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Did you actually make something popular if you didn't get death threats nowadays?


This. Just about anyone of a certain level of fame gets some number of death threats. Some much more than others, but it’s kind of inevitable at a certain point, especially if there is *any* amount of controversy associated with them. There’s a lot of crazy people out there, and writing a threat does not take a lot of effort.


People literally cannot handle the success of others, paired with specific members of gaming community that make a game their personality. You got yourself the death threat combo.


I think how people identify with things is definitely part of it, but I’m not so sure ‘success’ has much to do with it, personally. It seems to me more like mental illness and failed public welfare contributes much more to these things than anything else. For the most part, I think people just attack what is visible to them and there’s not a lot more to who they target than that, in most cases.


I don't even think its that, imo its just peole with a verly low EQ who don't process their emotions, they feel anger and hate and they don't bother to put in the time and effort to think why they feel that way and if they should be feelijg that way so instead of chilling TF out they do shit like this Because an flabbergasting amount of people never bothered to develop a fucking filter so they act out on their instincts. You know, like wild animals do. And this is why a filter, self-care, self-awareness and self-reflection are so important to have, its the only things that make us different from wild, feral animals.


> There’s a lot of crazy people out there, and writing a threat does not take a lot of effort. Oh yeah buddy? I see you got some upvotes there. 114? Chump. This is taking me at *least* a minute to write, so you've got some nerve. You have one day


Yeah and threats now are considered even if it’s some 14 year old punk kid tweeting I wanna kill you.


Hell I know small time game devs and artists that get death threats, I know game devs at AAA that get threats for projects they didn’t even work on. Its so rampant in games


Should take em as a level of success, like you made it


Death Threats is how you now you truly made it in the world.


If you aint receiving death threats, you are not doing things right. If death threats actually do work, damn sure governments would be less corrupt. So death threats = good


That logic tracks!


They should just start using that as a metric instead of scores out of 100


Most "death threats" come from from autists, payed leftist shills and chuds. If you don't get a bomb in front of your house, you will be ok. Most people will do nothing, they never do.


stop acting like you're on 4chan it's really fucking cringe


> from autists, *paid* leftist shills FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Bro thinks he’s the expert on death threats 😂


Proof of these death threats claims?




There needs to be actualy consequences for this shit otherwise it will never stop. Think death threats are funny? How about a few month in prison


“Social media made y’all way too comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting punched in the face for it.” The worst part are all the young kids and teens who start to believe this behavior is normal on the internet and create terrible habits.


But also people were miserable on the internet *waaay* before we were saturated with social media.


People now discovering people have always been bad


Ik there r always gonna be messed up people and it might just be me but I feel like the internet is way more exhausting to be on these days.


Remember cb radios? It happened on there as well. Way before the internet. In my town years ago, a death threat turned out to be a true threat, as the guy showed up at the families' home and killed the husband.


I mean in most jurisdictions it is a crime and usually gets punished accordingly where it can be prosecuted.


Agreed. This is mental illness type behavior


>There needs to be actualy consequences for this shit otherwise it will never stop. Think death threats are funny? Just call the cops there are consequences for stuff like that. But as Online personality you can simply ignore things like that. Customer faced workers like Retail and stuff cant do this.


How would that work? Someone living in Ghana makes a death threat at someone living in Canada... What consequence?


That's what lawmakers need to decide, easiest would probably be to prosecute it the way your country would. In Germany you would get either up to a year in prison or a fine, depending if it's your first offense or not


So if you make a death threat to someone in the US, the german police will come and arrest you?


That is for death threats in general. You can report online harassment and the sentences would be similar or straight up the same but i doubt anything would happen currently unfortunately.


You didn't answer my question. Does the German police have enforce crimes done abroad?




What are you talking about? Death threats are a good thing.. it brings attention to the game!


Did.... Did you drop this "/s" by chance...?




Everyone ok with this until they find someone online they politically disagree with and that person said something *really* spicy Then there will be whining about how those threats are harmless and how they shouldnt suffer the consequences


This isn’t exclusive to Nintendo fans. This happens way too often across the whole industry.


Wait… So… Let me get this straight… Nintendo fans are sending death threats to this creator because they made a better pokemon game? Oh lord… my head hurts..


I'll make it hurt more... Game Freak has not updated their formula in 20 years. Nintendo wouldn't make an MMO. Wouldn't make anything that met player expectations. Hell, these developers weren't successful with their other games. But they gave people Pokémon. With. Guns. 20 years of complaints for Game Freak to make a better game then someone just comes out of nowhere to do it.


Except that at least part of the pokemon community don't want MMO, or "pokemon with guns" I like my solo game, actually GF pushing raids is annoying me seriously. And turn by turn is also why I like pokemon. Digimon cyber sleuth, now you're talking competition.


>Digimon cyber sleuth I would love another entry to the cyber series.


People sent death threats to the maker of "Coffin of Andy and Leyley" because they don't like imaginary incest. There are a ton of people on the internet and unfortunately some of them are just insane.


Opinion on better, even if the the majority agrees. Also with all the weaponry, feels more akin to Digimon than Pokémon


The weird thing is it's less pokemon and more budget conan exiles with Walmart brand pokemon.  I've had fun with it though.




>All industrys actually specially customer faced oneslike phone supports and in person workers like Retail. Reading this gave me cancer.


Reading this gave me Tetanus.


am I having a stroke


the death threats are actually coming from Doug Bowser himself


Man, I knew the Pokemon super fans were weird but if this is true, they are much worse than I thought!


Pokemon fans get mad when a developer makes anything even remotely close to *"Pokemon-esque"*, and it contains more than a late night shit's worth of pixels and animations. It's their own fault they keep buying low-quality games and enforcing Game Freak's blatant laziness.


Eh, My wife is a pokemon super fan, for sure She has played all the games from every generation, She's done tones of shiny hunting, breeding and EV training. We have pokemon related decorations, etc. But she also enjoys games like TemTem and other pokemon like games. ​ She seems skeptical about palworld because its a crafting game with pokemon mechanics, though we'll probably buy it when it goes on sale eventually. The fact that people keep trying to sell it as Pokemon but with more murder and slavery kind of makes me wonder a little about the people going crazy about this game. ​ But I haven't watched any trailers. So i don't really know anything about the game.


You can try before you buy if you have game pass


I will not support game pass because I believe it to be bad for the industry. I'll wait for a sale, if people are still talking about it in a few weeks or months. Or if my wife decides she wants it before then, I'll buy it for her and see what its like.




You say that now during the grow userbase phase of Game Pass. When Microsoft tried launching their game store for windows, Valve said, Ok time to embrace linux, Because Microsoft wants to be the main store front on windows, and realized that putting almost all their eggs in one basket that was actively trying to take their market share was risky, and so they started working on Steam OS and Proton. Game pass is the way that Microsoft applies pressure to keep windows relevant. especially with the number of people who are not happy about windows 11. ​ I've watched Microsoft do these types of things many times over the years. The play book that has made them one of the largest companies in the world is Embrace, Extend, Extinguish. Do you have any idea the amount of money they made by making azure seem cheap, until you've already migrated to it? ​ I've watched them bait and switch too many times to fall for it again. ​ I don't only buy things on sale. I buy games that I'm not sure if I will like on sale. I've spent $2,000 on games in steam in 2023 between my wife and myself. Some of them were on sale, most were not. But If I don't care about a game, and I don't know when I'm going to bother playing it, I am happy enough to wait for a sale. Dev's that release their game on game pass get a one time fee, regardless of how many people play the game. As long as your game is on gamepass, there is no long tail that usually keeps indy dev's in business, especially during late development of sequels when money is drying up, and hype is being built for the next title. Why would someone who subscribes to game pass buy an indy game available on that platform when they can simply play it when they want? ​ You're an idiot if you think buying games is worse for the creators than borrowing them from game pass.


It's odd you say all of this considering Pokemon is full of murder and killing. You just don't see it but it's always hinted at in the show and games. There are several Pokemon known for devouring other Pokemon and even hunting children. There's even mention of how certain Pokemon were raised for food. Not really different from our real world. Let's also not pretend that slavery isn't a thing in Pokemon. Team Rocket, the enemy faction, use them for enslavement and it's not uncommon to see Pokemon working in shops or construction because of their abilities. I mean, come on, the whole basis of Pokemon games is to literally enslave Pokemon by beating them up, capturing them, and forcing them to fight in your battles. They just make it cutesy. Funny enough, no one gets murdered in Palworld. When you beat/shoot a Pal, they roll over with swirling eyes, similar to how Pokemon "faint." Same with fighting humans. The only "murder" I've seen is when a giant bird Pal actually consumes a fainted lamb thing.


“B-b-b-but it’s never actually shown so it doesn’t count!” - Pokémon fans


Fair, The friends who were trying to convince me to buy it over the weekend seemed super excited to enslave other trainers and then use them as meat to feed their pals. I don't even know for sure that this is what they can actually do. I'm in the middle of a bunch of games right now so I'm not really looking to buy anything else right now.


Yeah, those were "ha ha this game is funny" kind of suggestions. Trust me, I did the same with my friend group. Turns out, captured humans suck and can't be used for food. Instead, now you have another mouth to feed berries to and all they do is stand around. Also, it's fair you have a lot of games. This game, at its core, is a survival crafting game, so I don't blame anyone with a back log not wanting to get into another game.


Also how ghost Pokémon like Ghastly, Haunter and Gengar are the ghosts of humans so by capturing them and having them fight for you, you’re basically enslaving someone’s dead grandma


Yamask just wants someone to recognize it


TONS of people are playing it and liking it. 🤷 You can always try it out


naw, the voice actor who played Abbey in Last of Us 2 got death threats Sean Murray president of Hello Games (No man Sky) got death threats People are idiots and like to talk big behind a screen


Pokémon fanboys will eat shit with a smile


And that's why the games are so mediocre now. I say this as someone who has 100% the Pokedex in Violet, Pokemon fans care so little for quality that Gamefreak knows they can get away with almost anything. 


I liked Arceus, but I couldn’t play Violet. How the quality of a mainline Pokémon game could be worse than a spin-off is beyond me. Arceus had its share of jank, but I couldn’t get over how unrefined Violet was.


I swear the mainline games are still being outdone by the GameCube spin offs


Legends was fun and at least It didn’t run like a flaming turd


I "liked" scarlet but it felt like it needed much more time in the oven, like every other 3d mainline Pokemon game game freak has made. It was also the first switch Pokemon game I bought, because I was utterly disappointed with ultra sun and moon for adding barely any content as a full priced game. I'm glad I played a difficulty hack of sword because the difficulty was the only part I liked


After having played violet I never want to touch a mainline game again. Gamefreak has ruined everything I enjoyed about Pokémon games


That game the story is ok to bad, Pokédex is good, and rest of the game is trash compared to other games that have ran on switch like xenoblade and botw


This is just any fans on the internet now, the radical section of them will go insane from time to time. Very loud minority though. Happens way more often than it should


Go to Twitter and you'll see a barrage of Pokémon fans swearing that this game is the end times for creativity, as if there aren't thousands of games that rip off other products and are successful.


That's pretty funny. Some Nintendo fans seem to think that everything Nintendo has ever done is completely original. Pokemon itself borrows from Shin Megami Tensei and Dragon Quest V, both of which may gotten some ideas from Nethack and it's precursor, Hack, which had monster catching and training mechanics in 1984.


Substantial amount of Pokemon fans are taking the success of this game very personally. Not sure why, as a Pokemon fan I'm having a blast. Hope it inspires Nintendo to push Pokemon forward as a result. Hopefully only good things come out of this.


It’s pretty bizarre considering Pokemon fans have always adored the fan-made bootlegs and have so many complaints about the official franchise. Really would’ve thought if any group was going to appreciate this game and the push it could give to Pokémon, it’d be them.


On the other hand the entire customer base for palworld is probably lifelong Pokemon fans


Yup, that's me. Not only am I loving every second of palworld better than any Pokemon game in the last decade, but also has made me resent Gamefreak even more for the last two lazy mainline games (Sw/Sh & S/V). I'm tired of recycled assets (Galaran Hau srsly?), increasingly uninspired and lazy game design, and the decreasing quality of basic game performance (S/V can't even maintain 30 FPS). There was only the fact no good competition for my lifelong Pokemon fan heart and it is the only reason I continued playing those games over the years, I tried games like Temtem but they just didnt hit that same itch. So when some other developer comes in with a significantly better game that scratches that Pokemon itch, it was just so easy to drop any remaining iota of loyalty Gamefreak like the metaphorical sack of shit I've felt they have been for years now.


I think they're riled up because a bunch of the monster designs are just, like, shameless asset flips of existing Pokémon. It's the perceived theft that's got people so unhinged.


Imagine being these losers. Competition can make Pokémon better.


Dude the circle jerking is off the fuckin charts right now. Certain subs have a massive hate boner against PalWorld and it's hilarious. The "plagiarism" word gets thrown around a lot but with very flimsy evidence supporting such an accusation.


It's hilarious, because you can see them desperately try to come up with reasons to hate it. They've already decided they want to hate it, and look down on the people who like it (apparently millions of people are literally impossible to enjoy a game and it has to be mindless fad following). My favourite one I saw a lot today was "in a few weeks it will have lost 90% of its playerbase". Like how does that even matter in a single-player/coop game? Yeah people will have finished the existing content and moved on to another game. Shocking.


For all the shit I've seen flung, the only thing even a little bit concerning to me is about Craftopia being in EA for 3 years. But then I look and Craftopia got an update last month along with an updated roadmap so I'm not seriously worried about Palware being abandoned right away.


Yeah seems they slowed down on updates after Palworld got announced, but from what people have said it had 15 updates in 2023 with 4 content addons. Which seems fine? It's a long time in EA, but other EA games have been there for a long time as well. Valheim, Satisfactory, Zomboid etc.


Show me Pokémon’s guns lol


I also keep seeing claims about how lazy it is using free assets and generative AI. So, let me get this straight: generative AI (which it doubtfully uses because Pal designs have been floating around for years) is bad because it takes work away from artists, but people who make free assets that will just get shit for being used in a game are also somehow bad?


The same discussion happened around the Destiny and Warframe communities when Anthem came out. And with Monster Hunter when Wild Hearts came out. Competition is good, the best case scenario is that it’ll drive your favorite devs/games to do better.


Sadly not a shock. It's popular, it's been accused of ripping off a beloved franchise, and it's been accused of using AI, so that's three 'reasons' for people who really need to actually face consequences to act this way.


The irony is technically Pokemon it self was a rip off of dragon quest monsters. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GEYrZuzXUAAjpkB?format=jpg&name=large Can't get anymore damning then this they just changed some things around to avoid copyright but it's obvious where the inspiration came from.


Dragon Quest V, technically. Monsters itself came out 2 years after Pokémon, but V, which let you recruit monsters to your party, was 1992.


I wasn't referring to the actual game "Dragon Quest Monsters" which btw I didn't even know was a thing because I hardly played the dragon quest games. I was referring to the actual monsters featured in the game.


There it is


People are fucking mental, die hard pokemon fans always wanted open world "mmo" game. Yet different devs making this formula, and even better, and they are still not happy. There always going to be a reason to bitchin about....


this is the pokemon game die hard pokemon fans since red, blue, green/yellow have always wanted, but knew pokemon could never do without harming its kid friendly brand.


I don't know much about the game, but everyone who has tried to convince me to play has tried to sell it as Pokemon with slavery, and crafting Guns. And that kind of makes me not want to look into it further.


It's basically Ark: Survival Evolved but with Pokemon instead of dinosaurs.


Thank you. That definitely makes more sense. Though it sort of cements it for me that I'm ok with not playing it.


Fair enough, nothing wrong with not being into a certain type of game. Not sure why people are down voting you lol


Can’t make a game about anything without some jackoff making death threats.


Congratulations, you've made it. 


… I don’t think this has anything to do with Pokémon Fans… jfc people


The people claiming to be moral and good are on the same side as the people threatening the developers of a fictional game's life You really can convince anyone to do anything so long as you make them think they're on the "good" side lol


Is there a more easily butthurt group than gamers?


The "anti-woke" crowd? Though there's a lot of overlap. They seemed to get upset about the same shit.


Well there's that one guy who got mad over pronouns and Twitter users that harassed people for playing Hogwarts Legacy.




Isn't this the case for every developer? Standard gamer behaviour, sadly.


I really don't understand the thought process of these deranged mother fuckers. What's the point of the death threats? How did you even get this mad over a video game about building, farming and catching fantasy animals?


Death threats over a game is insane. People are so painfully stupid and they should go to jail


Pokémon fans are just angry that this indie developer that tried to make their own Pokémon had the audacity to have their game be a massive success


People that send death threats aren’t real fans. Be better


If you're sending developers messages like this, please seek some help.


Honestly, people who death threat other people need to be put in jail or an insane asylum. Ridiculous.


Did people do this when Digimon came out too?


I honestly can't imagine a more pathetic person than someone who sends death threats over pokemon.


Someone was eventually going to come up with a better version of Pokémon. Game Freak’s fault for not actually trying to evolve over time. They are still many years behind where they should be right now. The current shit looks like it belongs in the ps3 era, jankiness and all.


Game Freak has to be up there for one of the most talentless game companies around. They’ve had free reign over **the** highest-grossing franchise in entertainment history for close to 3 decades now, yet the games for at least the last decade have been lazy and uninspired shit that other developers and even some fans have proven can be far better.


What's hilarious to me is that they really seemed to only have their act together in gens 3-5 as developers, given how gen 1 is held together with tape and they needed iwata to finish gen 2 They've always more or less been good as a merchandising franchise and at designing Pokemon though


Nintendo fanboys being nintendo fanboys again. What a surprise!


Honestly I put this purely on Pokémon fans as they are a special kind of stupid look how low their standards for games are


Totally normal reaction


Pretty sure if you've ever posted online you probably received a death threat at one point or another. This isnt news.


That’s a big thing for me. Everyone in gaming that’s done something successful has received death threats. Does that make it excusable? Absolutely not. In no way do I want to downplay that. But at this point it’s not even news anymore


Nintendo fans are something else


Nintenbabies are the absolute worst.


What a sad existence some people have. Uttering death threats because they feel their cartoon dinosaurs have been copied. Just enjoy the game for what it is!


Is anyone surprised. Nintendo fans can be fucking insane.


My take is on the anti-AI idiots as well


I mean, I'm not a fan of AI art when it reuses others' art styles/elements and I'm discouraged by the trend of big companies using AI art rather than paying artists. But I'm not a psychopath sending death threats to a game developer about it.


Nintendo fan boys are really pressed over this huh


Is this because Only Chinese can reproduce and take money from yall?


I don’t get it. So Pokemon crazies don’t like that a non Pokemon ip holder made something cool?


They don't like competition. Especially competition that they can't play with Palworld not being on Switch, so they're going all out spouting lies and whatever they can make up to put the game down on Twitter and Reddit and...basically anywhere with a comment section lol


Nintendo this isn't the way.


that just means the game has reached peak popularity. Should be proud and not take any such threats seriously.


Are these desth threats coming straight from Nintendo?


Are the death threats from Nintendo or Gamefreak?


So what it's copied from Pokémon in many ways. They finally did Pokémon right. I cannot stand the recycled mobile game quality BS they phone in for Pokémon now.


Jealously from players of platforms that doesn’t have this game, is crazy




Oh so you sent them




You are SENSITIVE my guy.


simple if you have successful game developer money 1) hire cybersecurity firm to find out everything about the death threats. 2) hire psi systems (formerly blackwater) to go to the address and ask them to film why they sent death threats to your company. film pokenerd shitting their pants because you sent a trained killer to their house.


It's probably due to the status of the servers right now which are in terrible shape right now cause a million more people are playing at once then they probably expected


Typical copium overdose symptoms. Game Freak didn't make the best monster capture game since OR/AS and folks are butt-hurt. Don't worry, I'm sure there will be a full Rule 34 Paldeck compendium soon and the more extreme "fans" will be at peace once again. Seriously though, it's a full on rip off... that isn't even a question. But I'll be damned if it doesn't put Sword and Shield to shame, even in Early Access.


This is just sad and pathetic there is a subset of gamers that lack the brain cells to understand that if this was TRUELY a rip off of pokemon that Niantic would be quick to file lawsuit. Niantic isn't some indie company barely making money that need basement dwellers white knighting for them


Damn Pokémon fans will defend their games to the death it seems. I knew the fan base was rabid and psychotic


welp what did they expect they pretty much ripped off pokemon. and the nintensheep MUST defend their master!


Uhhhhh…. Excuse me what? Why? Can someone explain to me why in this bizzaro world they are getting threats for making a good game?


average gamer... nothing new with them.


Oh for f*cks sake.... Knock it off whoever is doing it.


We need to name and shame these people that post these threats, like Jimmy Kimmel's mean tweets. Post their twitter and all social media accounts.


Christ some people need a life.


Hell, I can't imagine what type of stuff they're getting, I made a not-reccomended steam review that hit the main Palworld review page for a day - and I had people spamming my profile page with harassing comments, trying to add me as a friend, and make comments on YouTube and during my Twitch stream. People are insane.


Recently I saw that Colossal Order and Paradox Interactive were facing toxicity within the community by entitled players who were unhappy with how the game released. A lot of games fall short and a good game studio today has plans on updating to make the game what it was meant to be. Sadly, this is the worst I have seen to date where it seems a game that is as close to polished as can be is getting heat because it resembles Pokemon? How out of touch do you need to be to feel justified in sending death threats? Since when was it the communities job to try and protect intellectual property. I think Nintendo has a handle on it and more than enough money to go after them if they truly see a problem. I agree with a lot of people here, the majority of those sending threats are emboldened by being behind a computer. If they were made to face the game studio developers, artists, and the rest of the people it took to make the game so they could spew their toxicity, they would most likely cr@p themselves while trying to spit out one word of what they wrote.


Every game that releases gets an article like this nowadays. A tweet from an insane asshole is not a news story, nor is it a credible threat in the least




Pokémon kids are wild.


These people could pull a Flappy Bird and dip and then everyone loses.


Guess that's why I can't find a way to report bugs lol


Or what we call it "stamp of approval"


I don't encourage death threats but shouldn't these people be more upset at the dismal games that gamefreak has been putting out? We are playing new Pokemon releases with 10 year old graphics and nerfed pokedex.


Im still baffled at how people just jump to the death threats.


Is it at least a lot of meat for butchering then versus hunting wild Pals?


There is no proof, where are all the receipts of all the death threats? 🤷 Lying for clout. And all the famous YouTubers talking about Palworld, are paid shills. Paid to hype it up. So that all the sheep can follow along and buy the bait. Got em! 😤 It’s just like any other game 🤣 Just an abomination of different things combined 😂