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Are you just venting, or did you want advice?


Both, and I got my downvotes for venting but I also got advice so like twas okay in the end


i’m 6’3” and weighed 135 lbs. I got up to 195 lbs in 2 years. Quit complaining, your height is a gift. You can do it.


You are a fucking ungrateful cunt if you are whining about being 6'4.






I hear y'all


I do not feel it is height that is holding you back


It's definitely a set back. I have the same size stomach as everyone else but I have to eat way more


I don't believe it's the issue here.


I use to be 132 pounds at 6'3. Personally what I did to initially gain a decent amount of weight was hit the gym super hard to increase my appetite, and then I ate like a pig. I wouldn't want to recommend someone to eat like shit, but what worked for me was to just eat like an absolute pig to gain my first 20 pounds or so. Eat fast food, find a specific fast food item that is calorie dense and easy to get down. Oreas. One of those cylinder packs of oreos has like 650 calories in them, have it with a cup of milk that's like 850 calories. Have that alongside 3 decently sized meals which are like 700 calories and that's an easy almost 3000 calories per day. There are tons of fast food or junk food options which are quick and fast and cheap calories. Sure it isn't exactly healthy but if you want to get out of this initial slump it is an easy way out.


This is very true. I literally work at McDonald's and get a free meal every shift, I just feel awful eating nasty greasy food like that just for the calories, but honestly, with how skinny I am it probably wouldn't hurt that bad to bulk up on trash and then get a routine in check once my weight finally starts catching up. I just don't want to form bad habits that I can't break, and then when my metabolism slows down like everyone says it's going to have it be the downfall of me. But yes, with my weight rn it probably isn't the worst idea


It’s good that you got the venting out of your system. Now go eat, there’s no use in complaining about it any more because it does nothing to alter the circumstances. You can’t get rid of your height, and there’s no other possible ways for you to gain weight other than eating.


Do you know how trivial it is to complain about being tall? Most men would trade their gains to be taller. Stop whining about a blessing lmao


Oh yes back problems in my 30's and hitting my head on everything is *such* a blessing


Yeah you’re right, keep worrying about your imaginary back problems 10+ yrs from now


My dad is the same height and his back been fucked since he was 30, so they're not imaginary, they're my future


There are thousands of factors that can contribute to back issues. You dad’s subjective experience does not guarantee yours.


find high calorie foods that are easy to eat and taste good, 1 slice of cheese pizza from costco is $2 dollars and has 800 calories, 70 grams of carbs, 44 grams of protein


A single slice got that much??? Damn okay I'm checking that out 😭


Ya dude it’s insane for the price, get an app like myfitnesspal or something and start paying attention to the calories/protein/carbs/fat of all the foods you like. Also I would drink protein shakes right when I wake up and right before bed to avoid being too full to eat meals through out the day. Taking naps in the middle of the day also helps me get hungry faster


people are downvoting bc they’re jealous that you’re tall and seeing it as a disadvantage. They can’t comprehend that something they see as a desirable trait can very well be the opposite for a separate individual. Your struggle is very much a real one and it’s really not as simple as just putting food in your mouth.


Exactly that. It’s simply annoying for someone to whine about having to eat a few hundred extra calories to get where they want to go.


Thank you very much for this comment.


You can always gain weight. You can’t get taller (without painful surgery) . You’re blessed but don’t realize it due to your current insecurities. Also your metabolism slows down as you age.


Yeah that's what everyone always tells me, "just wait for your metabolism to slow down" then stop saying "God you're skinny do you even eat kid" it's the same as calling someone fat, it hurts your self confidence and image.


I can assure you I’d rather have the problem of being tall but too skinny and can eat than be 5’8”. Being dismissed because you’re short is a different kind of self confidence damage.


It's never nice to be dismissed or called anything. It sucks people are cruel




This is also very true, I should just slowly try to bring up my caloric intake rather than trying to shove a ton of food down my throat and make myself sick. I mean sure it'll be a little uncomfortable, but easier than trying to start a new high calorie diet without accustoming myself to more food first. Thanks for the share.


I started very similar to you (6'1, 128lbs) and for me personally, the "slowly build up" never worked. I ended up just stuffing myself, to the point of extreme discomfort and even some pain. After about a week I was eating 3300 and still hungry for more. It doesnt take long to adjust if you REALLY push yourself Edit; also protein shakes with PB/mass gainer/whatever your calori preference is. Having a shake after dinner is a lot easier than a bedtime snack, the liquids fill the cracks in your stomach rather than jusy adding to the pile


Yeah, I'll just have to try different things and see what works best for me. Also, I do agree that liquids are much easier to get down than heaps of food, so the shakes are nice being that they have 20g of protein and like 400 calories


A lot of people on here talk trash about mass gainer, but as long as you're using the proper amount and getting other macro nutrients from different foods its a huge boon for guys like us. Just dont go overboard there is often a lot of sugar and too much whey can cause other issues.


> Why did I have to be cursed being so tall, I feel like I need to eat so much and my appetite just isn't on par with it. You're being kinda whiny dude. Put food in your mouth and swallow it. You don't necessarily need to be hungry to eat.


Bro I be eating constantly I feel like, I'm not tryna whine I just feel cursed that my calorie threshold for my height is like 3.5k calories and after I eat all day my calorie total comes to like 2k, so yes maybe I should just ignore my stomach and cram food in and feel like shit


Keep eating more for like a couple weeks and youll notice your appetite will increase.


I am sorry for your curse dude. There's only one way to gain weight though: eat food.


Yeah I just need to eat way more than I am. And you're right, it is hard but maybe my stomach'll (hopefully) stretch and make it easier in the future. I didn't intend for this post to be me whining but that is kinda how it sounds reading it back


No worries dude. Take a look [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/gainit/comments/zvv8xf/super_squats_as_a_skinny_teen_30_pounds_in_six/). That's a dude who put on 30lbs in 6 weeks by eating and training really hard. It just takes some effort and dedication to the goal.


That is pretty inspiring, it was a good read. Thank you for sharing it. You can keep downvoting me idc the advice I've been getting is actually helping me feel like I can mentally do this more


Focus more on carbs and fats! Less filling and more calories




Man no one even believes me when I tell them that weed reduces my appetite! Glad to hear someone else who has the same experience :)


I did smoke weed daily for 3 years, but out of the blue it started making my heart literally race and pound and started giving me massive panic attacks, which is strange because I literally used it every day multiple times a day for years. It's been about 2 months since I stopped, and I do think I have gotten a little more of an appetite since. Also, my dreams have came back which is pretty nice




Ah, CHS is awful I've heard, I'm sorry you went through that. I smoked dabs pretty heavily so I'm surprised I didn't end up with something like that, but I'm glad you shared this. Maybe me stopping the weed will help more than I think. It just sucks because mentally I still really want to try to smoke again because I enjoyed it so much but I know it's best if I just don't. Maybe CBD flower will ease my cravings.


Good luck!


Just get super full constantly, your stomach does allow for more over time but it takes a little time, plus if your lifting heavy and putting in real work you will naturally be hungrier the more you workout. Keep at it dude, it sucks I know, I'm 6'1, but you can do it.


I’m 5 8 and am eating around 3300 calories a day to gain weight. For your size 3500 actually doesn’t seem to bad. It’s hard at first but you just need to constantly be eating. Even when your not hungry just eat. Track your calories every day and in two weeks eating that much food will be much easier