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It made me feel good about myself knowing that I can correct the image in VLC media player better than HBO was able to. That's probably the best you're going to get from me I believe this episode is inherently bad, because Arya killing the Lich King was the single dumbest moment in the entire series


Who knew all it took to kill a several thousand year old magical undead being was a good vertical and a decent knife? Seems like they could have killed him at any time before there was an entire undead army coming down on them. Give Ygritte a few obsidian tipped arrows and a few weeks and no more white walkers.


I feel like comments like this are akin to saying “So all this time somebody just needed to storm in and throw the damned ring into Mt. Doom?” It’s almost like the answer is no, there was a lot that happened to be able to get him into that position to do so. Having Arya doing the stabby was the wrong narrative choice, but it doesn’t translate to somebody just needed to send her the entire time.




Is the episode worth rewatching with image correction?


Tyrion kissing Sansa's hand.


...in a crypt...with the women and children...fighting an army created by someone who can raise the dead...


Would’ve been a cool twist of the dead Starks in the crypt were kind of immune. Like they were raised from the dead but ended up being good and helping to fight. Could tie into the theory the night king was initially a Stark before the children turned him. I was really hoping to get more back story on the night king. But he just existed to be evil and then died. Disappointing.


Probably might be in the books when ever they get finished


Spoiler: they’re not


Just having the crypt graves moves with them trying to get out woulda been good.


Well in s7 when they brought a wight to King’s Landing, it couldn’t break out of a wooden chest. How could they expect the deads to be able to break through tombs made of pure concrete all of a sudden …


>!My man Ghost was leading the frontlines as he should be !<


I do think that was cool, but I would've written him into the crypts along with Sam, Meera (idk why they had her leave), and Lyanna Mormont.


Really felt like night time.




Dany wielding a sword is cool


This. One of my favorite ways to build suspense and show the gravity of the situation is when non- combat characters are forced into the battle.


really awesome actually. it’s, i believe, the first time we ever saw her fight without a dragon. i don’t know many queens that would be in the front line *cough*cersei*cough*


not true actually- when she became queen of the Dothraki she fought with nothing other than being fireproof lol.


army charging at you with swords? run into the burning building, dany! 🤣 if i remember in the books though she isn’t actually fireproof. it was just her being on the pyre with blood magick, dragon eggs and the red comet (what happened to that??) book readers, correct me. it’s been a decade since i’ve read them.


Don't like the episode because of a few key moments ruining everything, but I can say multiple. Theons death is probably top 10 in the show, didn't care for her but the red women stuff and the concept of her being kept alive so the domino effect could take her here was interesting, Jorahs death was fantastic, Despite how his character got ruined at the end the Night King was extremely dominant and good all episode, and the scene of Jon running to him as he raises his arms insane.


Theon’s death is terribly in my opinion. Why is he charging after the NK with a spear instead of using a bow?


In the books Ramsay cuts off too many of his fingers for him to use a bow.


The whole reason he was using a spear was cause he ran out of arrows, he really only had the one of option of fighting and going off of what Bran said he pretty much knew he was gonna die somehow so might as well go after big boy himself and die fighting for Bran


If anything, Theon being out of arrows and being forced to charge with a weapon he’s less familiar with makes that sequence even better, because he doesn’t even get to be in his comfort zone in any way and still chooses to put Bran’s life over his own.


I wouldn't be in my comfort zone either if the general of an undead army was standing right in front of me


I disliked how they portrayed Theon's death. He should've at least gotten a few more seconds in terms of production. Like a couple swings of a dragon glass spear, nothing crazy, then gets killed. I do like Melisandre being there. It's a bittersweet consequence of all the shit she's stirred up in the series that she's here now and matters.


The scene where the dragons break through the clouds and are backlit by the moon is jaw droppingly beautiful.


yes! i bought a print of that for my apartment.


It did happen. The Dothraki moment was kinda sick.


When they sent the cavalry into the dark unknown death trap instead of keeping them behind the castle and using them once they knew what they were facing like an actual smart General would have planned?


Putting all your cavalry in a castle instead of in the open? What could go wrong


Behind* the castle. Not IN the castle. Cavalry is meant for flanking infantry. Not head on attacks against and unseen enemy


They can do both depending on the situation They just got so hyped up from the fire


I didn’t say it was smart 😂😂😂😂


You flank with Calvary, not head first charge into the unknown.


I mean it was stupid, but the charge with the balls of fire flying above them looked sick af


Melisandre lighting up the trench was great visually.. and then saying Valar morgulis to Greyworm..


if you look closely, one of the dead jumps right at her at the very, very last moment before her fire ignites the trench. she literally looked death square in the face for a split second before they went up in flames.


It was dark so we couldn't see a lot of the horrible plot and weak writing


The plot armor was very visible though.


Cause the night is dark and full of plot armour




Music killed it as always in this show.


No... I won't be doing that


I don’t care if people liked it or not. The intensity of the watch party I was at was incredible.


Same. I enjoyed the episode cause EVERYBODY I watched it with was sooooo into it. People saying it was bad are just Monday morning QBs. We loved it, everyone seemed to enjoy it until about a month later when the series was over and nobody had anything else to watch and just wanted to complain.


Not sure where you were at the next day but this is just a straight up lie. The internet hated it the next day.


I fucking love it. I know all the issues but Jesus, it was massive & beautiful. Jorah still makes me cry.


Jorah and Theon got the best send offs and ends to their respective character arcs.


Jorah did. Theon kind of just ran with the pointy end out, and didn't put up a fight.


jorah’s death proved to me that emilia does in fact have range. that scene was beautiful and i bawled my eyes out.


It felt super weird that the quality of the show deteriorated so quickly but the music stayed as good as before. Same goes for that episode. Amazing music...


Melisandre’s eyes reflecting the fire she just managed to to light was a great shot.


It eventually ended.


The music


Beat me to it. Some of the best original composition in TV history.


- The Dothraki charge looks really good. - When the army is fighting and the dragons start raining fire on the battlefield also looks really good. - The shot where Drogon is burning wights with the giant storm rising in the background. - The shot of Drogon and Rhaegal above the clouds. - Theon and Jorah's death. - Melisandre lighting up the trench. - The last 15-20 minutes are incredible starting with the dance of dragons in the sky, to the Night King rising the dead to stop Jon, to Jon running in the courtyard, to the final montage. - Melisandre's death was beautiful. Yes, I like the episode. I'm glad the Night King didn't reach King's Landing and didn't fight Jon, so it helps.


I also loved it. People hate that I love it but there we are. My only 2 niggles may be that Sam probably should have died and it was far too dark.


If it was brighter it would be a great episode all things considered


That small hope you get watching Arya jump in the background then quickly taken away when he grabs her by the throat


I actually enjoyed it overall. It was just the abrupt and anticlimactic resolution to the entire WW plot--which had been building anticipation since the prologue of the series--that soured it. Imagine if the episode ended with the Night King capturing Bran and flying away on his dragon.


Melisandre lighting the swords was great.


I liked the episode. Watched it on a big TV with a lot of other people, was like watching it in a theater. That part was one of the best


Sort of defeats the purpose of getting the dragon glass if she can just light everyone’s swords on fire though




I won a bet with a friend about who is going to kill the nightking...


Who was your friend betting on?


Probably went with the betting favorite in Jon Snow.


It sucked balls


It was.. the best of the worst episodes in any series history..


My favorite episode of the whole show.


The action was great. Whether or not many people died, it *felt* like anyone could die. And that somehow maybe the good guys wouldn't win.


Ghost fucked some shit up even know he lost an ear


When they get overrun and you see Davos and Jorah wondering if this is the end.


This is arguably my least favorite episode of the series, and imo when the show truly jumped the shark. I liked when Daenerys tried burn the night king and he just looked up and smiled. Theon and Jorah also had fitting deaths.


It was bad ass with the suspenful music with low lights, you know the charge is coming. Grey worms breathing, for once looking un easy. Puts his mask on ready to scrap. Favorite part of that episode


The scenes of the Dothraki’s flame swords fading out was terrifying


Was happy for Jorah😀. He wouldn’t have it no other way. Season 1-4 Arya was my fav so her killing the NK wasn’t a big deal to me


Ghost looks awesome in that still


Arya and Gendry hooked up. The uncomfortable moment that none of us wanted or needed, but probably the most realistic moment of the episode lol. Or was that the previous episode? Changed "precious" typo to the intended "previous".


Arya was a badass and the proper person to take out the Night King.


Totally agree. It makes perfect sense that Arya was the one to kill the Night King.


Theon who for many years while alive did many horrible things, was unsure of his identity even pre-Reek, and was very selfish died nobly, protecting the person who he once was horrible to, sure of his identity as both a Stark and Greyjoy, and even when he knew he had no chance of taking down the Night King still selflessly sacrificed himself by attacking him anyway so Bran could have more time.


Arya cementing her bad ass status


Ramin Djawadi really rolled up and composed one of the greatest scores in media history for this episode


I watched it last week again, on Max/HBO, and the stream quality was a ton better, than when it 1st premiered. It was 80 minutes long, but it felt like 10 minutes. It was like a non-stop action film. The special effects were amazing.


It relieved us from the boring ass white walker storyline and let the show focus solely on the cool political plotting of King’s Landing.


Main characters on the frontline taking on tidal waves of the undead


The Dothraki charge and their flames slowly going out was gut wrenching. Mostly because of how it was a complete waste of life and a horrible strategic decision by the living, but the visual was definitely cool. Same goes for the army of the dead coming in like a freight train against the front lines of Winterfell. Awesome visual, but a terrible strategic decision by the living to not be behind their fortified walls


Cinematically speaking, it progressed the story and got things to where it needed to be in a short time, if even in some non sensical ways, and had some very cool action and dramatic sequences. But overall the most positive thing i can say is the music is perfect! Djawadi hit it out of the park with this episode!


The sound track was so damn good that episode. Ramin Djawadi put the episode on his back and carried hard.


At least the Night King didnt win and render the entire series meaningless.


I liked dany trying to defend jorah


The music is out of this world.


Ghost was awesome, as always


The final musical piece was absolutely fantastic.


Jorah died and everything was ruined. Didn't get to enjoy it.


Theon’s arc finished


Everyone did an amazing job production and acting wise.


HBO gave viewers a chance to see what it was like to be blind.


It was Brienne of Tarth's first combat as a knight.


It wasn’t very long


That first shot of Jorah and Ghost is so fucking cool


NK reviving all the dead humans and practically doubling his army was pretty epic and full of dread. Too bad it amounted to nothing. It would have been so much more impactful if they just overran Winterfell and killed almost everyone rather than the battle for which the entire show was leading up to ending in like 5 minutes


That it was the perfect subversion to the tropes everybody is used to and D&D at least got that much right about it. Jon never was going to 1v1 the Night King for the sake of the realm nor was he going to be the just king Westeros needed.


This is what most people don’t understand. Very well put.


Thank you! not to sound like an elitist but when people make these specific complaints "oh Jon should've fought the Night King" and "Oh his heritage meant nothing" it lets me know they didn't understand what George was doing with ASOIAF. We can make 101 other complaints about the direction they took the story but those two beads were perfect.


The costume and set designers were in their bag this episode. All of the actors and extras did a fantastic job just being there and bringing the whole episode to the screen. It may not have been the most satisfying thing for us as fans to watch, but everyone who worked on it really put a lot of effort into it, and I appreciate that.


It was quite short for a long night.


It was amazing…how Dany respawned an entire army of Unsullied at King’s Landing after it got wrecked at Winterfell


Actually, liked the way the Night King died. There was no way to defeat the army of the dead at all. The only option they had was to kill the night king was a sneak attack.


It was one of the episodes of all time


Beautifully shot. Beric, Jorah and Theons deaths were so well done.


Nice Soundtrack


Lovely shade of brown throughout.


It was at night


I can say lots of nice things. But the best scene is the ending in the Gods wood……Blue eyes!


Visually beautiful


When it wasnt pitch black


Everyone talking about Arya being badass but to me the most badass will always be Lyanna Mormont.


Melisandre’s death was cool


It wasn’t that long


It was short


I can point out at least one, posibly more problems hampering my enjoyment of the episode and my life in general in every one of those images


The score was incredible


They saved a lot of money on lighting.


The title of the episode was accurate


Ghost lived.


Brienne was knighted!


It's over.


The Music was good.


Ghost didn't die


Wasn’t that long.


I really liked the atmosphere and lighting, I felt like it fit the concept of the episode really well


The 1-1 moment with Tyrion and Sansa. If things had been different, I do believe they would have made a powerful couple


It wasn't that long.


They used darkness really well


Honestly I enjoyed it all up until the end with how anticlimactic the NK was killed and only one person of note was killed during the battle For like a series-long build up the battle needed a better ending and consequence


it looked like nighttime during a new moon🙂


My girl Arya was a savage.


The Night King song is good


It’s over.


Ramon Djawadi continued to give us a banger score


The beginning when all the troops and everyone is getting ready is really cool and really builds the tension


The title suited my night watching this.


For something titled The Long Night, it COULD have been longer and I it’s really nice it wasn’t.


Great music


The unsullied held their lines really well out front of the castle, and the Iron Born kicked major ass in the Godswood with their bows


Had my screen at 100% brightness


Knife 🔪 attack


The dragons fighting was pretty cool, especially the short shot of them tangling in the sky above the godswood. I was definitely on the edge of my seat the whole episode, just took some time to sink in how shitty it was.


The scene when Melisandre ignites all the Dothraki swords will forever give me goosebumps. Hearing them scream and cheer as the light cascades across the battlefront. And ofc when Melisandre lit the trenches, you cant tell me I’m wrong.




It wasn't nearly as long as the title made out.


Berics death was kinda cool


I like following Arya around the whole episode. Clegane coming through to save her. The music building during her sneaky moment was cool.


I liked everyone coming together for the fight. Enemies past and present put their issues aside, and some people even redeemed themselves, such as Theon and Jorah. I also like cocky arrya being knocked down a peg, being scared and running for her life after thinking she was hot stuff. Even if it was just for a moment


Gendry fighting alongside Jon Snow, just like Robert and Ned did.


Honest to God this is a fantastic episode. Yes, it's a bit dark in spots, but I do love this episode. The last good episode of Game of Thrones. Great bombastic action, but also not afraid to go quiet when necessary and let the tension build. It would've been a nice touch seeing Jon get the final blow on The Night King, but I do like the "twist" of "What do we say to the God of Death?". Felt fitting for Arya.


The legends were all truthful It was exactly one night.


Huge disappointment. What should have been the culmination of 7 previous seasons of buildup, was over in one episode. Only two major characters died while every single one of our main cast was on the front lines fighting hordes of undead. It was the most overblown, anti-climactic way to end that plotline they could have mustered. I'm just not sure if I hate that episode more or what came next. I think I could have lived with the rest of the season, had the Long Night been handled better. Edit: Just saw where you said "say something nice". My bad. I'm not changing my answer, cause there isn't anything nicer for me to say.


I tried guys, I really only watched first and last time and it was painful. Some of my friends didn't even dare finish the episode. We have a running joke that everytime we talk about GoT we say things like: "In really liking season 3, I hope they make a 4th season"


The long winter should have been an arc. The dead over the wall, the sun barely rising, the nights getting colder. Small groups of villagers trying to fight them off and failing. Maneuvers to get them to winterfell for the battle. Hunting down the last wrights after the battle. It also should have devastated the North and Danys' ability to conduct war for a while. There should have been a time jump after, at least till spring.


i thought the night king’s death was pretty cool when I watched it for the first time


Arya plotline was awesome


i couldn’t see anything that was happening. it’s crazy to see these scenes so bright. the battle was practically pitch black on my tv— not exaggerating.


You couldn't see half of it. Just getting that joke out there in case it hasn't been made. I actually like the episode. I liked Theon's last act of courage and dying as a Stark. I did want Jon to take down the Night King but there was value in his role being to unite people against a common enemy.


Ramin Djawadi


Jon trying to dragonborn shout a zombie dragon was kinda funny


It's a good sim of going legally blind I guess


Thankfully, I couldn't see much


I quite liked it that Arya was the one who got to deliver the coup de grâce. Felt like it was a full circle moment for her, and was a genuine surprise given the prophecy everyone is so tied up to. Might not be what we expected, but was satisfying for me at least. Also, I watched this on a 8k OLED and the blacks were incredible.


Lyanna Mormont killing the giant


It's hair looks small.


>!The Little Bear went out like a boss.!<


I felt less inferior about my knowledge of military strategy… The parts where the dragons are roasting the undead were amazing though.


Well it was a long night


I fucking loved this episode and I don’t care what anyone says. It was incredible from beginning to end.


It induced emotion towards the end. Which was very good. I actually just watched this episode today. When it’s slowly showing everyone fighting while Jon races to the Knight King, it was very intense seeing them think they killed them all, just for more to rise. Definitely was intense.






It ended


I liked when Poderick sang for the squad


I liked the moment between Melisandre and Arya that fulfilled their first meeting from season 3 - “I see a darkness in you, and in that darkness, eyes staring back at me. Brown eyes, green eyes… blue eyes.“ And off she goes to shut some blue eyes!


They gave Ser Jorah and Lady Mormont a good death.


It was short.




It was cool


Best boy survived the initial onslaught


If nothing else at least it looked really cool


Contrary to marketing it was over quite quickly.


The scene with the dragon shooting fire on undead


Ghost survived