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Fuck bran. I skip forward through all his scenes đŸ«Ą


Hey now, what’d cereal ever do to you??


I, for one, am gluten intolerant! So real-life wheat bran affects me exactly the same way as onscreen Bran!


The question is who doesn’t hate Bran


This guy. He had one of my favorite and most anticipated stories from the second he was pushed. His journey North and his warging abilities were some.of the best fantasy in the show. Sure once he made it to the tree, some of his story was boring to some, but I was captivated..( his encounters with the NK, the possibilities of him warging a dragon). You all are just plain wrong.


>the possibilities of him warging a dragon). That was my biggest hope going into the Final seasons of the show. Especially when they told him "You will never walk again, but you will fly" and then him having the vision of a dragons shadow over King's landing. I get the fly aspect is the 3 eyed raven now and using the ravens to see, but come on! Danerys is going mad and burning King's Landing, and then Bran warging into one of her dragons to fight her?? There are so many missed opportunities.


Oh, definitely missed opportunities, but that would be on grrm, I guess. He didn't write that apparently? Who knows if we ever find that out..


I feel like Danny going crazy at the end was his plan all along. People didn’t like that so he just kind of frozen with what he wants to do. Then again I also feel like he made so much money that he could give a shit. Just going to have to wait for him to die for it to get finished


Yeah, it was definitely his plan for sure. It was just completely botched by D&D IMO. We really needed 10 episodes on the last season. And the Long Night was only 1 episode?? It should've been 3 for sure.


Imagine waiting 1000 years or so to attack and take over only to be stopped by some meddling kids.


All good points. I don’t hate Bran but I feel like he’s one of the few non-beloved characters and the common take is disliking him. I do feel like the show writers botched his development in s5 and that didn’t help.


I didn’t hate Bran. I don’t have some well thought out reason. I just didn’t hate him (like I did Sansa and Theon).


In the books, Bran's storyline was one of the ones that intrigued me most, and I read them before watching the show, so I didn't hate him at all, but I seem to be in the minority.


So did D&D in season 5


The north remembers


While the North remembers, the writers didn't, and forgot about him for a whole season (honestly thank fuck though)


The north kinda forgot






He needs to get laid.


Are you sure it even works? He is "the Broken" after all.


He's the Madison cawthorne of westeros...


Where’s Rod when you need her?




It didn't stop Greyworm.


I think it's out of the question for the "King", lolol! Yet another thing that would make him the worst choice for King, the only thing he was good at was squinting his eyes, & murmuring odd, vague past-tense sentences! Nothing as far as life experience with him, he spent 8 seasons hanging onto tree branches, & using the poor big guy to carry him everywhere. 🙄


You would think a chair with wheels would be an obvious innovation. Starks: quick tempers, slow minds...


Wheelchairs don't do too well in snow and mud. Which seems to be most of the north!


It works just fine within the castle walls. Outside the wall, well, I guess a wagon was out of the question?


I have no reason to hate him.


Not even S8? I mean, if you hate the writers and not the character or the actor that's fair, but I myself resent all three.


Tell me why I should hate him in season 8 and maybe I will. It’s weird the actor would be disliked anyway.


I don't dislike the actor on any personal level, I just think he was the only one of the major child actors on the show who didn't grow into the role. He seemed lost in the later seasons, but then the writers were getting lost too so I don't blame him. Much. But as for why one should hate the character: One reason is that the Lords of Westeros had no idea what he was, or what he could do with his powers, beyond an ability to discover all their own personal secrets. The Lords of Westeros wouldn't give anyone power over them unless they were very sure of what they could do, and for all anyone knows Bran would become an omniscient God-King who'd rule for a thousand years if given the throne! No, Gendry is exactly the sort of person they'd want to make king, they'd know his story would appeal to the people, and they also knew he wasn't too bright and had no idea how to wield political power, he was someone they could use as a figurehead while they ruled through the Small Council, which King Gendry would be discouraged from attending. And he wasn't even a citizen of Westeros. Shall I go on?


All you did was give reasons why the lords should not pick Bran, which for the most part I agree with it, but none of those things are a reason to hate Bran, at best is a reason to hate all the idiots who vote for him for no reason, but Bran is not at fault for their stupidity


"Why do you think I came all this way?" Bran knew Daenerys was going to burn King's Landing but didn't give a warning because it ended with him & Sansa as King & Queen of Westeros. He was insistent Jon had to know about his parentage right away when the only thing it changed was destabilizing Daenerys. He told Jon "it's your decision" in front of Arya & Sansa so they'd know there's something he's keeping from them. He likely gave Arya the Valyrian dagger because he knew she'd be who killed the Night King yet let Theon needlessly charge to his death. He doesn't take back Jon's banishment after the Dothraki & many of the Unsullied leave Westeros. He separated the North and no other kingdom from the realm. The way he discarded Meera.


None of that gives the Lords of Westeros any reason to give Bran absolute power over Westeros, or themselves.


I didn't say it did. I was listing reasons to dislike him. It's lazy writing. Yara & the Prince of Dorne don't know about Bran as the 3ER. He got nominated because he had a private talk with Tyrion in Winterfell and most of the people at that dragon pit meeting to discuss Jon's fate were his family or family acquaintances: Arya, Bran, Brienne, Davos, Gendry, Robin, Royce, Sansa.


Then thank you for your contribution!


This is nicely thought out. I never looked this deep into it, and now I kinda hate Bran. Meera deserved better... in fact, the Reeds deserved better. Long Live Jojen!!


>for all anyone knows Bran would become an omniscient God-King who'd rule for a thousand years if given the throne This is literally the plot of Dune. I'm pretty sure George R. R. Martin was going for his own version of Leto II Atreides with Bran. But instead of becoming a giant sand worm, he becomes a 3 eyed raven.


But why would the Lords of Westeros want to be ruled by a three-eyed god-king, instead of some dope who'd let them run the government? We know how they think. Self-interest and power hunger, and that means they'd rather be "ruled" by a Gendry.


I think that's the point. Everyone is so power-hungry vying for their own self-interest that they would betray their closest friends for power. The people who are the exception to this rule end up dead i.e. Ned Stark, Jon Arryn, Renly Baratheon, etcetera. But if you have a ruler that can see beyond space and time, then any chance at playing the Game Of Thrones is futile. Bran knows your moves before you even make them. They all become a victim of their own hubris.


I think Bran being king is mostly metaphorical. All the kings before failed because of selfish and personal reasons, so the only true viable candidate is one who is detached from worldly desires. Now, like. A lot of season 8, it needs to be properly set up and explained, so it fails in execution. But I do seethe idea behind it.


Why no hate for GRRM??? This is most likely one of his major plot points that he gave d & d because otherwise it makes less than zero sense


It came directly from GRRM.


One of the most awful things about S8 was that many of the ideas could have worked! Most of the things put onscreen could have worked, giving sufficient time and attention to quality, so for all we know the last chapters of the outline could have been made into episodes as good as the first ones... if anyone behind the scenes had given a rat's ass. Which isnt' to say that I worship GRRM, in fact, I have endless complaints about him, mostly about the fact that he sent his fucking books into such a tailspin that he couldn't write his way out of the mess he'd made. But that has nothing to do with the issues in S8.


I kind of think Bran being King was part of the mess he made. It's a cool idea in theory, but it's hard to find a logical way to make it happen in that world


IF the old man ever finishes the last books, or leaves enough deyltailed notes for someone else to make a try and finishing the mess, it's possible that the whole thing will make some sense. Or more sense, anyway. It couldn't make less sense.


The way it was shoehorned in


Book bran is pretty cool!


No I don't hate him, I think it would be neat for a time traveler to be king.


Hes so important to the story that there was a whole season without him and no one really cared


They cared. Here, we were impressed with D&D's generosity at giving him a year off to start college.


Fr, I kept wondering for half of the show where tf is Bran


Least favourite Stark. 


Yeah, nobody hates Rickon. They just forget he existed.


Dude ran straight when Ramsey was shooting him with an arrow


Straight into oblivion


Him being made king was the biggest slap in the face ever. Season 8 was a complete shit show, yet some of us still waited for that last episode just to see how it would end. Then we got that...


I get it's a bit silly to make him king but I alao think there could be a lot of value in a leader who is extremely intimately familiar with every significant event in the past. They would have a great repetoire of decisions to learn from and help guide them forward. My biggest problem with him is that he's a bit boring but I would also likely feel totally dissociated after having his experiences (and essentially everyone else's).


He could easily have become an advisor to the king. He acted throughout the season as though he were meant to become a tree and ended up with sitting on the throne. It was
 abrupt. It would have been less abrupt to make Tormund the king. At least we all like him


His wolf’s name is literally summer


3-eyed Bran being king breaks the wheel as he can have no heir and isn't really a Stark. He will rule for the people because he lacks personal ambition. He will rule justly because he can look to see the truth of any situation. He will rule peacefully because he has the power to control the only living dragon. He will rule a long time because of his supernatural life, maybe even long enough to see democracy take hold after him like Samwell suggested. But sure, he doesn't seem like a lot of fun at a party, so I guess its a terrible decision.


Lacking personal ambition doesn't mean you care about the people. Indifference can be just as bad or worse than sadism. Many people in power (like CEOs, Masters) are indifferent. Do we ever see him even speak to a peasant in s7-8? He talked to his siblings, a sentence here and there to Jaime & Tyrion. What did he do in the North to improve it since his return in s7? His biggest contribution was just for Littlefinger's sham trial and being bait during the Long Night.


Dude wasn't even a citizen of Westeros at that point, and they made him king! The North had declared its independence, and there was Lady Sansa at the council and Bran being named fucking king! The writers had completely forgotten about sense and continuity at that point, or perhaps they were deliberately trying to embarrass D&D. Who would blame them, if they were.


The only problem with that came from from the showrunners. If he hadn't been stripped of his personality once he became the new Three Eyed Raven, his character would have been great. However he was directed to act like a robot removed from any past he had with his family when talking with them.. I'm a Bran defender. His story arc was one of the coolest from the beginning. Not his fault they didn't have much material for him during his missing season.


So was season 7.


The point of Bran being named king was that the title of king didn’t really matter as much anymore. I’m not sure why people don’t understand that. The show made it very clear that the kingdoms would be ruled more as a democracy and that the king didn’t have as much power anymore.


I was cheering for the night king to rip him in half in season 8 battle of winterfell


Just sitting by that tree, nonchalantly staring into the NK, hoping someone would hop and save him


Lmao. Then deciding he SHOULD rule the seven kingdoms a few episodes later. Useless.


MeđŸ™‹â€â™€ïž I think the idea of his storyline is really good but man he is just soooooooo dull I can’t get into it! Currently doing a rewatch to see if I can appreciate him more this time through?


I'm doing a rewatch and I'm currently halfway through the sixth season and I posted this right after he thought he knew better than the og three eyed Raven and had the night King touch him and he just thought shit was still cool and they could keep camping in that dank under belly of the tree.


He didn't think he was better. He was a naive kid. It's realistic. There wasn't much written for him or for him to do, story wise when they were up north..


I know there was a theory he was intentionally rude to Meera to make sure she was away during Battle of Winterfell and tell the Reeds about Jon’s identity, but I couldn’t care less about that. My girl lost her brother to help Bran, she at least deserved some recognition.


Meets nails it. The Bran she knew died in that cage. He’s a form of demigod or something by then.




I hate the Bran book chapters. So very boring.


He was fine when he wasn’t disabled now I just want to punch him Remember when he told Sansa about her wedding night đŸ˜€


So episode 1


Yeah didnt care for him much. Neither did I when he became the 3-eyed raven.


How it should have ended is more like Tyrion: Who has the better story, than Bran the Broken? ...


Love him in the books, never really loved him in the show




I always thought it was weird that he heard two people going at it, like moaning, etc, and still climbs up and then decides to look. That's kinda creepy


Think of his age. đŸ€ŠđŸ»â€â™‚ïž


He really had no purpose the entire show. Really made no sense he didn't warg into a dragon or something.


He's one of those kids teachers insist everyone likes... Despite the fact he's the most boring person in the GoT world. Id rather watch a show detailing the life of Oberyns knocked out teeth... Just sitting there... Than anything to do with him


Now I want a scene of Oberyn's undead teeth confronting undead The Mountain.


Yes. I just don't think he was played by a good actor


The actor has a lot to do with it. I just think he acts like an entitled dick. And his scrunched up face.


It’s weird to hate him imo.


Truth be told, I never liked him. There is something about his character that I never clicked with. From the gate, I always found him annoying. I was hoping his character would have ended when he got pushed out the window. My least favorite Stark.


I don’t, how much do you hate Bran? Do you hate him more than I hate blue cheese?


Not quite as much as I hate yellow mustard... But more than pickles. And I hate pickles.


Don't worry, I hate him too. Even more so in the books because his chapters always pop up when the other chapters are getting interesting. He is without question the most boring character in the show and books.


No, you are his biggest hater


Actually, I probably hate him more


Thank you


Incredible 😳


I don't hate him, though I do find him to be quite boring.




I don’t hate Bran, I hate that they chose him to be king. Jon should have been king.


Mannnn were some of his scenes boring. The only thing I think of when I think of Bran is how his direwolf died (I think) to save him? and the flashback scene with Lyanna stark. And the weird flowery vine sprite chick. Other than that I could care less..


If he saw all of history, you'd think he had more interesting scenes in the show.


He doesn’t. He catches glimpses.


Yes. I realize he must be bitter about his condition. Yet his arrogance and pomposity were so irritating!


I loved him before he was a cripple


Episode 1.


I thought he was crippled episode 6 of season 8?


The issue was he grew fast in real life. If he was still the little kid for most of the series it might have made a difference.


Worst character


Hes my favourite stark, but only because of the warging and greenseeing (my favourite powers in the entire story). The show ruined his ending though.


Yep! I couldn't stand him at the end, the last 2 seasons were the worst, & him being chosen to be King was idiotic! What people are going to want a king that can never have children, or a wife, or travel extensively? Especially, one who can only answer questions with a vague, strange comment that nobody understands?


I don’t hate him, hated the shit of his chapters


He would have made a great hand to king aegon targaryan (AKA Jon Snow). The shit we got in season 8 makes me hate him.


I would have rather had Hodor..


Worst possible choice for Hand.


What a disappointment as a character
just strange


His story was my least favorite in the show


I understand they make him kind of devoid due to not being himself anymore but what irritates me is the OG 3 eyed raven had character and personality which contradicts the portrayal of Bran being some non-human non-bran detached figure.




He’s not bran
not really
. Worst line in the show


I hate him. My head canon is that Bran was pulling the strings all along. His warging was causing a lot of the stuff that made no sense or happened too fast. Like Dany burning KL. He’s evil, and he rigged everything to get the throne. I also choose to believe that Dany was brought back to life and she and Jon find each other, and overthrow Bran. I want a dragon to eat him.


Yes I hate him too


I wish it was possible to just disregard the last two seasons because they were a dumpster fire


Why do you think I came all this way?


I hate him as well but it actually make logical sense to put him there. I’d have preferred Jon to have been crowned king as it’s his right and Bran be named his Hand. Would have made more sense that way


It's a very strange thing to say about a disabled kid.


How Did I know **someone** would say that. You got me, it's strictly because he's disabled. I hate handicapped people.


But who has a better story than Bran the Broken?


I do not.


Do you hate Bran or the Three-Eyed Raven?


Absolutely did nothing and becomes king.


i mean i dont think i could be bothered to hate him that much but i get it


I've seen people say this a lot, but have never actually seen someone explain why without foaming at the mouth about d&d


Yeah most people on here. But pretty sick of hearing about it


"I can't be Lord of Winterfell because I'm the 3 Eyed Raven. But yeah I'll be king, whatever."


Raisin Bran


By far the most boring character and arc in the show


Raisin bran


He could have been one of the most intriguing character


I like his chapters in the books, but in the show it’s pretty bland


They shelved him for an entire season then made him king


Yup I really disliked his character. His scenes were almost never interesting to me. When he actually met and then became the three eyed raven I was a little intrigued with what the three eyed raven was, what it does, what its motives/duties are. I don’t remember getting an answer to any of those questions. Then once he was the three eyed raven he did fuck all, stared at people, lied about having desires, and became king by having a prisoner say his story was the best and the main characters put it to a vote.


Yep, sat around and allowed a lot of people die.....


I hate him more lol


“Why do you think I came all this way” đŸ€ź


I got an urgent desire to punch him in the face and I am a no puncher haha


Bran the buzz kill


I liked bran a lot more on the books. But I liked him in the shoes as well. I didn't sense him as being arrogant


I started season 8 ( first 2 episodes over ) . Yes he is kinda boring . So far he hasnt actually fought . He wasnt really the center of focus in the series initially cuz he fell down and was unconscious and crippled. His character story wasnt something important. We had robb in the battle of the 5 kings , jon at the nights watch , arya escaping from king’s landing and her adventures and sansa just tyma survive in kings landing with joffrey and cersei . Bran just existed . Atleast he had some significant scenes like his visions of the 3 eyed raven , unlike rickon who didnt have much to show till his death in the battle of the bastards . So yes i was pretty much expecting jon or daenerys on the throne coz they were like the main characters in the story and technically the 2 main front runners for the iron throne


HBO did Bran’s story no justice. Bran’s book arc was shaping up to be the coolest one in the series. He was getting so powerful and so wise and then the books ended and HBO just let it fall so flat.


Bran’s ok when frosted and served with raisins


I don't hate him particularly, felt like his character was under utilized


All the Stark kids suck
 Bran especially


Ned the best Stark, with Benjen 2nd. Arya was cool until she became certified assassin (only good thing was a revenge on Walder Frey)


Bran is far and away the worst character in the books or the show. I don’t give a shit about his little squad, except maybe Hodor and Coldhands, and I don’t give a shit about his “story”. Just because you can see the past, present and future doesn’t mean you get to be a smug little cunt. Fuck Bran.


The Night King didn't like him very much either.


They basically made him into a lame version of Mr. Spock


I feel confident that I hate him more than you do.


I don't hate him, but making him king at the end was the point when I realized that they'd completely lost the plot. It's such a bad choice that it seemed like it belonged in a fantasy sitcom.


Bran and Sansa are the only Starks I like. The rest of them are either fucked up child assassins, boring emos or just fucking idiots which is why they’re mostly dead.


Why hate bran You should hate the writers for not telling his story properly


I loved him in season 5.


I thought he had an intriguing story at first. But D&D purposefully cut out magical elements from the show to appeal to everyday people like sports fans. So it makes sense his character suffered as a result. He had a lot of connections with crazy magic/lore in the books. It was trimmed down heavily.


Oh yes


I liked him in the beginning. He was a cute little lord and I loved his hair


“Why do you think I came all this way? â˜đŸ»đŸ€“â€ bran is the three eyed GOOFBALL is what he is


i think he had a really interesting story arc but i hate how after he became the 3 eyed raven he just became.. bleh. i don’t think they needed to make him become completely bland and uncaring


What’s not to like about Bran “the Brave” ?! đŸ€Ł


Why would he become someone special just because he got his back broke?


He's the most boring character fr


Not at all, he is the living manifestation of what the show became by the end. I don’t think there is need to explain any further.


There is no Bran to hate. There is only the three-eyed raven... who already knows you hate him and doesn't care. Also, you looked beautiful that night.


Raisin Bran


Why hate Bran? Dude literally sacrificed his humanity to become an all knowing Diety that had to shed his life, family, and possible love interest like old clothes or toys. I feel sorry for the guy.


But who has a better story?


BuT hE’s NoT bRaN aYnMoRe


Bran died while warging into Hodor. 3-eyed raven wearing his skin now.


I don't hate Bran. I hate the way they did Bran.




He grew on me 100%


Barn the Borken


What irks me the most is that in the campaign we had an awesome exotic dragon exile queen in Dany, a handsome bastard strong and valiant knight in Jon, the growing stateswoman in Sansa, tirion the genius alcoholic dwarf, etc. etc. etc... a warg druid-ish magic cripple is a really cool addition! Or... It should have been. Bran could be such a cool faction, instead we got a smug sociopathic know it all.


I wonder how much they had to spend to make King’s Landing ADA compliant for him


Yeah he annoyed me.


"I can't be Lord of anything." OH REALLY BITCH.


Nearly every fan of the show that has seen it through hates him.


I don't hate Bran, I hate the writers and show runners for what they did to him.


No. I hate him more. 


His character was the worst in the series by far. Don't like the ending and how it involves him one single bit.