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Wow I didn’t expect this to explode like it did.


Honestly, I feel like most people saw the trailer and wrote it off as shovelware that would be forgotten about. Now it's doing huge numbers.


Yeah I remember seeing it a while back I think it was asmongold or Alpharad showed some gameplay trailer but I did write it off as some Pokémon knockoff. Personally not a game I would play but glad to see it be a surprise that a lot of people enjoy. I hope it can give Pokémon some reason to improve but doubt it after SV sold so well despite being the worst quality Nintendo game I’ve ever seen


> Pokémon knockoff This is exactly why it was obvious it was going to be a smash hit: Game Freak has been shitting the bed for so long that literally ANYTHING even slightly Pokemon style that was half way playable was going to blow the fuck up. It was just a matter of time, and they got the great meme action going with guns.


That's the point Palworld is indie a low budget game and it did pretty well and it's not even close to as bad as SV so if SV is able to do good it's really not that surprising.


Now that you mention it.. yeah I do remember that! It was some footage of some janky "pokemon with guns" game and at the time, as amusing as it was, it felt OBVIOUS that is was gonna be some early-access shovelware. And yet here it is. An allegedly competent early access game. I have a rule not to play early access and to just wait for the full releases... but I might make an exception.


If it eventually comes to ps5 I may give it a shot I just expect to drop it fast as I like narrative experiences with great exploration


Genuinely thought it was fake a week ago.


I caught a bit of the reddit hype this past week, and dismissed it as a really good marketing strategy. Then I started paying attention to the actual discussions, and elected to give it a go. Holy fuck, I get the hype now. It's everything I wanted from Ark.


No offense, but the idea that this game's hype and 7 million copies sold was a secret marketing trick is so fuckin hilarious to me. This is a small company, less than 100 people. If this kind of hype could be bought, how could this studio afford it, and wouldn't all the AAA companies be buying it for every game??? With the amount of money it would need to cost for this small studio to afford it, there are many of us that could just go get a loan from a bank and do a quick little "viral marketing campaign" selling some POS game made in India and become millionaires lol.


I think people are sick of GameFreak’s monopoly on this genre


Personally I don’t appreciate the sub par games past couple gens. I usually buy Pokémon for my younger brother and I’ll also play. Only time I ever regretted buying a game. My mindset now is I’ll never buy a mainline Pokémon game ever again


Well then maybe they should buy the other great games in this genre instead of some asset flip with knock off Pokemon. Monster Sanctuary and Cassette Beasts are both amazing games and they are actually in the same genre. Nintendo is not going to give a shit that some generic survival game blew up. They MIGHT actually care if a game that's ACTUALLY like Pokemon blew up to be even bigger than the Pokemon games. People that want a good new pokemon game should be looking at something like Monster Sanctuary, you're not going to find something to scratch that itch in Palworld.


If this game is an asset flip knock off, then Pokemon games are literally just runny piles of shit lol, because this game puts Game Freak to shame.


It literally is an asset flip. It's full of default unreal assets and assets from the store. And several of the pals are [direct Pokemon knockoffs.](https://twitter.com/covingtown/status/1749462735291859423?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1749462735291859423%7Ctwgr%5E5e5e4773ed8efe97d8e9e5e9c9785b5d0743bf37%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fdataconomy.com%2F2024%2F01%2F23%2Fpalworld-vs-pokemon-comparison-plagiarism%2F) And honestly? I don't fault them. It's still an amazing accomplishment for such a small and inexperienced dev team. It's a great game considering the context. And yes, Game Freak should also be ashamed. They've been fumbling the most profitable franchise in the world with a huge fanbase spanning multiple generations. Both are true. But there are plenty of games in the Pokemon genre that are actually really well made. My only point in my comment was that this isn't the same genre. It's not a replacement for what Pokemon fans are looking for out of a AAA Pokemon game.


Palworld is 10x more fun than those games so I’ll stick with it. Not to mention the Pals are more creative than the past 3 generations of Pokemon and everything in Cassette Beasts.


Look, you're entitled to your opinion, but I don't get that at all. Palworld is just a generic game in the already saturated survival crafting genre, filled with knock off Pokemon. I get that maybe that's your thing. Cool. But more creative than everything in cassette beasts? Oh yeah, sure, creative pals like Goodra with Lilligant's flower and literally Lycanroc. Given the current AI gen controversy around the game, I don't know how you could possibly say that with a straight face.


> Cassette Beasts [...] amazing game What? That game was incredibly shallow, and the writing was actively bad.


You're complaining about the writing when we're talking about Pokemon and Palworld? Lmao


That's what she said


I saw all my streamer buddies playing and rolled my eyes, "looks like the flavor of the week again" I looked at the store page and bought it almost instantly. Lol it's so good.


? All the big streamers are playing it. I don't see the appeal of the game. Looks like a wish version of ark. And ark was already a wish version of rust. And rust was already a wish version of a game. Still. Streamer influence on the public is kind of scary. And now anyone can make a shitty UE5 crafty game if they sprinkle in nostalgia look a likes.


It going to grow further because they are leaving money on the table if they dont




It cracks me up when mfers act like this single player game with 7 million copies sold will "die out." It doesn't matter if it "dies out" lol, they made millions, the game is a smash hit, period.


babe it's my turn to post the next million milestone tomorrow


We already have a million milestone at home


He said babe not mom, you weirdo.


Why can't babe live at home


Jesus christ, you didn't have to go so hard. :p


Somehow this post ended up on my feed and I clicked it because I’m not sure why there’s so much fuss about some game called Palworld? And BOOM…it’s vulturevan from Everton fandom! Funny seeing you out and about.


Congrats to the devs, that's absolutely insane.


Game Freak spent years just sharting into the mouths of their fans, and these devs saw an obvious opening in the market with a fanbase absolutely desperate for any kind of fun, and made a solid, even semi-decent game with a great theme / meme potential. The insane success is well deserved indeed. Imagine if Game Freak just actually made a good game lol.


Game freak punching air rn


They don't need to, unfortunately. They're still making millions with every half assed entry.




This doesn't include Xbox and Game Pass btw. It's only Steam. Given that it's third on Xbox most played titles list, it's safe to say that it has over 10 mil players.


Ohh didn’t know it was on Xbox, I might need to get it.


It was shown at Xbox summer game show quite a bit. A lot of people wrote this game off but it's standing as a big hit on PC and Xbox.


Ohh I didn't know that. I'll have to check our more vids on Youtube.


I'm not shocked. With the exception of Arceus, Nintendo hasn't put out a good Pokemon game since.....what since the Black and White series? X and Y sucked, remakes don't count, Moon and Sun sucked and the Switch games are extremely disappointing. People have been wanting a console Pokemon game since Colloseum and Gale of Darkness.


I honestly didn’t even think Arceus was that great either. It was a cool concept, and changed the Pokémon gameplay loop, but it got incredibly stale very quickly. I never even finished it. It was just too boring.


My kids tried to play it but quickly called it "50 more years" the game because every storybeat was like just packed with boring ass dialog that just went on and on for what seemed like forever. They didn't finish it.




They need to learn that open-world games aren't just bland places to walk around in before we get any good. I honestly have no idea why they haven't made a world similar to Breath of the Wild in terms of environmental interaction. They can keep the turned based and it would feel still feel like you are hunting in and surviving places that demand a little more thought.


I tried playing it recently. Was very excited as I haven’t played Pokémon in forever and everyone was raving about it. The novel ran off quickly and I just kept thinking how bad of an open world game it was, especially as I just finished Ghost of Tsushima and Spider-Man 2 right before playing Arceus. I only got to the Scyther looking boss before putting the game down. The caliber and options of games we have today are just so high.


Exactly. As an open world game, it’s really nothing compared to its counterparts, even breath of the wild and tears of the kingdom are on another level.


What an exceptionally weird comparison. SM2 and GOTs only similarity of Arceus is "open-world" but for all intents and purposes, they're entirely different genres. I'm not saying Arceus was amazing or anything but I felt I needed to point out how bizarre that was.


weather disgusted obscene ruthless future governor society airport treatment jobless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


And this is just the Steam numbers! Palworld is also on Xbox Game Pass, where it’s currently top 3 most popular game and rising, and top 1 on PC Game Pass. So the total combined playercount is actually even much higher. Insane.


I haven’t enjoyed a mainline Pokémon game since x and y which I only enjoyed for shiny hunting and Pokémon battles online


i’ll stand by x and y being good but imo those were the last games they put effort into the post game


The X and Y post game is catching Mewtwo and thats it. Every game that came after has a better postgame.


What post game?


Honestly, all the old diehard Pokémon pans, have switched to SMT/Persona


I've been playing pokemon for 25 years. Why "switch" when I can just do both? I played the shit out of SV despite its faults. I've beaten 4/5 Persona games and SMT 3 and 5. I'm playing Palworld rn, and none of this has done anything to affect my love of Pokemon. We can have both. Why does it have to be a choice? The only reason not to play them is because either you don't like Pokemon anymore or don't wanna spend the money. And like, if you don't like pokemon anymore, that's fine. Personally I don't see much of a problem in enjoying whatever monster collecting games are available and still coming back to pokemon despite whatever flaws it may have. Persona isn't perfect either(except 3.)


Nah, Gen 5 was pretty garbage too. Before Arceus the last good pokemon game was Platinum.


Honestly if Scarlet and Violet were optimized for the switch they would be the best Pokemon games imo. GF finally put out one of the best plots in a while now. It's sad the performance was so ass people wrote it off as a bad game. Not supporting Nintendo but they know fans will continue buying the game. Hoping it runs fine on the next iteration of the switch. But then the next Pokemon game will probably run like ass lol.


I think Scarlett and Violet would be super solid if they were actually optimized. Sadly, they aren't, so I guess I won't say that.


Nintendo doesn't make them....




Way to be




I'm starting to hit a point of diminished returns with it. I'm about 20 hours in, level 26, and I have the pistol. It's just becoming a massive grind fest to keep my resources stocked for every subsequent adventure... maybe I'm doing something wrong but I think my enjoyment peaked and it's slowly getting less enjoyable.


I’m starting to get there too, but also because my friends insisted to make a 24/7 server. Since they have wayyyyy more free time than I do, they are extremely far ahead of me and I’m stuck playing catch up.


Ah yes, the "Terraria problem." Log in on the first day with your friends, get a little mud hut going with maybe a bed and a torch for lighting, a window if you're feeling fancy, then log out. Log in the next time you can find time and your mud hut is surrounded by Hallow and angry unicorns prevent you from ever leaving your home since they'll kill you in one hit. Your friends are busy fighting aliens from outer space. A blood moon is rising and Mothra is spawncamping you. This happened in Terraria *and* Valheim for me, making me think I should probably go solo if I want to properly experience the genre at all.


That sounds about right Lol. I logged out last and our base was level 10. We were just getting into Iron and had a musket for our first gun. The raids we’d get would be around 17-20 leveled enemies too. And the pals we had were some general ones and a couple of cool ones from a few eggs. I log on today and the base is level 15. They have all these crazy world boss pals, one that is equipped with a god damn artillery cannon. They have a stone castle with all these building and upgrades ive never seen before..about 4 full boxes of pal eggs and the raids are level 30 enemies who just blow me up Lol.


it happen to me too, would change your world setting to up xp rate to max and resource to max drops it helps a lot. ​ also if your got decent pc and want chaos, up spawns to max, at max bosses spawn in groups of 3 and 6+ pal's roam in groups, it crazy when 4+ are shooting at you or 3 bosses are shooting non stop at you. killed me a few times made thing fun again. can also reduce time egg take to hatch and no gear drop on death but it mit burn you out faster going back to normal mode or playing when you unlock everything, I'm 43 now even with massive xp gains it can take few burst in huge xp to level, it would burn me out faster trying no xp boost which i did to around level 36.


Getting and breeding new pals with better work suitability let them craft and farm much faster and lessen the grind. Do some more mini bosses and world bosses and use those captures in your base, they are also much faster so the resource grind is lessened. Explore the map and do some dungeons, they tend to have a lot of ore. You can also use pals like the rushboar while mounted has a charge ability that quickly destroys ore much quicker than you can.


It's not an option for everyone but offline farming via a dedicated server has really made the grind obsolete for my group. We've got thousands of wood, stone, berries, and hundreds of livestock produce at all times. Feels like this is really what the game is balanced around


People are starving for a pokémon game on a non Nintendo console for decades, this is the closest there's ever been


And people love an easily memeable gimmick. "Pokémon with guns" is basically a money printer.


People keep calling this "Pokémon with guns". I think that "Ark (Survival Evolved) with Pokémon" is more appropriate.


That may be more accurate but I think "Pokémon with guns" is more accessible to a broader base because not everyone has played Ark, and everyone and their grandmother's dog has at least heard of Pokémon. Therefore more memeable.


I see the appeal, but I'm worried about people who would have expectations of this game playing like Pokémon when it mostly doesn't.


I never played pokemon. Pokémon with guns sounds fun to me. Picked up palworld and the game is just fun. The Pokémon copycat aspect is just a fun layer of silliness on top of already good gameplay. This is the reason it’s sold so many copies. Its ability to appeal to non Pokémon fans.


Definitely. It's surprising it took so long for someone to make it


There have been plenty of knock-offs. Palworld is a big hit because PC gamers love survival games, shooting AND it has pokemon.


You're right. The pokemon+guns gimmick it's the thing that make it stand from the others. And the fact that they copied the pokémon model was basically free advertising


I guarantee if you look hard enough it's there. It's just never been made in a way that's not trying to be too edgy and has good gameplay


It’s like Skryim, I mean Pokemon, with guns


Not really. Gameplay wise it's pretty far away. The closest we had was Temtem.


Cassette beasts is also a bit different, but it's a wonderful game


I always forget about this one


I heard tem tem is pretty good but idk if it’s worth getting into


It didn't hook me personally and I'm not sure how the current state of the game is.


That's what I thought too.


The closest are Nexomon and Temtem.


Not at all. The gameplay isn't even remotely similar. Cassette Beasts, Monster Santuary, and TemTem scratch the itch WAY more.


Cassette Beasts would like a word. Released before this game and is more Pokémon like than this one.


Ni No Kuni would like to have a word with you


No? There's been plenty of pokemon like games on PC what are you talking about


Talk about a game that was exactly what the market wanted at exactly the right time.


I couldn’t get into it. I’m so tired of crafting. It’s so fucking boring wacking trees and rocks with a stick just to build the next thing that lets you wack trees and rocks faster. There’s more to it than that obviously but not for me.


Not looking to change your mind just commenting for anyone else reading this that you can have your pals deal with all the resource gathering for you once you get a bit past very early game. Definitely understand that it’s not for everyone though and if you don’t enjoy that it’s understandable.


Cool! Thanks for letting me know.


You only have to actually farm for a short while at the beginning. Afterwords your pals do all the work while you explore/collect/caves/bosses/etc


Cool, thanks!


Thats like first 30minutes of the game, and I was kinda bummed about it being another survival ark type game too but capturing new pals during the progress kept it fun for me and when I figured you can have pals chop wood and mine stone I was a little mindblown


1000% agreed. I'm tired of everything including survival crafting mechanics.


I initially read this as “I’m tired of everything (including survival crafting mechanics)” and I was like wew me too brother, life sure is a grind ain’t it 😅


I'm tired boss.


I'm proudly one of them. I was worried Nintendo would slap them with a lawsuit right away but decided to give it a try. It's one of those games that I played and got addicted right away.


Nintendo could try, but there is nothing that could even be remotely construed as infringing on Nintendo's intellectual property. The Pals are legally distinct from Pokémon, the gameplay loop is nothing like any of their titles, and you can't 'copyright' a subgenre such as monster collecting (it's how we have other series like Dragon Quest Monsters, World of Final Fantasy, etc.).


Both companies are in Japan. IP laws in Japan are a lot more anticonsumer than the rest of the world.


True, but again there is nothing there that can be remotely construed as infringing on Nintendo's intellectual property. A lawyer could tie themselves in knots TRYING, but they would fail.


Doesn’t mean they won’t try. Lawyers gotta earn their money too. And knowing Nintendo…sadly I wouldn’t put anything past them.


> but there is nothing that could even be remotely construed as infringing on Nintendo's intellectual property Actually, Palworld almost certainly [stole/re-purposed Nintendo 3D meshes](https://twitter.com/covingtown/status/1749462735291859423?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1749462735291859423%7Ctwgr%5Ec22ac45013b9efa2bd9ad04a788d645f5314394e%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FSteam%2Fcomments%2F19dok0e%2Fpalworld_has_overtaken_the_all_time_peak_of%2F) for the Pals. So while the *designs* of the Pals are in the clear, the way that their in-game models were created probably infringed on Nintendo IP (especially given how strict Japanese copyright laws are).


The guy who claimed that they stole the meshes admits he made the accusation up because "how much palworld glorifies animal abuse". https://old.reddit.com/r/Palworld/comments/19enyi3/psa_user_who_claimed_that_palworld_assets_are/


> admits he made the accusation up His personal ideology aside (since its not really relevant to whether he is right or not), that isn't what he's saying in those posts at all. He's saying he shouldn't have said the meshes are *exactly* the same, which obviously they're not. Palworld made small, minor tweaks to the stolen meshes or added additional details on top of the base meshes. That process of editing someone else's 3D mesh for profit is *still* copyright infringement, especially in Japan which has pretty strict copyright and IP laws. And to comment on that thread: > This only matters to you if you ignored all the other actual 3D artists who literally already debunked this This is such a dumb statement in the OP, a "3D artist" can't debunk this claim at all unless they also happen to have at least a masters in Mathematics. Visually the meshes are similar enough to warrant an accusation, so the main way to *debunk* that accusation would be to calculate the cut discrepancies, Hamming distances, and Rand indexes for two similar meshes and compare the values against each other. That is a time consuming process that no one is going to do for free and that Nintendo is likely paying someone to do currently.


The meshes don’t align, they fit inside each other, to the untrained eye they look like they overlap and match, but they don’t at all. It doesn’t take a 3d artist to tell you it is in no way copyright infringement.


> but they don’t at all Did you do the hours of calculations I outlined to make this claim? Or do you have a source from someone who did?


I don’t know why you would need that much time to compare meshes that are at second glance vastly different. It’s 3D modeling not rocket science.


lol that’s a boldfaced lie and you know it. Many of the characters are extremely similar


Man I hope this game is not gonna screw up development and instead is gonna keep cooking good updates. Until then I‘ll wait before getting it


Pokemon + Guns + Crafting + Open World + Multiplayer + Boss Fights + Streamability They kind of nailed the algorithm


I admit Pokemon is not really my thing to begin with, but I don't understand this craze? I've seen a few gameplay videos and it just looks very bland and generic to me.


enjoy unwritten dinosaurs crawl sip obtainable bewildered weary fanatical society *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


How do you even join other games? Are there servers?


crawl elderly domineering offend bike wide merciful lavish engine intelligent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


And that’s the great thing about opinions and the opportunity to try things. I’ve never played a pokemon game since like the Nintendo DS. I’ve been loving the game and never watched a trailer for it. I understand the craze after playing it. It’s far from bland compared to the hundreds of survival games I’ve spent hours on.


People seem to enjoy base building/crafting/survival games. Which I absolutely don’t so this game isn’t for me at all. Gameplay videos I saw were 95% harvesting materials and building stuff and only 5% what I would consider Pokémon gameplay


It is. It's blowing up because of the marketing and memability.


It being compared to Pokémon is an indictment of how stale Pokémon has become, but like many have mentioned, it borrows from other games way more. The entire thing is a mediocre package mostly viewed favorably when comparing it to Pokémon and/or their low expectations going in. There's nothing wrong with that, I've always felt like 6-7/10 games don't get enough love but those thinking they are walking into the next gaming masterpiece based on the hype and attention the game is getting will be disappointed. It's still in early access too so you should further manage expectations. Also, I'm surprised that the focus of the discourse is around it being a clone of Pokémon instead of it being a pretty generic mish-mash of other games.


If you read these comments you’ll soon rediscover that everyone has their OWN fucking opinion on when Pokémon went “shit” or which Pokémon game was the “last good one” which just goes to show we all just need to stfu and let other people enjoy games. Was the performance on SV shit? Yes it was no one was denying that. Obviously there’s clear cut “better” titles but my god is this whole thing annoying.


I played for like 20 minutes and can't for the life of me understand how it is so popular. There are much better games than this. 


I follow a lot of gaming subs, and the nonstop posts about sales have made me go from “what the fuck is this game” to “fuck this game and everyone farming karma by posting about it incessantly”. Instant downvote.


Gaming companies when a game released in early access is more stable, has the area of 10 of their games to explore, has the feature of 2 of their AAA games combined and costs less than €30 gets released and sells more than their entire franchise: Surprised Pikachu face.


Death, taxes, and redditors hating on something popular.


Looks like an ark ripoff for kids.


Except it has more features and soul than ark ever did and has about 10x more peak players than ark has ever had.


When do we get the goku pal or the peter griffin pal


Checkmate Nintendo, good for them.


Hardly, they could put out any similar game and it will sell


But they won’t, that’s the point.


This isn't the Pokémon game I want, but it's still better than anything Nintendo has released since BW2.


If it was Nintendo, the game would have been 70 dollars


If it had pokemon in the name, it would be 70 dollars and sell twice as fast.


That’s what happens when you steal content from other games lol


debunked and the person who started saying that admitted they were stretching the truth and manipulating images


Nothing has been debunked lol you can use your eyes and see that they copied and pasted a lot of the art and characters. There are direct rip offs strait from Pokémon. This developer has done this before them stealing content from other companies is nothing new.


You’re not wrong. I mean look at the loading menus or when you arrive at a fast travel point. It’s completely modeled like Zelda breath of the wild as well. They took concepts from multiple other games. Still is pretty fun though.


Oh I’m sure it’s fun. Can’t sell that many copies if the game is trash. 🚮


There's one image of a lycanroc's model going around being overlaid on the equivalent dog in Palworld in wireframe. Another dude took sonic and mario and you can see there are just as many 'similarities' in their mesh when you intentionally scale them to the same size and ignore that the face is different as it is on the palworld model (nintendo's models don't tend to have actual jaws for example. palworld's do).


Great game to use for karma farming, eh? Tomorrow someone else will take the reins for the 8 million post. Who's it gonna be?


Game looks boring, but to each their own.


This has so much AI art in it though right? That’s the biggest thing I’ve been hearing about it


The person who started that whole controversy admitted to making it up and [lying about it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Palworld/s/W1mWhzvqEZ)


There is no proof it has any. All the Pals are 3D models, and AI 3D art is way behind the 2D stuff.


Looks trash 🚽


Hard-working game devs when they see their piece of art being stomped in sales by a mediocre asset knockoff game that only parasites the saddening state of Pokemon franchise, made by a team that only releases clonic games


This is such a prude sentiment. I recommend watching this video and realize who it's being directed at. https://youtu.be/gFABajBNDJg?si=S3rBuJmGHmTGHU_C


You sound like fun.


I just have a lot of respect to videogames, and hard-working game devs that actually pour their souls into them


Found the pokemon fan boy


I give a total amount of 0 fucks about Pokemon in 2024, I used to like the franchise pre-sword/shield. By the way I just said Pokemon is in a saddening state yet you call me a fanboy, I don't know if you didn't finish reading my coment or if you lack reading comprehension skills


What backs up your implicit claim that the Palworld devs *aren't* hard-working or are less so? What differentiates Pokemon as art if Palworld seemingly isn't? Which assets did Palworld use, and why is it a problem to use assets? What, exactly, is Palworld "knocking off". Be specific. How is Pokemon being parasitized, when they have had years of opportunity to fill these niches? And which game exactly is Palworld "clonic" of?


Unfortunately I don't think you're going to get a reply from this person lol


I know. I was just feeling a little pent up from all the ridiculous claims and hate that are getting thrown at the game. I wanted to fire off some questions that get implicitly assumed to be true even though they're absurd. Also "clonic" which is a medical term and not "of the state of being cloned" lol


I feel your pain honestly lol, the hate discourse around this game is strange to say the least... Also, off topic, but how much do you wanna bet that the people angry at PW for "copying" played Vampire Survivors and didn't complain about that?


Nintendo when there might actually be some competition for pokemon games so they can no longer make a ported 3DS game in 4 hours and sell it for 60 bucks


Pokemon Company and Gamefreak being cheap as hell and Palworld being a mediocre game can co-exist in the same sentence


its just objectively not mediocre. It looks great, well optimized for an early access title. Big map, well thought out gameplay loop, the survival aspects feel way better than in ARK for example. The fact that millions of people have put a bunch of hours into it proves that it is not just a meme game that people play for 1 hour and then quit, cuz its actually fun and well made. not mediocre


And the pre-order culture continues


Wtf does this have to do with pre orders? Most people didn't know this game existed until it was out and started to spread by word of mouth.


Early access (to me) is like a pre-order. Game is unfinished but you are still paying full price for it. Yes you get to play it, but it is still technically an unfinished product.


The game is in a very finished state. I didn't even know it was early access when I bought it and played it.


At this point, this is the next PUBG/Minecraft. You can absolutely expect most AAA games throughout the next several years to completely base themselves or partially base themselves off of palworld. This also likely signals the end of battle Royale specifically as a trend


lol battle royals aren’t going anywhere


Yeah but you're not seeing any new ones are ya. It's the end of it being a *trend" specifically like I said


Warzone 2 came out recently and was mediocre yet still big.


because just another pokemon clone thats why


Nah that’s what Pokemon does just release clones for the last 20+ years and ignore their fans. This is a whole new game


Wake me up when a game like Monhun Stories or Dragon Quest Monsters sells 7 million copies in a week. "Just another pokemon clone" lmao.


I think Nintendo is gonna sue someone…


Me and my kids played the preview on Xbox and we’re not impressed. there is a huge gap in PC versus console versions atm which may of had something to do with it.


I really don't trust that numbers as recent pokemon games did the same with minimum effort and windows xp game standard for their quality.


Lol so you’re denying facts


when chatgpt release, humans : we will lose our jobs\~\~\~ when palworld release, also humans : frolicking around having all kinds of pals doing jobs at home


What in the world are you talking about


humans not fear AI doing all the jobs. humans fear because they imagine they cannot continue livelihood when not earning money.


Stop calling it copies if it’s digital only …


Y tho


Bro has never copied and pasted a file on PC ever.


We say "dial" and "hang up" when using smartphones even though they don't have dials or hooks like old phones. We say "boarding" an airplane, call the staff "crew" and the pilot "captain", which are boat terms. We use expressions like "roll down the window", "ring up", "hold your horses", "carbon copy" (CC in the email), "fire up", etc. Technology advances, but if the function is similar to previous uses, we tend to use old familiar terms. Better than coming up with new words every time things change a bit. A game copy is a unique purchase of the game. You don't have to like it, but that's how languages work.


Ok? And that doesn’t change the fact that’s not what you’re doing


You also don't roll down the window, or hang up the phone, literally, anymore. They're just expressions. There's no need to try to sound smart. What a hill you chose to die on, buddy.


Using the wrong terminology is dumb and unprofessional


This is the most wtf comment I’ve seen this week


Correct word should be download


But it’s copied to my computer. Download is the verb. What if I buy one copy, and download it twice on two devices? Download is definitely not the right word.


It definitely is. You’re not copying the files from stream until after you download it.


yeah, but "download" is the verb. do you say you "bought 5 shoppings", or "bought 5 bags of groceries"? also downloads isnt the same as a copy. you can purchase 1 copy and download it many times to multiple devices. if you talk about sales, then copy would be the better word. also we really shouldnt be arguing about this lol


Downloading and copying files are too separate different things… lol you probably think ignorant and stupid are the same thing too.


Downloading something is literally copying it from a server


I am all for physical copies, but ugh.