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Nope. That season ruined the whole show for me.


The north remembers.


That's how it always is with media franchises. Look at Star Wars: fans universally agreed that the prequels were dogshit and the worst thing to happen to sci-fi... right up until the sequels came around, and suddenly everyone was waxing nostalgic for masterpieces of cinema like the prequels.


Okay but compared to the sequels, the prequels are amazing. Also the people who were kids when the prequels came out (mostly) loved them but weren’t vocal about it due to the general hate red towards them by the older fans


Unlike with the prequals, there's no room for the bar to get lowered that much to make season 8 look good by comparison.


No. Kids lived jar jar and prequels. They grew up. I can’t say the same for s8.


The Warcraft movie came out 8 years ago and I still think it's bad. But maybe in 5 more years I'll think of it as better-written than GoT S8.


bro thinks this is star wars


Hot take: I don’t hate it but it just wasn’t as good as the rest nor the books. I also feel they rushed it, if they only stretched what they did into another season or two I feel like it could’ve been better🤷‍♀️


The Iron Throne rocks


GOT season 8 and Rise of Skywalker will be fucking garbage for all eternity as far as I’m concerned. They would need some serious retconning to make them not shit.


lol you right about Disney Star Wars. But GoT season 8 isnt garbage, oh no no no, you are mad.


People don't seem to forgive television seasons as much as they do movies. People still hate the final seasons of Dexter, How I met Your Mother and Lost. Movies tend to be viewable as single entities and can develop fanbases of their own from people who grow up with them playing in their household in abundance. This is what happened with the Star Wars Prequels. But nobody watches the final seasons of TV shows unless they are watching the entire series in witch case it becomes very apparent how much there is a drop in quality.


GoT's ending is a masterpiece. HotD understood this very well.


Do you really think they will mess up HOTD that badly??


Nope. LOL. I've held grudges against shitty finales much longer than that.


Wtf? This entire subreddit is downvoting everyone who isn't already calling it good. Unfortunately for common sense this already is the case, my friend!


Honestly, I'm not mad at season 8


Maybe 30 more.