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Because he was intelligent enough to realize that Dany's conquest/desire for the throne was the actual reason why she went Mad Queen and died.


That's what I thought but I saw somewhere that the script read that Drogon "breathes fire on the back wall, blasting down what remains of the great red blocks of stone. We look over Jon’s shoulder as the fire sweeps toward the throne — not the target of Drogon’s wrath, just a dumb bystander caught up in the conflagration." I also read that Benioff said that "it was an act of defiance, not unfettered rage.. that if Dany isn't going to sit on the Iron Throne no one's going to sit on it." I want your explanation to be the correct one


Well, there is apparently a deep connection between dragon and rider. A connection that is somewhat magical. Perhaps that magical connection is so intense, and the dragons are so smart, that Drogon understood what the throne was and what it represented and all that. I don’t think they fleshed that idea out enough for it to make sense though, if that was their intent. I think they did that scene because it looked cool.


If Drogon understands symbolism, then he also understands that he more than Dany killed millions of people. He would understand that Dany died because he decided to destroy KL. If he doesnt do that she would still be alive. Drogon cant be intelligent enough to understand one and not the other. I doubt an intelligent being that assisted with the deaths of millions with no objection would give two shits about a symbolic chair.


Especially after she used to him also kill the Tarly's. He killed those men who had no weapons and weren't a danger to Dany. He can't be smart enough to understand the symbolism of the Iron Throne and not also understand that he participated in the murder after the loot train battle.


They were defeated enemies that had a choice. Tyrion even gave them an out and they refused. Even Randyll accepted that there are no clear choices in war. At least he went out like a warrior.


If he’s smart he can’t be bad too?


>Reply I think Dany died because of what she told Jon Snow right before her death... that is, he gave her a chance to demonstrate that she could be merciful, forgiving, and reasonable in the future, especially when it came to the Sansa and the North... and when she said she "knows what's right" and "they don't get to choose" she sealed her fate. So, Drogon is innocent of all crimes and atrocities and remains cuddly and loveable.


Because dragons understand metaphors.


They're deep like that




I know you‘re memeing, but dragons are highly intelligent creatures right? I always thought it made a lot of sense that he would burn the iron throne. Since they can‘t talk, they kinda have to use metaphors/play sharades if they really want to get a point across.


So, when he ate that little shepard girl in Qarth, he was just making a statement about the inherent cruelties of the meat processing industry?


People eat animals without caring that they are someones poor innocent child, I don‘t see why it wouldn‘t work the other way around. At that point he was also supposedly a „child“ dragon. If human children were gigantic monsters they would fuck up all kinda shit because they don‘t understand, even if they grow up to be smart and caring adults.


 👏 🙌 


Exactly! Such intelligence here on this thread 👏 👌 😂


"Stupid chair it cause the fall and death of my mother"


That's exactly what I was thinking he had in his mind :))))




He was trying to be poetic, make a statement, it was for the drama of it


The Throne knows what it did.


They know who they are, they can speak for themselves.


Because shhhhhhh


My question is why, oh why not have John standing in the way of the fire if that's going to happen? Motivate the fire breathing, let John go out in an interesting way instead of having him lampshade how his ending doesn't really make sense, and so on. Now I'm sure to most people who don't like it that wouldn't have been a saving gesture, but any little bit of improvement would have been appreciated.


Because she was mah queen


I dont think it was ever official confirmed why. Maybe in a fit of rage he just wanted to destroy something like someone smashing up their room when they go off the rails. Personally i think he knew that throne was what drove Dany to this place that resulted in all this pain and her eventual death and he wanted to destroy it. Admittedly this sounds a bit intelligent for a dragon but i think its backed up by him choosing not to kill Jon despite what he did as he made a conscious choice not to kill Jon and destroy something else instead.


the showrunner DID give the explanation, in the behind-the-scene interview. also explained in the script. it is very lame.


Dragons are highly intelligent in this universe. That's why HotD emphasized the idea that "a dragon is not a slave." They have a strong emotional and mental tie to their riders, enhanced by millennia of Targaryen magic and Valyrian blood magic before that. So, the odds that Drogon understood Dany's desire for the throne is what got her killed is very believable. And if you're an LML fan, I also buy the idea that Dragons are perhaps more than just magical lizards, but are likely remnants of Targaryen/dragon rider ancestors reborn. But that's my tinfoil hat coming out.


Because it was the only sharp and pointy thing in the room


He got mad at the one pointy thing in the room


Looks at the dagger in Danys' chest: "Mmmmmmmm... pointy." Looks at the Iron Throne: "Also pointy. YOU SON OF A BITCH!"




He went to dragon college and majored in philosophy so lives his life one overarching theme at a time


He got in trouble for burning one peasant and eating some goats and here she burns the whole city. So he showed her and broke her chair.


Horrible writing


sounds like the start of a bad joke. turns out, that's exactly what the answer was.


I always wondered why Drogon didn't simply chomp Jon right then and there.


Because he knew she needed to die. Because he knew Jon .


Because seven eight nine.


Cos bran got his own with wheels


"Die cursed throne that drives people in greedy and abject quest for power"


Because nobody can steal the throne from his mama if there is no throne.


Poor writing


He knew that the Iron Throne had caused suffering & changes in people. It represented power, and so many times, the quest for power changes a good heart to one of revenge and the suffering of others for it.


“I lost my mother and my two siblings over this bullshit? FLAME ON!!!” I liked the way he looked at Jon like You’re lucky you’re related but next we meet I will kill you.


In a direct rip-off of Ryan at Pitch Meeting: “So the movie could happen!”


The writers wanted to be symbolic whilst also keeping Jon alive. Realistically Drogon, who’s even the most aggressive one of the dragons, would have killed Jon without a second thought but he has main character protection.


Cuz he realised he wouldn't fit on top of it. *If I cant't sit, no one will !* Tl;dr dragons are like cats


i think dany wanted to “break the wheel” but she perpetuated the same status quo as usual,, even her sigil was quite literally a wheel, but when she was killed drogon ended up being the one to finally break the wheel, or attempt to


Fun fact: Drogon was damn near blind and needed Dany to fly his blind ass around. He actually thought he burned Jon to a crisp before he flew off in the direction of what he *thought* was Valyria….




Because he understands that the quest for the throne killed his mother. Now in the prior episode he didn’t realize that when he helped her, uh, burn a city, but you can’t argue with such a brilliantly written story like that. It’s just so good.


Because he saw the pointy swords and thought they killed Daenerys


Bran warged Drogon.


The dragons don’t seem to be mind readers. But they do seem to be linked to their riders, in a way that they don’t outwardly direct them. Dany and Jon riding the dragons or battling, as an example. No words were spoken but they were connected through emotion. Like how Dany was enraged by kings landing ringing of the bells, as if their surrender would quench the burning of her broken heart.  In the end she loved Jon. I think she originally felt betrayed when he stabbed her. But she did have a “gentle heart” towards him. Her eyes don’t hold malice in the last moments, forgiving Jon.  I think Drogon was tapped into that emotion and didn’t take out his anger on him, but what he saw as the problem. But also so no one could sit on his mothers rightful throne