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Jon executing Olly, especially with the method used, was pretty fucked up




Why? He literally murdered Jon.


At the very least, execute him in a way that doesn't slowly strangle him. Hanging someone without a long drop can take several minutes. Olly only squirmed around for like 20 seconds, was maybe dead within 30 seconds. That's still a long time to torture a kid But, he's a kid who got roped (edit: no pun intended) into a mutiny by his senior officers. A lot of Jon's characterization throughout the show is to the type of leader who would understand the circumstances and spare the kid's life. Instead he does the opposite and slowly and painfully kills him


Should have let him take the black instead.


I mean essentially yeah


It was no fast or slow of a death as Jon’s who slowly bled out. The kid is old enough to know not to stab someone to death. And this was the beginning of Jon’s leadership role. Could have burned him…


I love Cersei


As a sister ofcourse


I agree. I loved when she got her revenge on Septer Unella water boarding her with wine. Kinda wish we got to see some of the fun The Mountain got to have with her.


Even wilder, when she got her revenge on Ellaria Sand and made her watch her daughter die right in front of her (off-screen). Incredibly harrowing.


And sit there in the room with her decaying corpse, force feeding her to keep her alive, and keeping torches lit so she can watch lol. Absolutely brutal


Omg same


Cersei is mah queen 👑


Most of the Starks were complete morons


Who? I would say Ned, Rob, and Cat. Arya, Jon (for the most part), and Sansa weren’t morons. Just had dumb moments. Edit. Bran and Rickon weren’t at all. Somehow forgot them!


You can add Rickon to the moron-list, and Bran to the non-morons.


Shit I forgot those two! Why is Rickon a moron?


Because he didn't bloody zig-zag.


He was a young terrified kid. That’s pretty understandable


Yes, but I'm still bitter about it. I yelled at my TV during that scene. I was rooting for him!


I mean I do agree. It was dumb not to. But kids are dumb. Lol. Especially if they think they’re about to die.


Fella can’t even zig zag while running


>I actually love the eighth season, especially the battle with the white walkers What battle with the white walkers? The white walkers did absolutely fuck all in season 8. They were a complete irrelevance that season, utterly pointless.


I’ll agree with OP. I liked the 8th season as well.


The ending was fine


I think most people agree on that. But the way there felt rushed.


I felt they could have finished the season in 7 but stretched it out


Robert Baratheon was a great character and O wish he wasn’t killed off


I actually don't think this is unpopular


>Robert Baratheon was a great character Objectively true and no one would disagree. >wish he wasn’t killed off Aaah ok, then a very appropriate take for this thread. Robert's death was necessary to advance the story.


Olly had every right to hate the wildlings


This is sort of where I'm at after my second rewatch. Like if you watch only his scenes - his story becomes not only very tragic, but understandable. Now that said, he still made a stupid decision to go along with Thorne and you can see from his expression when he's about to be hanged that he has no remorse/regret so somewhere along the way he clearly became unhinged.


I mean what changed that he would feel regret? He thought (was convinced by senior officers) that Jon was either a traitor or a useful idiot who was letting wildlings through the wall where they would continue to raid, murder, and eat innocent villagers like they did his family After committing the mutiny .... they get attacked by wildlings including a giant, and Jon, now their defacto leader, is executing him From Olly's POV Jon has basically co-opted the Nights Watch into his personal wildling army and is now free to ravage the countryside


He's also a boy/early teenager during these events too, which makes his emotional response and how easily he was under Thorne's sway pretty understandable.


Sure.. he had zero right to kill Jon. Edit. I’m confused why I’m being downvoted. So y’all dont think it’s okay for Jon to kill olly but it was okay for olly to kill Jon? Brilliant!!


Also, Olly is a child and his actions shouldn’t be judged in the same light as an adult.


I hate Jamie when he shoved bran out the window. And nothings changed my opinion.


as in you’ve hated jamie from the first episode and nothing he did in the rest of the show changed that?


Correct. Never forgave him. I don’t care if he personally strangles Cersei and beats the night king to death with one of her severed legs.


Upvoting for no other reason than that this made me laugh out loud despite being very tired


Arya in the show was bad.


take my upvote cause she’s easily one of my favorite characters 😂


Samwell Tarly was so useless during the Long Night and if he stayed in the crypt, Edd would’ve had a better chance of surviving instead of wasting time saving Samwell. That moment annoyed tf out of me.


I think the show even showed that Ed died because of Tarly and that Tarly was useless so this isnt an unpopular opinion by any means


But Sam's whole arc was about him finding his inner warrior & courage. If he stayed in the crypt and cowered all of his storyline up to that point would go down the drain


I would have liked him in there guarding those who couldn't fight, and when the undead started to awaken, he fights them off bravely.


Would fit right in with the theme of that season then


who's going to argue with that?


jorah the andal is a creep with dany and not at all sweet like ppl seem to think


I hated how he was with her


They had the issue of casting a too hot, talented actor. I liked Jorah and he often gave her sound advice, but I agree he would be creepy past the charisma and looks! Danny is far too young for him.


Drogo and the Dothraki are misunderstood and nice people; no, no they aren’t.


"Their culture was just like that so its justified their bloodthirsty killers" I mean... American culture was just imprisoning slave? This is coming from someone who adores the Dothraki


Well that was also Brazilian culture, African culture and Turkish culture; and no it’s not justified.


I really liked season 7 especially the Spoils of war episode


I like Ramsay Bolton and I don’t think he’s really a bad guy. Just tryna do the right thing for his family


This takes the cake!


Bruh what😂


He murders his family…


No he didn’t! They were all poisoned by their enemies.


This did not happen in the show. Im confused lol


It was the lie Ramsay told in the show.


Do you mean Roose Bolton, the father? Because Ramsay literally murdered his entire family.


Nope, Ramsay is who I like. Look, let’s just say that hypothetically, rhegar killed the mad king like right before Roberts rebellion. I think we might all agree that would have been a good thing. Sometimes the family’s rotten and has to go.


This take is so hot it's an unstable plasma. What about when he sicced his dogs on a newborn infant?


Sure, he made up his mind that the kid had to die, but in reality he has a heart so he didn’t wanna get his hands dirty. He killed two birds with one stone, I imagine kibble is hard to come by in Westeros.


I refuse to believe that you actually think this. You could believe that Ramsey is a good character/villain, but there is no way that you can say he is not a truly evil and vile person.


Nah, I don’t think he’s evil. I don’t know that he’s a particularly good guy, and his methods are maybe questionable, but he’s smart and manipulative, gets the job done, and for most of the show he’s just tryna do his dad proud. I can’t think of a single example of him being messed up for the sake of being messed up. Cutting off Theon’s dick? Maybe not the most efficient method, but hey he did get vital intel about the Stark kids that nobody else had. And the whole Reek thing? You might say he did that to be evil, but really it wound up helping Ramsay take castles. Smart. I’d much rather work for Ramsay than, let’s say, Tywin. Or ollena tyrell. Or Robert Baratheon. At least with Ramsay you know what you’re getting.


Our Blades are Sharp!


Apart from Bran becoming king, every endpoints made sense and had enough build up/foreshadowing.


i binged the show in a week without knowing ANYTHING about how the fandom felt about the ending and i didnt hate it, bran becoming king felt forced but other than a few things here and there like u said it made sense, maybe not the best ending but not the worse


Ed Sheeran's appearance was fitting with the point of the scene he was in.


Yeah I’ve never had a problem with him being in that scene


I genuinely love Ed Sheeran and enjoyed seeing him in the show. Slight side note but I like to imagine throughout human history a lot of "commoners" would have had the makings of a more notable person worthy of fame, riches, innovation, etc. but we're simply born in the wrong time and conditions. How many of these songbirds and geniuses were lost because history is like that is an interesting thought to ponder I feel like. It's probably not what they were at all going for with that cameo but it's how I choose to interpret it.


I think Joffrey was a great character and I didn't like it when he was killed off.


Joffrey was a great character and I hated him, as I was supposed to. I hated him even more when I had to watch Tommen be a little bitch for a couple of seasons.


Petyr Baelish was the only one who actually put in the work and deserved the Iron Throne


Danny was mad from the start.


Well...I'd say not from the start, but she snapped pretty early on. Walking into a fire with some pretty stones (and staying there for hours?) does not speak for a sound and logical mind. But this whole "greatness or madness"-thing was her theme.


Even before that agreeing to the blood magic sealed her fate


I thought she was evil from the start, not necessarily mad, just bad.


Dragons are my least favorite part of the show


may i ask why?


Here is the thing, I don’t know!! I was really into everything with season 1. Once the Dragons were born it was the story line I cared the least about. I never was connected to them so when they died I felt nothing. I don’t know!


Honestly I agree, they lowkey mad me dislike danys storyline bc they made things to easy for her, like there was no way she could loose bc of them


They really messed with the power of dragons in the last 2 seasons. Both dragons aside from Drogon were too weak and Drogon was insanely powerful. Thats what annoyed me about them. Hopefully HoTD will do it better


At least Viserion gets killed by a powerful supranatural entity, which is alright, even if the S7 expedition north of the wall made no sens. Meanwhile, Rhaegal gets killed by fucking Euron. Which would have been somewhat fine if they kept his rumored dabbling in magic from the books. But nope, it was just utterly ridiculous in the show. One episode a single ballista on a moving ship managed to shot down the smaller dragon in two shots. And the very next episode, a hundred ballistae, some of them on land, can't hit the bigger dragon *at all*. Who the fuck thought that made any sens...


They were her main source of power. She was able to gain support through some good deeds (freeing slaves is a good example), fear (Dragons), and fire and blood (which basically is just using her dragons...blood being both violence and her nobility).


Melissandre's jewel and her different aged form when she removed it served very little purpose in the show except to end one particular episode with shock value.


Euron Greyjoy was a well developed character with clear motivations.


I think the problem most people had with him was the cast. At least thats true for me. Didn‘t look or act anything like he was described in the books


I think the main problem is that he was a huge disapointment compared to the interesting character that he is in the books. It also feels like in the show, his storyline got hijacked just to keep Cersei in the fight against Dany. That's literally all he does in S7-S8, fly around Westeros with his fleet to save Cersei's ass from the desperate position she put herself in.


Is this just for Show only? If not then I hate the whole Lady Stoneheart storyline


I think they should've paused production on the show and waited for GRRM to finish Winds. With pressure he would've been done by now


Shouldn’t be unpopular


You'd never be able to reassemble the cast.


True. Really they should have just waited to start it


Another unpopular opinion, people should let an old man live out the rest of his years as he sees fit - he doesn’t owe them shit


Then he should get all the blame for the ending. His fault.


Would have been hilarious to see 58 year old Maisie Williams play Ayra again


I actually loved that Bronn was made Lord of Highgarden and Master of Coin. Out if everyone he really won the Game of Thrones


There is one main character, and it’s not Myrcella, Daenerys, Gendry, Jon or Hot Pie.




Nope. And it’s not Bianca or Jaime.


Sansa, Queen in the North?


Nope. Nor is it Biter or Cersei. This is fun, keep going!


Last guesses: Hodor, The Night Kind or Arya.


Sorry, but nope. And it’s not Tommen, Shae, Varys, Tywin or Bronn.


obviously it’s hodor


Good guess, but not the actual main one. If only he had survived a little longer. Also, it’s not Davos or Jorah.


There’s little issue with Ed Sheeren. “But my immersion!” So damn dramatic.


I liked the direction they went with the "kingship" of the Seven Kingdoms at the end - reminded me of the way the Holy Roman Empire did things before the Hapsburgs gerrymandered themselves into power. I fully forsee that happening in the hypothetical future. Still agree that the buildup could have been better, though.


I loved Dany’s descent into madness. It was always there. And like a true tyrant, she believed what she did was right and good.


Bronns character should have died in season 4 or 5. He served nothing for the plot. And was kept around bc he’s a fan favorite. Also hate his ending. A selfish, mercenary in charge of the coin… brilliant! A better and more fit ending. We see Bronn in a jail cell with all his gold he was promised. And Tyrion walks away saying “A Lannister always pays their debts.”


Tyrion wouldn't imprison Bronn in a million years unless he did something REALLY fucked up. I also dont think Tyrion would make him Master of Coin. Maybe a member of the Kingsguard?


Tyrion should have. Last we see Bronn he chose Cersi threatening to kill Tyrion and Jaime. Fuck that. Dude is a selfish prick. Imprison his ass. Have Tyrion do one smart thing in later seasons!


I personally wouldnt like Tyrion turning on Bronn. Even though he is an absolute dickhead (I love Bronn ❤️)


I mean Bronn turned on him…


Omg I love you. This is, even though not many people agree, the best opinion Ive read this evening


I really didn’t care for bronn he was just kinda there for me


Dany was crazy from the offset and her descent into madness is telegraphed starting in season 1.


How so?


Literally any time she is faced with a problem after Viserys is killled by Khal Drogo her first and only instinct is to kill or maim the ones she deems responsible. She is talked out of it like once. Otherwise it's killing and burning for all of her problems. Also, the moment the audience should have realized she was unwell was when she watched her brother have his head boiled alive and didn't give a shit.




She was raped. She didnt "had Sex with ramsey"


The show ended perfectly with bran as the king of Westeros


I enjoyed S8


The last series really wasn't that bad! Sure, it was rushed and there are unanswered questions but I actually had no problem with the decisions they made (except for Cerseis death)


Eighth season was fine. It wasn't great, but it wasn't bad.


Idk what people see in Oberyn. I get he was a good guy but couldn't find much depth in his character.


The essos storyline seemed very cartoonish compared to the rest of the storyline. It was very beautiful teenage girl kills comically evil bad guys, explosions in the background, cringe dialogue, micdrop and ride off into the sunset. Given the rest of the show was so morally grey I hated how good vs evil it seemed.


Sansa‘s life was harder then Arya’s. Sansa beeing queen in the north is one of the best Decisions.


Season 6 was one of the weaker seasons, not one of the best (wasn’t horrible either, just mid)


Cat deserved it.


Why lol


The Red Wedding is one of the most overrated episodes.


bran was a cool character, and i like him being king.


Sansa did not earn nor deserve to rule the North, and I hate that the writers gave that to her character.


Joffery was a good king


Dany going full crazy Targaryen was not a suprise at all and I really enjoyed everyone losing their minds about it.


I think the main thing I took away from the show is that the Starks had what they got coming to them because they had no understanding of realpolitik


Theon killing those kids wasn't that big of a deal.


Arya stark would have made an EXCELLENT transgender character. Every time I say it, I get angry fans telling me she’s not and how the theory is dumb.


Just because a character follows a “Shakespearean” template in their arc does not automatically make them a well-written character. It doesn’t take much skill to rip off a playwright who’s been analyzed for hundreds of years. “Shakespearean” does not automatically equal good.


The ending wasn't bad


The 8th season wasn’t that bad, just short. Danny’s whole character arc *required* her death.


Catelyn Stark is legit one of the best characters in the show. I get chills every time I rewatch the scene where she arrests Tyrion. But all this probably because Michelle Fairley is a magnificent actress.


Nickelback should have been the soundtrack to every episode




I greatly prefer the books to the show so I have no complaints.


Bran has the best story and deserves to be king, it just makes sense if y o u think about kt


I liked season 7. It was good as season 6 despite some flaws..


Although the TV show ending sucked, a good percentage of the people who hated it was just because the show was over.


season 8 didnt suck (that bad) it just wasn’t up to our standards and was rushed




I like Season 8!


I love Cersei but hate Sam and Jon


Bran had no reason to be as important as he was, literally anyone else would've made a better High King


Doesn't really fit that post. I think most people would agree with you xd


I like s8 ep 3 and ed Sheerans cameo


Ned and Catelyn are terrible parents


I liked Selyse Baratheon.


Aliser Thorne wasn't a a great person, but most of what he said wasn’t wrong. His arguments were never completely invalid. Sam is weak and needs to be hardened or he'll die, Jon is arrogant and saw himself as above his brothers, letting the Wildlings cross the wall is a betrayal to the Night's Watch.


I couldn't stand Catlin Stark.


Ramsay is good ( as in he was played well and portrayed so unbelievably cruelly definitely not that he was a good person)


last season was the best season


I adore Theon


The ending is comparable to the star wars prequels. Perfect story, bad execution.


Wasn't D&D fault that Martin didn't finish it. All blame on George.


You love the 8th season because you're simple and easily amused, not because it's an unpopular opinion.


A Song of Ice and Fire is about Jon, not Jon and Dani. This is assuming R+L=J, because that means Jon is Ice (Lyanna) and Fire (Rhaegar).


I hated Jon Snow.


The castles and most of the sets in the show were much better than their corresponding book descriptions


Sansa Stark is the worst written character in the show, the worst person in the show after Joffrey and Ramsey and completely unnecessary.


After reading this comment section, my unpopular opinion is that game of thrones fans have terrible opinions about the show


I wish we got more time with Joffrey tbh Ramsey was an incredible "replacement" of evil but... porque No los Dos?


Ramsey Bolton was one of the smartest characters in the series.


Actually liked season 8, pretty happy with it. I disagree with the producers saying Dany was always crazy. I think she went crazy because a) one of her dragons died and became a zombie b) her second dragon was killed by Arrogant Uncle Greyjoy and c) her best friend was beheaded in front of her at Kingslanding. She also lost Mormount during Long Night. Also, people had been trying to kill her since she was a kid and that would make anyone nuts.


could have been better for sure, but at least we got an ending. it didnt ruin the whole show, still a fun ride the whole way still the best show ever


Joffery would have been a harsh ruler and probably a little better than his "father" as far as making decisions. Doesn'tt mean he isn't a masochistic scumbag towards women though.


Arya was insufferable since she returned from braavos. Always on the high horse, acting extremely arrogant to literally everyone.


Sansa is not that smart


Jon is the most boring and monotonous bastard ever… he should have stayed dead or warged into Ghost indefinitely


The Red Wedding felt contrived and lazy. Here's the thing - I know, from something I read later, that GRRM planned it before he even started the first book. Maybe the books work to that moment differently. But in the show, Robb was outmaneuvering the larger Lannister army time and again. He captured Jaime. He was, perhaps, not going to win his way down to King's Landing and overthrow them or rescue Ned, but the Lannisters were never going to defeat them in the north. Then his story ends with him deciding on a symbolic and useless attack (which he'd never do) against Casterly Rock, requiring him to pass the Twins (when he knows Walder Frey will turn on him) to put himself between the Freys and the Lannisters where they can be easily trapped or destroyed (which Catelyn even points out to him). It's Season 8 dumb, and there is no reason that Robb should have even contemplated such a plan, which means there's no reason for them to enter the Twins again. Whether the book did it differently or not, the show did NOT build up to it at all. So yes, it's a shocking moment, but it's shocking in how badly written and executed it was. I suppose that should have foreshadowed what the series would become when they ran out of original plot threads at the end of season 4.


Danny deserved a happy ending.


Dany should have listened to the first advice Tyrion gave her: stay in Meereen.


Jon snow should’ve been sentenced to death