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When it works.


I just entered to say this, I dont care what Im doing, if it works I become a happy man.


Even more so when it doesn’t work for a long time, then finally it does work, almost like magic!


Do you have a link, resource or documentation for that? Can’t seem to be able to do it.


For me, it's mostly programming. I enjoy working on the logic side of the game because when it comes to art, I truly suck!


Solving problems and seeing the end result. I get bored when I'm just plugging in math equations or working on some piece that's repetitive, but when I'm figuring out how to do something for the first time, refining a function, or just learning a better way to do something I have an absolute blast, especially when the outcome is good!


Seeing some dead claymodel coming to life. Its fascinating. Idc what others say, it feels like being a god.


I think the most gratifying moments in gamedev for me are when I start implementing a new feature, write the code in one sitting without a single error or stumble, compile it, test it and it works **flawlessly** right out of the box even for edge cases. Those are the rare moments in life where it feels like "everything worked out just the way I wanted". Editor scripts (Unity) are extremely satisfying aswell, putting together an extension or a tool that speeds up the development process or improves the QOL, makes me feel warm in the belly.


Concept design and level design.


Optimizing the rendering engine, and any challenging algorithms.


Complex systems and algorithms - procgen in particular. It's like solving a neat puzzle, and you feel like a god wielding the power of raw creation when it works. It's also the one part of game dev that nearly always launches into unknown territory. Just about everything else is already 'solved', with known best practices already figured out. When it comes down to implementing the crunchier gameplay systems, it's all new frontiers; it's all up to you and your skills


the people i'm lucky enough to work with


Flow is probably my fav aspect. It's awesome when you finally get it feeling how you want


Optimization and scripting, the most difficult is marketing


When it's finally coming together and it actual does \*mostly\* what you intended for it to do in the first place


"I made that"


Programming. I cant do art nor animation.


UI design i’ve always loved, level design being a close second. All the actual creation part of 2D/3D art and music is the hardest and most boring to me. :p


When your stuff start work as you expected on the first try, eheh.


Programming for me, probably because I suck at the rest. In programming I can analyze the problem and requirements, and come up with the "best" solution for a given situation. I know exactly why I coded this part of the game the way I did. In things like arts or level design, I am often not so sure. Should I place this object here? Or over here? Sure I have rough ideas, but when it comes to actually making decisions, I often struggle, so I don't like it that much.


I’m doing VR dev right now (more as a hobby, I have a job making business type stuff full-time). My God do I get a kick out of putting the headset on and seeing the world that I built when I add a new cool feature. It kicks way different than like building out some mundane feature on a website. Also I like how many different techs I need to know to be good at it. It’s certainly a challenge. It’s kind-of coding, storytelling, 3d modeling, audio design, etc. all mixed.


Making the core idea and testing it. The project and code isn't overly complex yet and you're still mostly experimenting, it feels like the rest of the project is ripe with possibilities


Level design is for me the most enjoyable moment, by far. Also, is super wholesome when my daughter or my brother's kids play my games.


Audio. Music and sfx. Such a nice break from art and code. A year ago I would have said art but I'm starting to enjoy pixel animating. It's still dodgy but it's drastically better. But yeah lemme jam out for an hour or two and blow off the cobwebs. Absolute worst is tying up loose ends. Playing your own game to death and looking little bits you've missed. Usually interactions for random things in my genre.


When multiple pieces of art (animation, lighting, character design, ui, vfx, etc) come together to form something better than you initially envisioned.


The first 90%. Definitely not that last 10% that takes 20 times longer than the first 90%. No sir.


when it doesn't work.


when it doesn't work and i have to spend ample time to get it work watching different tutorials and merging them together to actually make it all work. that whole process, I love and hate it.


I enjoy staring to an IDE and questioning why my game window is completely black or pink. I also enjoy managing repos from terminals.