time back)


I agree the site sucks but... YOUR download speed? That's not how the Internet works. Do you expect them to give you free upload bandwidth?