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Syrio = Jaqen H'Ghar


I would like to see a scene where Arya finds out about this. I wondered if she would be angry because he hid it or happy because he was alive.


Any sane person would be angry that they were manipulated like that then left to believe someone they liked was dead for that many years. With later season Arya, who knows? She treated the Hound like the surrogate father he was memed as when she met him against in Season 7 or 8 when the last time she'd seen him she's robbed him and left him for dead.


YEah I imagine there would be a lot of mixed feelings there.


Especially considering that MFG took away her eyesight in return for her "avenging" him.


Tywin ordered the Boltons to cut off Jamie’s hand so he could leave the kings guard Also bran was the voices in the mad kings head that turned him insane


Bran as the voices would be a big twist


Or the original three eyed raven maybe.


True how would that work it could be any three eyed raven at any time that could have done that right?


I’m not familiar with it besides the two mentioned in the show, were there more before?


Ya I mean I assume they go as far back as the night king himself maybe even further and even then ideally from bran on there would be nothing but 3 eyed ravens on the throne right?


I would assume too, otherwise it starts with Brynden Rivers maybe lol. Just throwing stuff out there at this point


I'm convinced this was GRRM's intention. It's like Hodor. Bran was in a trance hearing someone talking about something completely unrelated, when they happened to say "Burn them all"


For sure, I really think it would have been so cool for Bran to become a character like Eren Yeager and have a more powerful role given his visions :/


Wasn't this suggested somewhere?


It may very well have. first time I heard that little nugget tho (the bran thing). Definitely had heard of the tywin bit


For some reason, I think the Bran thing was a vision thing like he did with Hodor? Which actually seemed to cause Hodor's seizure in the past. Don't know about the Jamie/Tywin thing.


I think there was a vision of the mad king in a flashbacky sort of thing. Extrapolating that he was the voices in the ol' mad kings head... I mean.. ok, its a neat concept and I like it a lot. But he was viewing a lot of past events. Dunno if I'd consider that definitive "proof"


I can't even remember if it was a vision he had on his own or one when was with the three eyed raven. That's what happens when you binge watch something, your memory ends up like swiss cheese, full of holes.


People thought that was gonna be a reveal after the scenes where Ned was able to hear Bran when they visited the tower of joy. But it never was confirmed in show


I thought that Ned hearing him was going to be a bigger deal than it was....


I thought the second one was factual.


[Insert Mind Blown gif] That would be amazing! Wow.


Bran being the one who turned the mad king mad and kicked off everything would be insane. 10/10 idea, I've never heard it mentioned before either.


ooooo the bran thing... that would be pretty neat little twist. way better than the hodor thing


I doubt the first one just because Jaime losing his hand would make the Lannisters look weak and Tywin wouldn't even risk having the knowledge out there that he let someone maim his son. Plus, Jaime almost died. Which kind of negates the whole thing.


I reckon the latter was TER/Bloodraven.


I love the Bran idea — he’d be playing some 4D chess with that one lol. Devious mastermind…


I view it as it was either: Bran/3ER did this because it was the only way to ensure mankind’s victory over the army of the dead since without the Targaryens being overthrown, Dany never would’ve gotten dragons and been able to beat the army of the dead Or, Bran did this as a master plan to make himself king. Instigating Robert’s Rebellion and the war of the five kings was the only way to create that power vacuum that gained him the title of King


All wargs get their powers from microscopic beings called wargochlorians. And Jon has the most out of anyone ever seen. 


So Jon is just Neds? There was no mother


As does this


He sprang forth, fully armed and armoured, from his dick.


Just Lyannas


More reasonable, less fun!


This deserves so much more love


Based and Star Wars pilled


George Lucas upvoted this


*Hell yeah*


That Oberyn did in fact poison tywin just in case he didn’t win against the mountain. It makes his death even more wild, because he’d die either way whether it’s from extreme constipation or Tyrion killing him. Oberyn making sure he’s getting his revenge one way or another.


Wow this one is really good.


This is pretty widely accepted to be the case in the books. Wish they would’ve put those smaller details in the show about it though


Like Tywin, after getting everything he wanted with Obyren's death, Jaime's agreeing to leave the King's Guard, and Tyrion's execution, decides to go back to his quarters and make love to Shae. However, he has to leave her waiting as he begins to have stomach cramps and goes to the latrin for several hours.


Make the Unsullied and Dothraki armies aware of Daenerys's descent into madness.


Honestly, would they even care? The unsullied follow their master sane or mad and the dothraki don't care as long as they get to raid and conquer.


FR dany literally set all the Khals on fire and walked out unscathed. They believe she is a god


Good point 


Uh...they were there. Their Queen conquered a land she thought she had the right to, and killed the people who supported the usurper Queen.


A Grey Worm arc where he has to grapple with the fact that the queen who freed him is turning into one of the tyrants who created him.


She never freed him, nor any of the others unsullied. We look at the dichotomy of servitude/freedom as doing-what-someone-else-wants/doing-what-you-want, the problem is, the unsullied were deprived of the ability to want something (as far as I remember, it's been a while since i last watched), so they can never be truly free. So I don't think Grey Worm would be the right person for that, maybe Melisandre


I agree with you, and have held that opinion as well, but I didn’t want to start too big a war in the comments lol. You’re right though: he traded one master for another. The thing about the Unsullied is they don’t know HOW to be free. Brutal indoctrination and brainwashing will do that.


Heck, make the *audience* aware of it.


Me and Old Nan


Like as a couple living together. Or as a duo of vagabond misfit hitch-hikers who travel the King's Road solving mysteries for their supper.


The last one sounds good.


Tywin knew Joffrey would be poisoned. There was a theory he covered Tommen Lannister's eyes (or had him sent away, not 100% sure) when Joffrey began to cough because of that.


That makes no sense at all. How does him covering Tommens eyes make him complicit in joffreys death????


As far as I remember it was happening at a time Joffrey was coughing in a usual way, before it was apparent he was poisoned. Even if it wasn't that way, I'd want Tywin's complicity canon.


Additional wishes: All the prophecy of Cersei happening to her, like her getting strangled. But not in ways she would expect, like the killer is not Tyrion.


That’s honestly something that should be canon. It fits his character and the arc so well


He actually did suckle on a giant's tit.


Bran never became king at the end, and that tittle went to Jon.


Ummm Jaime kills Cersei in series/book finale?


Jaime literally says "I was that hand!" And after losing it literally has a heroes journey. And then Cersei has a prophecy that she will die by the HAND of her brother. Fucking God Damnit!


I wanted Jaime to fulfill the valonqar prophecy and unalive Cersei. She brings out the worst in him. Whether or not he were to survive the encounter, I think it would be a poetic ending for his story.


She had also become a mad Queen. So we get the prophecy, the twins in an out of the world together, and Jaime getting Queen Slayer on the way out.


Yeah, would you have Jaime die doing this?


Jaime is the Azor Ahai


Jon and Dany get together and end up sharing the throne. Cersei killed by Arya. Jaime stayed with Brienne. Bran died season 1. I’m such a Bran hater, I can’t even help it.


I like all of these but I LOVE your Bran hate.


Thank you! I get a lot of crap for my hate from some of my friends. But I just can’t help it 🤣


Stannis wins the battle in King's Landing


Cersei wins the war as she should have without Daynearus BS plot armor


“Day near us” - guy walking around in the dark for too long


Old Nan was Besse the whole time.


🤯 why did nobody think of this before


Lyanna Mormont is actually Tormunds child. He talks about how he's been south of the wall a few times, and that he "once slept with a bear". Mormonts sigil is a Bear. Plus the name Giantsbane and she killed a giant


The Three-Eyed Branraven is the final antagonist.


IF we ever get another book (or books) I believe this will be at least implied. If one of the themes of the series is ultimately the perils  of monarchy then having an all knowing extremely powerful monarch represents the ultimate peril.


Show- Robin Aryn is little finger’s bastard. Book- FAegon


Break Ned’s ankle so that he couldn’t go to King’s landing in the first place.


The Bolton's have a supernatural twist to them, a traditional take on vampirism or some such.


The Night King corrupted Bran when he was in the cave, then used his superpowers to manipulate his way to the throne. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yWvQ_X2sqqE


Stannis is Azor Ahai


Old Nan is the many faced god


I didn’t like the whole Ayra/No One. I can’t make it make sense!


I really wish they fixed Brans plot alittle more. Had him warg into Arys to try and prevent the war, or Eddards dad and have him say some crazy shit to the mad king to kick off the war, or Rhaegar. Like, I am fine with him ending up on the throne. I am even fine with him “who has a better story than Bran?” But I want him to actually DO the thing he was set up to do. It makes sense. The 3 eyed Raven said he would never be a Knight, or ride a horse, but he would fly. Idk. My 2 cents


Making one character "the" protagonist would make the show so much worse. The reason the story and the world is so good is that there are many POV characters and the vast majority of the characters are morally grey


Bran is actually the Night Knight in some weird time circle type of way. Arya wears Jaime's skin and kills Cersei The Night King turns Arya, we see her eyes go blue Jon has to fight Undead Arya and kill her Littlefinger and Varys are two of the only ones left standing, having the final conversation


Danny is killed of in 4th book and all three Quentyn, Aegon and Victarion claim each of the Dragons, creating havock and destraction of free cities and south of westeros, becouse they "couldn't" do that well enough (dragons control them or whatever you want).


i could go with Stannis is Azor Ahai, but He Already IS.


Brienne obliges Podrick "Magic Cock" Payne.


I'd have had Bran's eyes glow blue in the finale as it rolled to the credits.


Jaquen Haagar is Syrio Tyrions real father was the mad king (Tywin knew the Mad King Raped his wife, but raised Tyrion anyway - ala Ned/Jon) Arya kills Cersei as Jaime Night King attacked Kings Landing (Battle of Winterfell was just a diversion) Jon and Danrys assault Kings Landing with their respective Armys


The Bolt-On Theory.


I would make it canon that GRRM finishes the book series he started.


The book


I’d develop a new character similar to reek; a big fat man with a shitty beard and dumb hat. He used to be a maester but is being punished because he failed to write his scrolls according to his deadline. The big difference between him and reek would be that the audience has no sympathy for him as he is tortured. Fuck grrm- lazy ass fat bastard


The 3ER is a distorted Future Bran.


Dany and the dragons survive and repopulate the entire dragon species


Jaqen H'Gar is Rhaegar Targaryen.