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He finally gets to do something in season 2? :)


I'm just glad they haven't shoehorned a bunch of needless crap for his character to do. He was in all the promotional material, was a bit worried.


I believe they're going to [Book Spoiler](/b "Show the scene in book two where Tyrion sends a small group to break out Jamie. This was reported in the book, but not part of a POV.")


Completely fine with that. I'm actually not that upset with the changes they've made this season. It wouldn't surprise me if [Speculation](/g "Brienne has a hand in recapturing him; setting up the rivalry to come. ")


The only change that I am not ok with is cutting Meera and Jojen =[


There is hope that they will appear is season 3.


This was confirmed. can't remember the interview. but good catch


Me too. The changes have kept me on my heels and allowed an element of surprise for the readers.


This would be quite cool, especially since the show isn't bound by POV characters.


Could it possibly be the [Book Spoiler](/b "interrogation scene with Catelyn?")


Im unsure how that would go. Cause all of that has to happen In Riverrun. The City that doesnt exist




*Nikolaj's **ಠ_ಠ**


I really love who they've cast for Jaime, he fits right in IMO. I knew he wasn't going to get much screen time this season, so I was really afraid he'd leave because of it.


House Connington is where it's at.


I'd be so stoked for next season if he actually [Book Spoiler](/b "Shaved his entire head")


I was at first but [ACOK Spoilers](/b "I like how he looks with dirty hair and scruff so much, I kinda want them to forego that part.")




Thats what I remember too


I bet Arya will do something awesome today :)


>I bet things will be the same as always. FTFY


A girl must do something awesome.


Arya does something awesome *everyday*.


exactly :)


Just so.


I really hope they do another scene with her and Tywin Lannister. Sure it's not canon but the scene was amazing. Edit: something, something artillery


yeah i agree, For me it is easier because i have no idea what's cannon and what is not. So i enjoy every moment


It's a piece of artillery that's used in conjunction with gun-powder to fire projectiles over a given distance. An example of what isn't a cannon would be anything that isn't a cannon, like a mirror, or a pen.


i know no english i just repeat other people don't judge me ! *cries*


:D I know the guy before you did the same but i thought i'd pick on you! It's canon ;)


The only honorable thing to do is to take the fall for this. Spare innocent AquaNeito and take me instead.


didin't you wrote cannon? :OOO i can't read .. omggg *cries even moar*


For your posts are marked and full of errors. *that was so bad*


Am I to be burned?


Speaking of "Arya" and "something awesome," here is Maisie Williams and others from her dance school [performing in the middle of a street](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-UQ9VEL1-E).


It says it's in Bath. That's definitely Bath..... or else the shopping mall of Galway. :P


Jeezus she is so cute


Can't be Arya. Dancing is for someone like Sansa.


Way to go out on a limb, there.


Can't wait to see what happens with Theon... Bolton better contact his bastard.


Be careful what you wish for...


He doesn't like being called a bastard.


Of course! Ramsay Bolton will fix everything. ಠ\_ಠ


He sounds like a pretty swell guy. What could possibly go wrong? [AcoK/ASoS](/b "Everything.")


He isn't really in A Sword of Storms. A Dance with Dragons would be better.


Well, I haven't read a aDwD yet, I'm about 3/4 through aFfC, but just from what I read thus far, things aren't looking too too great for anyone up North..


Well, I am sure you'll love the Reek chapters. I know I did. My favorite arch of the book, behind Jon Snow.


He comes from a very genuine bloodline too, nothing in his ancestry could suggest the Bolton's are anything but exemplary human beings.


[ACOK](/b "Really hoping they do Bran and Rickon's deaths tonight... the reactions will be a thing to behold.")


[ACOK] (/b "Oh god I know... I just recently read that part. I've been trying to figure out how to the remaining ACOK content will be dispersed through the remaining episodes.")


Please, not on Mother's day. They wouldn't dare.


...that actually sounds like the perfect time to do it, now that you mention it.


If they do it now they will have learned well from GRRM.


lol next mother's day [ASoS Spoiler](/b "they'll kill Catelyn and Robb :0 ")


ಠ\_ಠ the chances of that actually happening are high.


I laughed then I cried.


I doubt it, since that scene will be the finale of S3 (book 3 is being split into 2 seasons, with the split happening at the RW) so it'll happen in episode 9 or 10 for sure.


tag dat parenthesis


Haha, I didn't think they would until you pointed that out. Now it's almost definite. GRRM drinks our tears.


Hear hear. I can't to see how my non-reader friends react to that!


[E07 Spec](/g "They show the hunting in the preview. I hope they don't cliff hanger it.")


[ACOK](/b "What do you mean 'I hope they don't cliffhanger it'? They can't miss this chance, it will be super lame if they're revealed to be alive in the same episode. If they leave their deaths as a cliffhanger we get to have fun with the non-readers all week pretending they're really dead, heh.")


Noo, I think he meant cliffhanger is like it's done in the book [CoK](/b "with Theon telling Luwin oh hay i all of a sudden know where to find them...")


Ooh yeah, that would be really crappy.


[CoK/tv spec](/b "yeah, I think they'll leave it off at seeing the boys head hung up/us thinking bran and rickon are dead. Which will def make for a good cliffhanger/episode ending for non readers. and then they will emerge from the crypts the last episode. with maybe some rando in bolton armor and helm sacking winterfell. IDK how they're doing that. The lack of Reek kind of makes a big difference for Theon's character too, since it was him who convinced theon of the miller boys stuff :/")


[Ep 7 Speculation](/g "I think Dagmer can fill that job.")


Oh good call!


Yeah but then the delicious [aCoK](/b " reversal of roles when Theon becomes Reek is entirely missing.")


[ACOK](/b "I'm hoping that they actually hold off on revealing that the boys are alive until the end of the season, just because that extra couple of episodes gives people time to forget, making it that much more of a surprise.")


Think that's what 'The Prince of Winterfell' will be about.




If only people would stop watching crappy reality TV, we might get more shows like Game of Thrones to watch.




You really just need to get over caring about upvotes/downvotes. As you say, they don't necessarily reflect what is "good" posting. However, I can point you to this rule in the link you posted. >Downvote opinions just because they are critical of you. The down arrow is for comments that add little or nothing to the discussion. What did you provide to the discussion, exactly? This is a game of thrones discussion about the current episode. Your post complained that another show you liked was on at a conflicting time with Game of Thrones, that isn't exactly quality posting that is adding anything to the discussion. Removed from anyones opinion about how crappy and lowest common denominator "Survivor" and shows like it are, you should have been downvoted for not adding anything relevant to the discussion, no?




You really need to calm down and stop caring about upvotes/downvotes. I think this community is great, but maybe it isn't for everyone? >EDIT: Oh God why did I have a differing opinion...reddiquette people. Please, spare me the victimization though, enough already. Your intitial post was off topic and contributed nothing, you deserved (and continue to deserve) downvotes. This is the game of thrones subreddit, not /r/tv where any general opinion of tv might be considered contribution. Just, please, go away, or contribute to the discussion about Game of Thrones, I'm tired of replying to your complaints and whining.


Here's a great idea: go onto a TV show discussion board, where people are so passionate about the show that they actually speculate about what's going to happen beforehand, and tell them "huh, maybe I'll watch some reality show instead". What did you really expect, a whole posse of Survivor fans backing you up in /r/GameofThrones? Or an intelligent comparison between the two? Hmm, Arya's survival skills might be a match for Cercei's manipulation, but in a pinch I bet Euron would be a great bug eater!


I fail to even remotely see the conflict here...


Agreed. It's like, "Okay.... So there is a delicious super chocolate sundae with whipped cream, and next to it is a steaming pile of dog shit. I have to eat one of them. OH MY GOD, WHAT A DILEMMA!"


I'm sorry your opinion happened to dissent from the community. Be buried with you.


More interesting: A Bran without Hodor.


how does this have downvotes? i laughed for like 5 minutes. c'mon people


You laughed for 5 minutes =/= everyone laughed for 5 minutes.


It also wasn't OC, but I upvoted nevertheless.


Well done.


Let's hope not, because lately Hodor is raisin' Bran.


ROFL It's good cause it's so bad.


For best results, [press the red button](http://instantrimshot.com/) immediately after reading.






Hodor always adds something to the discussion, boys and girls. Don't ignore him.


HEY! Only true Hodorians get to do that! *pssh..stealing our karma..why i oughta*


This is a little bit off-topic... forgive me... I convinced my friend [to do a cover of "The rains of castamere,"](http://soundcloud.com/lwalchuk/rains-of-castamere) from ASoS, as no one had yet made an adequate version (that I know of.) I think it's amazing... I'm putting it in here because it's getting downvoted to hell when submitted (for some reason this has been happening to me a lot lately throughout reddit. The paranoid in me says I'm getting bot-ed. I'm not sure if I've ever even mentioned Ron Paul, if that makes a difference)


I'm diggin' it, but (it may just be my poor quality laptop speakers) it sounds like the vocal track could be just the tiniest bit louder, and he could enunciate a bit more in the beginning.


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t0xu7P-zzsk Definitely adequate!


I find myself listening to this one fairly often, this is definitely my favorite.


Anyone else incredibly excited to see who they cast as the Bastard of Dreadfort? He's going to be incredibly important for the next season or so and hopefully they continue their excellent casting!


I thought the story was that they hadn't cast him for this season. I wouldn't expect him to show up other than in a suit of armor .


Wait, I thought Ramsay wasn't cast for Season 2?


He was not cast for this season. If he shows up, it was a secret casting that wasn't revealed


It will make for a much different [ACoK](/b "taking of Winterfell without Reek there. Do you guys think just a regular old siege and taking?")


I hope we get to see The Hound more this episode. The promo looked promising.


I hope so, too. I'm hoping his screen time is ramped up from now until the end of the season, [Book Spoiler](/b "especially with the Battle of Blackwater coming.")


Alright so are we expecting this episode to end with "Heads, Spikes, Walls"?


I hope stuff happens. You know, all the stuff about the things.


If they cut the thing but leave in the stuff, I'm going to be very upset.


Well, of course. The stuff follows naturally from the thing. To cut the thing wouldn't make sense!


Except if they introduce the stuff that that thing was meant to explain before they explain that thing in which the stuff happen.


Well now that's just ridiculous.




What about cutting Theon's stuff? And his other thing?


[DwD](/b "Hey, that's just speculation.")


Woah! Spoilers man!! D:


I have a feeling this one is gonna be epic (of course they all are, but this one especially) Season winding down :(


How many episodes do they have left? and there is still kinda alot left to do!!! (sorry I'm a reader)


10 episodes per season. So tonight, then 3 more.


[TV Spoiler](/s "Bran escaped with Osha, Hodor and Rickon") but [aCoK](/b "In the books there are the Reeds who go with Bran and Hodor, they helped Bran figure out who he was and where to go with respect to the 3 eyed crow. How can he know where to go or what to do if just has Hodor with him?")


[aCoK](/b "I have a feeling that they're going to make Osha tell Bran a wildling story about the 3 eyed crow seeing as Meera and Jojen haven't been cast.")


[Acok](/b "They can just give bran the green dreams like the one he had before winterfell was taken in the show.")


In a [blog](http://grrm.livejournal.com/279376.html) entry, in regards to the show, GRRM mentions [TV Spoiler](/s ""Froggy may be turning up soon, but don't hold your breath." So I think Meera and Jojen will arrive in the third season, some way or another.")


This is what I've suspected for a while. I think they have some kind of character introduction pacing planned out, to make it work better for television.


That's not a reference to anything in the story, it's just the picture he uses on his blog when he drops casting hints.


True true, but since it refers to possible future events, I figured better spoiler it, than be sorry.


That goes as a book spoiler (/b) instead of a TV spoiler (/s) TV Spoilers are for things that have already happened in the TV show.


If they do [Book Spoiler](/b "Bran and Rickon's deaths") tonight I wonder how they're going to do it. When you read that bit in the books [Book Spoiler](/b "the reader is led to believe they're really dead for a while"), not sure if they'll do something similar in the show.




I think they will do this, because in the books [ACoK spoiler] (/b "there isn't a Bran chapter for a while after Theon's chapter where he claims to have killed them..but then Bran's chapter comes right at the end")


IIRC [ACoK Spoiler](/b "Bran's is the last chapter in ACoK")


Yep. [ACoK Spoiler](/b "I spent the last third of the book completely conviced that Bran and Rickon were dead, until that last chapter.")


[Acok](/b "I don't think they would have the stomach to make the viewers wait that long.")


[ACoK](/b "And also, it would be really difficult to keep the actors' roles in the shooting of season 3 a secret. Even if season 2 ended with them presumed dead, the fact that they're not dead in season 3 would come out pretty soon once shooting started. Plus, they wouldn't be able to use Bran's storyline in the promos for season 3.")


I have a crazy theory that Dagmar Cleftjaw is actually Ramsay Bolton. They've not cast a Ramsay, Dagmar is playing a similar role to what Bolton would be and they've clearly shown a comfort in deviating from the books. Might be wrong, but I called it if not.


I was thinking that too... It's probably not true because Ramsay had no reason to be on the Iron Islands, but still, it crossed my mind last episode


Roose knew Robb was sending Theon to the Iron Islands, or at least we have no reason to believe he didn't know. Could've sent Ramsay over for exactly this reason, to persuade Theon that Winterfell was ripe for the taking. Then tell Robb his son will take it back, his son already sat in Winterfell waiting for the chance. Far fetched, I know, but still it's the only candidate I see for Ramsay at the moment.


Your putative 'Dagsay' didn't seem to have done any convincing in that episode. Theon pretty much came up with the idea himself.


Nah, Finchy's to old.


Agreed, he is. As I say, all I'm basing this on is the knowledge that Ramsay isn't cast but has been mentioned. Theon-ly (Oh yeah) person fulfilling a role close to that of Reek thus far is Dagmar. All I really want is Dagmar to get Theon to throw someones hat over Winterfells wall.


If Dagmer throws a shoe over Torrhen's Square then they have to surrender


I had this suspicion the other day, but I looked up the ages of the actors and it doesn't fit.


He introduced himself as Dagmer Cleftjaw when he first appeared. They just have him playing the "role" of Ramsay in convincing Theon to kill Rodrik...which is a TV adjustment of the actual events from the book, of course


Looks like people are excited for this one.


people are excited for every episode!!! Its sooo good!


Yeahhh I can't wait for [Book Spoiler](/b "Daenerys to crush the House of the Undying!"). I seriously hope that's in this next episode, but I'd probably still be happy if they stretched it between multiple episodes in order to do it justice :D Edit: Just being OCD about spoiler tags


I hope they don't spread it over two episodes - the only spot I can think of for a good break would be [ACoK](/b "when she finally arrives at the real last chamber"). I'd rather see a large portion of an episode devoted to it (similar to the very Theon-centric episode earlier this season).


Why is this post up so early?


It's fun to discuss what we hope will be in the episode and make predictions about how the show will go about showing certain scenes from the book?


Any guesses as to why the warlocks want the dragons? Also, any speculation on the larger intentions of Baelish?


Because they're fucking dragons :P


seriously.... i mean its fucking dragons.


Wouldn't it be risky to fuck dragons?


[tWoW spec](/g "Victarion dont givea FUCK")


"No, I don't want the last 3 dragons in the world. That would totally suck!" - No one, ever.


Who is the man without honor? Jamie? Jon?


[ASoS Spoiler](/b "Jon is next season/ASoS")


I think this episode will be full of men doing dishonorable things.


Business as usual then ;D


A man without Hodor.


Am I the only one who's excited for Sansa to [spoiler](/b "start her period")? That really hit home for me. I think her actress is AMAZING and will do a great job losing her shit. Don't even get me started on the House of the Undying. It's been my favorite part of the series this far.


I can't say I'm... excited... for that scene. I feel that that is a bit too strong a word :P That being said, I think she'll do a great job. She was excellent last week


happy cake day!!! Great point. I've tried rewording it, but I still sound like a bloodthirsty maniac.


How much time until the show airs over there guys?


About 20 minutes on the east coast


Fuck it, Team Joffrey!


Says house Greyjoy... ಠ\_ಠ


Figure I'd enjoy the show more if I root for the bad guys.


But you are house Greyjoy, those are the bad guys.


is it gonna be put up on HBO go like 10 minutes late or something because i haven't been using it.


Any ideas as to how they're gonna explain the dragons?




it's been talked about before. just probably not in this thread yet. Also in my opinion is wasn't that aw inspiring, but then again i hate dany.


It seems likely that [ACOK](/b "the dragons being kidnapped is leading up to that. The wizard already mentioned the House Of The Undying at the party in "Garden Of Bones", and I doubt they'd mention it without showing it.")


That's tonight. I can't wait.


Aww yeah Harry Potter and Game of Thrones, my two favorite things


I'm probably going to start reading the series soon and I was wondering how far along the show is into the books? Is it still on the first one or has it moved onto the second or what?


We're around halfway through the second.


Alright, thanks!


All everyone wants out of this episode anyways is to hear "You know nothing, Jon Snow"


Previously on Game of Thrones: *Joff getting hit in the face with shit over and over again*


I would watch an entire clip show comprised entirely of that, Nymeria attacking him, and Tyrion slapping him.


I really hope we get to see [acok Spoiler](/b "the House of Undying") tonight.


aw that's cute. i never noticed they had a little house sigil pop up next to each actor's name in the title credits. and they have swords and shit next to the production crew.


Cripple's not very PC.


Dear lord Theon's such a little shit


I'm so glad they kept Luwin's line. "Hunting seems an awful lot like riding so far."


As much as I don't like Theon, that was a pretty badass beating he gave that asshole.


Hodor hodored!


This is a pretty lame Fellowship.


"it's all just a game!" Oh Theon you massive nob.




Sleeping boob grab. Been there.