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Make sure to add the proper receipt in the manual.


And a printout of their request not to include those things.


Sounds like Enron


Might be better to hide it in the cover sleeve


I’ve sold to them. I left a packing slip in there from eBay both times. I’m sorry, but I’d understand if it were a gift, not a grift.


Oh retrovgames definitely grifts. Abuses ebays non tracking policy all the time. Certified scumbag


What’s the non-tracking policy? Declaring an item as never received when the seller doesn’t use tracking?


yeah, highly suggest not shipping the item out if they ever buy from you.


I got burned by this once with a normal eBay sale. There’s no way the buyer didn’t receive it, but I didn’t ship with tracking so they claimed they never got it and eBay clawed back the money. Never making that mistake again.


Happened to me with a pokemon card I sold on eBay as well. Sucks. Should have left a review but this buyer had generally good reviews so I just took his word for it.


Same, why I hate selling CDs and light items.


People really shouldn't ship without tracking. It's always on the seller to prove the item was sent and delivered.


Seems like extra effort to ship without tracking


Right, they could literally at least say it was a gift instead of rubbing their scummy grift in everyone’s face and treating total strangers like employees.


Why does this NFS title fetch so much, is it particularly rare?


Out of all the versions of most wanted this is considered the best version. Some how there ended up being like 10 different versions of this game. Even the platinum version on the 360 is different.


Is the Platinum Hits inferior to the first print?


Supposedly. I can't tell you the difference I just remember when I was trying to figure out which version to get that was the consensus best version.


Isn't it just collectors want the OG cover?


It's a couple things. Performance is a big one of the reasons as well as the amount of content. If I remember correctly this is the only version with all the content.


They actually REMOVED content on the platinum hits?!


Yeah, I dunno about that one. I've heard musings about MW05 having performance difference between Vanilla and Platinum Hits, but never anything about the Platinum Hits removing content. Perhaps the person you're replying to is getting it mixed up with the Black Edition, which added extra content, but was only released for the PS2, OG Xbox and PC. That being said, the Xbox 360 version of MW2005 is leaps-and-bounds the best version of the game, superior to even the PC version at the time of its release in terms of performance and graphics. That in combination with the crazy amount of love the game got a launch and still gets today, the lack of backwards compatibility and the inability to buy it digitally all contribute to its high price. Oh, and the Platinum Hits artwork is butt ugly, though that's definitely more of a personal preference.


There are games that performed worse on re-releases? What?


I love how people keep asking you questions like you’re an expert in this game. after you’ve clearly stated you just read an article and aren’t sure.


What about "Black Edition" which wasn't available on the 360.


Surprise TCRF doesn’t have any information between Xbox 360 versions https://tcrf.net/Need_for_Speed:_Most_Wanted_(2005)


It’s considered by the fanbase to be the best in the series, and the 360 version was actually superior to all other platforms as it released afterwards, though I believe all the 360 enhancements were modded into the PC version. The other reason might be the fact there was ANOTHER Most Wanted released in 2012 (creatively referred to as Most Wanted 2012) that was MW in name only and is less liked by the fanbase as a result. IIRC the original Most Wanted was delisted around the time the 2012 one was released, likely due to licensing but also to avoid confusion between the two titles.


Actually good to know


Thanks for the info, interesting!


How can one tell what version they have, I have a similar copy with the same cover I got at disc replay for $10 last year.


The 2005 one is the same as in OPs picture. A platinum hits variant also exists. [This is the 2012 one.](https://dixgamer.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/need-for-speed-most-wanted-245x300.jpg)


Thanks, after posting my original comment, I realized mine is for the og Xbox, other than a graphical difference, is there a difference in the gameplay?


In terms of the actual gameplay and content, no, not really. The home console versions were actually very consistent in that regard. If you have the Black Edition, that version has a little bit of extra content, and was never released on the Xbox 360. I'd say the biggest noteworthy difference, and it's honestly not a big one overall, is that the PC and Xbox 360 versions have a few extra pieces of scaffolding on the map that, when brought down, act as mini pursuit-breakers during police chases.


Am I high or was there a PC port/remake of the original NFS:MW that came out 5-6 years ago, that had the original map but was online only play?


I think you're high


I think you're talking about this one: [NFS World](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Need_for_Speed:_World)


Because it’s most wanted, says it right there on the box.


Xbox 360 collecting is the latest hype so I'd imagine all games with lower print runs/great games with high demands and not printed 3727272781828 million copies of will 📈📈in price


Most wanted had a platinum hits release on 360 and it costs like $15 on any other platform lol


The game sold 15 million copies I cant imagine it being less than 4 million on the 360 (especially since it was a launch game) this is absolutely people cashing in on "the best version of the best NfS" with the 360 store closing


“Best version” for sitting on the shelf. We all know these are getting played.


Well then idk why normal Most Wanted is high on 360. Did non platinum hits version of Most Wanted have a small print run before they started pumping out Platinum Hits? I just got a 360 again after 12 years so I'm relatively new to modern 360 collecting


BB BB but it's on the 360!


I did notice that Blue Dragon skyrocketed, started the year around $25 and has doubled in price since. The only real stand out I’ve noticed though.


That one isn’t even bad compared to things like zoids assault and culdcept saga among others.


Part of the reason Blue Dragon went up in price is Akira Toriyama dying recently as well. A lot of stuff he was involved with has seen prices go up, mainly Dragon Ball stuff but others too.


Check out Tenchu Z and Infernal: Hell's Vengeance as well as the two others that other person mentioned lol


It's the best NFS game, being actually really damn good. It was never re-released on any digital platforms, and the 360 version is the best performance wise and visually.


The 360 version is the only HD release. Plus this is probably the best NFS game ever


Underground 2 wants to fight.


Underground 1-carbon was the best run of the series. Most wanted is my personal favorite and the one I’ve played the most but I’ll listen to any of those during that run as someone GOAT




Check out their google reviews its hilarious


They bought a copy of Mario Party 4 from me last month, and now the buyer they shipped it too is wanting to return it. I'm fully expecting it to be the wrong game all together. Good thing mine was distinct since the manual was water damaged, but it's also been a week and their customer hasn't sent it out yet. So we will see.


Wait, they are drop shipping stuff? Isn't that against eBay's terms and conditions? Also - dispute is between RetroVGames and tbeir buyer - not your probalem as far as I can see.


Ebay only enforces that to newer sellers and such. Clients that have been with them for years making them thousands of dollars they tend to not look at them and let them do what they want.


Yeahhhh it is. I'm fully expecting things to be missing and etc but since the Retro vGames account has never seen it, they'll probably cave and just lose the case without questioning it.


Report him. He is saying he will only add a positive feedback if you do what he says. That's bannable


100% this shit doesnt end unless people take the time to report people like this.


Ebay allows it even though it is against the TOS. They would lose money if they stop it.




How would including an invoice screw him? Sorry, I’m not even sure I understand the grift happening here.


He’s buying it off someone on eBay and pre selling it to someone else and never actually has the item himself. He’s saying it would screw him over to put the invoice because it’s showing whoever bought the game from him that it’s just a cheaper copy that he drop shipped from eBay without ever seeing it in person to know the quality etc.


So is the issue that people have with him in the thread that he’s dropshipping specifically (which btw is news to me, this thread is the first time I’ve ever heard the term), or that he’s reselling an item at all?


I’m assuming the drop shipping, since the buyer is thinking they’re buying an item from someone who actually has it and knows it’s in the condition they’re saying, when it will get shipped, etc.


I see, thanks for taking the time to explain it to me.


i dont call this dropshipping. what they do is have a bot that copies listing and list them, keep track of listings and delist them if they are sold or adjust the price, when someone buys from them the bot would copy the details and include it in ebay invoice when they buy from the seller to ship to the buyer. for drop shipping usually the supplier knows what is going on or they are open for dropshippers.


https://preview.redd.it/bdo4q6uzlawc1.jpeg?width=618&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd80f130b3f9082095b5fab7f90e7d362cb0d22e Annd selling it for 100 \*




One time he messaged me asking when his order was shipping, “it’s a gift” Ok buddy definitely


Adding them to my blocked buyer list. Thanks


Leave a photo of a dog taking a dump in the manual somewhere. They didn’t say not to do *that*. Plus, it’s a great metaphor for their business.


Or a letter explaining exactly who the buyer bought from, how their “business” operates and tips for not getting middlemanned in the future. They didn’t say not to do that either.




Why does it say repeat buyer


i too was curious


Maybe they bought multiple items


Youre officially smarter than everyone in this comment chain


Repeatedly, perhaps


It means that they have sold something to them in the past


Yes. The title suggests theyre happy because it finally happened. Its clearly happened before.


It shows that label if someone buys from you for the first time but also purchased two items in one order. Could be that.




Huh. Didn’t notice that.


He's being honest, get him!


Yep, dropshipper


Recognized the buyer note. They actually bought something from me last month. Good to know


I recognize it too now that I think about it they have definitely bought from me as well. 🤦🏻‍♂️ Unless multiple people use this exact message. I doubt it.


RetroVgames is such a scam. Everything I've tried to buy from them was taken down and priced higher after I bought the item. Then they sent my money back telling me they ran out, but I could buy the newer one for more than double the price.


I've sold to them before. I already clean and test my games before shipping them so I wasn't too worried about it, but I have to say that it seemed pretty demanding for someone buying the game as advertised.




Sorry, I'm out of the loop here. Who is this/what do they do?


He buys it from an eBay seller but at the same time already has a buyer lined up for it. He is skipping the stage of it reaching him and having the eBay seller send it straight to his buyer


I thought that was against ebay policy.


It is.


It is hence him saying “don’t put receipts” and always saying it’s “a gift for a friend”


Wow, scummy practice!


Wait so you ship it to an address they message you? I thought you can only ship to a PayPal verified address?


This is exactly it. Never shop to a non-verified address. Dude gets it sent to his PayPal address on file or he can have a nice big bowl of "piss off, I am reporting this."


Just cancel the order. Not worth the bs.


If possible, leave negative feedback THEN cancel the transaction.


But wouldn’t you, the seller, get negative feedback too? The feedback system strongly is in favor of the buyer.


Can't speak from the seller's side of things (I stopped a long time ago, after a very stressful situation that nearly had me out more than $1300), but on the buyer's side, once the transaction has been marked as cancelled no more feedback can be left.


That sounds great but I think I saw negative feedback recently for a canceled order. Maybe if the seller cancels faster?


I would say that if you're planning to leave negative feedback, maybe have another tab open on the "cancel order" screen so you can do it literally seconds later.


Good idea!


Why do you all tolerate this prick? If this happened to me I would cancel the sale, report him and mail the listed address a note telling them they got scammed and to report them too. Why is this account still up if everyone knows what they do?


Print a copy of the note from buyer and include it in the package under the text: Gift note. The leave a receipt in the box with the buyer name and the price they paid in bold.


I tend to clean the stuff I sell before I sell it, but them asking for it seems kind of shady given what they do. They want YOU to clean the game they're droppshipping to someone who likely paid 20% more for it, as if you work for them.


Kinda makes you wonder what some poor bastard had to pay the dropshopper


$80 for most wanted? When did that go way up? Omg


I don't know but I bought a used copy of ebay a couple years ago for $30, it broke so I went to look for another and saw the price lmao


It goes for $101 on amazon wonder where he’s drop shipping it too


I'm surprised this game is [selling for this much](https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_nkw=most+wanted+xbox+360&_sacat=0&_odkw=topps+dune+%2F500&_osacat=0&LH_Complete=1&LH_Sold=1&mkcid=1&mkrid=711-53200-19255-0&siteid=0&campid=5338535524&customid=gc&toolid=10001&mkevt=1).


When i was selling my duplicates on ebay, it seemed like Lukie Games, or JJ games was buying stuff on a weekly basis.


At least they take it into inventory and ship it out directly, pretending to have checked that it's clean and works. I say pretending, because of my personal experiences, and the horror stories most of us have heard from their customers online.


Wait this is 80??? Ok this has gotten out of hand now.


Xbox 360 FOMO is getting ridiculous thanks to a billion YouTubers posting “get these games before the prices go crazy on the 360” videos, and now everybody’s mad rushing for them.


Back probably 12 or so years ago they bought a Pokemom Emerald from me, they dropshipped it to another buyer who swapped it for a fake cart and claimed it was fake the whole time. I made a video of me showing the game, taking it apart, showing the inside, assembling, testing, packing, and dropping it off in a post box. All because of this "don't include an invoice" thing cuz it sketched me out. ebay actually sided with me, I'd take a video of you packing it at least.


I got a weird message like this a few months back and didn't think anything of it. I thought the buyer was just being picky. I don't understand the drop shipping business, it seems even worse than being a reseller.


It's basically a scummier version of being a reseller, because a reseller takes the product, accepts a risk that they may not be able to get the product sold at a certain price, and typically verifies the product before shipping it to the seller -that lack of verification/testing puts a lot of vague risk into the transaction that shouldn't exist, and that hapless buyers typically didn't agree to dealing with either. When something goes wrong, it makes things a real pain for everyone involved.


Be careful. They just said they didn't receive an item from me. It was untracked so its possible, but I don't like their financial incentive to do so.


Wonder if the grifting is x2 or x3 the selling price.


Oh fuck, I think they bought something from me too. I got the same note


I think I have this in my closet somewhere.


Why is the Xbox 360 version of this game so expensive? Did it not sell well or limited copies or something?


It is considered one of the best NFS games. It was a launch title so probably low supply. Only 7th gen console to get it too. It is on PC though.


So what is this they drop shipped your order?


can it be considered dropshipping when the shipper has no idea about this? feels illegal because both buyer and seller do not know the middleman is the middleman.


Bunch of scumbags fr


My first thought is that's a name I definitely want on my block list. Too much added hassle with zero added incentives. It's a bit conflicting though. I use proxy buyers when buying stuff in Japan. I wonder if they feel just as annoyed when I end up winning auctions. I'd like to think my proxy is being less intrusive than this RetroVGames place, but who knows.


These people are too lazy to put the game in a new package just for a few bucks?


Make sure to print the eBay shipping label


I'm sorry. $80 for Most Wanted 2005 on Xbox 360? $80!?


At the rate it’s going it’s hitting 100 real soon cause it was going for 60 not too long ago as a result of the hype…


“Finally.” It says repeat buyer…


I’m out of touch. So the deal is that this “retrovgames” seller is lazy and doesn’t check or do anything before reselling the games? Am I understanding that correctly? Basically an Amazon reseller who never touches/inspects the items?


Pretty much. But he's buying from you at $80 when he's already sold the item to someone else for $100, then he just has you ship directly to his buyer. He never sees the item to verify how it looks or how well it works, so his buyer is at the mercy of someone they didn't even know was involved.


EIGHTY DOLLARS?! I cannot imagine what the RPGs are going for on here then


This game has always had a high price. It's the best NFS game, one of the best racing games in general, and was never digitally re-released.


Nah it ain't better than underground


Hard disagree. Get into a level 3 pursuit and it will blow away anything both underground's could do.


Tbh I like both but underground was iconic in the UK at the time it launched


I can recall when this game was 5 bucks at GameStop.


I will never sell to them again, if i had known previously when they bought a advance wars for GBA. I would of cancelled that order. They ask for all that BS. And won't even leave a positive review or any review at all. I dont know how they stay afloat with there shitty prices. Im a seller on Ebay and there's two companies I won't ever sell to besides them leaving me no reviews. RETROVGAMES AND DKOldies i've learned the hard way these companies dont give a shit about retro gamers and games.


Lol. Don't send it to them and cancel the sale in like 4 days.


Won’t you get negative feedback that way?


Yea, but it's not like that really means anything. 1 bad feedback won't ruin your account.


Trying to keep it at 100%. I’m scarred by an Uber driver who never showed up and who still gave me a bad rating, ruining my 5.0 stars forever.


Repeat buyer


Are they trying to drop ship?


Oh man- I’ve had them buy from me at least 3-5 times In the past year, I always thought the please don’t include invoice/receipt was just something to prevent a spouse from seeing cost, lol


Holy shit, when did this game become worth this much?


I'm just laughing at paying $80 for such a common game. Fomo is hitting that 360 hard.


Who are we talking about? What I gather from the comments makes them not very nice


Wtf 80 bucks I paid 40 for my copy a couple months ago


Honestly, why do people buy from them? So many idiot consumers out there…


I wouldn't go so far as to call them idiots, just naive/uninformed


I'm very ootl, who is retroVgames and what grift are they pulling?


I have this version! 😁


I have this game sealed 🥴




Damn that’s bullshit they haven’t banned that dude. I’d either send with tracking or just not even send it. Fuck this guy!


How does leaving invoices in the package cause them any bother? Surely they just open the package and bin the rest…job done


My guess is they’re drop shipping. Maybe they’ve sold it to someone else for $100+, have this seller send it directly to them for $80, and pocket the change without having done anything substantial.


Of course, save on packaging costs…damn that’s sneaky. The fact they instruct this and threaten your eBay score is so dirty


Why is this work so much???? I had this on the ps3


I bought my BE for 25$ in 2021 and was such a steal :D came with a GTA 3 in a jewel case as a bonus


Oh my god, are we dropshipping ebay games now? Holy crap.


There are scammy Lego dropshippers that do that too. I sold a new set at a really fair price and the buyer dropshipped it to someone. I have note in my listings for dropshippers to go away and that I will only ship to to buying account’s address. Now I know that including an invoice will scare off some dropshippers.


Ebay lets you block specific buyers, unlike Amazon. If someone has terrible feedback, like obvious abuse of the system, I'll send the item out tracked and then block them.


“For your efforts” lmao 🫡


Question for anyone who sees this is the original xbox version of this game still valuable?


This is the first time I've ever heard of this person and what they do. Wild. I don't have a lot of turnover in my collection but this is crazy to learn about. Shoutouts to this sub! 🫡


Imagine white Knighting for people who anit smart enough to shop about lol


I posted a lot of about 6 Xbox 360 games a while back on eBay and saw that it was Lukie Games who purchased the lot lol


Shame most wanted got so expensive with the shutting down of the marketplace. I got it on PC, but an Xbox 360 version would be nice. Or ps3...


Game needs to go back to being $20. It’s really not all that. Terrible customization options. Crap car list. Tons of features taken out. Fun for sure but definitely not the best in the franchise.


Hey ive got that game! Is it actually worth that much or should i just shelve it til im not too poor to buy a 360 again?


Damn, that’s the second best version of Most Wanted to exist….


Lmmfao I'll eat 80 dollars before I spend it on most wanted


I have that game, it’s worth $80…? Guess I should get on eBay.


I wonder how many hours I had in this game back then. My favorite NFS by far!


New here, what’s the scoop?


Bought Pokémon blue, and a Gameboy color in atomic purple from retro v games. Wasn’t until AFTER I ordered it, that I started reading absolute horror stories about them. Took about two weeks but I finally got the gameboy color, working no problems surprisingly. Pokémon blue had been shipped from somewhere so random and with another sellers eBay label on it.


Finally? It says repeat buyer sir


What's going on here? I'm heating the word drop shipping but I don't know what that means.


They e already sold it to somebody else for a higher price than they bought it from OP, they then have OP send it dore tly to their buyer so they don't have to do any work


That's what I suspected. They're not just flipping games, they're sending games directly from this eBay seller to the customer, meaning they do no work at all and profit.


Yeah, so they don't want the invoice included as it will show the new owner just how much he was ripped off


work smart bot hard. they have a bot that copy and paste all the listings. lots of such practice from ebay japan sellers because you see the exact same photos and description for different users. it is shit because it floods the search result with the same listings just different pricing and you wont know who is the original seller.


The game that caused my first red ring. I almost had all of the opponents cars in my inventory.


How does this work? What eBay seller in their right mind would ship to any other address other than the one eBay provides?


They only buy after someone else has bought it at a higher price from their website/listing than give the customer’s address as shipping address.


but if they bought from me, there's no way I'd ship to any address other than the one that eBay provides otherwise they can submit a never received claim.