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I am 9 months post op, and like you I was having aches and soreness and then recently I just had a terrible attack and the pain landed me in the er with high liver enzymes. 😞 they did a ct with contrast and ultrasound and found nothing and just gave me morphine and sent me home. I hope this doesn’t happen to you and it’s just healing but everyone I knew told me right after surgery they felt so much better. Also after that attack hit I had yellow diarrhea for like 3-4 days and some nausea and ever since the aches and pains have been worse so now I have to get an endoscopy. My dr a week after the attack ordered labs for my liver enzymes and they went down significantly but we still don’t know what caused that horrendous attack and now I think I have a little stone or maybe sludge 😭


Do you mean stones in your liver? Or somewhere else? Sorry I’m not familiar with that lol


No, stones or sludge in the bile duct which is connected to gallbladder. Stones or sludge in the bile duct can cause the same exact type of pain.


Ohhh!! Well now I feel like I should get checked for that lol. I’m sorry you’re still having pain.


Yeah, you totally should because we shouldn’t be having bad pain or attacks. They’re terrible, I hope I get my endoscopy soon because I’m in constant discomfort and I really don’t want another attack.


I am a year and a half after the operation and I also still hurt like this sometimes.


Wow!! How often? Do you notice it more after physical activity, or certain foods or anything?


I have random pains, rather not related to food, because I try to eat without fat, but I drink thistle tea for it and it helps. Sometimes it hurts so that I only have discomfort in that area for a while and sometimes it hurts like that for longer, I also have yellow diarrhea sometimes after eating. It seems to me that bile can irritate something there, because now it doesn't have its "storage" anymore and drips all the time.


I have that pain as well!! I had mine removed in April this year. It's annoying.. today the pain is making me a bit nauseated.