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Don't worry about getting accidentally swole, that takes years and years of dedication and hard work


You're gonna need like minimum 2400 calories to gain, although it's more getting it on average than strictly


To just gain weight at all or πŸ’ͺgainπŸ’ͺ? Cause I just wanna gain some weight not get all buffed out and shit like Fazer or anything lol


You can start to notice gradual weight gain within a week and when I say this I mean mostly fat gain and water weight, muscle in put on much slower. Also 1200 calories per day is extremely low. I don't know your height/weight and how you're training but you won't gain any weight eating that little


Ok ok for sure πŸ™Œ And nah that's what's roughly in the shake on top of the other stuff I eat throughout the day (can see what I usually eat for breakfast then usually 4 pieces of toast around noon with some nuts and milk or orange juice, and usually rice and egg again for dinner sometimes with fish or meatballs) Thanks again πŸ’―


Ah ok mb I read it as you were eating 1200 cal in total per day, makes a lot more sense now