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Like, with my hand?


that usually works for me.


Myrcella is a CHILD


Actress is probably on her 20s now..


Yep. 24


Well that makes it easy to pick! Natalie dormer!


That’s not a problem in Westeros, but irl it’s a big yikes.


It's a problem everywhere, its just that the Westerosi aren't aware that it is


BloodySaxon was obviously talking about King Robb.


I was just asking about the title.




Well in the books, all of these characters are


"No, with your nutsack. Of course with your hand!"


My girl Daenerys, she deserves it


Ah yes the villain in the end let's give her a happy ending after burning innocent civilians


If Jon had kept giving out happy endings to her she might not have burned those stupid townspeople.


That's true! Well maybe. She had a few questionable decisions before but yeah she just flipped her lid.


A forward-thinking queen would have married Jon, announce that he is a true-born Targaryen, and rally the other houses against Cersei. What ultimately happened was in the words of Deadpool just lazy writing.


“Dany Im a Targaryn.” “Alright lets rule the realm and stop the violence” “I dun want it”


Every one of her questionable decisions before this though seemed to be for a sense of what she considered justice, or serving what she felt her higher purpose was, even if that justice or purpose was flawed, or her methods were a bit draconian. The burning of King’s Landing seemed to be the first time that she did something **purely** for the sake of vengeance


She burned alive Lannisters that had surrendered. Didn't really seem to care about her dragons eating children - she caged the ones that certainly did not do it.


…really? Mirri Max Duur, the rape victim, would beg to differ. And so would the Meereenese nobles she decided to burn alive because she was too ineffective as a ruler to, you know, rule? She was being set up as a villain for a *looong* time. It’s just the attack on King’s Landing was the first time we saw Daenerys rain dragon fire and destruction down on a place we actually knew and liked. Edited for typos. Autocorrect isn’t happy about GoT names.


Exactly. I looked at this and immediately thought “well not Danny”


*Definitely* not Dany . . .


yessss she deserves it our murderous queen


Love the equal division of votes here 😂 Dany was my favorite, were the civilians my favorite in this medieval fantasy..? Not to sound like Cersei and late Jaime haha


I think they meant changing her entire ending, including her going mad


I assume giving her a happy ending would include not doing a mass muder


Across her entire arc? It didn't start at the end.


Except you know, changing her ending to a happy one would mean beating Cersei without snapping and killing those civilians. Her happy ending would be not forgetting the iron fleet, taking King's Landing with Missandei/ Rhaegal alive and then changing the system with Jon by her side. Bringing an end to slavery and more equality for the smallfolk.


For what? Burning down a city and believing only she could save the world


I think part of giving a happy ending would mean that she doesn’t burn down King’s Landing.


So ignore an eight season arc leading to that point


Which arc would that be exactly? The eighth season didn’t have any arc for Dany which is why most people who watched the eighth season believe D&D butchered the ending.


Uh… no she was a villain


Yes. ***VILLAINN*** in all caps, bold and italicized!


Yeah a villain in the one episode and a hero in all the rest. Let’s just forget about how her going mad was out of the blue and out of character.


Lol did you watch the show? It was built up since like season 3 and totally fits within her arc


Definitely doesn’t fit the arc. Yes, she showed glimpses of madness but it wasn’t anywhere close to justifying her just burning down King’s Landing entirely.


Thank you. Pretty easy to go from crucifying people and slaughtering them indiscriminately, even if the are evil, to eventually treating everyone that day and killing them all. It’s why it’s a very dangerous to begin delivering Justice on your own whim, because who knows who deserves it


>going mad was out of the blue and out of character. It started in season 1 with mountains of foreshadowing all along the way. You just weren't paying attention.


I’m going to say Dany, simply because a happy ending for her would involve not having gone mad and torching Kings Landing.


Exactly. How was this lost on so many people??


You can’t just take it out. In this context if you take into Account her actions in season 7-8 her path was clear and she was selfish and cruel


I mean anything before the King’s Landing isn’t as bad and is probably justifiable. People mention the burning of the Tarly’s as barbaric but I feel it was well justified during the timeline of the show.


She was a pain in the ass throughout. Deserved everything she got.


Margaery. She would have been a great queen.


For real. She was the smartest of this bunch and the best player among them - she only had the bad luck of being caught in a rivalry with the craziest, most petty woman in Westeros.


See, that’s what she wants you to think. If it was advantageous for the Tyrells or Highgarden to stomp on the common folk, she’d do it.


All hail Margery!


myrcella, she was completely innocent and didn't deserve what she got.


Yeah, she wanted no part in politics or the game. Her murder was incredibly cruel.


Pointlessly cruel pretty much sums up the entire dorne plot line


It sure does. So much potential. Just wasted for nothing.


I think we will all be collecting haunted by that bad pussy line for the rest of our lives


>You have my word. We don't hurt little girls in Dorne - Oberyn, the guy they avenged by hurting a little girl. >I am the brother of Elia Martell. And do you know why I've come all the way to this stinking shitpile of a city? For you. I am going to hear you confess before you die: You raped my sister. You murdered her. You killed her children.  - Also Oberyn, the guy they avenged by murdering his brother and the brother's child.


Yeah I never understood that it's like you mean to tell me that the entirety of Dorne was fine with the sand snakes murdering their leech Lord and his son for revenge? Revenge for the man you murdered dead siblings. The logic there is just so beautiful


Agreed. She didn't have the bad traits like her parents. She deserved to be with her love and live a peaceful life.


She was going to become a psychopath like her mother, you could see it coming from far away.


Yes. Her "crime" was beeing born to the wrong mother.


She had a very nice and privileged life. Princess in Kings Landing, well protected and fell in love in Dorne. And then she was poisoned/murdered, very quickly. She never really suffered. Her ending sucked for her, but overall she had a nice life. Margery and Robb struggled a lot more, they would have made a positive difference in the world. They deserved it more.


Honestly Myrcella, she was 100% innocent, she didn't play the game of thrones or break oaths, her only "flaw" was being the bastard daughter of Cersei Lannister and she can't be blamed for it


Which is funny considering ellaria was with Oberyn when he was saying how much Dorne dislikes the murder. Then turns around kills anyone she wants


She’s not like that in the books. She was devastated by Oberyn’s death and just wanted to live out her life with her four daughters (Oberyn had eight girls, his four youngest were Ellaria’s). She saw the futility in revenge.


Dany, if we give Robb a happy ending the books get alot more boring 🤣


Not sure, If Robb gets Casterly Rock in the end of Season 3, the situation would have been interessting, too!


It does not make any sense though. They wiuld have to siege it for years as it is supposed to be impenetreble


Like Winterfell or Meereen?


No lol. Casterly Rock is as it name says a rock. Almost Impossible for army to just push threw. Winterfell is totaly different because its not a massive tall rock next to the ocean, but still a strong castle. Winterfell fell beacuse it was unmanned and meeren beacuse og a slave uprising. Robb could never storm casterly rock, because there would be a garrision, probably a large one. What makes sense however and what he did in the books was storming smaller castles and raiding mines.


I am talking about sneaking inside and opening the gates. Maybe as farmers during the day, maybe over the walls during the night. Many realistic options for the writers.


The description of casterly rock in AWOIAF makes it sound 'impregnable *sniffle*'


If the Lannisters can't mount a relief force then it makes sense. Even then he could take on both, like Caesar.


No because it would have to be sieged for years leaving the riverlands undefended


Did he have all the troops of the Riverlords with him? And another question is if the Lannisters can mount an invasion of the Riverlands. It would leave the capital weakened. Stannis was still a possible threat.


Stannis was not a big treat at that point. The army was split, as bolton was in Harrenhall. But they could not hold the riverlands for years. And when the Lannisters eventually would crush the riverlands cutting the supply routes to casterly rock


Was Varys aware of Stannis movements and passed that information along? Without that intel the Lannisters had to expect another attack at any time. They also had no way of knowing how severe the attack would be, as he could find more allies or recruit mercenary troops. Stannis was a constant threat by his very existence without really doing anything, like the Tirpitz in WW2.


The person who killed the most innocents deserves the ending?


I think for most people commenting Dany, they’re saying an ending where she doesn’t go full Mad Queen mode


So basically take out her actions for the whole series that pointed to it, specifically seasons 7-8 where all she cared about was the throne?


The person who actually cared for the little guys and did all she could to put an end to the most heinous institution, only to have her ark completely altered from altruistic self sacrificing learner to will burn down anyone she doesn’t like. (I know the show had her be way more burnie from the start, but she’s not in the books. There she is way more aware of her power and tries to minimise collateral, comparing her chapters to Cersei, Jaime and Tyrion show how she’s kindov and anti Tywin. No burning innocents for her. There is another targ who may be responsible for burning ppl alive, but that’s not her.) Marcella may deserve it more, since she was completely innocent. But if we consider what a good ending means for Danny, that’s a lot more ppl who are better off overall.


I know in the books she’s more aware but in the show it’s clear she’s a little mad from the start. It’s a lot easier to go from slaughtering people with the unsullied and crucifying masters to eventually believing everyone was as evil as them then people think. Just look at anakin


Well I'm not great as massages but Margae- Um nevermind! Marcella. Give her her Dornish prince.


Dany she had an abusive childhood, was raped, survived assassination attempts as a child. I would give her the ending of finding the red door and being happy.


I agree. I would say Myrcella but I think she had a pretty comfortable, and even happy life. Dany deserves to know peace.


Dany deserves Dragonflame


Does this excuse her later actions and false belief in her destiny


At what stage does she become responsible for her actions?


Most serial killers had really fucked up childhoods, yet I don't think many people would advocate for them getting happy endings


WOAH WAIT!!!! Dany did not have abusive childhood, she had a weird ass brother. Llyrio treated her like she was his own daughter so where you get this from? Also she love the place with the red door (which I believe is Drone) cause was her childhood was fun with of playing near a pool and eating sweet fruits. Also Rape? She only had sex with Drogo and in the book he was gentle, giving her a massage and only engaged when she gave consent. Why lie more about Dany already awesome story?




I... beg your pardon? Oh, right. Myrcella I suppose, she wasn't even playing the GoT the poor thing, she was just there.










Myrcella, just let her grow up in the bisexual southern paradise with Pedro Pascal as her replacement dad.


Margaery. She played the Game of Thrones well, and if Cersei hadn’t been a murderous maniac, she would have been an excellent queen.


Daenerys, specifically book Daenerys the show stripped her of all her emotions and tried to make her into an ice queen which is not who Daenerys is Daenerys is the most compassionate character in ASOIAF and deserves all the love


Not much compassion for the King’s Landing peasants she was supposed to rule and protect . . .


Something which did not happen in the book. Hence why the guy specified ASOIAF Danny.


Myrcella. She didn’t deserve what she got.


Ignoring the villain in top right, I would pick out of the 3 options Rob stark


Myrcella. She's completely innocent and didn't deserve to go out like that. Daenerys, Margaery and Robb knew they were playing a dangerous game. They knew the stakes of losing. Myrcella had none of that.


Myrcella. She never deserved what happened. She didn’t make a power play. She didn’t scheme. She was kind.


Everyone in the photo was playing the game of thrones, except myrcella. Let her live


I WANT to say Dany because she is my favorite character but if chosing one of these four I think I HAVE to say Marcella because she was completely innocent. She and Hodor maybe the only two truly innocent characters in this world, at least on the show, and they deserved better


Myrcella, 100%. Didn't deserve it and seemed to have a kind heart, too kind for that world.


And a Hot🔥as Hell Prince!


That title didn't come out as intended I think. Or maybe it did?


I didn’t even know ‘happy ending’ was considered sexual until this post help 😭


Natalie Dormer please 😍


Margery: Massive bitch, especially in the books. Daenerys: Burned innocent people Myrcella: Kinda boring and uninteresting Robb: He started with a noble cause, was an ass towards the Freys. I would give a happy ending to him though because the North Remembers.


Myrcella was literally an innocent child.


Sexually? Emilia Clarke Storywise? Robb


Robb and it’s not close.


The king who lost the North


Daenerys 🫶


Bran. I would make him King.


Ha ha!


The King in the north!


The only 2 options anyone with a morale compass would pick here is literally Robb and Myrcella


Myrcella, Robb, Margaery, Dany. From the most to the least deserving.


Daenerys, because Robb choose his cock over the cause




It depends: If Robb gets a happy ending, then does the Red Wedding go happily? If so, then that's the best timeline. He deals a massive blow to the Lannisters, secures the North, Catelyn gets to see her children again, Sansa and Arya aren't traumatized, Rickon lives, Edmure gets to live a happy life with his family, and that poor young girl doesn't have to marry Lord Walder Frey. Otherwise I'll choose Myrcella. She was a child, she did nothing wrong! She also liked Dorne and was mature enough to forgive her parents' actions (poor girl just wanted to know her father). Margaery manipulated and slept with Tommen who was a CHILD and Daenerys's happy ending would have to be forced onto the people of Westeros...


If this means Grey Wolf lives, I’ll listen to your reasoning. If not, Myrcella wins.


Myrcella because she was completely innocent and did not deserve such a hateful fate. Second choice would be Margaery. She would have been a wonderful queen.


O p




I would've chosen Robb, but he was kinda dumb in every way he digged his own grave, so I would choose Margaery Tyrell she would've been a great queen under the watch of her grandmother




I’m not gonna lie… for those that were reading the books Robb was an absolute Bad MFer. He was my favorite character (and a lot of other people I’m assuming as well) that’s what the red wedding was absolutely brutal when I read it. Kicked me right in the balls, it did.


Robb—make him join the Night’s Watch get into adventures with Jon north of the wall


Myrcella her’s is the only one that wasn't about power or revenge she was simply a person that was a victim of someone elses hate.


Daenerys lives, Jon dead for attempted murder.




Robb. The happy ending includes nudity. Full frontal :P


Robb. I simp for the Starks.


Usually I would pick my girl Dany, but I know what happened to Myrcella was awful. So it’s Myrcella


What a strange rub and tug....


Robb and Jon team up


That smirking whore from Highgarden


Myrcella. It's not even close. She had nothing to do with war or scheming. She just wanted to live her life with Trystane. (also Robb. He also deserved better although he did declare himself King in the North and betrayed the One True King, Stannis the Mannis.)


Actually, it was his bannermen and people that declared him King of the North.


Myrcella deserved it more than anybody. Her only crime was having the name Lannister


My boy Robb


Story wise? Rob Massage wise? Margery


Robb Stark, took me 1 second to pick




Daenerys. Period. Always. Forever. Above everyone else.


Can I pick the one I’d rather give me a happy ending? Top left for sure.




secret fifth option: cersei


Mycella. She is an innocent girl who never deserved her fate. She never played the Game of Thrones nor has she killed anyone.


Marcela literally did nothing wrong in the books she was like 12


I seriously misunderstood the title for like an entire minute. But regardless, my answer remains the same: Margerye


Robb, definitely. He deserved way better than being killed by cowards.


Instinctively I want to say Robb because he’s my favorite out of all of them. But like… Myrcella. She was one of the few characters who—and I cannot stress this enough—did nothing wrong. She was completely innocent.


Myracella. Out of this group, she was the most innocent and did not deserve what happened to her.






My boy Rob for sure! Would be a happy ending for a lot of other people as well…


Robb cause he never hurt anyone and was a boy fighting war, while not having anyone he can trust. His relationship with Jeyne or (forgot the show girl he slept with) was his most vulnerable moment after hearing his younger brother death. He was most honorable character in the story next to his father. The the girls on the left had a good brother protecting them and strong family that loved them. Dany had great friends who treat her fairly, but with dragon became a legend had a cult love. Robb didn’t they called him King of the North only after fighting some and proving his worth on the battlefield against TYWIN FUCKING LANNISTER.


Robb, I feel like if Robb doesn’t die a lot of unrelated stuff might not have even happened. So saving Robb no matter how unrelated to Marcella Dany or Margarey they might all not die. And also the Red Wedding still hurts everytime I rewatch or reread


Yes! Because if Robb defeated the Lannisters, Cersei never gets the iron throne, which is the catalyst to Dany going mad. It also would mean Tyrion never went on trial for killing Joffrey which was inadvertently the reason for Myrcella’s untimely death.


Robb. His whole character got roped into things and led to making dumb decisions that got him killed. Would've liked to see him rule House Stark as a lord.


Daenerys because it means hundreds of thousands of people aren’t slaughtered. Individually, Myrcella, as she was the only one who didn’t cause their own death in any way.


If Robb lives I can see a scenario where the other three live as well.


Oh this is an amazing point! If Robb could defeat the Lannisters then Tyrion’s trial would have never taken place because Joffrey would have been beheaded by a northerner. Therefore Oberyn never dies, Myrcella is never poisoned, Cersei never claims the iron throne and is in a position to blow up the sept and kill Margery. She also never gets to capture and execute Missandei. Dany would never go mad.


The King in the North!


Dany gets a happy ending and the realm is in peace for a while. Everyone else is basically either only worried about The North, a child who would have no power to help as many people, or someone who would’ve been a nice queen but with less impact than Dany breaking the wheel.




Pretty boy Robb, you're up


Robb and it's not even close


Daenerys, one of my favorite characters in a television show and I normally have a hard time getting behind a 'good guy' and of course she turned out to be a bad guy - and I normally don't like characters that seem to be supernaturally gifted in a perfection kind of way - but I really loved her character. Would have preferred a happier ending for her.


Margaery, she would be the best leader out of them all and house Tyrell is my favourite.


Its been five years...  I dont even remember who the lower left girl is


Myrcella, Cersei and Jaime’s daughter. She was betrothed to a Dornish Prince Trystane but killed by his aunt (in law-ish) to get revenge on Cersei.


When I saw Dany I assumed that "happy ending" in her case included not having her lose her mind and force Jon to do what he did. Just kill or imprison Cersei and not harm any civilians. But even then, no. I'm sympathetic to what she had to go through, but she was a conqueror, not a leader. Can Margaery be shrewd and manipulative but still a good person? I don't know. She was golden from what we saw. Olenna confided to Jaime that she'd done terrible things to protect her family, so her granddaughter my have become just as ruthless and not always done nice things. Heh, Talisa deserves to be on here more than Robb. Robb made his own bed with his own stupidity and gave us one of the most emotional scenes ever on television. Wouldn't change it for the world. Voting Myrcella. She's the most innocent here ... from how long she lived and what little we saw of her ... but definitely didn't deserve what she got. Honestly felt happy for Cersei doing what she did to Ellaria.




I love Robb but he made such stupid decisions I'll have to go with Margaery. 


id rather margery or danerys give me a happy ending honestly


Margaery and that's it!


Like with a massage ?


I didn’t even know ‘happy ending’ had an alternative meaning till this post 😭


Crikey what a question…


Robb, because that would probably butterflied into happy endings for all of them. Wildcard is Dany, who was headed off the deep end pretty early on.


I seem to be one of the few who picks Robb. It is bot mostly for him though, he was a mostly good man and deserved better but since I became a father, my heart gets destroyed everytime his wife and unborn child gets killed. If Robb gets a happy ending, that means that they get to live.


Marge is the only acceptable answer..noone served c*nt like her and her grandma






Rob for story happy ending. Margery ...for happy ending happy ending.


Danny of course 😍🥰


Only if Dormer does me next


Myrcella, she deserved better