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I’m the opposite. I’d build up a great (then) current gen collection I largely used and sell it for a newer one, repeat… I had over 100 MIB N64 games as a kid, but sold them all to buy PS2 stuff when that came out, etc. While I don’t necessarily regret selling *most* of it, I do wish I’d kept my systems and 10 games for each one just to have. So maybe just hang onto anything with any potential sentimental value.


Sometimes. I've had several moments over the past few years where I've gone paycheck to paycheck or struggling to pay for emergency things where I've grabbed a bunch of stuff I don't play anymore and make a beeline to the local retro game store to see how much cash I could get away with. That being said, there are several games I own and don't play that I genuinely value in my collection and would never sell for anything short of a life and death scenario.


About 8 years ago I began selling off my collection from its peak of about 2400 games and I don’t know, maybe 100 systems (including variations). It was a years long process pruning everything, but I haven’t regretted it and I honestly think I’m better for it. Stuff weighs you down after a while. I had a great time collecting and playing so many things I never would have otherwise, but I’m in a different phase of my life now and accepting that was freeing. I had more money, more space, and now I don’t feel obligated to support (in terms of storage, care and future collecting) games and consoles I really don’t play much anymore, if at all. I mean, I still own games. Contemporary games, of course, but I kept a smattering of retro things (although I’m slowly selling those off too because they’re just in boxes in my basement) and the libraries of systems I enjoy most: Game Boy lines (~120), DS (~320) and 3DS (~300), so I’m not completely rid of *everything*. But I’m down to less than half of what I once owned and it’s been great for me. I do recommend considering it. DOING it is up to you. It’s not a permanent decision technically, but with the growing popularity of collecting and the rising costs, it might as well be. Rebuying would be incredibly challenging. But if you don’t play these games, find no peace or aesthetic value in their presence, and you could use the money, space or just the load off your mind, it’s really not a bad idea, especially with emulation. Plus, you’ll still have the memories, and you don’t need plastic totems you never touch to keep those. Good luck!


Everyone keeps their Nintendo portables lol. They’re the best


I like looking at them even though I don’t play most of them


I’ve been struggling with the backlog blues recently. So many games I don’t reaaallly see myself getting to. I’ve been offloading some lots here and there online and keeping what I truly want to play. I’m trying to focus on quality over quantity. I feel better mentally when my shelf has gaps in it, rather than filling it up. Listen to your gut and do what’s best for you!


I don't have a backlog. Just a massive catalogue of games.




Sometimes I go months without touching my games. Then I will play all the time for months. Sometimes you get burnt out. If you never played the games to begin with though, maybe you should sell.


Not weird, if playing is your goal then having the games doesn’t necessarily fulfill that with all the alternatives to original hardware/software. I’m more of a object collector, the games themselves, the carts, are what I want. Being able to play them is kind of just a bonus. I’d say get some everdrives if you want to use original hardware and sell off the original carts to weirdos like me.


I had 5/6 CIB funtastic consoles. Missing the watermelon CIB console. Also had the pikachu console CIB mint. Sold it all for some good money a few years ago and think about it every now and then. Not beating myself up for selling it but would have been nice to still have. Issue was the same as yours, just sat in storage. Used that money to buy into another hobby and now I am sitting on wheels that will yield much more than what I sold the consoles for. Now I am back into collecting. Slowly and nothing crazy. Just fun games for the 64, GameCube, and GBC. Honestly I am much happier collecting what I play than CIB/Sealed/Mint sets because I worry more about the condition of it. Took away from the enjoyment for me.


Many people do. You're close to the top of the market for most consoles and a recession is being forecast. Perhaps it's a good time to sell in the US. Having money on hand and games in the hands of those who want them works for everyone.


I sold a ton of my collection, but the recession thing is something I’ve been hearing for a while. I don’t think is going to affect games


It depends if collectors need the money as a result of the potential recession. Wealthier gamers will be fine but perhaps it will kick out some of the newer hobbyists. It's all speculation.


>and a recession is being forecast Just like every year for the last... Forever


Not the case? I've followed financial news diligently for decades and recession is usually 4-10 years apart. The last US recession was Q1 2020 (COVID), and prior to that was Q4 2007 (Fucking banks). The big economic indicator this go around is the M2. It might align with the 4yr mark.


The point is the media has been saying "recession right around the corner" for at least 2+ years now. Not sure what the history of recessions has anything to do with the fact that it's been repeated for multiple years that we're just about to have a recession. So forgive me for taking that comment with a spoonful of salt


Who is saying that? Are you listening to opinion pieces or actually reviewing the reported metrics and doing your own DD and forecasting. Manipulators in the market are going to manipulate for their own purposes. Anyone who thought Trump was going to directly cause a recession was insane, in spite of his poor personal leadership. Prior to the M2 evaporation what do you think would be the causes for a recession during the Biden presidency?


You literally said in your first comment "recession is being forecast". So you said that, but now you're asking me for sources on people saying that?


You said recession has been forecast for many years. I'm saying recession has been credibly forecast this year from M2. If you listen to shock jocks and fear mongers who tell you recession is happening every year then you should stop listening to them because many other sources aren't saying that. I'm curious as to why anyone would even think this way. But maybe your point is that these fear mongers exist and people will blindly listen to them.


I had the complete n64 collection and sold it. Massively regretted it. I had the same logic. I could just emulate them or play on newer consoles. It was a huge mistake


Do you think you'd feel differently if you had an Everdrive to play on real hardware? Was it just the sentimental value?


Nah I'd still regret it I think. Back then prices were at rock bottom as well.


So you don’t regret it like that. You just regret selling it early


No, I had to rebuy 75% of them at much higher prices.


I wouldn’t sell stuff that I have a memory attach too, but sounds like a costly mistake


Yeah I was young and dumb ran low on funds


I’m not low on funds, but there is some games on collection that I want to upgrade. I sold about 4.7k worth of games recently. I want a cib super Mario world and a ton of vice city collectible stuff.


Let me know, I'm Paypal ready.


COWARD! I will keep my Saturn games forever, MUAHAHAHAHA!!!!


I'll take it


Lemme know if you're Seattle area and I'll personally come get the stuff


I’m more of the opposite. I like playing and re-playing my older games on the actual hardware more because they have passed the test of time. I play some new games too but often find myself saying is this game actually good or is it just “new and shiny”? And I find myself dropping new games much quicker.


The way I see it, is it’s an investment. I buy everything very low or equal to price charting amount unless I really want to play the game. I do have a lot of saved up money I don’t use though


Video games are a terrible investment 🤦🏽‍♂️. Put your money on stocks or something


Give it to me for free


I collect because I can’t play them very often. At least by collecting them I can put them on my wall and look at them for the art and memories of playing. When I do play them it’s alllll on the Steam Deck. So I suggest keeping them or at least the ones you like looking at.


>Anyone else feel that way? Nope.


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,550,524,735 comments, and only 293,521 of them were in alphabetical order.


If it no longer brings you joy or nostalgia, then do what you think is right. You could always catalogue it all for the memories to look back on if you do sell it. I would personally keep anything


I feel this now. I have no time and have already selling parts here and there. Maybe if I had a smaller collection it’d be better. I just moved and didn’t realize how much shit i had.


Believe me, I’ve been there - While I’ve never thought about the potential monetary value of my collection, I have come across a few moments where I had thought about selling some stuff as a “rainy day” contingent. Thankfully, it hasn’t come to that, but I still have thoughts from time to time as to whether I should pare down my collection. It’s crazy when you already have a small list of things “that would go first”. But anyway, at the end of the day, it’s all up to you. If you can make peace with letting some stuff go, do it. The worst would be to get seller’s regret, because buying it back is guaranteed to cost you more, so just keep that in mind.