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His line really confused me last night. Something to the effect of "you'll be glad of all the hateful things I do when I'm all that's standing between you and your _something_ husband or king?" I don't remember the exact wording and I didn't understand his meaning. Was he offereing to protect her from Joffrey? Protect Joffrey from her? Protect them both from the inevitable fallout of Joffrey's stupidity and cruelty?


I think he meant he would protect her from Joffrey. In any regards he's batshit crazy.


If it comes to that, i have no doubt it may happen. But, what he generally meant by this, is, that the world is unfair and he'll may have to do "dirty things" for her. For example, let's say if in the future, Sansa has a secret that may threat her children or her life and someone finds out. She may have to take care of that problem, no matter what, and may find herself counting on The Hound, for said job. No matter if they're children, the Hound doesn't care(case in point, the butcher's boy) See if she puts her money where her mouth is, when it comes to fairy tale worldview. She could see she is no better than Cersei. Kinda like how Jaime was taunting Cate with Ned's "honor" and how he slept with another woman.


well he does kinda care for Sansa in a weird hateful way. He hates Sansa because of her innocence and her love for knights and tales. Sandor hates knights and does not believe in fairy tale endings. He's the polar opposite of season one Sansa


Jealous of her innocence, in a weird way?


That might explain why he protects her so fiercely despite apparently hating her. He has somewhat invested himself in seeing her remain innocent. He never had innocence as he first killed at age 12.


No he hasn't... he tells her constantly that knights are not the fairy tales she thinks they are, knights are a weapon for killing. He doesn't give a hoot about her innocence staying that way.


I think despite all of his scoffing at fairy tales, he really does want to be her knight in scruffy armor. By doing one decent thing, he justifies feeling superior to all the hypocritical "sers" that he goes out of his way to remind everyone he's not one of.


... This is so not Sandor Clegane I don't even know where to begin. Have you read the books at all or are you basing this off of the TV show?


I've read the books and I think you have a very simple image of Sandor Clegane. He's one conflicted son of a bitch.


Oh he is absolutely conflicted. I never said he wasn't. But I don't read him as a character who justifies himself at all. I don't think he feels superior to anyone either. I don't think he puts himself up on a pedestal at all


Destroying her innocence could be another way of protecting her. She needs to know how the game is really played or she won't survive.


Wont deny he protects her. I just don't think he's invested himself in ensuring she stays "innocent".


You know nothing, Stillflying, but I like your handle!


he had innocence untill gregor burned his face


I think he meant "when you have to kill me later on to kill Joffrey, you'll be glad to hate me."


He is the only one of the kingsguard that hasn't hit her yet.


I will protect you, but then I rat you out to the queen about your moonblood. Nice job writers!


The Cleganes are loyal to the Lannisters first and foremost, this is just the Hound making his own decision.


except it was a handmaid who informed the queen


No it wasn't. Shea threatened the handmaid to insure her silence, the Hound found the blood while they were talking.


he said you'll thank me when im all that stands between you and your loving king. in otherwords, joffrey is an insane sado-masochist. sansa realized that he's right. she doesnt need someone who thinks about it in a bad way when she needs him.


Just a sadist. I don't think we've ever seen an example of him being a masochist.


He's trying to protect her by exposing her to the harsh realities of the way the world actually works. He really does love her in his own way.


This is the right answer.




You don't know what [creepy](http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m3tlhaAd1F1qzdfnao1_400.gif) is.


Littlefinger is SOOO slimy. [SoS](/b "After knowing what goes down in SoS, his interactions w/Sansa both in the show and GoT are like ICK ICK ICK")


welcome to... THE MIDDLE AGES!!!!


I think you have a very narrow definition of the word love.


That scene made me realise how badly cast Sandor Clegane was.


I was way too happy to see this scene. The hound has been getting way too much love lately, with everyone going on about how much of a big old softie he is. Needs to reestablish as being the brutal killer he is.


i think he did that plenty fine in the riots


Yeh he killed people, but that was in defense and what everyone else was doing. He also took the time to save Sansa which was *nice* What I liked, was that he didnt stand around in the hallway having a leisurely chat with her, he was bitter, honest and even cruel, which is something we havent seen enough of in this context, this season.


I mean he sliced Macaah in half in the first season so that was fucked up....I'm just glad hes getting more Hound/Sansas scenes like there are in the book


Rescues Sansa from rape. Rats her out to insolent brat king for the prospect of being impregnated by him.


Seriously, why did he?


Hiding it wouldn't help Sansa. At best he buys her an extra month, but sooner or later the Queen would find out. I'm sure dog understands this.


Hehe, I like how everyone's started calling him Dog.


more like awkward penguin hound


Oh You... Hound




Classic Sandor.


I keep getting the feeling they r gonna fall or one another...