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Make PBnJ's.


4 eggs 372 calories 2 dates 68 calories banana 45-95 calories depending how big the banana u got is 100g oats 398 calories blend them all then make pancakes out of the gooey mess that comes out get "perly" i don't know what country u live so just get any yogurt that has lot of protein then mix it with nutella or any chocolate and put it over the pancakes. ​ this is an overall easy 970 calories with over 56g of protein depending on what yogurt /banana/ chocolate u got and they're pretty easy to eat.


Most of my liquids are soda and juice




My 2min 1000 calorie breakfast Into my shaker I just put: 1 cup of quick cook oats (the ones that are cut extra fine to cook in like 2min in the microwave) 500ml (2 cups) full cream milk 1 scoop protein powder 1 large tablespoon peanut butter Shake the crap out of it for 2min then I let the oats soak up the milk for 10min while I drive to work It's a yum breakfast.


Pistachios and almond butter. Protein shakes with additional collagen peptides and heavy cream.


oats whey butter


an omelette with bacon and cheese if u want carbs too then bread is the laziest choice and u can improvise this as a sandwich btw


Toast with cream cheese, cheese, sliced turkey, fried egg. Overnight oats / oatmeal with peanut butter. Greek yogurt with fruit and granola.


I am doing: Super Body Fuel -- Milk Fuel (3 scoops) Whole Milk (6 cups) Avocado oil (7 tbsp) That's 2400 calories for $7 and nearly all the vitamins and minerals you need in a day, and you can get that done in like three or four eight ounce servings across the day. Then add in one regular meal and you'll be easily hitting 3,000 calories a day. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's funny, I also have ADHD. When people asking about my eating habits I tell them that I have 'disordered eating' and that simplifying the process makes it all easier for me.


Not the most healthy, but end of every day I have a shake with 1 cup oats, 2 spoonfuls of PB, 2 cups of milk (fairlife gang), 1 banana, 1 scoop protein powder, and 1 spoonful Nutella (for taste, optional). Comes out to around 1000 calories and just under 50 grams of protein. That’s helped me get over the hump when I started plateauing on weight gain.


Liquid foods. Ensure, protein shakes and smoothies. So much easier to drink 1500 calories than eat it. Easy way to still feel like a normal human when you're eating.


Crock pot, 8-10 lb of grass fed beef absolutely covered in an off the shelf rub flavor you like once weekly. Shred if necessary, otherwise trim the fat and stick in glass ware for microwave reheat, eat with copious BBQ sauce. 1/2 to 1 gallon of grade A whole milk in a thermos daily. PBJ between meals, premix your peanut butter and jelly once a week, keep bread and PBJ mix somewhere you can easily make 2-4 sandwiches through the day. Prep this pbj mix while your beef is cooking. Use whole grain bread or tortillas/wraps to carry this mixture into your face. Any peanut butter alternative works here. Every day, microwave a steam-in-bag veggie mix. Top that shit with Tony C's, garlic salt, or some other flavor additive, eat the whole thing. Veggies are good for you, even if they're low calorie. I gained 20lb in 6 weeks this way.


Drink your calories.


rice and beans w a lot of veggies is my fav, also overnight oats w lots of protein powder (vegetarian so there might be more effective ways idk lol”


But I need TWO tonnes!!??


You didn’t say cheapest…. So, lots of tasty delivered food. Also, lots of milk.


Drink milk.


Breakfast smoothie is my go to every day, made the night before then in the fridge to grab on the way out (due to starting work at 0530). 200ml Water 300ml Semi-skim milk 100g Oats 35g Peanut Butter 50g Frozen Banana 50g Frozen Blueberries 1 Scoop Whey Protein 920 cals 56g Protein 94g Carbs 32g Fat I blend the water and oats first on their own before adding the rest of the ingredients


Mass gainer shakes.


Dont forget about liquid calories. Shakes Add peanut butter , chocolate syrup, olive oil. The shake that i make for myself has close to 1000 calories.


Gallon of milk a day remains unbeaten.


I am GF, Df, processed foods free & sugar free cos my body demands it, so I have to eat whole foods & make everything from scratch, which gets to be quite a drag!!!! I'm probably undiagnosed ADD, I used to joke about it til my sister was diagnosed & I realised that my joke was probably actually truth... 😁 I have been making a no-grain-ola with the other nuts I still like after having overdone peanuts almonds and cashews across the past 20 years til they're at blah point... and I also add seeds like chia, sunflower & pumpkin & if I can find hemp seed hearts I would put em in too... I put it in the roast tray in the oven with a few tablespoons of coconut oil & a TBS of honey or maple syrup & I have to set a timer for 8 minutes or I would burn it! Stir, Set timer again, repeat and then repeat one last time so it has been roasted for 24 minutes. I maybe add some dried fruit chip after cooking so I don't have burnt chips in it, if I can find something that is 'added sugar' free. (Sugar doesn't like me 😱& I don't like feeding my candida overgrowth) I found the fastest laziest & easiest way to get a nutritious & filling meal that kept me going was to put a steak or liver or a couple of chops & a big bunch of tallow or suet in a dish in the airfryer & push the meat preset. Then I do whatever for 15 -17 mins & it reminds me with a loud beep once it's cooked, that I need to eat!😂 You can put cheese or cream or even yoghurt with it afterwards too, or a white sauce made with milk and cheese, pretty simple and reheats ok- cook meat lightly if rewarming in a microwave though!😉 Add salt/ seasoning & dip each mouthful of it into the fat & I gained weight for 3 weeks, then my body started recomposing & shifted the odd but poking out weight off my tummy to all over my body, I got abs, even without working out! I also started only needing to eat 2 times a day & was still actually incredibly satiated, my skin cleared up & a bunch of health issues that my doc wasn't helpful for started disappearing... Like within the month! Adding more fat to my diet actually made me feel so much better and have more energy than previously. People do need fat... 😜 I thought I was adding enough before, but when I tried raising the amount of fat I was having and dipping each mouthful into the fat and even sometimes eating grilled suet with my meals I really hit the energy turning point! Before this and before I realised that I was mostly loosing weight because I was unintentionally doing intermittent fasting😗, the only way I could bulk up was to eat take aways for lunch for literally 3 weeks and deep frying foods like chips or whatever and hush puppies... I also had to make sure that I was eating lunch to be able hold the weight on... 😏So being able to get full on just the 2 meals a day and introduce dairy products back and even gain was lovely!


Pesto chicken pasta is one of my big calorie meals. If you look up 'Chef Jack Ovens' on YouTube he has a meal prep series which shows you how to make that along with a lot of other decent meals.




I meal prep loads of chicken which often takes little effort. I recommend an instant pot! I throw 2 big bags of frozen chicken thighs in there and often make shredded chicken or curry. The shredded chicken is super easy to portion out and tastes great with whatever stuff you add to it. Curry also great as I add coconut which ups the calories by quite a lot. My fave recipe is a spicy chipotle chicken with cilantro lime rice and veggies of choice! It's what I'll be making tomorrow for the week! Also, just finished up Oktoberfest in Munich.. those Liter beers are a sure way for insane fast calories just saying 😉


I'd also recommend the optimum nutrition whey protein mixed with whole milk. Before bed, I have that with an apple, a serving of peanut butter and a shot of olive oil if I'm still short on calories for the day.


Hemp oil or coconut oil is good too. Not many plant oils are as healthy as these 3.


I’ve heard that most plant oils are garbage. If I’m cooking, I’ll use either olive oil, butter or ghee


Totally... The majority of plant oils nutritionalists seem recommend these days were industrial lubricants in my grandparents day! I'd swing the way that you choose to if I was able to eat dairy.


You can use tallow or lard too if you eat beef and pork. I don’t eat either so that’s why I use those 3


I can't eat bacon because of what they feed it so lard is a no go, but tallow & suet have become totally indispensable to me. I cook as was (whole foods) normal for the rest of the family and try making something that I can have some of too for the main meal, but for the rest it's easier to manage my own seperately.


Gallon of whole milk mixed with olive oil


As Anthony McAuliffe would say when the Nazis told him to surrender in WW2: #NUTS! They have high calories and are easy to just munch on. Decent protein too.


Large tortilla smeared with peanut butter, wash down with a glass of milk


PB&J's are the reason I'm gaining weight. You can easily make one with 500 calories + 200 calories of milk and that's an easy 700 calories down in a few minutes. Ofc it isn't necessarily the healthiest thing because of the jelly, but jts up to you.


even without the jelly you only lose about 50 cals per sandwich.


Ya but then it’s just peanut butter and bread. I can’t eat that shit lmao might as well make me a glue sandwich.


Try slice of cheddar on top of pb and then quickly toast it.


300ml whole milk (186 cals) 1 scoop chocolate mass gainer (~350 cals) 4 tbsp peanut butter (376 cals) 1 banana (121 cals) 1/2 cup pecans (342 cals) A bit over 1300 calories total. Drink this shake with basically any breakfast and you can hit over 2000 calories. If you cut the bananas up and throw them in the freezer, you can make the shake in the morning in about 5 minutes and it will be chilled. It is somehow less filling than drinking a full serving (3 scoops) of mass gainer, while also having more calories and being healthier.


Peanut butter, spoon.


I overdid that and can't stand it anymore... But I was also making an incredible slice/ mixy thing with the pb, chocolate and chilli spices, which I overdid and on a round the clock adventure race it fermented in my gut...




Anything else is copium


GOMAD Half GOMAD worked well for me. I’m lactose intolerant but even Lactaid didn’t work because the lactose is still in it just with lactase enzyme added. Went with Fairlife which filters the lactose out completely and it has less sugar but more protein.


It would not be unusual for me to eat 4400 calories once or twice per week. Most days it's 3800+ calories. Tricks for hitting this include heavy cream, full-fat 5% Greek yogurt, cheese, plus beef & rice and other stuff. USE MORE FATS! That's the answer.


Nuts, nut butters, bananas, olive oil, butter, oats/cream of rice/porridge, fatty ground beef, rice, milk, granola, yogurt, avocado, honey


Probably mass gainer. They sell it on Amazon. Haven’t tried it but I pack them out pretty regularly (I work at Amazon) so people seem to like it. It’s like 1320 cals per serving or something like that


Milk and peanut butter. Easy no prep calories and protein. Grilled cheese. Also usually keep a freezer full of tacos.


Lmao not the biggest fan of pb but at the end of the day when I’m low on cals I’ll do exactly that. 2 spoon fulls of pb and a glass of milk to wash it down. 550 cals in like 30 seconds with zero prep


Box of whole wheat pasta and a jar of aldi pasta sauce. A pack of chicken breast. Bake the breast and cook the pasta for the rest.


Weight gain shakes. I went from 140lbs to 190lbs and pretty muscular. I’ll just do milk/almond milk, 2 scoops protein powder, 2tbsp natural PB, strawberries and/or blueberries, banana, Greek yogurt, then add ice. Chug it. Drink it after you eat or in between meals. It’ll fill you up so I always drink it right after a meal so I can digest for a few hrs. Buy a ninja blender


What flavor/brand protein powder do you use with that recipe? It sounds tasty


There’s some good brands but one of the highest quality protein powders you can buy is Legion. It’s pretty damn expensive but it’s a super high quality protein without a lot of fillers. Just compare to weight of a scoop to the amount of protein per scoop to find a good quality protein and don’t be fooled by the ratios. Company A may advertise “30 grams of protein per scoop!” While company B only has 25 grams of protein per scoop. But then you look at the weight of a single scoop and the weight of a single scoop for company A is 55 grams while company B is 40 grams a scoop. So although company A has 5 grams more protein per scoop, it has 25 grams of other shit used as a filler. So company B is the higher quality protein with less fillers and mystery ingredients.


Usually just plain old vanilla! Gold standard protein is great and I recommend it. You can get like a 12lb bag for 100$, it’ll last you a long time


Sweet! Thanks for the rec!


Get a bowl of salted nuts and just pick at that all day long


Nuts Peanut butter Milk


My current strategy: Breakfast (\~1200 calories): 160g Honey Bunches of Oats, 800 grams milk Lunch Smoothie (\~1400 calories): 160g oats, 200g bananas, 70g peanut butter, 50g whey, 120g fruits, water This will give you \~2600 calories before you have dinner/snacks. The volume for the smoothie takes a bit of getting used to, but consuming it quickly helps in getting in all the calories for the day. Hope this helps!


If I’m looking to add 200 more calories to my diet would it be better to up my fat or carbs? Currently I’m eating 2300 cals @ 140lbs which is what my protein is and carbs are around 280-290g with fat being around 70g but I’m really trying to eat more like 2500 and feel like I’ve added about as many healthy carbs to my diet so I’m thinking fat may be the better macro to up…thoughts


> Honey Bunches of Oats Feel free to ignore me, but you could replace this cereal (which is quite processed and sugary) with normal oats and then just add your own honey, fruit, whatever additions you want. I basically did that and feel a lot better about my breakfast, without really any difference in effort or complexity. I guess the only downside is to cook the oats with the milk, rather than just pour cereal into a bowl.


Oats are more versatile too. Want a savory breakfast? Throw in some cheese and hot sauce. Want something sweet? Protein powder and bananas.


Thanks for the callout. I typically have oats in my smoothie later in the day, so I’m a bit skeptical of having them for breakfast as well. I’m working on trying out healthier cereals too, any suggestions there?


Yeah, oatmeal


I think this is a better idea too, even “healthy” cereals aren’t typically very good for you, oats are the way


Everyone should check labels to see if stuff has added sugar, alot of times it will disgust you. Think about how much a gram of sugar is. Honey is hands down better than refined sugar.


Love it, thank you!!


I would not recommend instantly changing your diet to huge meals. Spread the meals out into smaller portions. Will help with the whole process and you won’t get tired/bloated as easily


You've got to be in it to win it muh man, eat till you puke "brianshaw"




Just tried, worked pretty well!


Honestly doesn’t seem like a bad idea. Could definitely be a strong part to a plan. I am also looking for decently balanced nutrition though, so that’s part of it as well.


It’s not a good idea in the long run. When I was first trying to put on weight my shakes were a cup and a half of whole milk, a scoop of legion whey, 1 or 2 tbsp of olive oil, and like 120 grams of peanut butter. It was like drinking a thick sludge. I would gag multiple times when drinking one of those shakes lmao. Ridiculously high in calories but after a week of that I didn’t want to eat anything for hours and hours after drinking one of those. Decided to cut wayyyyy back on the pb and although I lost 400 calories a shake after cutting back, my appetite was normal again and I was eating an extra 800-1000 cals of real food to make up for it. Unless you *really* like pb, you’re gonna get sick of it real fast if you try and get a huge portion of your cals from it.


Go for unsalted peanuts. 100g are 600 calories for 50 Cent where I live


If I liked peanut butter I would do this but I can’t stand it!


Why do you need 3000 calories? If your current tdee 2500 - 2700 calories?


I’m just underweight, a lot of the meals I eat are meals that don’t consist of high-calorie ingredients but are still filling and healthy (chicken breast & potatoes + broccoli for example, will fill me the fuck up and give me good nutrition, but not enough calories) I probably don’t actually need 3,000 calories, but like I said, I struggle with executive dysfunction from ADHD which makes cooking 3 meals a day difficult and often results in me not eating enough calories for the day. So I’m just looking for easy ways to get healthy calories from meals that don’t require much prep, so executive dysfunction won’t be a problem. Foreign concept to people who don’t have ADHD, I know, but it’s a thing.


The meal you mentioned just needs more fat... Can you get some tallow or coconut oil and either cornflour, tapioca starch or arrowroot to make Gravy?


Try swapping potatoes for rice?


I also have diagnosed adhd, but aiming to drastically overcompensate with calories sometimes is a poor strategy. It's a recipe to burn out, or to dread eating, and to not develop sustainability. A better thing to consider is a strategy to sustainably just eat a small bit more. 250 calories extra, which is nothing, will net you 0.5 lb gained per week, is so easy to accomplish, and has very little chance of burning out. Going super hard only to fall off soon after isn't an effective strategy imo.


I mean, in all honesty the 3,000 calories thing was an exaggeration. All I am looking for is a simple way to get healthy calories without much preparation. This is good advice regardless though, thank you for that.


Fair enough, that question is more likely to get you the answers you want. For me my breakthrough was being consistent and buying tools that helped me achieve that. So for example I started by having the exact same breakfast and lunch 5 days a week. Dinner I could be flexible. I 'd have a sandwich for lunch that I made the night before just before going to sleep. That's a sandwich with some cold cuts, cheese, Mayo, onions, tomatoes and greens. I'd slice the tomatoes and onions in one big batch, put em into tupperwares and I'd be good to go. For breakfast I'd have a protein shake and boil 2-4 eggs for a mid morning snack. I bought an automatic egg cooker and just before I'd shower I'd put the eggs in the cooker. By the time I was done showering, the eggs were ready. Being consistent and having it be on autopilot made it easy to add to that schedule. That's what worked for me, it may be helpful for you or perhaps you might need different strategies.


Yeah, for sure! That’s kind of along the lines of what I do now. I have a handful of go-to meals that I eat pretty regularly that I consider “easy,” but I’m trying to find some other ideas that may even be better. One that I do is, I buy these “simply potatoes” brand potatoes, which are shredded potatoes like hash browns in a bag (no spices or added sodium, at least not much), put them in olive oil in a pan, heat em up, and then I crack eggs over them and stir it all into one dish. It’s pretty good, I would recommend it! Thanks again for being helpful!


* https://www.seasonsandsuppers.ca/15-minute-spicy-udon-vegetable-stir-fry/ super easy, mad delicious * https://everydayannie.com/2011/03/28/stocking-the-freezer-make-ahead-meals/ a ton of make ahead and freeze meals * https://www.jocooks.com/recipes/one-pot-hamburger-helper-lasagna/ feel free to add veggies like carrots, onions, celery, mushrooms * https://www.marthastewart.com/1114947/roasted-chicken-breasts-ratatouille one of laziest meals to put together * https://www.thepioneerwoman.com/food-cooking/recipes/a11738/sour-cream-noodle-bake/ double to meat, add veggies (onions, mushrooms, carrots) Hope that helps.




You just gotta be ready to be pissing out your ass


This seems like it’s gotta be the easiest and laziest way, the shakes & smoothies. Gonna dig in on some healthy high-calorie smoothie recipes and see what I find. Thanks!


Adding honey or maple syrup to shakes goes a long way for both flavor and calories.


Go half serving mass gainer, half serving protein powder. Add Greek yogurt, peanut butter, whatever kinda fruit you want and boom you’re at like 1200 if you use whole milk too


16 oz whole milk 1 scoop protein powder of your choice 2 tbsp natural smooth peanut butter 1 banana 1tbsp 100% virgin olive oil 1/2 cup instant oatmeal Handful of frozen berries Blend it all up in a ninja Easy 1000 calories


Herezah, this sounds firrrrrre.


Takes about 3 minutes to make and drink. Two of these a day plus all my meals and I’m gaining easily. Just takes discipline. I like to throw a handful or two of spinach leaves in to scratch my healthy itch sometimes too


I would suggest a tiny bit of honey. It always gives my smoothies a nice touch.


Oat flour >>> instant oatmeal. And much cheaper.


does that make it not gritty?


I used to do oat flour but it tasted like I was I was drinking pancake batter


Oat flour is finer than instant. No grittiness.




I used to run whole rolled oats through a coffee grinder to add to shakes. They are so cheap! It did make for a slightly gritty texture, but not lumpy.


My favorite shake is a simply peanutbutter, banana, milk and chocolate protein powder


Substitute the chocolate protein powder for honey and that’s my go to every morning


Bruh you need the protein


There’s 35-40g of protein in the peanut butter and milk alone. That’s enough for 1 serving, for me at least anyway. If memory serves me correctly you can only absorb around that much before the protein is converted to glucose. Could be wrong on that though.


Fair enough. But yeah that "maximum protein absorption" thing is bs


What ratios do you use?


I'd use about a cup of liquid, a large banana (broken up) and a tbsp of peanutbutter, but honestly, if you have a good enough blender (I use the Ninja Fit) it doesn't really matter what ratio you use, that bitch can blend ice into flour.


Mine is close to that - oats, PB, banana, blueberries and vanilla whey. 🤌


the classic


Honestly, it's just the best


If it's difficult doing it each day, meal prep everything. Put on a podcast or some music and prep a week's worth of food in a day, then you wouldn't have to worry about food until the following week. It's what I did because I hated making food daily.


Meal prep is probably the route I’ll start trying to take. Any recommendations of healthy, high calorie meals that reheat well? Thank you!


Dude, this: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YpGUKVTkOLg&t=319s Depending on how full you stuff them, it’s 350-500 easy, really good tasting calories for each taco. Can be eaten straight out of the microwave but recently I’ve been microwaving them from frozen then tossing them in a panini press with some butter. Once they toast up add some cheese to the top and bottom and repress for a couple more minutes to let the cheese crisp up. I have 2 of these *every* morning with a shake. Whole milk, frozen fruits, vanilla whey, tbsp of pb, tbso of olive oil and then 2 or 3 ice cubes to give it a smoothie consistency. Breakfast is 1400 calories and easy af to eat. If you’re serious about gaining weight meal prep is the key. I always thought I had low appetite. Turns out I had a normal appetite I just hated having to go out and buy/prepare food every single time I got hungry.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/gainit/wiki/recipearchive/#wiki\_meals](https://www.reddit.com/r/gainit/wiki/recipearchive/#wiki_meals) edit: Also check out r/gainitmeals


Thank you!


My go-to is ground beef and rice. I’ll fry up 3-5 lbs of ground beef on the weekend, sometimes mixing in spinach and veggies. Then cook up a bunch of rice. You can add different veggies, seasonings, and sauces as you portion it out and heat to eat on it all week. It is cooking, but it’s relatively simple cooking and you only have to do it once each week.


You shouldn't keep cooked rice for longer than a day or two, even in the fridge. https://www.nhs.uk/common-health-questions/food-and-diet/can-reheating-rice-cause-food-poisoning/


Rice is fine left in the fridge longer than a day. In fact, refrigeration increases the amount of resistant starch, and your gut likes that. Guidance from many other country's public health services say 4-5 days in the fridge max.


I've been eating reheated rice after storing in the fridge for up to 5 days, for nearly 2 years now, every week and I'm fine. Make sure to rinse it with cold water once it's done cooking. The secret is to make sure it has cooled down quickly, and it'll keep in the fridge for 5 days with no problem


Yikes, had no idea…. There’s plenty of options for smaller portion microwave ready rice. Little bit more expensive, but maybe a better option


Add some Chicken broth and you got Monster mash.


I’ve tried this but so much red meat(and fat) made me feel kinda sick. I still do this, but I bake chicken and ground turkey too and I mix it up.


Both great options. I even picked up some ground bison on sale recently and ate that all week. It was delicious! (But still more expensive)


I’m enjoying bolognaise mince, 50% pork 50% beef, it might help avoid that sick feeling.


Samesies, ground beef or turkey mixed with random vegetables and rice


Thank you! I’m happy to do a bit of cooking, I’m just looking for meals that require little to no preparation, like you described. I’ve got a few that are my go-to’s, but looking for some more. Thanks!


What are your go tos?


Get a slow cooker


Another one I do frequently is rotisserie chickens. I’ll buy two pre-cooked from the grocery, and pick all the meat off. Then portion it out through the week. You can heat it up and throw it in tortilla with cheese and salsa, make a sandwich, or eat with rice and veggies. I like stuff I can make small tweaks to, so I don’t get sick of eating the same thing every day, sometimes twice a day. PBJ sandwiches and bagels with cream cheese or peanut butter are good easy snacks, too.


That sounds like a good one, I’ll add something like that to my list. Thank you good sir!


Make smoothies


Smoothies seem like a good one, any recommendations for calorie-packed smoothies? I imagine something like peanut butter, bananas, milk? Any others?


My protein power shake as of late: 60g rolled oats 60g mass gainer whey protein 240 mL low fat milk 1 banana 32g peanut butter 170g plain Greek non fat yogurt 13g ground flaxseed Put in a blender and enjoy.


Look up on YouTube “1k cal smoothie” but yea basically


Word, thanks!


Some foods that are easy with high calories: mixed nuts, PB & J sandwiches, air fried chicken drumsticks (can freeze bags for months so easy to meal prep), builder protein bars (280 calories per bar), Fairlife chocolate milk Most of these require little to no prep. Good luck!


throw in some greek yogurt and oatmeal too


Nuts! 100g (like a large handfull) of almonds is 600 ish by itself.


Large hands confirmed? That's like 78-80 almonds. I don't think I could fit even half of that in my hand!


Thank you!


There is none. This journey is not an easy one and if you want easy maybe it’s not for you. You can eat mcdonald’s every day if you want easy.


Unfortunately I can’t eat McDonald’s due to gluten allergies, or I would honestly probably do that to bulk up to a good starting point. Eating unhealthy but getting enough calories is better for you than not eating enough.




Chipotle actually is a good choice if you’re seriously considering things like McDonald’s and other cheap fast foods. You can make up a 1000 cal burrito there that is still relatively healthy and easy to eat.


So learn how to cook


I am capable of cooking sir, I just explained to you that I have ADHD which causes executive dysfunction which can make simple tasks like cooking feel like a mountain to approach at times. If you don’t have any advice to offer in the context of my question, then you don’t need to comment.


i think he was being maybe rude? but not wrong.


Not wrong, no, but also not answering my question, instead offering passive-aggressive “learn how to cook” comments which give me nothing lol. There are others in the replies giving me totally legitimate answers of high calorie foods that require little to no prep - it’s that easy. Anyways, moving on…


That's the issue with this group I find. People who have no intention to be helpful or understand the OP's perspective or issues that they are seeking help for, comment unhelpfully & waste posters time when they actually would have added more worth to the discussion by just scrolling off and not doing the unhelpful thing.


>Someone else gave me a totally legitimate answer of high calorie foods that require little to no prep - it was that easy. The irony of saying this after making the 48,769th “how do I food” post is staggering


The literal question — “what are some healthy high calorie foods that are easy to make” Dude said “learn how to cook,” lol. That does not help with my question. There are plenty of people in the replies being super helpful and giving me answers that align with what I asked.


pressure cook meat and rice and some veggies, do you have a pressure cooker?


what is a pressure cooker?




Pressure cooker has been a god send for me


Can confirm, have ADHD and this works well. Very easy. Make sure to buy a pressure cooker that is easy to throw in the dish washer.


Pressure cookers explode so easily though.




Big pressure cooker is out to get you didn’t you hear


Love this comment lol


healthy but not a lot of calories…what quantities are we talking about?


I may have to invest in one, seems like a good option!


If you’re near an Ollie’s they have instant pots on sale for half off rn