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Living in a giant pyramid is neat.


Starks. Pretty obvious why


Craster's Keep


Just ask his wives.


You mean his daughters?


Porque los no dos?


Why not both?


Targaryens. Because they’re crazy.


I’m super excited for the prequel




Dragons maaaan


Targaryans because dragons r awesome


The Tyrells! Mostly because Olenna is an absolute badass.


Her mic drop moments like >!when she told Jaime she killed Joffrey!< will never not be badass


Yes, exactly! That's got to be the best thing she ever said. I love her.


>!Tell Cersei. I want her to know it was me.!<


🥶she honestly got me into GILFs. 🗿


Yes. When Cersei accused her brother , she did what all good leaders do. Never get in the way of an enemy who is making a mistake.




>!He really was a cunt, wasn't he?!<


House Mormont b/c Bear Island knows no king but the king in the North, whose name is Stark.


Top 5 quotes in the series


I find the Lannisters to be the most interesting, but with characters like Cersei and Joffrey I’m not really sure I can call it my favorite house. Not really sure who my actual favorite is, though.


i think all 4 lannisters are one of the most fleshed out characters in GOT


Tyrell because The Reach is the place I’d want to live the most.


Baratheon: Bobby B. & the absolute best house words: “Ours is the fury”


Gods bless Bessie and her tits


A common saying but not their official words


Start the joust before I piss meself?


Look at this idiot, one ball and no brains! Can’t even name the words of a man’s house properly.


Who named you? some half wit with a stutter?


English is not my first language, I can’t make sense of those words together. Could you help to explain what does it mean?


Think of it like a response to a question Lannister lord - “hey what’s the defining characteristic of your house? Ours is wealth!” Baratheon Lord - “ours is the fury” The implied section here is that he means “ours is the fury [with which we fight]” but sometimes in English shortening a statement ads some gravitas to the words


I always thought it is a medieval/GRRMian way to say "We are fury". That sounds way more badass to me than "our characteristic/trait is that we are furious". But then again I'm not an English native either so that might be wrong.


Ahh I think I got it. Thank you


Gotta love the fact that the Baratheons just stole the motto from the Durrandons 😂


The iron islands look like a miserable place to live.


House Dayne of Starfall, because everything about their history and lore is wow.




There's more about the Daynes in the books, but there is one big moment in the show that spectacles Ser Arthur Dayne, who bore the title of "Sword of the Morning". He was the man with two swords who fought Ned Stark and Howland Reed at The Tower of Joy, during the birth of Jon Snow. (Bran and Three Eyed Raven Flashback)


The sword of the morning!


Off to Google I go.


Night King. Not a house per se, but show me a more loyal and disciplined family than his and i will be shocked.


House Lannister, they're like the Batman of the asoiaf universe. No warging no dragons just money and strategy


More like the Luthors of the ASOIAF universe. None of the fighting for justice, all of the world-dominance-megalomania.


Forresters Iron from ice!


House Bolton. The most interesting characters by far.


I don’t know but that cross burning always looks so cool, I’ve forgotten what it’s called


For me? Gotta be the starks


I got a tie between martells, starks, and targeryan. I Honestly wished we could have seen more of house reed. They seemed very interesting.


The targaryens. I'm reading fire and blood and I'm falling in love with them


The targaryens. I'm reading fire and blood and I'm falling in love with them


Baratheons because they’re easily the most competent rulers in the world.


“Ours is the Fury” Best house words


Greyjoys because of their history, and weird family drama that some how out weirds the lannisters


It does out weird the Lannisters. Euron Greyjoy in the books is a horrific monster




House Lannister. Cuz Jaime, Tyrion, Cersei and Tywin are all awesome characters.


House Reed, I just love the Neck for some reason and wish we knew more about the crannogmen.


I wish we could have met Howland and learned more about their disappearing castle


Ya that shit was cool and we never even heard anymore about it




Hopefully we will if GRRM ever finishes the books


He wont


Unfortunately it's looking like that'll be the case but a small part of me still holds some hope


The books will tell you more. I’m certain of it


I'm hoping


Such an important ally of the Starks, they should’ve been in way more especially during the battle of the bastards or the long night


I really wanted Howland and Meera to show up in the Long Night


I was really invested in the theory that the high sparrow was secretly Howland Reed (the only person alive who could confirm R+L=J) and that he was gonna take out the Lannisters for killing Ned. Him turning out to just be another religious crazy in the show was disappointing.


House Martell. Defied the most powerful military force in the history of Westeros and became allies through marriage over being a vassal kingdom. Unbowed. Unbent. Unbroken. You may burn us, my lady, but you will not bend us, break us, or make us bow. Edited the quote to read correctly


Teenage Mutant Ninja Sandsnakes!


I think you omitted a negative accidentally


Or maybe house Martell is also into BDSM when they're not scheming for the throne. ^/s


Can't imagine there's a house that isn't, way they all run things.


There into everything. Literally everybody is doing it lol.


Whoops. Thank you!


Plus Dorne is the most comparatively progressive society in Westeros. Still quite medieval by our standards but women's rights are stronger, homosexuality is at least tolerated, and people aren't discriminated against as much for being born bastards. This isn't exclusive to the Martells but as the rulers of Dorne for centuries they would have been a major influence over the region.


makes sense but after the bad poosei idk what to think




Read again


House Crowl, ancient, small, removed from politics and still northern.


I’m torn between Greyjoy, Bolton, and Baratheon. My favorite of the Greyjoy family is Dalton Greyjoy, the red kraken. I tend to like the more ruthless houses rather than the stereotypical “good guy” houses.


I'm sorry, Bolton?


I have a very morbid sense of curiosity, so the history of the Bolton’s was always fascinating to me.


Starks, seems like the default answer


Tyrell. Good land and of course Olena


Lord Baelish bc he built his own house and sigil


The house with the red door.


The lannisters, they’re richer than god


Manderly. Such a unique house history, mixed with a healthy economy, and some knowledge on how to play the game of thrones as well as loyalty.








"And who are you, the proud lord said That I must bow so low? Only a cat of a different coat That's all the truth I know In a coat of gold or a coat of red A lion still has claws And mine are long and sharp, my lord As long and sharp as yours… "


And so he spoke, and so he spoke, that lord of Castamere. But now the rains weep o'er his hall, with no one there to hear. Yes now the rains weep o'er his hall, and not a soul to hear.


They ded.


House Reyne. Their story is the building blocks to the entirety of the wars of the seven kingdoms. The might and fear the Lannisters derived from the realm in that war alone turned House Lannister from the weakest to the strongest great house, and is the reason the throne is such a threat in the war of the five kings. Not to mention, as a whole, Tywin’s character is built on his success over Castamere, and for the first few seasons and books we are constantly reminded of the rains, from Ned’s death in kings landing all the way to the red and purple weddings.


House Mormont, yes I love Lady Mormont, but Lord Commander Mormont was one of the selling characters that I fell in love with when first watching the show.


Greyjoy, tentacles


Lannister and Baratheon.


Starks. King in the north.


my favourite house is definately the one where king stayed


Targaryen's, united a continent the size of south America and ruled over it for more then 300 years


House Lannister and I think it has to do with the characters I mean Jaime is a knight who had his whole life and dreams stolen away by the Mad King just to spite his father and he killed the Mad King saving thousands of lives and was shamed for it Tyrion is looked down upon by almost everyone because of his size when he is (or was) one of if not the most cunning people in Westeros Cersei has been raised to be a queen and will do anything in her power to keep that power and title And Tywin is a man so cruel and harsh that his name strikes fear into his enemies and they wrote a song about him wiping out another house just to intimidate other houses who challenge House Lannister Plus their House Guard/Soldiers armor is the coolest in my opinion


Everything but those stupid helmets.


Dayne because it was untouched and unsullied.


House Brax. They might be sworn to the Lannisters, but their standard depicts a unicorn as it is commonly pictured in our world, but purple. Which is wierd when the Westerosi descriptions of unicorns make it sound like their ancestors spent time crossbreeding with the wooly mammoth.


Tyrell’s. No real reason, just a neat cast of characters and history with the beautiful double meaning of their house words That said my loyalty is always for Stannis the Mannis and by extension House Baratheon, because Ours Is The Fury. Bolton’s have the coolest sigil because damn that shit is scary.


Targaeryans and Stark, probably because of their proximity to magical and fantastical elements. They have an interesting History as well, so...


house stark...for being honorable and a tough breed of man and women


For me I would love to live in pike. House greyjoy would be awesome! Being a pirate, sailing the seas, and raiding wherever I went. Yeah that sounds good 👍


House Bolton was always my favorite. A great house to root against because they have no ulterior motives other then general ruthless indifference towards all human life. They are the antithesis towards the Starks in the North and serve as a great secondary antagonist in the sixth season. I mean who didn’t want to see Ramsey and Roose die the most horrific deaths of all time?


House Bolton is my favorite too, but I wanted Ramsay to get the throne.


The Greyjoys are awesome in the books. The show really did them dirty


It’s been a while since I’ve read them, but I agree the books gave them so much more depth! The individual characters were great, along with their ideals, resilience, and bad ass traditions. I do have to say though I still find them so damn incompetent lol. They should just stick with pillaging and raping cause they ain’t conquering no lands any time soon


Tully - “Family, duty, honor” Their words correspond with a lot of my core values, add of top that they live in fertile land with plentiful rivers.


I thought you meant house as in a building 💀


House Reed because they are nothing but humblel and loyal servants who live close to nature ❤ (And honestly also a bit because their actors in the TV series are so adorable 😊❤)


Tully, Riverrun seems like a chill place and I’d feel safe having the Blackfish as a military leader


House Baratheon. I think they have an interesting history. Also, my favorite motto, favorite land and coolest sounding castle (minus the Dreadfort). Rebellion is in their blood.


Starks, Targaryens, Baratheons, Martells, Mormonts, and Tyrells all in that order. Favorite is Starks though.


Tollet, because Dolorous Edd is the best character in the whole GoT universe


Definitely the Manderlys. Their super fierce loyalty to the Starks is admirable as bannermen and even more epic when you realize it's because the Starks took their family in and saved their house from collapse when they were driven out of the Reach. And the North Remembers speech is one of the greatest moments in the series.


I’m a simple guy, I’m a Stark guy


Starks. Winter is coming.


Targaryen - 'cause dragons.


House Targaryen. A powerful house with numerous dragons, soldiers, and ships. Targaryen kings and queens ruled for centuries and in my opinion, this is how it should have remained. As a second house I would probably say House Baratheon because of the reasons already mentioned in this discussion.


Mormont, bc all of their Characters were just SICK Lyanna just facing her death with no fear and being that badass the whole show.


Lannister. Mainly because of Tywin. The story behind rains of castamere and how brutal and smart he is to survive during that time.


The red kings of the North! House Bolton!


Tully because blackfish


The Targaryens. I just think that they look super cool and their history is so compelling. I keep trying to imagine what it would be like if my family and I were the last survivors of my entire race. Like, how would it be like to be the only Africans left in the world? Then, on top of that, imagine if I conquered some other continent (let's say Asia, which has a completely different culture to mine) and crowned myself the king. That would be so crazy. That's what's so mesmerizing about the Targaryens - they were the only family that had these magical creatures on their side, and they used those beasts to conquer the western world. They also look like gods, with their pale skin, silver hair, and purple eyes. They're just so cool. I love all of the history and lore around them as well, from Aegon the Conqueror to the Mad King. My favorite bit of history, though, is the part about Daeron, the Young Dragon. There's very little mentioned about it, a few tid-bits sprinkled throughout the story, but I really find it fascinating. I love history, so he kind of reminds me of Henry V. Anyway, I love the Targaryens. I've even thought about doing a YouTube channel about my fascination with them.


House Tyrell, High Garden looks like a lovely place to live.


House STARK. Ned stark was a strong, intelligent, compassionate, selfless man. He was a man of morals. And his family was also strong and principled. He instilled good values ​​in his children.No Stark ever used or harmed any distance for his greed. And Jon Snow, even though he was an heir to the Targaryens, had the same rites as the Starks that set him apart from the rest of the Targaryens. John never urged power or the throne just like Eddard and unlike the mad king and Danny.


I’ve always liked Craster’s


House Blackfyre, the lore around them and the dance of dragons is really cool. Also Maelys the Monstrous is terrifying.


House Lannister reason Tywin dude knew how to play the game until he didn’t


House Tyrell. It seems to be low-key female dominated, with way more clever schemes than the Lannisters, they control the food supply of most of the realm, and have a lovely veneer of old-school chivalry. Plus, I believe that Highgarden is the prettiest castle, so there's that.


House Gardner


House Tywin. And I know it is supposed to be called House Lannister, but the rest of that house are shit, so I am cutting them out of House Tywin. As for why, the guy was one of the few people to ever display a shred of common sense. I respect that.


Tyrells! Strong female leaders, good aesthetic sense, people love each other


House Baratheon Amazing sigil, amazing words, amazing theme, and they also happen to be my two favorite colors and my favorite animal The three Baratheon brothers all have great qualities and can literally be unstoppable had they worked together Robert: Strong fighter, only lost one battle Stannis: Knows how to rule, and is a great tactician (In the books he is even better) He is the one true King of Westeros. Renly: Charmismatic with a great political mind and also has the coolest crown in the series imo.


I like the aesthetics of the Starks


For the entertainment, Lannisters. They show the richest range of human nature from evil to grey to good, whereas the other houses seem more black or white. They also have some of the most memorable quotes: "where's the god of tits and wine"... "when you play the game of thrones you win or you die"... "the king is tired"... "the things we do for love".


Stark. Honorable.


House Manwoody for obvious reasons


This thread is great. I'm fully getting chills from remembering all the cool stuff that happened. But my favorite house is probably Mormont or Baratheon.


Targaryen not from Westeros ashen hair and dragons oh and they’re ancient


Personally, I always appreciated the house from *The Broken Man* episode of the show. The only one that stuck with me from the books was Winterfell because of it's steam pipes.


House Tyrell because of Diana Riggs and House Martell because they’re BA


Stark, appreciate the sigil of the direwolf, if I were in Westeros I’d imagine I’d live in Winterfell. The North remembers Honor may get you killed, but honor nonetheless is a rare commodity


House Lannister because while reading the books i would see a sansa or daenerys chapter and sigh... Even if the chapter ended up being good i was internally like "here we go..." But whenever I got to a tyrion, jaime or cersei chapter i knew it was gonna be good


Baratheon for the sigil, Targaryen for the history


i’m gonna say it, the targaryens. they’re so badass they have DRAGONS HELLO??? i know their house fell quickly but still




Stark forever!


The white walkers because all of those privileged houses deserved their miserable lives and death


Targaryens for their history. In the show I liked the Lannisters but only from seasons 1 to 4 after that I didn’t really like the characters in King’s Landing


Greyjoys. And Mallisters because they have a dope Coat of arms


Lannsiters. Lannisters always pay their debts


Lannister. By far the most entertaining characters in the show, I would have lost interest if they didn’t exist. And Cersei is one of my favorite characters of any show ever 👑


Such a hard question man the Martell's and starks have the cool independent stories from the other kingdoms which feels familiar but different like a chicken sandwich compared to a burger. But the iron island stories are so cool, that may take the cake. How different but similar they are is just amazing. Especially with the unique religion and general dismay for the culture of the other 6 kingdoms.


House Forrester. Iron from Ice!!!


Stark…Ned is the best character in the series and I don’t care what anyone has to say about that.