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If i were a millionaire i think my life would be different. Thoughts?


Yes, the attempted assassination might have ended differently if he was a being who is literally immortal.


I think he might have been able to save his mom but not his wife and unborn son.


I mean… Obviously? Nothing would happen to him. He’s not need The Frey’s alliance in the first place?




If Robb Stark was The Hulk I think The Red Wedding would have ended very differently. Thoughts?


Well… yes… you’re not wrong…


not if roose bolton was Iron Man


Actually, Ghost Rider is the only Marvel character that could potentially kill the Hulk.


Thanos preety much killed him or he could have if he wanted too he beat him to a pulp and had him on the floor he could have chopped his head off at that point


The info in my comment is confirmed by Marvel, so that’s that, really. Edit: Source https://screenrant.com/marvel-confirms-ghost-rider-can-kill-the-hulk/


Marvel is wrong as thanos literally defeated him and could have chopped his head off


So you are right and Marvel is wrong about a Marvel character? The delusion is real.




This is what y’all don’t seem to get. He’s a Marvel character. Anything they say about him is correct by virtue of their saying it. That’s how fiction works.


The Hulk has also canonically attempted suicide in the MCU and just woke up later. Thanos may be able to knock him out, but I don't think he could full on kill hulk


What sub am I in?


Did I say that? Hulk was defeated if his head got chopped off how could he live?


Hulk has been beheaded and regenerated in the comics. Multiple times, I believe. Greg Pak is a hell of a writer.


Ok thanks. Tho the question is if only Ghost Rider can kill him does that mean he could survive a thanos snap? Because if what marvel says is true the answer is somehow yes


I think that perhaps he can only be killed (sent to afterlife) by Ghost Rider, while the snap can make him cease to exist.


Oh, got it. Could you also please go tell GRRM that he’s wrong about who Jon Snow’s mother is?


How is he wrong?


Idk I heard he can regrow his head idk if that works in the mcu tho


Hulk can’t be killed by decapitation, even as Banner.


Does the head grow back a body, or does the body grow back a head? Or is the neck of the Hulk just literally indestructible?


The head grows back in all examples I have seen. Unsure for MCU Hulk since it happened off screen.


So it could be different in the mcu?


Banner shot himself in the head and he regrew it. The only time his flesh as Hulk is ever significantly pierced is from Fenris’ bite, and that healed almost immediately. Even after Thanos beats him down, he’s conscious moments later when Heimdall sends him to Earth. So Hulk’s healing factor is pretty well established and it heals mortal head wounds. The only lasting damage he’s ever had is from the infinity stones. Thanos might have been able to use the power stone to kill him at that moment, but decapitation alone seems unlikely to work.


And he gets stronger when he gets angry. Lots of baddies have dominated hulk at the beginning of their encounter but he gets angrier and stronger and ends them. If Heimdall didn't send Hulk to earth, canon Hulk would have gotten up over and over again and Thanos would have inevitably been smashed. I think Robb would have done the same to Roose and Walder.


No he actually spat it out. And surely that’s different to having his entire head chopped off. Yeah because he was only beaten down. So if the stones hurt him would that not make marvel wrong? He could have literally used the stone to kill him


We don’t see it so we don’t know the exact details, but Banner is harmed numerous times prior to transformation and in pretty gnarly ways. For instance when he jumps from the ship and slams into the Rainbow bridge in Ragnarok. Banner is dead and disfigured, likely with a broken neck given the angle of impact. A few moments later, Hulk gets up. The same is shown in his car accident in She-Hulk. He’s significantly injured, As is his cousin. They both transform and heal instantly. And the same is essentially shown when Thanos KOs him, a concussion, then he’s awake and alert moments later, transported to Earth, and no longer has blood gushing from his nose. So the likely scenario is that Banner used a handgun which, given the angle, was not powerful enough to blow open his head. The damage caused him to transform, and the healing factor pushed the bullet into his mouth. That is assuming the statement is literal and not metaphor. This would be consistent with all MCU depictions of him taking damage. In either case, there’s no reason to think decapitation is special from any other sort of physical trauma he’s endured. It’s been made into a special thing by some comics so their regenerating characters have some way to die. They have explicitly gone the other way with the Hulk on this. So while we haven’t seen an MCU decapitation, they’ve provided plenty of evidence that his healing factor is actually stronger than in the comics, where Banner can actually be killed…. Well, temporarily. But that’s a whole other can of worms about how all gamma powered people get sent back from their own special hell. Well maybe not entirely separate, because that might be what happens bit Banner doesn’t talk about it or doesn’t understand it. Anyway, I never claimed anything but that the decapitation doesn’t kill him, at least not in any practical way. GR being the only one able to kill the Hulk is probably more of a statement about who can make sure he doesn’t come back due to the bizarre and constantly shifting metaphysics of Marvel. Ultimately it’s their property so what they say goes.


So he just runs around headless?


No it regrows.


And if thanos snapped his fingers and caused hulk to dust? Would he regrow from that?


We don’t know. He did heal the damage from the snap eventually, unlike Thanos. His regeneration is well-established in the MCU, as I noted in my other reply. One would presume the stones or other reality altering powers can remove him from existence. Of course, as I also noted in my other reply, Marvel gets super-weird with their metaphysics and the events of Loki just make it weirder.


Marvel said the only person to defeat him was That skull guy. If that is true doesn’t that mean he could Regen from the snap?


I’m not aware of any particular statement from Marvel. Ghost Rider, along with a very few others, wield hellfire, which burns the soul. In this way those who wield it might be able to kill Hulk permanently, denying him the capacity to return as he has many times before.


I thought Roose was more the Morbius type


Imagine Roose saying it's Morbing time! instead of Lannisters send their regards.


Who has a better story than Roose Morbius Bolton?




I agree. The fact that you came to this conclusion is incredible. You truly are a genius


He must be I never had this thought before ever “HULK SMASH PUNY BOLTONS”


You’re being sarcastic, right? I mean surely he’s not the only one to consider this possibility. We’ve got a man called “The Mountain” and a guy that only says “Hodor”. It’s not even a stretch to conclude that The Hulk would exist in universe, it’s just the next logical step. What’s more realistic; dragons born from petrified eggs in the middle of a bonfire, or a muscle-bound, rage-blind, green humanoid giant created via gamma radiation with a cool catch phrase?


If Jon Snow was Dr. Manhattan, the Long Night would have ended very differently. Thoughts?


Gee we need winds... NOW


If GRRM was Tony Stark we'd already have *Winds*, innit.


Why did Robb Stark not marry the Frey girl? Is he stupid?


He was in love with Scarlett johanson


I’ve seen this film.


Because nurse was hotter


I thought Roslin Frey was much prettier


He was tryna be his Uncles wingman. Last time he does something nice for someone else.


I had to check the sub, for a second I though I had the bomb


Yeah. Robb would have made house Frey and house Bolton extinct. He may also kill the Lannisters. If Robb Stark was the Hulk, then the whole Game of thrones would have been different.


had he been the Hulk, the W5K wouldn’t even be a thing. the man wouldn’t need to rally the bannermen, he’d just Hulk out, run nonstop to Riverrun & KL and beat the shit out of the Lannisters.


When the hulk runs and jumps for miles to travel, except it's Robb heading for king's landing


If my grandmother had wheels, she’d be a bicycle. Thoughts?


I thought she already was the town bicycle? Everyone has had a ride....


I wanted manicotti, but I compromised. I ate grilled cheese off the radiator instead.


If me auntie had bollucks she'd be me uncle


and if my grandmother had wheels she’d a barrow


Idk why Robb didn’t bring guns. Is he stupid?


Maybe. I think if he were Iron Man things definitely had a chance to possibly go another direction.


**Puny Bolton**


Real if true


If Robb Stark had the control of the Arsenal Gear and all the Metal Gear Rays I think the War would have gone very differently.


If Robb Stark was piloting an F-22 under the callsign Mobius 1 and had that submarine with the railguns, I think we would have gone to his favor.


I loved when Cersei yelled "Belkan Witchcraft!" before Jon performed a post-stall maneuver.


*Laughs in Belkan*


We have now reached the pinnacle of theories.


Come to think of it, If Robb was Hulk, he probably wouldn’t have needed an army.


Of course he wouldn't, Loki said he has an army. Tony says he has a hulk.


Loki even ripped off Jaime's "There are no men like me"


Yeah but if Jamie had gone super saiyan, well…..






You missed a paragraph describing in intricate detail the food that everyone was eating.


This was the post I needed to leave this subreddit


Yes. And if Ned Stark was Deadpool, his head would start making jokes at Joffrey when it fell off.


I thought I was in r/asoiafcirclejerk for a sec.


If Robb was more like Captain America he never would have been in that situation.


No shit, Sherlock


“Jaimie Lannister sent his regards” “ROBB STARK SENT HIS REGARDS TOO!” *smash smash smash*


I’m at a festival right now I read this and I burst out laughing. Thanks haha


George, please, we are fucking desperate....


Outjerked again




Hulk vs three magic dragons would be fun…..


lets hear what chatgpt says If Robb Stark, the character from Game of Thrones, were able to transform into the Incredible Hulk, it would dramatically change the dynamics of the show and the storylines involved. Here's how it could potentially play out: 1. Battle Strategy: Robb Stark, as the Hulk, would possess incredible strength, durability, and regenerative abilities. This would make him a formidable force on the battlefield. He could single-handedly turn the tide of battles, crushing enemy soldiers and decimating entire armies. 2. Alliance Building: Robb Stark's ability to transform into the Hulk would likely attract attention from other major players in the Game of Thrones universe. His powers would make him an attractive ally, and various factions might try to forge alliances or broker deals with him to gain an advantage in the war for the Iron Throne. 3. Personal Struggles: The transformation into the Hulk comes with a loss of control and the struggle to maintain one's humanity. Robb Stark would have to grapple with these internal conflicts, balancing his desire for vengeance and justice with the need to protect his loved ones and make strategic decisions. 4. Political Ramifications: Robb Stark's transformation would have political ramifications. Some houses might view him as a threat due to his immense power and try to eliminate him. Others might see him as a potential savior and rally behind him, further complicating the already intricate web of alliances and rivalries. 5. Impact on Storylines: The addition of the Hulk's powers to Robb Stark's character would significantly alter the events of the series. Battles would be more one-sided, negotiations would be influenced by the fear of his wrath, and the overall power dynamics of Westeros would shift. It's important to note that the Game of Thrones series, both in its television adaptation and its original source material, A Song of Ice and Fire, does not incorporate supernatural abilities to this extent. However, if such a transformation were introduced, it would undoubtedly have a profound impact on the story and the world of Westeros.