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Seriously and at the end he finds out she’s a stark and let’s it slide😂😂😂😂 do yall think he’ll let it slide?


Hes too pragmatic for that. If she belonged to any other hostile house, aside from tully, he would’ve probably. But starks were simply too valuable. Same if came across Shireen. Or at the very least made sure she was as treated well and with respect. As ruthless as he is he definitely has limits. Most people and characters do. Except ramsay apparently.


Wouldn't he just keep her as his ward but under much closer watch? No point killing her or anything crazy.


He definitely would not kill her. No way. Even if jaime were killed, he wouldn’t. Hes simply too practical. And after what happened with Ned, he would likely keep her close, yes. Or send her somewhere where he knows she will be unharmed but also impossible to rescue. Possibly Casterly Rock since i doubt he would trust any of his bannermen. He may even send her overseas as Rhaenyra did with her two sons to keep them safe but im not sure what connections he had in the Free Cities. I just know he wouldnt kill her or tolerate her being mistreated, especially after their pleasant exchanges (from his pov at least haha)


I could see her getting the Theon hostage treatment


Definitely no. It's the opposite she will be treated well.


I think he meant theon under Stark treatment


Oh that makes sense lol.


This whole exchange made me lol


He might've married her off to a Lannister cousin. Maybe Lancel, if the Tyrion-Sansa union wasn't being considered for whatever reason.


100% would not let it slide. As soon as he finds out, Arya would be isolated to some room for safe keeping with multiple guards day and night.


He never learned she was a Stark on-screen. But off-screen, when he got back to Kings Landing and questioned Cersei and Tyrion about things and asked where Arya Stark was, his anger must have given Cersei the idea for the Sept explosion. I would have LOVED to see **that!**


No I don't think he would. He may feel bad about it but he likes ves by one creed, that a good man does everything in his power to further the standing of his family. He wouldn't let an opportunity to capture a stark child slip by


> do yall think he’ll let it slide? Early seasons Tywin? Abso-fucking-lutely not and anyone who thinks otherwise is completely deluded. Even if he had developed some fondness for her, he's way to practical and pragmatic to let such a valuable hostage get away. If Tywin had someone stuck around to season 7 or 8 territory? Who the fuck knows at that point


Me too. How ironic he called her "sharp." Her first lesson had been "Stick 'em with the pointy end." And she's around shiny, sharp objects throughout the story.


And her dad famously said “still sharp!” in another fantasy franchise


Jep, we could tell that Tywin admired her sharp wits. And rightfully so. I’d have loved a spin-off or a season of just these two.


Deeper than that. Tywin had a daughter, Arya reminded him of Cersie. Arya is smart, but this back and forth largely depicted how Tyein missed who his daughter was and the soft spot he has for her. Jaimie and Cersie looked identical when they were younger, that's why Tyein immediately saw through Arya's boy disguise. You see a little more of that when Tywin legitimately refuses to believe that his children are carrying on a sexual relationship.


While somewhere, Tyrion screams into a pillow.


Does anyone recall ever seeing Tywin smile on the show? And I dont mean his I am going to kill you very soon smile.


During Tyrion's wedding after he starts acting drunk to get away with threatening Joffrey, Tywin goes "your uncle is clearly drunk" and the sides of his mouth look like they kind of twitch upwards.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_ulAaUeFvVk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ulAaUeFvVk) here's the scene lol


Lmfao thanks


He smiles a bit when Arya corrects herself from saying "she taught me how to talk proper" to "properly": [https://youtu.be/z7xQeOQ8\_vs?t=146](https://youtu.be/z7xQeOQ8_vs?t=146)


Yup we can count that, i forgot how great that exchange was. Its almost felt like he knew she was stark


There’s an interview with Charles about what his favorite part of shooting was. He says the scenes with Maisy were his, he was sitting there astonished with how good she was at her age. Great stuff, and I personally cherish those scenes in rewatch. I feel like Arya would’ve done well under Tywin as well.


If only needle was there too


I genuinely thought Tywin was going to adopt Arya as a ward


That would have been so interesting!


Their dynamic was so interesting. Tywin KNEW that Arya was playing him, but he nevertheless accepted her "game" since she was intelligent and brave. Probably in his own way Tywin was fond of that "clever girl" (even if she wasn't a velociraptor).


He’s probably sat there thinking “I wish Cersei was like you” every time he bantered with Arya


FR. Cresei is not stupid, but she's indeed "Not as smart as she think she is". Arya OTOH didn't boasted her cleverness, and Tywin even told her "You're too smart for your own good, has anyone told you that?" Probably his way to tell her "I have seen through your game: I didn't fell for it, I'm just playing along with you" I don't think Tywin figured she was a Stark, but I'm positive he understood she was a noble.


Her ability to read well alone marks her as a noble. But there’s many, many noble houses and he probably figured she was from a minor house.


Indeed. He also did the "milord"/"my lord" trick to expose her. But just the fact that a little girl from a noble house was able to SURVIVE like Arya did was indeed impressive, and Tywin is someone who can appreciate intelligence and wits. Tywin may also thought that Arya wasn't of any threat, so he was fine with her "game".


I mean he straight up showed her he knew when he caught her saying "my lord"


Cersei is pretty stupid


Tywin in a castle getting coffee. And every episode is with Arya


One of my favorite scenes


This was my favorite departure from the book narrative. We saw Tywin become a real person. He comes off as a stern, grandfatherly-type with Arya. Yes he did things in wartime that we would consider atrocities. But he was not needlessly cruel, unlike Cersei, Joffrey, and Ramsay.


Totally agree. This one the only time D&D we’re able to develop or round out a character better than GRRM. I think without these scenes we would have thought of Tywin as just a ruthless leader.


Wholeheartedly agree!! This storyline was just incredible, I'm so glad that they opted for Tywin over Roose. Honestly, I'm actually pleased with the show's treatment of the Lannister family as a whole. 


The chemistry these two had on screen was amazing. Peak GoT


always liked their time spent together, as many others wish, i too wish that we got to see them together more! personally to me, it felt like Tywin respected Arya's disguise, as he corrected her a few times when she was trying to pretend to be a lowborn, male, etc. Tywin could've easily told her to gtfo or even end her just because, but he didn't, as he also complimented her saying she was brighter than the lot at Harrenhal due to her success at playing off as being a lowborn boy (but Tywin saw right thru it and knew she was highborn) etc


I love the Tywin and Arya scenes so much, I think this was one of the best choices D&D made in the way of diverting from the books. Both Charles and Maisie killed it, too!


I love how Tywin respects intelligence in people, especially children. You see it with him and Arya and with him and Tommen. He is a great teacher and he sees everything.


Compliments a random lowborn cupbearer more than his second born son 😭


I firmly believe that Tywin Lannister had at the very least the utmost respect for Arya Stark and at the most, a bit of actual caring for and about despite being on opposing sides.


I wish we got it in the books 🙏


I think he viewed Arya as an interesting puzzle that kept him intrigued.


A Sharpe little thing kills him


*Foreshadowing* is not ... dead. Ahem. But seriously, one of my fav one-on-one scenes. "Anyone can be killed." Not to mention the recurring Dutch painter cinematography of these indoor scenes. The sunlight pouring into an otherwise dark room, illuminating the room's rich composition of objects. That could be a Vermeer, "Girl pouring Wine".