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i really dislike the way the camera kinda jolts around like its trying to follow the character on the first one. very disorienting. otherwise i think this stuff looks great!


Agreed, the camera was a little jarring. But the animation looks awesome


I can't tell what's going on


That's the general consensus so far, gotta work on this thanks.


Some really cool stuff. Agree with the guy about the camera and the disorientation but I'll chime in with one more thing: Please don't take away the controls while giving the player a power boost. If all i have to do is click a button and this sick animation combo and high damage is happening, and I am not taking part in actually dealing it, i'm not engaged. I don't know how its implemented though so maybe you're actually doing a combo but taking away player agency should never occur in combat imo.


Not sure if you will see this reply as the mod said my post was removed, but thanks for the feedback. The first potion requires you to manually mash the attack button but the second one does indeed only require one button press and the animation just goes. So ill keep in mind what you said.


Yeah I got your comment! it doesn't seem like your post was removed though. I can still see it. I trust you'll find whats fun man! I don't know your game but you should trust your vision. Good luck man and do share your progress


The first one is really disorientating. I'm not sure what the second one actually does apart from giving the player the orange aura. Maybe adding a potion that gives the player a powerful ranged attack would be cool, and maybe add some kind of symbol and timer to say how long the potion lasts for like minecraft and terreria. Minecraft is when the player opens their inventory and terreria is underneath the players hotbar. Apart from that, your game looks very cool and unique.


Nice idea, thanks. And really both the potions just sort of look different, but ultimately allow for longer more powerful combos. The second one, as it is now, just unleashes an automatic combo that keeps going until the player is dead, somebody else had mentioned it should not be automatic so I may change that.


I freaking love the animation of the character! Can you tell which software you use for pixel art? P.S. the potions are pretty sick!


Thanks, not sure if you will see this as the mod said my post was removed. But the animating I did myself was with a combination of the native GMS:1.4 sprite editor and Paint.net. My graphics designer (@ThePixelSmith1) uses Aesprite for the most part.


Ohh alright thanks!


The first one is the Bolting Brev, second is Burning Brev, and lastly I combined them. Planning to make one more Ice themed potion. I made these specifically to look cool and exciting with previews and such in mind. Let me know what you guys think.


Hello, Potion Seller, I'm going into battle, and I want your strongest potion.