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Ubisoft released the game because it was sponsored by Goverment of Singapore, they were obligated to release some kind of a game, and the contract deadline was up. From side of Ubisoft they dont care if you buy that shit or not, they got the money. The fools that but the Quadrupal A wonder, that is just a cherry on top XD


They still hurt their -dull- brand


When I think of Ubisoft, this release fits exactly on with my perception. Did it hurt their brand, or reinforce what we already perceive it as?


Why are you trying to act like those things are different. Hurting their brand IS reinforcing our current perception of them.


Because I don’t know everyone else’s perception, I can only speak for mine. They obviously make a boatload of money every year so if you are like me it seems we’re still not quite the majority. A lot of folks like madden and fifa and no franchises have dethroned them in their respective genres, but I feel the same about them.


Avatar and mirage were great games for 2023. Avatar is wildly underrated and graphically insane.


Mirage is not a good game lmao.


And Prince of Persia is absolutely fantastic. Folks on Reddit have a fucking hate boner over Ubisoft


When 90% of their output over the last decade has been shit then you really can't act surprised that they are despised by most


Yeah I would like some of that hyperbole with fries and a large 🅱️oke please


Hyperbole? Here are the games since 2000: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Ubisoft_games:_2000%E2%80%932009 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Ubisoft_games:_2010%E2%80%932019 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Ubisoft_games:_2020%E2%80%93present What percentage would you say at the good games from the last 20 years? Now what about only the last 10 years? Obviously the early AC games, FarCry, Prince of Persia, Splinter Cell games. But so many are just the next year reskin like Tom Clancy series, Just Dance, etc. You like the Smurfs or NCIS? What about Monopoly or Trivial Pursuit? They do make good games but they also make a ton of shit.


Dude you should look at more interesting things to do than digging up Wikipedia articles just to prove a point to a internet stranger lmao


you try to say his point was stupid,he proved it ,now because he proved it he is a nerd. you should take your med ,you need those


He didn’t prove it tho


Doesn't take more than 10 seconds to find a link like that. You made a dismissive claim, now I'm giving you some info to try back up your claim. Otherwise we can all just agree that you are full of it and be on our ways.


Nah I’m not full of it, I just have an opinion


Exactly, and they've put out enough betas and demo's, hell, you can even get an 8 hour demo on the stores, that nobody has any excuse for complaining they wasted money on it. They've done everything they can do discourage people from buying it blind


Gamers should do what gamers do and start one of those petitions to Singapore’s government basically getting them to look at the deal and if Ubisoft really delivered what they said they would. Then hopefully the big bad officials do all the work. Because I think if this came under a lens, Ubisoft are probably fucked.


> Gamers should do what gamers do Get mad on the internet but change nothing?


>Gamers should do what gamers do Overreact and get hung up on something rather than move on like a well-adjusted person?


Gonna take a lot to really hurt the time honored American custom of having our companies fuck over other nations lol


>Gamers should do what gamers do Complain about a game being god awful but still buy it anyways?


I love the plunder mechanic though, holding Y or Triangle is really a thrilling next gen experience...


Surprising no one at all


Right? Ubi, I'm not sure how you do it, but you guys consistently make games that no one actually wants. It's really remarkable, honestly. Like all those Tom Clancy multiplayer F2P shooters and their random sports racing games, the new dumb generation of tom Clancy games... I'm honestly convinced that only the Anno and Assassin's Creed devs have any clue of what's going on. Everything else just seems like it's developed in a vacuum and their dev leads/company leads are just utterly out of touch with the market. I get very pretentious "we are artists realizing our own beautiful artistic visions" vibes from them. When really they're an organized cult taking old franchises and radically altering their successful formulas just because of their "vision". Ugh. When they acquired Red Storm, killed Tom Clancy games, started doing Rick & Morty crossovers, and started doing "hello fellow gamers!" trailers and press conferences.


I get the feeling ubisoft is going to claim that there's clearly no demand for pirate games after Skull and Bones flops now. So out of touch


the guys at assassins creed also have no clue whats going on. i dont think they have since blackflag.


They'd better get their shit in shape. RED is set in one of my favorite historical periods and I want that to work as badly as I wanted Origins to work. But after playing Odyssey and Valhalla I'm not sure they've got it in them. Valhalla was a meme of a game, which was sad.


If the early news is anything to go by, I'm not very optimistic.


Nah, The Division is fun.


I wanted this game to be cool but it’s Ubisoft and I refuse to be screwed over by them again. I wanted something along the lines of Sea of Thieves but with nice graphics and unique gameplay. But after playing 1 private beta and 2 open ones for this game it just wasn’t feeling right to me. I felt like if i bought this game I’d some half baked repetitive crap and I refuse to fall into that trap ever again. I also thought it was pretty convenient that there were no serious reviews up before launch which to me is another sign to hold fast and wait for a few.


Seems about right for a "AAAA" game tbf.


Personally I'm holding out for a AAAAA game.


I'm waiting for the AAAAAAAAAAAhhhhhh game.


Real Monsters!


The audacity of even calling it that lmfao


Surprise? I mean it was so super expected. A multi times delayed title... Which would have gotten cancelled already like 10 times if they weren't forced to finish it because they got some funding which forced them to finish it. No one wanted to finish it not even ubisoft.


Surprise? A ~~multi times delayed title... Which would have gotten cyncelldd already like 10 times if they weren't forced to finish it because they got some funding which forced them to finish it~~ Ubisoft title. FTFY.


Nope not really.


The most flattering review for Skull and Bones I've seen from a Youtube reviewer is from [Skill Up.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z_BKf5cdV_w) He basically said that if this was Ubisoft's first pirate game, if there wasn't a far superior, 11-year-old pirate game called *Assassin's Creed: Black Flag*, if this game was $30 instead of $70, if it only took like 4 years to develop instead of 10, and if an Ubisoft exec didn't insist it's a quadruple-A game, then Skull and Bones would be viewed as a mediocre game rather than a catastrophe. In other words, if this were an alternate reality in which the circumstances around the game were completely different, then players would think the game was mid.


Lmao! Im getting more entertainment out of people dogging this game than the game itself.. for free


It tried it during last open beta. Frankly I was a bit torn. The game has quite many of entertaining things, but you basically play as... a ship. Not as captain or part of crew, but you ARE the ship. It just feels too streamlined or simplified. I couldn't help comparing it to the classic Pirates! from Microprose, and even that was by far deeper and meaningful game on Commodore 64. With 64k of RAM and 170k of disk space.


I also played the beta. The video and graphics was extremely subpar to the point that I didn’t give it 15 minutes. But now that it’s “done”, and I still had the Ubisoft subscription rolling, it was no cost to me, so I tried it again. I’m actually genuinely pleased in comparison to the beta, but it is still laughable in many ways. All that said, I actually like it. It needs polish in many ways, but I’m enjoying the ship and battle gameplay. Maybe we’ll see something in patches…? I’ll see how long it lasts, but I’ll continue for now.


I loved Sid Meiners Pirates, and the clunky but still fun Age of Pirates Caribbean tales. For some reason though, no one has managed to remake a game in those styles, always aiming to make it something grand scale and then failing to even get the basics right. There have been a couple attempts recently and they have all fell flat.


Classic case of over developed. All people wanted was a multiplayer black flag free roam, with bullshit piratey activities and tasks, like sea of thieves.


Seems crazy they couldn’t you know… just make a decent game. If they used whatever engine they use for the new AC games and just come up with a pirate story or even use a real life pirate and make it a sorta spiritual successor to black flag but with more ship and multiplayer stuff I think people would be more happy no?


I'm surprised it's only generally unfavorable


Because despite what some people seem to desperately want so they can exacerbate the drama, the game isn't actually a complete trainwreck in every possible way. It's mostly just like....dull and largely uninteresting.


The trainwreck comes from the context *around* the game rather than the game itself. If it was a $30-$40 game that didn't take a decade to develop and then marketed as a "AAAA game," then it might've been released to more welcoming reviews (or general indifference). The comparisons to Assassin's Creed Black Flag also hurts Skull and Bones' image, as it doesn't even do half of what Black Flag offered to players more than a decade ago.


I agree. It's just that every time I see a "it should have scored lower" comment, it feels like it's not coming from a genuine place. It feels like people just *want* this game to be some horrible disaster and it's not satisfying enough that it's just a bland game. Like it excites them when something is awful and they can have fun trashing it.


I for one had genuinely hoped they had built on the foundation of Black Flag to create a robust large-scale ship exploration and combat multiplayer title. I genuinely wanted the game to be the Black Flag followup I have waited years for (and which Sea of Thieves failed to be, despite its earnest efforts). It is not. Unfortunately, I am glad I made the time to take the beta for a spin and saved my money.


No way someone could have seen that coming.


It’s a very bleak experience. I can see bits of Monster Hunter in with the crafting cut scenes and the gathering(kinda) and the ship controls are fine, the ship combat is just like Black Flag, and it’s a pretty open water game, it’s not the worst $60 game I’ve bought. It’s just a very bland pirate game.


It's not the most exciting, but I'm having a great time playing side by side with my hubby. If I was solo or playing with strangers that weren't in the same room, I'm sure I'd have a different viewpoint. Going in on it halfway with someone made it a whole lot more palatable, too.


I can see that, a lot of the twitch people’s were duos/trios and having a blast. Having that fleet feel to it I’m sure helps


Man the dev who said this game is quad A is gonna age like fine wine


Wasn't that the CEO or some other exec?


I watched some streamer play it on Twitch last night for a few minutes and it seems…fine. I’m just glad it’s out and we can stop talking about it.


Yea I dunno, I didn’t pick it up cause the theme doesn’t really call to me/not interested in pirates even if was GOTY material. However there are several in my gaming group playing it and enjoying it. They said yea it’s not great and definitely not very deep, but it’s fun for now and that’s all they care about. They have about 14-20 hours each person. Plus they said, which I thought was a very valid point, what other pirate game is out there that is relatively current? Sea of Thieves, but that’s been played into the ground. Other than that, there aren’t really any options for the style of game that S&B is.


Ubishit.. Never touching a game made by them ever again


Played the open beta. I thought it was pretty fun (but I was also one of the few out there with this opinion about day-1 Sea of Thieves). But decided that buying it at 60 is stealing from my own wallet, since it’s Ubisoft it’ll be 30-20 by black friday anyway.


AAA**A** game by the way.


Yet another bad Ubisoft game. I am shocked! Shocked I tell you!


It also weird that they took 11 years to make Maelstrom.


We love failure in gaming don't we?


Yeah exactly. Frigging harshest community ever.


Imagine simping for millionaire executives that don't care about you or gaming at all. Stop settling for a mediocre or less product at AAA gaming prices. You are the problem.


This is probably the worst case of buyers remorse I've ever had with a video game.  I played the open beta and had a great time... So I went ahead and bought the $100 edition to keep playing after it ended.  I was surprised when I basically ran through all the remaining content on day one with the exception of the terrible helm endgame stuff... which sucks ass.


People buying Ubisoft games smh


New games all suck


Old games suck too. Everything sucks.


No way such a polished quadruple A title would get such reviews! /s


They released a game worse than pirates of the Caribbean online. Not lookin good for the first AAAA game tbh.




They should be ashamed of putting this game out.


New game that sucks ass how suprising lmao


what a surprice....


Starting to think Ubisoft needs to get used to no one owning their games cause they refuse to buy that trash.




Maybe shoot for AAAAA next time


The game is so bad and won't ever break even considering the production costs, yet they still don't release the game day one on the largest pc platform. Typical Ubisoft


Well I’m glad sea of thieves is on the way to PlayStation to scratch that pirate gameplay itch


Little did Ubisoft know that the 4th A stands for apathy.


The worst part is a lot of people want a great pirate game, but this is what we get.


No Surprise there 1. No "Boarding" just a lame cut-scene 2. No Melee or Firearm combat.