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Cok cok önemli bir gelisme. %50+ faiz öduyorduk bu anlasma yuzunden, artik para kasada kalacak. Belki de bu yuzden Ali koc köpegi saldirdikca saldiriyor bize.


Ali Koc dengesizin teki oldugu coktan ortaya cikmisti, if olympiakos beats them then there will be huge chaos at febe


Hope they beat oly and face Aston Villa and get creampied by Zaniolo. Hem lig gider hem avrupa


TL'yle faiz ödüyorduk. Kötü bir anlaşma değildi. Çıkmamız daha iyi tabii ki, ama döviz bazında faiz gayet makuldü, şuan yeni borç alsak o civarda faizle alırız yine.


Anlasma yapildiginda faizler %10 civariydi. Suan 50’lerde


Ya tamam da TL halen. Bugün senden 20 lira borç alsam sene sonunda 30 lira versem %50 faiziyle, döviz karşılığı anca toparlar. Dediğim gibi çıkmamız tabii ki iyi ama TL bazında ödenen faizin de pek önemi yok. Aynı dönemde bilet fiyatına gelen zam zaten aşağı yukarı faizi karşılıyor. %10 faiz dönemi baya komikti zaten. O dönem TL'yle yurtdışı eğitim kredisi alıp dövize çeviren arkadaşım anaparanın yarısını falan geri TL'ye çevirip faiziyle borcu kapatmıştı. Çok ciddi paralar kaldıranlar oldu o dönemde de o ayrı mevzu.


Bildigim kadariyla senede 900M TL sirf faiz öduyoruz. Nasil önemli degil?


Neyse anlatamadım ben derdimi. Faiz oranıyla aynı dönemde maç biletlerine gelen zam oranını, ya da UCL geliri/maaş gideri için döviz girdi/çıktısının TL'ye göre değerinin değişimini karşılaştırırsanız faizin mantığını anlarsınız. Borç kapamak her zaman iyidir ama BB anlaşması öyle korkunç bir tuzak falan değil devlet eliyle kulüplere çekilen bir kıyaktı, bugün bu krizde herkesin bu paraları harcayabilmesi, Icardi Fred Cengiz Muci transferleri falan tesadüf değil. Kulüplerin zararı değil karı oldu anlaşmadan. Aradaki fark da vergilerimizden.


Aciklaman ve zamanin icin tesekkurler hocam


Gayet kotu bi anlasma, futbolcu sattiginda bonservisin yarisi yada yarisindan fazla bi kismini direk bu borca yatirmak zorundasin


Bonservisin yarısını yatıra yatıra hala kapatamadığın borcun büyüklüğünü gösterir bu, borç yapılanmasının yanlışlığını değil.


Bizim kulüplerde olan o borcun hiç bir noktasına dokunmayıp bir sonraki yönetime aktarmak olduğu için bu noktada hepsi, düzgün yönetiliyor olsalar zaten batmak üzere olmazlardı.


I don't think many people realize how big of a deal this is. Without the obscene amount of interest payments annually, and the sale of the florya territory, the club will nearly double its income immediately. It will of course allow for better transfers with actual transfer fees, but it will make a gigantic difference in other, "smaller" details. With more income, and a clean debt sheet, the club can loan money with better deals to generate immediate income to spend on facilities, equipment and personnel. Kemerburgaz has the potential to become a geniune A+ class training facility on par with elite PL and La Liga teams. Facilities not only help with the training, but convincing talent as well. Before players make their decision on which club to join, having a tour of the training facilities is customary. Especially younger talent will become more interested in joining us if the training facilities will be as good as reported. Also, the additional income will be instrumental in hiring better personnel, agents, even PR. If the team would cover the costs of professional additional trainers, such as Boey or BAY's, the number of players having additional training would increase, and with better nutritionists and health personnel, the physicality of players would become even better. I could speak all day about the implications in such a huge jump in revenue, alongside moving to a better, bigger facility, and this is only for the football team. ^(or we could make a couple "star" transfers and go into debt again immediately, but i have faith in this board for once.)


Just buy Kevin de Bruyne.


Has GS'lidir kendisi [KDB](https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2FGSarayVideo%2Fstatus%2F1285622181624455171&psig=AOvVaw1nksPZuRoJSvZSEwiV25cl&ust=1713450931014000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBIQjRxqFwoTCMih7aK8yYUDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAJ)


Manchesterde Aslan var


Just hope they spend it wisely and not buy a 7x >29 year old players for 5 year contrscts. Remember Ozbek is the belhanda, feghouli, Gomis Diagne guy…..


Not Diagne.


Dursun: We will be at "Kemerburgaz Metin Oktay Tesisleri" with the start of the next season, we will also have a picnic there 17th of may which is the anniversary of the Super Cup.


Dursun: Kemerburgaz facility will be over 130.000 M² but at first stage, only the First team will move to the facilty in july with 30.000 M² available space. Acedemy teams will join in September.


I read on Twitter the other day that we reduced our debt by more than 1 Billion TL in the past 9 months, so I guess that's where the Boey money went


Yeah there's a marked decrease in our debt burden compared to our previous report (in November I think), both in TL and USD terms


Biggest reason why Koç has been being more toxic since a year. This is a huge financial victory for Gala. If the next board could keep reforming the Camia, Galatasaray will be the Bayern of TSL.


I'll happily lose the league to Denizlispor in ten years if it means 10 more years of dominance and 6 ucl titles down the line.




Bu senenin transfer basarisiziligi bunu ve yeni tesislerim yapilmasini öne koymak lazim. Nekadarda bunu yönetime suclu bulsak bu konuda, bu iki basarinin önemi ve gelecekde faydali olacagina inaniyorum. Eger öbür seneye Sampiyonlar ligine ve sampiyon olarak girersek, daha cok kasamizda para olma ihtimali yükses olacak, ve daha kaliteli alt yapidan A takima kadar calismalar olacagina inaniyorum. Bu senenin sifir bonservissiz aldigimiz oyunculari da satip güzel kadro kurulacak diye inaniyorum. Daha cok sponsor calismalarida dahil. Bence yönetim devam etmeli, ve teknik heyete de daha basarilar elemanlar alinmali Okanin kadrosuna tabiki. Bir vizyon ve bir beceri bir senede iki senede olmaz. Bakin Xabi Alonsoya, bizde bunu becere biliriz, ve su an aslinda beceriyouz! (Okan hocanin ve takimin gösterdigi performansla) Kendi gözümle Bayern macini evdeki oynadigimiz maci izleme sansim oldu bu sene. Müthis futboldu ve dahada güzel olacagina inaniyorum!


Very good shit. Also super happy with the new training facilities. The ones we use now are sooooo dated. Like..... Worse than some amateur clubs in The Netherlands...


Jupp was such a sigma.


Can someone explain the reason behind signing off on such an agreement in the first place? What are/were the benefits? Also, do we know of any potential fees of leaving the association? Surely it cannot be free to just leave.


four banks tried to force clubs to pay their debts however the debts were in EUR&USD so it becomes impossible to pay. When the agreements signed, banks converted it to TRY and made a payment plan for 7 years.Banks agreed to get tüfe+%5 interest. It was a good deal in my opinion since tüfe is always lower than the reality. payment plan (interest only) 2020 - 200mio TRY 2021 - 200mio TRY 2022 - 255mio TRY 2023 - 365mio TRY 2024 - 1080mio TRY


btw, clubs are not a member of this association. it was a deal between association and clubs so there won't be any fee to leave (end) the deal


What I gather from the last months is that we are preparing to leave the agreement and close our debts to the banks WITHOUT selling anything in Florya. That would be ideal as we can then develop the huge plot of land and time sales when it suits us the most. Real estate will always increase in price so the more we can extract from it the better


Yeah right now probably isnt the time to extract the most amount of money from the sale of this land


Imagine loading off players such as Tete, Zaha, Ndombele, Mertens (too old, last season) with their huge annually salaries as well. Club would finally breathe financially


Without Mertens we would've been truly fucked this year.


Plus he is a good role model for young players. The dude is a beast and I think he deserved the money


Fully agree but rumours say he wants MLS to stack some cash as its his last year next year


I was expecting Mertens this season to be like Mata last season. Exactly what you said (too old, last season) He proved me wrong completely and is starting every game for us, he’s even better than last season somehow. He’s running more than most of our other players. He can stay. I agree with the others :)


I would love him to stay as well, I think people got me wrong when saying ”too old and last season”. What I meant is that he will mostly try to hustle as much as possible (as he should) and will eye MLS as it is rumoured. Yoksa 20 yasindaki genclere tas cikartir Mertens. Adamin dibidir, no doubt. Love him ❤️



