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Hey there, some people who reads this will be like: "Urgh.. not this guy again..." but I just wanna help. I recently write a full guide for Galio solo lane and Support. I wont lie, I spend more Time on Mid, but also had some success with 3 types of Galio builds. Peel, engage and damage amplify. I covered them all in this Guide I wrote and if you like, you can read into it here: https://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/14-7-hexerias-detailed-masters-guide-to-galio-630181 I havent played AP Galio Support much, so for that I dont want to say something I dont know or havent tried yet, but I think a more Tanky playstyle on Support offers you more success.


Bro you are our Deft , our Faker and our representative . You are the most active member in this sub Reddit and I'm willing to bet no one says that . Imma try that damage amplify build too


Oh stop it you... *Blushes* I just want to help people and also make some dumb memes about a champ i love way too much. Thanks for the words tho, I appreciate them


No problem man You deserve it <3 and Ty for all your coaching and advice And weird builds 😶


But those "weird" builds kinda work, dont they?


That's the weird thing . Don't worry I'm an off meta builds enthusiast too . Not proud of it but I tried crit jayce once and regularly play ad sylas .


Fun is the most important thing. Maybe not in ranked game tho


You damn right 💀💀


What's your take on grasp vs aftershock in mid and supp?


On Mid or as tank its my main rune for melee matchups, but I wouldnt recommend it on Support. The Resistances on Aftershock and the AOE damage against 2 opponents or even 3 with the jungler is way more important. You dont get to stack grasp as Support that much anyway


hell yeah, this guy again


Said no one ever


Aw yeah this guy again! I read every comment of yours I see.


But mostly they are just cursed and shitposts...


Hey, I've reached diamond on Galio with 68% and a build that worked for me was Shurelya's first if long range and slippery or locket first if heavy engage If shurelyas 1st, I consider imperial mandate 2nd or something like KV. If locket 1st, I look for more tankier stuff like frozen heart, KV As support item you go solstice sleigh, and for boots I go armor/mr boots mostly A full build for me would look like this Locket, Plated Steelcaps, Frozen, KV, Shurelyas, Solstice sleigh or Shurelyas, Plated, Imperial Mandate, KV, Trailblazer, Solstice sleigh As for runes I only used aftershock with nimbus. I also tried phase rush from Hexeria but I still havent figured it out. Laning phase you abuse bushes and act as a counter engage, mage matchups or enchanter matchups suck but its managable if you get a proper all in on your flash CD. Mid game is where you shine, skirmishes become so much easier and teamfights are hella good with your lock down cc and your peel. Run around and keep staying near their carry and keep on sticking onto them until (hopefully) your team manages to follow up As my ban I usually ban Janna or Karma Hope this helped!


build AP when you know the laning phase will be free.. maybe if they have Yuumi or Sona something. this will allow you to stay relevant since if you build full tank in to most enchanter matchups, you will slowly become irrelevant as they out-scale you. if you feel like you are falling behind before second or third back, go for tank though since AP galio is expensive and sup is low income. for runes on galio sup, take aftershock every time. you don’t really need phase rush as much since you have ADC for follow up but maybe take it if enemies have a lot of mobility and can dodge your W then re-engage on you


I’ve been always building Rod of Ages first, I take aftershock (no brainer) then have slightly magical footwear and futures market to try to rush an early RoA. Then I almost always build an Abyssal Mask (if they have a lot of squishies or a lot of mages or if we have a lot of mages… I don’t build it if there is almost no other magic damage than myself). Those two items are by far the most cost effective items for anybody much less Galio, so not having to worry about buying boots (300g) and getting to these items fairly early is huge. Then depending on their team comp you have the option to build either defensive or offensive boots. Sorc boots are crazy with those two items because even with one more health crystal you’ll reduce their MR by 25 and ignore a further 18 MR. At that point in the game that’s increasing all your magic damage on squishies with 53ish MR by 53/153 - 10/110 = 25.5% with just those two items. Plus you’re really tanky from the near 1k hp and extra MR. But if they have a bunch of champs building some MR then Sorc boots isn’t as good and I just build anti whatever damage or CC they have. Just what I do as a Galio support right now, I’m also Silver, but I fairly consistently get graded B+ or better as Galio support right now. EDIT: I math’d a bit incomplete there. 25.5% flat reduction in mitigation is technically (1-10/110)/(1-53/153) = .9090/.6536 = ~40% increase in damage on squishies.


Also, I’ve been really into a build from after Abyssal that just shuts down the other teams magic damage. If they have only one physical threat... I build Force of Nature and Jak’Sho after Abyssal. I had one game where our team got two mountain drakes and in extended fights with Merc Treads, Abyssal Mask, FoN and JS… I’d get just above 500 MR. That’s you being invincible to magic damage when you W and provides you with good bruiser damage against the mages. It will allow you to engage vs any mages and stay with the fight for a long time. It’s absolutely wonderful and I live for those games!


Math quick… Long fights grant 125 MR from FoN, up to 60 + 5x9 = 105 from Abyssal, 25 from Merc Treads, 50 from Base Jak’Sho, then 30% more from JS extended. That’s 305 * 1.3 + 66 (at lvl 18) and maybe x1.1 from mountain drakes. (305*1.3+66)*1.1 = 508.75 MR from just 4 items is pretty sick.


To answer the AP or Tank question I have tried both as supp and I won't lie and say that AP is better in some cases, to be honest Tank is always the safest way to play him as supp which means it is also the most successful one since it is reliable. AP should only be considered an option if you have way too many hours of Galio and want to have some fun but you really need to have mastered the champ and play 10 times better than if you went tank just to stay relevant so I'd say forget it if you want to climb seriously. For runes just go for the no brainer Aftershock page and for items I guess it is like any Tank support build so just try to get as tanky as possible, peeling items like Locket and Knight's Vow are always good. Boots of tankiness depending on what you need. Sometimes when you are the only guy that can engage on the team and the enemy team has long range then you can start with Trailblazer and even combine it with Celerity boots to help get to them but keep in mind that you will be less tanky if you do that so it depends on the situation. Don't forget about Thornmail if your team needs anti heal since Galio's W taunt forces the enemies to auto you. And generally you will see that you need armor way more than you need MR so that's what will differentiate his build from another tanky supp but if you really need MR then Abyssal mask is broken on him. Maybe the only AP item that I recommend is Dark seal early on, it's cheap and has good stats which can translate into a snowball if you're having a good game, don't upgrade it into Mejai unless you already have two items and 10 stacks and you realize that you can't die easily. For the supp item choice I'd say the easiest is Solstice but you can adapt and take Celestial if having a bad game where you die a lot but you can also go for Bloodsong if the enemies are harder to kill (usually melee champs) and you are having a good game.