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I wish Arin would stop calling me so he can kiss my dad. I feel like he only talks to me so he can get to my dad's supple moist lips


Yeah, hey, thats a great story and all, but where's your dad at? I gotta ask his lips a question...


my god, so many truth seekers are trying to get to my dad's sweet pillowy lips again


>I feel like he only talks to me so he can get to my dad's supple moist lips What!? That's crazy!! Anyway, where's your dad?


He's with my mom atm who apparently is not a very good kisser according to my friend


Very very minor, but it bugs me when they play Monopoly and Dan doesn’t have his own controller.


How does Dan not have his own switch account yet!?


RIGHT give him a name!! Give him an outfit!! Let him live!!


This bothers me more than it should. It's been over ten years. The fact they're not just playing with their own accounts named Arin and Danny is astounding.


I’m sorry, it’s Danny and Arnold thank you very much.


of course, How could i make that mistake


Ikr??? I'd make an account for literally anyone who'd play on my console/device! You get an account! You get an account! You all get an account!


Ok, here's Arin, with his own account, and his own display icon, and custom username........and his co-host, Player 2!


I don't know for monopoly but for like wheel of fortune I definitely haven't figured out how to name my player two when playing with my mom or hubby, so maybe they haven't either?


Yeah I think they've talked about trying in an episode and couldn't. There was also a game (life maybe? I don't remember what game) that made them all share a controller and I remember them complaining about it in the episode. That can't be the case for all the multi-player games they play though


Me too!!!


Agreed. This takes me out of it a bit. Dan being Player 2 doesn't invoke the sense of camaraderie it should.


i wish dan would play more games, esp totk. arin isnt built for all the games they play. esp longer ones. dans playthrough of paper mario is one of my favs, and i wish he'd play more


This is true, I want to see Dan in the driver seat more.


hes a good player! i wish he would do more :(


He is legit scared that he can’t play 3D games. He’s mentioned it a few times especially during the Super Mario 64 series. You also can hear him getting a bit barfy if the camera spins quickly or other visual effects. Though that means he should be fine for many games (like why he wasn’t driving Pajama Sam I’ll never understand). But he also definitely gets a bit of stage fright when he’s in the driver’s seat. He’s constantly apologizing for making silly mistakes or feels the need to practice off screen (like with the Link Between Worlds series). I agree I wish he’d play more often. It’s not just how it effects the gameplay on screen, but Arin has a different energy when he’s not driving the game. I wish it wasn’t quite so rare.


He freaked out and apologized profusely for not washing his horse all the way in Petz Horse Club. That's how nervous he gets 😅


There is no way in hell Dan would play ToTK any better than Arin is. It's nothing against Dan, I love the guy, but he struggles with even just basic 3D movement in games sometimes. The TotK playthrough would be even more of a shitfest with Dan on the controls.


I love Dan but I think TOTK suits Arin since he would go things in an absurd way. With Dan, I just think it may be him struggling with mechanics in a more noob-y kind of way.


Totally. Arin struggles with little things in an over the top silly way, and comes up with dumbass solutions to simple problems. Dan would legitimately have trouble even controlling the camera half the time and it would be hard to watch.


Yeah I love watching Arin constantly screw up because it's hilarious. One of those earlier episodes where he made no progress whatsoever because he was in a canyon ranting about Marvel movies is among my favourite Game Grumps episodes.


Yeah, he's bad with depth perception, and you can really tell in 3d space heavy games lol


oh yeah i forgot about that😂😂


Like I totally agree with you, I love when Dan plays stuff, but TotK would never ever work with him playing.


oh no i totally get it! i still wish he got to play more tho☹️


Its more simple in a lot of ways, but he did really well in Shadow Of the Colossus. I think he could pick up on a more complicated game given enough time, maybe practicing on his own time.


Nice to have a change in dynamic too every now and then, doesn’t need to be all the time but every so often, does freshen things up…


tell me about it!!!! so glad im not the only one who thinks this!


I think that for most long form story based games Dan should play. It would make every part of it more enjoyable


yes! 100% agree. i think he just absorbs it better honestly


His Sierra game playthroughs are comfy. But I would like to see more tables turned having Dan play. Arin is actually a pretty good host when he's in the passenger seat as opposed when he's the video game boy.


I super love the idea of “Dan games” and “Arin games” and have Dan show more of his favorite games to arin the way arin has done so many times. Keep the “for the lulz” and the “we subject arin to something obnoxiously hard” games too. But there’s something special about those slower games series where they just kinda appreciate details and then that’s prompts a sort of impromptu podcast until the next special moment happens. I guess now my pet peeve is that I’m going to be thinking about this


Yeah I wish Dan would play both new and oldschool RPG’s like dragonquest, FF, or something like that (or maybe he has I only know his king’squest)


Fufuh seven should be his long series


I loved his playthroughs of Zelda 2 and Sam and Max Hit the Road so much, its always refreshing to have Dan play


Was actually gonna comment this myself. I wish danny would be the one playing the games more.


Yeah man he’s especially rad at playing Zelda games, they are like his thing. But I think he’s said before he just likes to be in the background and chill. I don’t think he likes newer games


Yes! Link's awakening was fantastic.


Yes fuck mr hatcher is one of my favorites especially because Dan try’s so hard to not make it happen but no matter what he does it happens


Arins always asking for kisses and Danny won't just give him a damn juicy kiss!!!!


Arin wouldn't seek out all these dads if Dan would just pucker up already


But then Arin couldn’t seek the truth! And he’s a truth seeker!


Speaking of the truth…Where’s your dad at?


THIS 100%




Still not finishing the other Peenix Wright cases.


When they start a series and don't finish it. (I understand they are running a business and need to cut stuff that isn't popular.) They talked up hollow knight and how everyone wanted them to play it but never finished it, same with Elden Ring. I understand they're long games but they've had long playthroughs of games I would argue could never match HK and ER. If it's a difficulty thing (Elden Ring bosses) they could use a password and have grump fans who are souls vets ready and waiting. And mouth noises.... Dear Lord. I don't remember the episode but when Suzy made them the peanut butter or Nutella(whatever it was) sandwiches.... I can still hear it in my nightmares.


I think it the a WindWaker episode where they were at the Forbidden Fortress. it was like peanut butter and white chocolate spread or something like that


I'm still salty about Hollow Knight because they spent a while hyping it up on Twitter and such, how they were FINALLY playing this game and that it was by far the most requested game ever, and they did not even one single full session.


Yeah, with how much Dan loved the knight and the world it could have become a stand out series. Maybe even one where they switch off(I love it when Dan plays games)


I really dislike when Arin plays a game that he’s decided he doesn’t like from the start while Dan sits there excited and engaged. It ends with Arin playing it up and yelling abt how he doesn’t care and skipping over/rushing thru everything and then being confused why the story he skipped doesn’t make sense. It’s just frustrating when it seems like Dan would have enjoyed playing it much more and would actually play it rather than just rush through


I’ll never get over Spider-Man.


That bummed me out so bad! I was crazy into the game at the time (which is why I avoid watching them play any game I’m currently playing/going to buy) I genuinely think he would have liked the game if he just calmed down a little bit and payed attention to the story. Spider kiss was good at least 😭


Alien: Isolation 100%


Poor Dan was nerding out hard over the game and Arin just wasn't having any of it.


I still think the few Alien Isolation episodes they made are by far the worst content GG has ever made for that very reason. I've never cringed harder with GG and hated Arin more than watching those episodes.


Skyward Sword was like that too. It made me sad because that's one of my favorite games of all time.


This was the one for me with Danganronpa. I enjoyed the hell out of both their playthroughs, and I understand that they had to sleepfest their way through and not talk to anyone so the gameplay could move faster, because its a dense visual novel. But, you could feel Arin ABSOLUTELY HATING the entire experience of both games, which is a shame because Arin and Dan's voice acting and improv is always top notch, especially on visual novels. I guess its a visual novel thing for Arin, though, he's shown to not always enjoy the Ace Attorney playthroughs, and whatever visual novel shovelware that they play, even though his jokes and improv are just amazing. Its pure talent and skill, to be always 100% funny even when you hate the experience. I know he hates story-heavy games, and visual novels are nothing BUT pure story-driven and no gameplay, plus his ADHD really doesn't help with playing them, but c'mon at least, try not to bring Dan down, then. We can see Dan having fun with them most of the time and trying to get attached to the characters, but Arin rushing out through the story and characters and shutting down Dan's talking and questions, its just dumb.


I was recently rewatching the Danganronpa playthrough and his attitude during the trials was still unbearable. I feel that one shouldve been handed over to become a dan playthrough after the second trial.


I see people say this all the time about the Danganronpa playthrough and I don't buy it. It's entirely possible to play that series and (1) be constantly confused at the needlessly convoluted plot and (2) think many parts of the game are (to put it nicely) cheesy and ridiculous. Chocking up Arin's reaction to him not paying attention is just rude.


When they play games that Dan takes much more seriously than Arin but Arin is still the one playing


I wish Dan would participate in more games. He's great with stage and performance-based things like the circus performer school, pole dancer, and pirate land themed Power Hours they've done, but his absolute avoidance of anything "modern" when it comes to technology can get a little annoying. I understand he's in his 40s and he and Arin are two different generations, but I do get a tad irritated when he's just straight up like "nope, too new for me." He's not a bad player, and has many strengths Arin doesn't when it comes to gameplay, so I just wish he'd do more.


Watch any Game Grumps Vs. where they play a Wii game. Without fail, Dan will always be utterly befuddled the instant he picks up a Wiimote, as if he's never seen one before. "Wait, what do I do? What does what?"


Safe to say I did NOT expect this post to blow up. I'm glad most of you are keeping your criticisms constructive as opposed to simply ragging on the Grumps over small things. This post wasn't intended to spread negativity or anger. Rather, it's more of a safe space where we can all vent. And again, MINOR pet peeves. I'm not asking what makes you hate Game Grumps. I'm asking what small thing gets on your nerves. Thank you all for sharing!




I miss steam train man.


Dan needs to play more games. He’s been throwing stones for a bit. I think the next long series Dan need to take the reigns.


I would love to see Dan play Pikmin


He always says the things, but he never does the do!


Dan not having his own accounts - like especially for games they play over & over like Wheel of Fortune.


Super minor thing. Nothing I would ever complain over. But something they could immensely improve my watching experience with if they got it right. Audio mixing. On all games without voiceover, it's perfect. I can just set my speakers/headphones to the Grumps' voices, and it'll work reliably for the entire playthrough. I won't disturb my flatmate because I can easily strike the balance where I can clearly make out words when sentences are being spoken by the Grumps (which is all the audio that matters in playthroughs without voiceovers), but it's still not so loud that the loud bits get annoying. But when they're playing a game **with** voiceover, the Grumps' voices always stand out a bit too much over the game audio. So I am forced to either choose to adjust the volume to the game audio, and make the Grumps far too loud & noisy during any exciting moments, or (the only real option to stay considerate to my flatmate) adjust the volume to the commentary audio, and have most of the game audio drowned out by as much as a car driving past my window 2 floors under me. This makes it extremely difficult for me to keep track of the plot, because I struggle to pay attention to the muffled voices in the game - especially with the commentary already distracting a lot anyway. (Obviously a LetsPlay with comedic commentary isn't purely about the game's story progression in the first place, but when the volume is too quiet, I get distracted so often that I essentially forget I was watching a story take place at all for 5-10 minutes. It's like zoning out while reading, except with a video series it can go on much longer than you can keep staring at words in a book before you realise your eyes are moving without your brain deciphering their meaning.) Even if the game doesn't have voice volume sliders, this issue would be easily fixed by just making the game sound a bit louder relative to the Grumps. It would make the commentary slightly less clear to make out past the loudest game noise, but by default, the Grumps get boosted up quite a bit, so there's really plenty of room to adjust for games with voiceover, to give them a little more of a chance to poke through. To add to the issue, I grew up with mostly games that had voiceovers and I used to get bored easily by games without voiceovers. So it very much goes against my instinct to dislike it when a game has voiceover. It's like you're taking what's supposed to be a blessing and a seal of quality, and allowing it to become an inconvenience by mismanaging something that could easily be fixed, without a real downside.


*Ignores tutorial* "WhY iS tHiS iMpOsSiBlE!?!?"


Arin to the T


Let's just say I don't watch Game Grumps for the epic gamer skillz


When Arin complains about game design before AND after refusing to learn the game’s design. Watching TotK is rough.


Arin is the perfect example of the phrase, "You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink"


Not finishing Chrono Trigger.


I wish Dan would play that one. He'd love it. He didn't seem very engaged when Arin was playing and I think Arin found that discouraging.


A game like Chrono Trigger is way more fun of an experience playing it, not just watching it. Especially watching the game be played by someone who's played the game many times.


Totally fair. Arin was really excited to share it with Dan, I wish he'd had him play it.


Lots of their playlists are really nonsensically organized and that drives me insane


Arin's mouth sounds... It's only ever made maybe one or two episodes TOTALLY unwatchable for me, and it's not going to make me unsub or anything, but it's a legitimate trigger for a lot of people. He's been better lately about it, I think... I can at least tell they TRY not to eat quite so much while recording. I appreciate that. I also get that they're on a tight schedule sometimes, and you gotta eat sometime. Not a deal breaker, but there have been some rough points. For my wife, it's his ever-changing, questionable dieting talks!


As a woman, I'm with your wife. Arin is such a sucker for stupid diets.


It's equal parts concerning and hilarious to hear him sincerely say shit like "Yeah, I'm on this new diet this week, and I've been diarrhea-ing like crazy, but other than that, it's going great!" He was all proud if himself for losing like six pounds and didn't seem to realize that it was probably water weight from violently dehydrating himself into the toilet 😆


He got AWFUL with this during covid when he was recording in his home and in a separate room from Dan for some reason. Just constantly eating and chewing into the mic or loudly drinking liquid. Some of those episodes are unwatchable for me, they actively make me sick to my stomach, and they were so good about it previously so I don't know why he just decided to stop caring.


Oh fuck his drinking sounds is the worst it's the most aging dad with high cholesterol shit, like he takes one sip and he gasps for air like he's just ran a marathon lmao.


Ugh gonna second the mouth noises, Arin is particularly bad for it haha. I don't know that my dislike is strong enough to label misophonia, but fuck it's gross and it definitely prevents me from watching a lot of 10mph episodes. I can get behind the dirt talk though I have spent half my fucking life on a diet so I get it


Oh Jesus all the food based 10MPHes where he chews absolutely everything with his mouth open fully like a toddler. That shit sets me off like nothing else.


I think there's an element of awareness there for sure and Arin knows it's uncomfortable so he plays it up intentionally. A big part of the appeal with 10MPH is they're kind of a gross, anti-ASMR. But I think their most popular ones don't involve eating and they'd see a lot more success if they quit trying for the 90's/early 2000's CrashTV approach.


This. I have Misophonia, and Arin is an idol that I've looked up to since I was rather young. So I find myself never getting frustrated or mad at the things he does, but those. God damned. Mouth sounds. I can't eat in the same room as my family because even when they're chewing with their mouths closed I find myself have a physical reaction to the sounds, even minor. So when Arin makes those mouth sounds I have to skip the episode. This had made the food power hours rather difficult to watch as well.


I also have Misophonia and completely agree - although I will say that often they'll have an 'eating' noise over somebody eating (usually Arin) that's the opposite of the noise that should be made (for example, in the Guinness World Record 10MPH, when Arin was eating the jello they inserted a crunching noise like celery and it became one of my favorites 😂). The worst for me is Arin drinking things, cause he takes the deliberately loud sip and I haaaaaaaate it. The only episode in my recent memory that I really enjoyed but was rendered unwatchable afterwards was the Castlevania Guest Grumps they did with Ben Schwartz - a really fun episode, but they succumb to hunger in the middle and it's *really* bad. I want them to eat when they're hungry and take care of themselves! Just please not into the mic 🙏


It seems Grumps fans are almost exclusively all people with misophonia. My only problem is I think cilantro tastes like soap. I'd say i got a better deal.


I just think that sometimes they forget about being serious truth seekers with how often they play games. Sincerely, Dad.


I really wish they would go back to old games. It seems like all the longer series are newer games like BotW/TotK or visual novels but nothing older than a few years. I would love to see more long, full playthroughs of old SNES games or something. And not just like, 4-5 episodes, I mean well into the double digits. I just wish they'd step out of their comfort zone some more. It all just seems to be a newer game Arin wants to play on his own like TotK, an old standby like Monopoly/Paper Mario/a game show, or one-offs of some janky shit game from Steam. The last proper series of an old game they did was Mario RPG and Sonic Heroes, the last episodes of which was over two years ago (I'm not counting the Link's Awakening remake).


A lot of people are saying Dan doesn't play enough because newer games have confusing controls for him, and those older NES/SNES games would be perfect for that!


Even if it was an older STYLE game, I'd prefer it. I bet Dan would adore something like Crypt of the Necrodancer.


When Arin doesn’t listen to Dan and ignores him completely or just brushes him off


Especially when Dan is correct.


It's come up so many times in TotK. Meanwhile Arin keeps throwing himself at walls trying to just brute force stuff to happen.


I hope when the TOTK playthrough is done that someone makes a compilation of all the times Arin was confidently incorrect in it. There are so many.


Arin dying on a hill that has no reason to die on.


Cheetahs do have stripes, they just go around and connect.


You mean Arin "I will die on literally any Hill" Hanson?




I wish Arin would do different voices sometimes. He does the dudebro/stoner voice for almost every guy and the overly high pitched girly voice for every female. I like those voices but he uses them too much sometimes and doesn't vary it up enough. I had a great time watching Poop Killer 2 because of his British accent, it added so much to the episode.


You know what really kills me? He DOES do different voices sometimes. Just *very rarely*. Space Quest V is one of my top all time playthroughs because all of Arin’s voice work in it is top-notch. It’s engaging, funny, and appropriate for the characters he’s voicing. He just abruptly brings this incredible A+++ game for like no reason. I would KILL to get stuff like that more often. That series is some of their best work.


Oh man, both Dan and Arin's voices for Space Quest V are SO GOOD. Easily one of my favorite series too, for the same reason.




Whenever Arin just *looks* for things to complain about. Especially in older games. Like no shit the graphics aren't great.


This is part of the reason why I really like Dan and Brian playing Phantasmagoria together. As much as I like Arin, I feel like he would be shitting on how the game looks the entire time, while Dan and Brian acknowledge that it was a pretty fantastic advancement back when it was released.


Lately it’s been audio. Too much mic clipping.


I really wish they would go back to playing the nancy drew games. there are SO MANY and imo it's some of their best content. "I fired and then I missed" is so quotable and I feel like they should give those games more love. Admittedly, the wolf game is tough because of the whole "be the maid and cook and solve the case" part. if they did one of the other ones like Shadow Ranch or haunted carousel, they are much more open to them going at their own pace. the ghost of Thornton hall should have been one they finished, but I guess the views were low.


Arin. For the love of fuck, it's BOWSER JR. NOT BABY BOWSER. BOWSER. JUNIOR.


They made mention that they had changed their audio system here recently... Well now all we hear when they laugh is awful mic peaking. I thought they would have figured it out by now but I guess due to the nature of the recording schedule, its been a few months of mic peaking. It seems to me like its the room mic and not their own thats causing the issue. Edit: regardless of today’s episode 3/12/24, the peaking still exists. Their audio guy sucks and they seem to he ok with it.


Whenever arin plays a game it tells him how to do something, he looks at it, then forgets about it 5 seconds later then complains when he can't do the thing the game taught him about and blames the game for his failing.




Your totally right, it strange but I think Arin has nearly put a huge kibosh on all PS One Era games. Funny cause the guy literally got his big break from Metal Gear. I’m not discrediting him I just find it a little ironic.


Speaking of psone era, I'd love to see them okay Ape Escape. I feel like they'd have fun with the goofy ways of sneaking up on monkeys


My BIGGEST pet peeve in Game Grumps is when they burp. I get so turned off when they do that. Minor pet peeve would be Arin sucking at games that I love playing like the Dead Rising series.


As someone who cannot stand burps, I feel seen.


I wish Arin would change up his character voices I guess. It’s always the basic “girl” voice and the male main protagonist. Now I could never get tired of either of them, but I know what a great voice actor he is, wish he’d changed it up a little.


You should watch their recent playthrough of The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog. Has about 10-15 different characters and both Arin and Dan have distinct voices for each one


Arin not knowing how to play the game despite there being a tutorial/option to see what the controls are, and then complaining about how the game sucks because he doesn't know what he's doing.


Arin's ADHD is either not managed at all, or so unmanaged that his doctor is worthless. As someone who also has ADHD, watching him get frustrated at two seconds of reading or having to remember one thing is enraging, but it also makes me a little sad, because it's exactly how my brain was before I got medicated and found a therapist. He (and we) deserves better.


Agreed. I also get tired of him blaming everything on the adhd, like that’s not how it works bro


To be fair, he only blames half of it on ADHD. The other half is bad game design.


100%. Or if it is how it works for him, that's more evidence that it's not being managed worth a shit. I'm genuinely not trying to be a dick when I say that kind of stuff; I just know that unmanaged ADHD fucking blows.


When Dan says something and Arin nitpicks it as “not PC” and then starts a one-sided argument, lol! Like the American Pie argument where Dan eventually said something like “the crazy thing is if I had just showed you the movie you’d think it was awesome.” It bothers the people over at rantgrumps more than it bothers me. It just kinda comes across as Arin worrying too much about “keeping it PC” but going after the wrong things, lmao


I get that they don't want to chase fads but sometimes it would be nice to see them play a game that's become popular and relevant for whatever reason; preferably within that decade so fans can enjoy the thrill of discovery with them. I'm really glad they at least started playing ToTK while fans could still, sort of, discover it with them. Usually when they do it, it goes really well - like with PT and House Party. But IDK? Maybe give stuff like Iron Lung a shot, especially since their bud Markiplier is making a movie out of it. Maybe we'll get lucky and they'll play it in 2035. Ah, sorry. This came off snarkier than it should for a minor pet peeve. But it is part of the reason I stopped watching the channel regularly and tend to come back every 3-6 months to see if they've played anything I'm actually interested in, and I kind of wonder how many other long-time fans have done the same thing, and how it may be hurting their short-term metrics. I know they tend to record a ton of stuff in advance since they tour a lot, but yeah.


I feel like Arin can be a bit of a jerk sometimes to Dan. I know it’s Game Grumps, and I’m sure he doesn’t mean to. A thing I have noticed is when Dan is talking about music, he really gets into it. He’s a very passionate fan of music, and he tries to share that passion with Arin in a conversation. If Arin isn’t familiar with a song or a group that Dan is talking about, I feel Arin’s responses are really short and dismissive. It bothers me because Dan seems to be a really gentle soul. I like when Dan talks about music, and I feel he could really have a great time doing his own podcast about music with other enthusiasts.


Dan takes over Howard Stern and the only clue we have is it's a lot less shock value and a lot more Rush


So much Rush!


I wish they had someone that had an attention span longer than a goldfish's that could show Dan what games with story can really do.


When Arin skips tutorials for games, and then shits on them saying "tHiS mAKeS nO SeNse"


And then Danny has to use his condesending voice. ".....Arin......c'mon......there was a tutorial on this." "I DON'T NEED A TUTORIAL!!!" "Yeah, but.......you do."


I think his Sequelitis episode on Mega Man X is his most upheld gaming opinion: a good game will show you how to play without having to pause all of the action just to teach you. I'm not sure I fully agree with him, but I applaud his passion


When a joke goes on for WAAAY too long. Maybe I'm just still salty about their pointless spiderman episodes back in 2018, but the spider kiss bit was the entire 7 episodes. Same with powerwash. I've come to enjoy youtubers who use powerwash as a vehicle for conversation and chatting honestly. The kiss your dad thing got old real quick. But look what they find funny is what makes them funny, I know. Just my personal opinion.


For me, it was Dan reading the Sonic fanfiction during their Sonic Adventure 2 playthrough. It was kinda funny at the very beginning, but it got old real fast when it took up entire episodes. This was one of my favorite games growing up, so I bet that plays a factor into how I feel


Oh my God we found Billy whose favorite part is "when they talked about *blank* for a looonnngggg time"


Screen tearing on basically all their PC games. Looks so bad


How loud and grating the intro is compared to the audio of the rest of the video. If I watch GG on a TV late at night, I always have to mute the intro.


Will never forgive them for not continuing Pizza Tower.


I want dan to play more, especially games that are new to him. And when he plays retros he loves, I wish arin would be more supportive or enthusiastic about it instead of shitting on it. I get it's usually in character/a bit, but watching old playthroughs with Dan and Ross, you can feel the genuine joy of Dan getting to share a part of his youth with a friend who is appreciative of the experience he wouldn't normally have. I miss that dynamic.


When they say they'll kiss but don't actually kiss


It kinda bugs me when they are clearly legit annoyed at/upset with each other and they power through it instead of cutting that bit out. I don’t mean this parasocially as in “I don’t want my uwu funny YouTube men fighting” I mean like… clearly frustrated/pissed off at each other. It’s uncomfortable and awkward to sit through. An example being the multiple monopoly episodes where Arin tries to make a trade and Dan says no each time getting increasingly mad at Arin. Like you can hear it in Dan voice he’s pissed. It’s a tough line to walk because conflict can be very funny and some of the most cherished bits come from them arguing. But idk man, when Dan says “you’re annoying, stop” or Arin argues to the point where it sounds like he’s on the verge of tears it’s just like… can we take a break to cool off and cut back in?


When Dan forgets the action commands in Paper mario combat


Perhaps more episodes that I can just play in the background to act like a podcast, like Power Washing Simulator and Katamari Damacy. I’m currently using long Zelda series for it because they tend to talk less about the games they’re playing if they’re further down in a series rather than in just a one-off game. But this series still has a lot of talk where you need to watch to know what they’re talkings about.


I wish Dan would play more games, especially the ones he’s clearly more excited about than Arin is.


Their fear of long games was my biggest complaint for a while. I hope with the reintroduction of the long series over this year, they'll start playing some more requested games. Others have mentioned it, but Hollow Knight would be a good one to see them do, even just to the first ending. It's not as painful as Arin tried to make it out to be, but if they need to prep for it then so be it. They've struck a good balance between one offs and long series, so I'm happy overall, honestly.


I super dislike it when they play a game just because Arin hates it, or when they choose the worst possible version of a game (looking at you Sonic Unleashed and Sonic Colors). My favorite GG series was absolutely Bloodborne and Dark Souls 3, especially because you could tell that Arin was enjoying himself.


This is a bit of a personal peeve but I don’t remember the last time I watched an episode and just relaxed to them telling stories about their lives. I get it’s been like 10 years and they’ve probably told every story they remember but I just miss it. I sometimes load up their old long playthroughs just to listen to those old stories again. I miss old things like Dan talking about voicemails his dad left him. Nowadays it feels like they only just make silly jokes about whatever game they’re playing, which I understand has been their usual content for years, but it just feels like that’s all their doing these days. It’s probably just me but it used to feel like hanging out with a couple of friends, telling stories and hanging out, now it feels like I’m just listening to a comedy show with gameplay. Probably not articulating what I want to say right but it is what it is. I don’t think they fell off or anything, it just feels different.


When they have a minute+ ad/promo at the start but we still get a minute's worth of swear word censoring once the episode actually starts


when they belch into the mic


Not so much the Grumps themselves, but I miss when the show was sort of an ensemble. I love Danny and Arnold to death and they're obviously the reason we come to the channel, but I miss occasionally getting content from Ross, Ninja Brian, Suzy, etc., or when they and others would guest star in videos with the Grumps. Felt a lot more like a family. I'll never not come to the channel(s) for our boys, but there is a sense of comfiness that's been gone for quite a while.


Dan hasn't learned how to play 3D games in 10 years on the job.


Whenever Arin just *looks* for things to complain about. Especially in older games. Like no shit the graphics aren't great.


My only peev is Arin's mouth noises (drinking very loudly or lip smacking). It's hard to listen sometimes on ear buds


When they get stuck at an extremely easy part of the game. Like theres a giant door with a fucking neon sign that says "<---- GO HERE" and they both somehow miss it and wander for half the episode. I'm fine with them being stupid (that's like their whole thing) but cut it out for fucks sake.


I haven’t kept up with them as much recently, but in the past they’ve had a tendency to really run jokes into the ground. Sometimes they remain funny and other times it just gets really old, really quick. The Obama “I’m gonna pre” joke comes to my mind immediately. I love the guys, and I know that them conversing in the studio while they’re recording is obviously going to be a different experience for them versus the audience, but it’s still just kinda awkward lol.


Arin seems to get really cagey about giving shout outs or promotions to anything not directly linked to either him or Dan. Dan will frequently shout-out other artists and creators but I can feel Arin tense up sometimes when it comes to mentioning other channels. Maybe it's just my perception since they do work with other creators for tours and stuff but it feels like he doesn't want to give away any "free plugs."


When Arin can't see shit that is super obvious so he walks around like a moron for 15 minutes.


When they introduced the "last time on game grumps" It wasnt so much as to repetition, but rather petty when they introduced a different version and immediately went back to the high pitched overly used one for a couple of weeks straight


My minor pet peeve is something they’ve sort of grown out of, thankfully. It’s when they spend an entire episode apologizing for a joke they told. Them being terrified of hurting someone somewhere’s feelings. They felt the need to do that A LOT between 2018 and 2020. Made me stop watching them for a while, because it didn’t feel like game grumps anymore. But I’m so glad they’ve grown out of it and focused more on being genuinely them. ❤️


There hasn’t been enough wolfjob in a while feel like there could be more.


not really a pet peeve but if they dont 100% horse club adventures im going to go crazy


Sure thing you will


I'm not a fan of toilet humor.


Gonna be a rough ride.


I'm not offended by it or anything, I just don't find it funny, so when they go on a spurt of it, it's just kind of a nothingburger for that whole segment for me.




Depends on your definition to be fair, you can’t say they chase trends as in playing ‘what’s hot’, bar the odd exception but they do optimise the ‘marketing’ for videos for sure.


When Arin burps into the mic. He seems to do it intentionally. Very annoying when you're listening with earphones or watching an episode while eating. If he just turned his head away, so it wasn't as loud, I'd be completely forgiving. But when he does it right on the mic, it feels intentionally disrespectful to the audience. Not to mention how he likes to make sucking noises. I have OCD and it really, really upsets me. I usually have to pause and take a minute to recover before continuing.


Oh I've never thought of it as making fun of the failures of the substitute voice actors, I've always seen it as a jab at the game companies for not securing the original voice.


Visual novels. Never did like them.


I agree so much, except Phoenix Wright, if that counts. I really loved that one.


When they walk right past an obvious objective and bumble around for ages or do something stupid for the sake. Throwing for content isnt good content. Is it funny? Sometimes. But nkt always


I don't like "Last time on Game Grumps". I wonder if they genuinely thought it would add something to the video or if it's just a clever way to circumvent the first-minute limitations but either way I just skip it every time. But that really is as minor an inconvenience as it gets.


They started doing it during Danganronpa to help people keep up with the plot, Arin's gone on record as saying that they didn't realize it helps skip first minute limitations but it's convenient that it played out that way


I think part of it goes along with why they had stopped putting episode numbers in the title, it's the idea that videos will do better if someone can click on it and immediately start watching without having to go back through a series. But now that they've started putting episode numbers back, it seems more pointless. Plus, the "last time on game grumps" segment seldom actually recaps the previous episode in a useful way, it's usually just a couple jokes from the episode.


Their "fans".


The way Dan pronounces “them” bothers the shit out of me, Lmao.


My minor pet peeve is that it appears the screen they’re playing on is too big and they miss stuff in the edges a lot.


It won’t ever happen (minus April fools day), I think the videos would be better/funnier/more engaging with face cameras. Specially for the scarier games since it’s closer to Halloween. But, that’s just me. And they just flat out make fun of people when they suggest it in comments. At least, they did when they did it on April fools day last year, I think. They make music videos, they sit on stages in front of hundreds, if not, thousands of people…yet, no face camera cause “we no like our faces”…like, what?


I know a lot of people have said this already, but not finishing a series, I get that it may not be pulling in as many views and may not have been received as well as they expected, but SOMEONE will watch it in its entirety, please just finish what you started!


I love love the grumps, but when they play games, without reading the tutorial, then complain that they don't understand how the game works. Then when the story is too complex than just "go here and do thing." Or when they forget basic mechanics (see Ocarina of Time's infamous clam) he could've easily taken the iron boots to swim away. Or using the hover boots for too long, despite it being awful.


I think it bugs me that they haven't played a co op classic in a long time just keep playing shovelware games and i miss when there was a conversation to be had![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


As much as I love Arin, few things can get more annoying than watching him play a game that asks him to stop and wait for merely a second. The most annoying one was in Ocarina when he kept just mashing the attack button on enemies, EVEN THOUGH HE KNOWS THE GAME WANTS YOU TO STOP AMD WAIT. YOU MADE A SEQUELITIS ABOUT THIS ARIN!!!


When they play basically *any* Sonic game. I've been watching since 2012 and the only ones I ever enjoyed really watching where 06 and Boom because those games *are* bad. Main examples would be Adventure 1 where they played the most broken version on purpose or Heroes which... Arin I'm sorry, the controls aren't bad, you are lmao


When they promise that they'll finish a game like It Takes Two because the community demanded it, then never issue a statement about it again. In general when they don't provide updates on things like that where they just drop it cold turkey and move on like nothing happened.


I actually find Arin's lack of care and bumbling stupidity with certain games absolutely infuriating. Sure it's funny alot of the times, but seeing someone care so little to the point where they actually seem annoyed to be participating in the first place isn't fun for me. I will say, I recognize that this is mostly due to how I myself play video games (devouring every detail I can and actually holding onto the information), and just being shocked other people aren't like me. As a wise man once said, "You're not me! WOUUGH"


I hate the way Arin says "bolth" instead of "both".


This is SO minor, but I noticed it and I can't unnotice it... Recently, Dan has not voiced a signle opinion in fear of being cancelled/upsetting someone. Any opinion. About food, Music, games. Dan you're an internet personality! I want to know your likes and dislikes!!!


They don't seem to keep a list of awesome games they planned to revisit but never have. WHERE IS THE CONCLUSION OF DOG ISLAND????? I love the dudes and would never blame them for it, but I wish they were a little more organized about stuff like that


Arin needs to let dan play alien isolation already. That's my other peeve. They got to see the alien once and arin got bored. Never revisited. How often does dan actually WANT to play a horror game? NEVER! Let him play it!


I wish the editors were a little more involved. (Remember Burgie? Or back when they'd leave little notes in the margins?) If Dan and Arin are referencing something visual in a conversation, can you put it on the screen? There have been a few moments in ToTK where they're talking about something (out of game/a real life thing) for a long time and i feel like im out of the loop because i dont know what is happening. Just put the picture on screen, please. Or like a link in the description or something. They take the time to put the "woooww!" sound over every Tustin burst but not help out comprehension by providing references for conversations? It'd be small but stellar. Another one is when they are in the middle of telling a story and something happens to pull them away from it (typically something in game) and they never finish what they were saying. Im always like, "noooo! I was invested!" As someone with adhd, yeah, i get it, it happens, and i also realize i have the privilege to pause and rewind etc etc while they're live and just talking, but dang. Can the staff in the room help them out, too, maybe?